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06-03-2007, 01:24 PM
I saw an interesting movie yesterday and this man was one of the panelists discussing what had just transpired during that movie. So this morning I googled him and found this:

The Patriots

By Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.

The United States is in trouble. We're in danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship where big government and big business combine to rule, and where the people are considered just a source of labor. The marriage of government and the investor class has succeeded in exporting our jobs, importing illegal aliens to provide a pool of cheap labor, and thus driving down wages for all American workers and destroying the middle class. Their foreign and military policies have led us into unnecessary wars of aggression to gain raw materials and enhance profits of the global robber barons. Their trade policies have resulted in capital flight, job loss, trade deficits, and the ownership of much of our infrastructure by foreign interests.

We've gotten into this fix because our presidents, of both parties, have been servants of the global investors, and because our representatives in Congress, again of both parties, have abdicated their Constitutional responsibilities and subjected themselves to an imperial presidency.


Accordingly, "The Patriots" is not a political party, but a nonpartisan organization of patriotic Americans seeking to return our country to Constitutional government based on truth and in service of the people. For now, we operate as a project of the non-profit Institute for Space and Security Studies, a 501c(3) organization. Our immediate mission is to educate the American people on the issues. In the future, we may form a "Patriot PAC" to support candidates for public office and to promote specific legislation. We also intend to form a Patriot Caucus including members of Congress from all political parties. However, for now we are concentrating on public education.

The first question usually raised is, "Is this organization conservative or liberal?" The answer to that question is, "Yes." We have both conservative and liberal members, and both conservative and liberal ideas. But mostly, we are just patriotic Americans embodying the best of both conservatism and liberalism in the service of the American people. Few Patriots will agree with all of the following positions, but all ascribe to the basic devotion to Constitution, truth, and service to the people. That is what is important. The specific policy positions below are mine alone. I see them as a good basis for further discussion. They are all anathema to those currently in power.


Are YOU a patriot? (http://thepatriots.us/)

06-03-2007, 02:03 PM
Great thread. I like this part:

A "patriot" is defined as one who loves, supports, and defends his country. The Latin and Greek roots refer to "father." If, for a moment, we ignore the sexist nature of the ancient civilizations giving birth to the word, it is clear that to be a "patriot" is to have a parental love for the people of one's tribe or nation. One cannot have a "patriotic love" for the corporations in one's country or for its military-industrial complex, only for its people. Clearly then, those in our government who have served their corporate masters to the detriment of the people are not patriots, and have no claim to the word. The vast majority of Americans love our country in ways that equate to service to the people. We are the patriots.


Mr. P
06-03-2007, 02:39 PM
Some of what is posed is great, some not.

But this guy Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. wears his own tinfoil hat it seems.

Robert M. Bowman, Head of Advanced Space Programs for DOD

http://www.illinoistimes.com/gyrobase/Content?oid=oid%3A4282 - Illinois Times on Bowman

In 1977, Dr. Robert M. Bowman, head of advanced space programs for the Department of Defense [DOD], authored a report describing a new missile-defense shield system called the “Star Wars Defense.” Lt. Col. Robert Bowman [was] a combat pilot who flew 101 missions in the Vietnam War.

http://www.rmbowman.com/ssn/Secrecy.htm - Article on Dr. Bowman's website discussing 9/11

Many people are convinced that George W. Bush knew what was going to happen and purposely allowed it to happen so he and his neo-conservative buddies could have the “new Pearl Harbor” they needed to justify their wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. Others go further. They are absolutely sure Cheney and company actually planned and carried out the attack. What is so disturbing is that their arguments are quite convincing. If an enormous cloud of suspicion is not to be permanently over the head of our government, the Bush Administration must “come clean,” releasing information thus far withheld from the American people. Why did John Ashcroft and top Pentagon officials cancel plans to fly commercial airlines the morning of 9/11? If they knew what was about to happen, why wasn’t it stopped? Who made all the millions of dollars selling short United and American Airlines [stock] just before 9/11? Why weren’t the hijacked airliners intercepted by jet fighters and shot down before they could fly into the WTC and Pentagon? What did the air traffic controllers say, and to whom? Why did the FBI impound the tapes of those conversations? Why has the public never been told what was on them? Why weren’t the congressional investigators told? If it was just a matter of incompetence or somebody not doing their job, why hasn’t anyone been fired or reprimanded?

