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View Full Version : That 'IRS Targeting' Admission Was A Planted Admission

05-18-2013, 12:51 AM

Not an 'oops' moment, not a bit:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">vs_lines = 3;</script> IRS planted question at ABA mtg disclosing targeting of conservatives (http://legalinsurrection.com/2013/05/irs-planted-question-at-aba-mtg-disclosing-targeting-of-conservatives/) Posted by William A. Jacobson (http://legalinsurrection.com/author/bill/) Friday, May 17, 2013 at 11:21am

Nothing says “trust the IRS” quite like the IRS planting questions at Bar Association meetings

When Lois Lerner was asked a question at an American Bar Association about complaints regarding treatment of conservative groups, and Lerner made the admission and apology, TPM noted IRS Official’s Admission Baffled Audience At Tax Panel (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2013/05/lois_lerner_irs_scandal.php):

The fateful question came from a tax lawyer, in a room filled with dozens of them. It came at the end of a Friday morning panel, on the second day of the American Bar Association tax section’s big annual meeting at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Washington D.C. The moderator had announced that it would be the panel’s last question.

“Lois, a few months ago there were some concerns about the IRS’s review of 501(c)(4) organizations, of applications from tea party organizations,” Celia Roady, a veteran tax lawyer, asked Lois Lerner, head of the IRS’ tax-exempt organizations division, a few minutes after Lerner finished giving prepared remarks. “I was just wondering if you could provide an update.”

The name of the panel was “News From The IRS And Treasury.” But few, if any, of those present could have anticipated the kind of news Lerner would make with her response to Roady’s question.
Lerner began by describing the increase in 501(c)(4) applications the IRS received between 2010 and 2012. IRS employees in Cincinnati, Lerner said, had reacted by centralizing the applications for efficiency and consistency, something the IRS did “whenever we see an uptick in a new kind of application or something we haven’t seen before.” But in this case, Lerner said, the centralization had not been carried out properly.

“Instead of referring to the cases as advocacy cases, they actually used case names on this list,” Lerner said, according to a transcript of the meeting (http://electionlawblog.org/?p=50160). “They used names like Tea Party or Patriots and they selected cases simply because the applications had those names in the title. That was wrong, that was absolutely incorrect, insensitive, and inappropriate — that’s not how we go about selecting cases for further review.”

Why the sudden admission? Just coincidence, or an attempt by the IRS to get ahead of the pending release of the Inspector General Report? There was a strong suspicion (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/348280/question-launched-irs-scandal-planted) that the question was planted based on the identity of the questioner.

Now we know. At the hearings this morning, Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller admitted Lerner knew about the question in advance, and that it was planned by the IRS (transcript and video will be added when available).

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/G6BIXBBYlbY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"><br></iframe>

Oh yes, there is more at site.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-18-2013, 01:06 AM

Not an 'oops' moment, not a bit:

Oh yes, there is more at site.

A diversionary maneuver to get away from the true cause and the true reason for Benghazi IMHO. ALSO TO MOVE AWAY FROM WHY THE LIE ABOUT THE VIDEO WAS USED.
We got the IRS and the spying on the phone records of the media both. Both tossed out there to get attention away from obama's corruption, direliction of duty and completely bogus foreign policy agenda. Agenda designed to advance the muslim surge in the ME..

05-18-2013, 01:17 AM
A diversionary maneuver to get away from the true cause and the true reason for Benghazi IMHO. ALSO TO MOVE AWAY FROM WHY THE LIE ABOUT THE VIDEO WAS USED.
We got the IRS and the spying on the phone records of the media both. Both tossed out there to get attention away from obama's corruption, direliction of duty and completely bogus foreign policy agenda. Agenda designed to advance the muslim surge in the ME..

Using the IRS problems as a 'diversion' for Benghazi would be stupid. I'm not saying it's not possible, but if Obama is going to be rendered lame or worse, it will be due to IRS problems. People relate to IRS dangers of being out of control.

You did see this, no?

