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View Full Version : Politico: “D.C. Turns On Obama”…

05-15-2013, 06:32 AM
Will the tides finally change for the CIC ( crook in charge ) I thought no way would he ever go down but I am starting to wonder, others want to keep there jobs and be reelected . Does this country still have enough Morals to do what is right , I say yes if ya get rid of the Muslim following the blacks that live off of the Government , and the other brain dead left that thinks the messiah is all that and I do believe as stupid as they are they want to keep there jobs so just maybe we have a shot


05-15-2013, 02:22 PM
Will the tides finally change for the CIC ( crook in charge ) I thought no way would he ever go down but I am starting to wonder, others want to keep there jobs and be reelected . Does this country still have enough Morals to do what is right , I say yes if ya get rid of the Muslim following the blacks that live off of the Government , and the other brain dead left that thinks the messiah is all that and I do believe as stupid as they are they want to keep there jobs so just maybe we have a shot


Jeff. Most all of us felt the same way about that TIDE. But...the truth is. The MSM, formerly called the Obama News Service is finally feeling the Pinch...in their Pocketbooks...so to speak.
They defended their Proclaimed Messiah since the first day he announced he was running for Pretender.
But now. They are finally seeing the writing on the wall...and it includes their PRIVATE Information. And that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
This proves how being in Obama's Pocket eventually becomes an Obama, Handjob...where he no longer has the SQUEEZE.