I'll watch....for now. :popcorn:

06-03-2007, 02:43 PM
Interesting, needs more looking into as far as I'm concerned, but definately interesting.

06-03-2007, 04:26 PM
Some substance would be nice. Educating people? Depends on what they're teaching. I'd be interested to see the curriculum and who is going to fund it.

06-03-2007, 06:58 PM
Tom Brady is a hunk. :cool:

06-03-2007, 10:04 PM
Interesting concept, obviously the Tally Ho Ho Ho crowd is gonna have trouble getting behind a group that will include Hagels and Pauls as well as Edwards and Obamas.

It kinda goes against the grain of the established group think.

Partisans are always full of shit to some degree.

06-03-2007, 10:05 PM
Deja Vu..

06-04-2007, 06:04 AM
Deja Vu..


Baron Von Esslingen
06-04-2007, 11:34 AM
Well, I am a patriot and I have objected for years to the corporate mindset that knows no borders and will sell anyone down the river for a buck/euro/yuan.

Amazing how many free-trade corporatists there are here. Count me out. Permanently.

Baron Von Esslingen
06-04-2007, 11:38 AM
But this guy Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. wears his own tinfoil hat it seems.

Are you saying that he has a tinfoil hat because he questions the silence of our government on the matter of 9/11? Not all the questions concerning that incident have been answered nor have numerous other questions on other issues been answered either. You may choose to sit and watch. He decided to do something about it.

Mr. P
06-04-2007, 12:03 PM
Are you saying that he has a tinfoil hat because he questions the silence of our government on the matter of 9/11? Not all the questions concerning that incident have been answered nor have numerous other questions on other issues been answered either. You may choose to sit and watch. He decided to do something about it.

All "the government did it" BS has been proven BS.

06-04-2007, 12:14 PM
Well, I am a patriot and I have objected for years to the corporate mindset that knows no borders and will sell anyone down the river for a buck/euro/yuan.

Amazing how many free-trade corporatists there are here. Count me out. Permanently.It's also amazing that so many communists attempt the smear tactic of associating free-trade with corporatism, as if they're related. It's further more amazing how well that smear tactic works on the retarded.

GW in Ohio
06-04-2007, 12:50 PM
I saw an interesting movie yesterday and this man was one of the panelists discussing what had just transpired during that movie. So this morning I googled him and found this:

Are YOU a patriot? (http://thepatriots.us/)

No. I'm an internationalist. Fuck governments.

It's time the people of the earth came together under one government. We will not survive otherwise.

Fuck patriotism. It always leads to killing and tyranny.

06-04-2007, 04:40 PM
No. I'm an internationalist. Fuck governments.

It's time the people of the earth came together under one government. We will not survive otherwise.

Fuck patriotism. It always leads to killing and tyranny.

No, your an ignoramus looking for a one world tyranny. We can survive just fine without an algore or edwards anti-christ telling us how to live.

06-04-2007, 06:29 PM
Well, I am a patriot and I have objected for years to the corporate mindset that knows no borders and will sell anyone down the river for a buck/euro/yuan.

Amazing how many free-trade corporatists there are here. Count me out. Permanently.

It's a natural outcome of the creation of corporations. The conundrum for me is that so many good things would never have been achieved without the power of corporations. Adam Smith's vision of sole traders simply wouldn't have achieved what has been done by corporations. But now corporations are completely out of control and are plunging us headlong into an environmental disaster. Our governments seem to be powerless against them and some have even become their servants instead of our servants.

06-04-2007, 07:27 PM
Some substance would be nice. Educating people? Depends on what they're teaching. I'd be interested to see the curriculum and who is going to fund it. Liberal democrats, who else?


06-04-2007, 08:38 PM
No. I'm an internationalist. Fuck governments.

It's time the people of the earth came together under one government. We will not survive otherwise.

Fuck patriotism. It always leads to killing and tyranny.

The people of the Earth will never come together, much less under one government.

Fuck your globalist, socialist idealism. It will lead to nothing but two classes of people ... those who are served and those doing the serving.

06-04-2007, 09:05 PM
It's also amazing that so many communists attempt the smear tactic of associating free-trade with corporatism, as if they're related. It's further more amazing how well that smear tactic works on the retarded.

speaking of retarded Loki, have you read your post?