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/05/17/gop_congressman_mike_kelly_receives_standing_ovati on_after_he_rips_irs_commissioner.html

Watch the video, it's much better than what text there is:

GOP Congressman Mike Kelly Receives Standing Ovation After He Rips IRS Commissioner <center> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { //ASSIGNS HANDLER TO EXPAND BUTTON $('.mini a.expand').unbind(); $('.mini a.expand').click(function(){ text = $('.mini a.expand').html(); if(text=='expand'){ $('.mini a.expand').html('close'); }else{ $('.mini a.expand').html('expand'); } $('#rc_vid_container_full .playlist_container').slideToggle('slow'); }); }); </script> http://images.rcp.realclearpolitics.com/189596_5_.jpg

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REP. MIKE KELLY (R-PA): This has nothing to do with political parties. This has to do with highly targeted groups. This reconfirms everything the American public believes. This is a huge blow to the faith and trust that the American people have in their government. Is there any limit to the scope where you folks can go? Is there anything at all? Is there any way that we could ask you is there any question that you should have asked?

My goodness. How much money do you have in your wallet? Who do you get emails from? Whose sign do you put up in your front yard? This is a tax question? And you don't think that's intimidating? It's sure as hell intimidating. And I don't know that I got any answers from you today. And I don't know that -- what Mr. George said is great work -- but you know what? There's a heck of a lot more that has to come out in this. Any anybody that sat here today and listened to what you had to say, I am more concerned today than I was before, and the fact that you all can do just about anything you want to anybody?

You know, you can put anybody out of business that you want. Any time you want. I gotta tell you. You could talk about how you're a horribly run organization, if you're on the other side of the fence, you're not giving that excuse. And the IRS comes in, you're not allowed to be shoddy, you're not allowed to be run horribly, you're not allowed to make mistakes, you're not allowed to do one damn thing that doesn't come in compliance, and if you do, you're held responsible right then. I just think the American people have seen what's going on right now in their government. This is absolutely an overreach and this is an outrage for all Americans.

05-18-2013, 06:56 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-18-2013, 11:51 AM
Using the IRS problems as a 'diversion' for Benghazi would be stupid. I'm not saying it's not possible, but if Obama is going to be rendered lame or worse, it will be due to IRS problems. People relate to IRS dangers of being out of control.

You did see this, no?

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/05/17/gop_congressman_mike_kelly_receives_standing_ovati on_after_he_rips_irs_commissioner.html

Watch the video, it's much better than what text there is:

You are correct people do relate to that but the ones attacked are already enemies of the ffing worm and his party. They get little sympathy from his supporters.

I see the potential for we that already know what a lying bastard he is to get our hopes up. I also would bet a ten spot against a dime that it will not even start to scratch the surface on Obama's corruption nor stop his agenda .
The media has already started making excuses for him and the underlings are still cleverly lying, pretending ignorance and any of them would fall on the sword to save the miserable stinking hide of the worthless bastard that they serve. Unless the majority of the media turn on him with true vengence in their little black hearts Obama will weather the storm . None of his hardcore and black supporters give a damn about this nation and those the Irs ffed over were only his enemies.
Since when has it ever been bad to try to destroy by another method an enemy one is already actively attempting to destroy?
The American public and media both would have to decide to campaign to destroy him as nothing less will touch the bastard and his true agenda. That agenda and the people behind it are already that powerful IMHO. After all they managed to foist this amateurish, lying bastard upon the greatest nation on earth not once but TWICE!!!!!--Tyr

05-18-2013, 03:05 PM

All of us must now, step back. Read, and understand how this IRS thing is just the First of many.

Do not forget to include:

The Education department
The Environmental Protection Agency
The Interior Department
The Department of Defense
The Labor Department
The Treasury Department
and....every other government agency that has, or had any appointed CZAR by Obama.

All of them have been tainted, and all of them have been energized by Obama to work
in destroying this Nation...one step at at time until his DIRTY, LYING, BETRAYAL has invaded
everything to control WE THE PEOPLE.
And most importantly. Everything mentioned above has been ADDRESSED, in some way within.....



05-19-2013, 12:22 AM

All of us must now, step back. Read, and understand how this IRS thing is just the First of many.

Do not forget to include:

The Education department
The Environmental Protection Agency
The Interior Department
The Department of Defense
The Labor Department
The Treasury Department
and....every other government agency that has, or had any appointed CZAR by Obama.

All of them have been tainted, and all of them have been energized by Obama to work
in destroying this Nation...one step at at time until his DIRTY, LYING, BETRAYAL has invaded
everything to control WE THE PEOPLE.
And most importantly. Everything mentioned above has been ADDRESSED, in some way within.....



Since discussion and/or debate are the point of these forums, can you give some specific examples you wish to debate/discuss from your posted list above? I mean it's one thing to throw out words like: CZAR, DIRTY, LYING, BETRAYAL; and important phrases such as: WE THE PEOPLE, being controlled, but would make this place much more interesting if you would either elaborate on these issues you allude to or even respond to the original posted topic. Nothing wrong with going off topic, if there's some alternative.

