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View Full Version : Very proud

05-18-2013, 09:46 AM
My niece and nephew are graduating this weekend. My niece just got her BS in education from Oswego, Cum Laude, and I got to watch it on a live webcast. My nephew is graduating tomorrow and will also be webcast live. My sister has a right to be proud of the kids she and her husband raised.

05-18-2013, 09:48 AM
Congrats to the kids and all involved! Cum Laude is a great accomplishment! :clap:

Robert A Whit
05-18-2013, 09:24 PM
Oswego? I love New York! I lived in Rochester for 15 years. Great fishing, great music, great weather [4 months out of the year].
[My wife graduated 'Cum Loudly' last night.]

I have visited some of that state when the weather was good. Very pretty. The lakes looked like oceans. What surprised me was the beaches being rocks until i recalled they were left over from melting glaciers.

05-19-2013, 10:44 AM
I have visited some of that state when the weather was good. Very pretty. The lakes looked like oceans. What surprised me was the beaches being rocks until i recalled they were left over from melting glaciers.

The only downside to living in Upstate NY is the long winters...and the liberal politics. The economy isn't so good, either.

If I could afford it, I'd retire to the Adirondacks and live out the rest of my years in near solitude. If I felt like I needed some human interaction, I could always log on here and see what retarded things MA was posting on any given day.

05-19-2013, 01:45 PM
So anyway, nephew graduated something that wasn't as certain as for his sister. At one point he wasn't sure he even wanted to attend college. My father's family came from Ireland. His grandfather was a teacher, an educated man. In America, he had to work as a day laborer to support his family. No one would hire an Irishman as a teacher. His kids all became hardworking people but none with any higher education. Their kids did better, many in the police and military. It took roughly a hundred years for a member of the family to get as far as a university. That was me. I like to think great grandfather would have appreciated today's ceremonies. Here's wishing all the new graduates of this spring great luck and great accomplishments.

05-19-2013, 01:49 PM
Thread cleaned :)

05-19-2013, 05:34 PM
So anyway, nephew graduated something that wasn't as certain as for his sister. At one point he wasn't sure he even wanted to attend college. My father's family came from Ireland. His grandfather was a teacher, an educated man. In America, he had to work as a day laborer to support his family. No one would hire an Irishman as a teacher. His kids all became hardworking people but none with any higher education. Their kids did better, many in the police and military. It took roughly a hundred years for a member of the family to get as far as a university. That was me. I like to think great grandfather would have appreciated today's ceremonies. Here's wishing all the new graduates of this spring great luck and great accomplishments.

You are describing my grandparents, all 4 of them. Came from Ireland in late 1800's. My dad's side of the family were more fortunate, when my grandpa got off the boat from Ireland, he was recruited as a fireman in Navy and went to Cuba for that war. Immediate citizenship, returned home and got a job as postman. Worked his way up to postmaster at a Chicago branch office. He died when my dad was 3, the family moved to my 'hometown' when my dad was in high school, suburb of Chicago. One of his brother's became a priest, earned a Phd. My dad had some college after the War, he was in 2nd wave at Omaha Beach. He quit when my mom was pregnant with me. My brother and I, all of our kids finished college. Indeed there are several masters degrees amongst us. ;)

My mom's family had it much harder, my grandfather on that side was functionally deaf. In Ireland he was the one sent to get the best price for produce grown. Here? Not really a place for him. He hated the city, couldn't fit in with police or fire because of the hearing. He took to drink and never really recovered.