06-04-2007, 09:10 PM
No, your an ignoramus looking for a one world tyranny. We can survive just fine without an algore or edwards anti-christ telling us how to live.

GW is neither an algore or an edwards antichrist. Nor is he an ignoramus.

You just can't listen to his POV without cowering in fear at a reasonable challenge to your reactionary nonsense ideology.

Hugh Lincoln
06-04-2007, 09:11 PM
It's time the people of the earth came together under one government.

GW, it's time for your medication now.

06-04-2007, 09:15 PM
It's a natural outcome of the creation of corporations. The conundrum for me is that so many good things would never have been achieved without the power of corporations. Adam Smith's vision of sole traders simply wouldn't have achieved what has been done by corporations. But now corporations are completely out of control and are plunging us headlong into an environmental disaster. Our governments seem to be powerless against them and some have even become their servants instead of our servants.

So true. When left to strive for profit and profit alone acheivements are realized that would be impossible if one were thwarted at all by concience or social responsibility.

It is like war, capable of summuning the epitome of human potential toward the most useless and/or destructive ends. And some collateral accomplishments are also realized.

06-04-2007, 09:18 PM
Fuck your globalist, socialist idealism. It will lead to nothing but two classes of people ... those who are served and those doing the serving.

Oh come the fuck on Gunny. That is what the rights of kings, the elite burgoise and corporatism have always strove to acheive.

A two class society. One class with priviledge, wealth and power and the other without.

How is socialist idealism, no matter how misguided, guilty of leading toward something it was born to oppose?

06-04-2007, 09:26 PM
Oh come the fuck on Gunny. That is what the rights of kings, the elite burgoise and corporatism have always strove to acheive.

A two class society. One class with priviledge, wealth and power and the other without.

How is socialist idealism, no matter how misguided, guilty of leading toward something it was born to oppose?

Ideologically, I would agree with you. In practice, all socialist societies have the ruling class and the ruled class.

06-04-2007, 09:39 PM
Well, I am a patriot and I have objected for years to the corporate mindset that knows no borders and will sell anyone down the river for a buck/euro/yuan.

Amazing how many free-trade corporatists there are here. Count me out. Permanently.

Count you out of what Baron? Being a free trade corporatist? Done. No prob.

06-04-2007, 09:52 PM
Ideologically, I would agree with you. In practice, all socialist societies have the ruling class and the ruled class.

If by socialist societies you mean the faux 'coomie states' like Cuba, USSR, China, N Korea. Yeah sure.

Those were authoritarian states first and foremeost.

The single characteristic that is used to define a communist state in the last 50 years is state ownership of the means of production. That was marx's words and he invented the idea.

But authoritarian states that mimiced communism in name only (listed above) owned everything, not just the means of production. And communism was defined as the last stage of an evolutionary journey from exploitive capitalism to citizen ownership of industry via gummit.

It never happened. Authoritarians took up the names and popularity of communism so they could jump directly to something much like the rule of kings. German Democratic Republic, google it.

Depending on what is meant when you say "socialist nation", you could be refering to the US or North Korea.

06-04-2007, 10:00 PM
If by socialist societies you mean the faux 'coomie states' like Cuba, USSR, China, N Korea. Yeah sure.

Those were authoritarian states first and foremeost.

The single characteristic that is used to define a communist state in the last 50 years is state ownership of the means of production. That was marx's words and he invented the idea.

But authoritarian states that mimiced communism in name only (listed above) owned everything, not just the means of production. And communism was defined as the last stage of an evolutionary journey from exploitive capitalism to citizen ownership of industry via gummit.

It never happened. Authoritarians took up the names and popularity of communism so they could jump directly to something much like the rule of kings. German Democratic Republic, google it.

Depending on what is meant when you say "socialist nation", you could be refering to the US or North Korea.

True, but what I was not addressing was socialist idealism. I don't particularly care for that either. Who wants to be an identical cookie living in a cookie cutter house driving a cookie cutter car to a cookie cutter job? Socialism, IMO, promotes apathy. There is no incentive to excel. The cookie cutter dude next door could be half as smart and half as capable and STILL get paid the same and have the same as you.

I WAS referring to the bastardized verisons of Marxist societies that promoted a two-class society.

Hell, our middle class here is becoming a vanishing breed.