Oh, what does this mean?
And most importantly. Everything mentioned above has been ADDRESSED, in some way within.....

05-19-2013, 01:12 PM
Since discussion and/or debate are the point of these forums, can you give some specific examples you wish to debate/discuss from your posted list above? I mean it's one thing to throw out words like: CZAR, DIRTY, LYING, BETRAYAL; and important phrases such as: WE THE PEOPLE, being controlled, but would make this place much more interesting if you would either elaborate on these issues you allude to or even respond to the original posted topic. Nothing wrong with going off topic, if there's some alternative.

Oh, what does this mean?

Kathianne. Really? If you insist on being presented EXAMPLES of those things. What planet do you really live on?
You mean to tell us...someone has to demonstrate what most of us know...for you, merely because you demand a further debate?
If you need excuses to debate any of those departments I listed. GO FOR IT.
I do believe. Most of us here have already gone over most of those topics several times.
And it sounds like YOU haven't been involved in reading any of them.
Please tell me that's not your intent??

05-19-2013, 05:21 PM
Kathianne. Really? If you insist on being presented EXAMPLES of those things. What planet do you really live on?
You mean to tell us...someone has to demonstrate what most of us know...for you, merely because you demand a further debate?
If you need excuses to debate any of those departments I listed. GO FOR IT.
I do believe. Most of us here have already gone over most of those topics several times.
And it sounds like YOU haven't been involved in reading any of them.
Please tell me that's not your intent??

You've got nothing, that's the point.

05-19-2013, 06:32 PM
You've got nothing, that's the point.

If you insist. I am disappointed, but then again. Not surprised anymore either. With you claiming to be a teacher and all. My apologies Kathianne.

05-19-2013, 06:47 PM
If you insist. I am disappointed, but then again. Not surprised anymore either. With you claiming to be a teacher and all. My apologies Kathianne.

You're more than a few years out of compulsory education, no? Indeed you claim to have served this country for more than a decade. I just haven't known any vet that couldn't hold their own in a reasonable forum debate. Your piggy backing on RSR, and others just doesn't cut it. When on your own, one liners, usually including at least one 'liar' in them.

I'm betting there's more to you than that, but perhaps not. Maybe all you have is the ability to slam those that expect more than you give. Did your comrades in arms feel the same? Yeah, I'm sorry too.

05-19-2013, 07:00 PM
You're more than a few years out of compulsory education, no? Indeed you claim to have served this country for more than a decade. I just haven't known any vet that couldn't hold their own in a reasonable forum debate. Your piggy backing on RSR, and others just doesn't cut it. When on your own, one liners, usually including at least one 'liar' in them.

I'm betting there's more to you than that, but perhaps not. Maybe all you have is the ability to slam those that expect more than you give. Did your comrades in arms feel the same? Yeah, I'm sorry too.

Perhaps you are correct Kathianne. And, I would agree with you wholeheartedly about your hinting, patronizing at suggesting THIS is a reasonable forum debate here.
If you show such disdain for anyone as you have. You are part of the ongoing problem as well. So throwing stones as you have. Only proves how even you are judging others, based on an Internet Forum you...of all people are convinced, is a place for honest debate.

05-19-2013, 07:24 PM
Perhaps you are correct Kathianne. And, I would agree with you wholeheartedly about your hinting, patronizing at suggesting THIS is a reasonable forum debate here.
If you show such disdain for anyone as you have. You are part of the ongoing problem as well. So throwing stones as you have. Only proves how even you are judging others, based on an Internet Forum you...of all people are convinced, is a place for honest debate.

Nothing patronizing there, pretty much above board throughout. You are what you claim to abhor. No there, there. Shit, you're Clintonian.

05-19-2013, 07:26 PM
Nothing patronizing there, pretty much above board throughout. You are what you claim to abhor. No there, there. Shit, you're Clintonian.

Thank you Mrs. Obama.

red states rule
05-20-2013, 04:10 AM
A diversionary maneuver to get away from the true cause and the true reason for Benghazi IMHO. ALSO TO MOVE AWAY FROM WHY THE LIE ABOUT THE VIDEO WAS USED.
We got the IRS and the spying on the phone records of the media both. Both tossed out there to get attention away from obama's corruption, direliction of duty and completely bogus foreign policy agenda. Agenda designed to advance the muslim surge in the ME..