06-04-2007, 10:19 PM
True, but what I was not addressing was socialist idealism. I don't particularly care for that either. Who wants to be an identical cookie living in a cookie cutter house driving a cookie cutter car to a cookie cutter job? Socialism, IMO, promotes apathy. There is no incentive to excel. The cookie cutter dude next door could be half as smart and half as capable and STILL get paid the same and have the same as you.

I WAS referring to the bastardized verisons of Marxist societies that promoted a two-class society.

Hell, our middle class here is becoming a vanishing breed.

OK, so we agree and GW prob does as well. Those false socialist states that promote a two class hierarchy and authoritarian rule as as deplorable to almost every partisan or ideological sector as is the rule of kings. Nobody wants to become the failed USSR or North Korea.

Our vanishing middle class should pay very careful attention to the new two class advocates who promote globalization platforms like the new World Bank chairman.

Baron Von Esslingen
06-04-2007, 10:25 PM
It's also amazing that so many communists attempt the smear tactic of associating free-trade with corporatism, as if they're related. It's further more amazing how well that smear tactic works on the retarded.

Communists will lie about anything to stay in power. I have no such agenda nor do I have any such power nor do I believe, even incrementally, in communism. I believe in democracy by, for and of the people not the corporations. Hope that clears it up for ya.

06-04-2007, 10:26 PM
OK, so we agree and GW prob does as well. Those false socialist states that promote a two class hierarchy and authoritarian rule as as deplorable to almost every partisan or ideological sector as is the rule of kings. Nobody wants to become the failed USSR or North Korea.

Our vanishing middle class should pay very careful attention to the new two class advocates who promote globalization platforms like the new World Bank chairman.

Therein lies the problem in our own politics as well as globalization. The middle class are too busy trying to make it to pay much attention to the cause of their ailments. They're too busy to vote and/or demand accountability from their elected officials, and as long as it isn't their factory being shipped to Malaysia it isn't their problem.

06-04-2007, 11:01 PM
Therein lies the problem in our own politics as well as globalization. The middle class are too busy trying to make it to pay much attention to the cause of their ailments. They're too busy to vote and/or demand accountability from their elected officials, and as long as it isn't their factory being shipped to Malaysia it isn't their problem.

That probably is not an accident Gunny. The same folks who sell toothpaste with the smiles of models on prozac also sell mind numbing enter and infotainment. And despite all of our wealth Americans rank near the last among developed nations in true leisure time.

Suburbs alone cost the average American nearly an extra year of their lives in commute hours.

GW in Ohio
06-05-2007, 08:05 AM
No, your an ignoramus looking for a one world tyranny. We can survive just fine without an algore or edwards anti-christ telling us how to live.

Oh, for Christ's sakes, gaffer, get with the program.

We can't afford all these disparate governments any more. The people of the earth need to work together or we're all fucked.

Step aside or you'll get run over by the New World Express.

:tank: :tank: :tank:

GW in Ohio
06-05-2007, 08:09 AM
Communists will lie about anything to stay in power. I have no such agenda nor do I have any such power nor do I believe, even incrementally, in communism. I believe in democracy by, for and of the people not the corporations. Hope that clears it up for ya.

And George Bush and Dick Cheney will lie about anything to stay in power. They've snookered many people about the Iraq debacle.

GW in Ohio
06-05-2007, 08:12 AM
Ideologically, I would agree with you. In practice, all socialist societies have the ruling class and the ruled class.

I never said anything about a socialist society. What I did say is that the people of the earth need to work together to solve their common problems, like overpopulation, global warming, AIDS, etc.

06-05-2007, 08:27 AM
speaking of retarded Loki, have you read your post?No. I wrote it. But if were to go back and read it, what would I find--a cry for help from you?

So true. When left to strive for profit and profit alone acheivements are realized that would be impossible if one were thwarted at all by concience or social responsibility.There is nothing about striving for profit, and profit alone, that is inconsistent with a moral concience or social responsibility. Profit involves much more than the myopic notion of getting more money than you spend.

Actual conscience and real social responibility are neither impediments to profit, not are they imediments to achievement--actions inconsitent with a moral conscience and real social responsibility are, however.

If by socialist societies you mean the faux 'coomie states' like Cuba, USSR, China, N Korea. Yeah sure.

Those were authoritarian states first and foremeost.

The single characteristic that is used to define a communist state in the last 50 years is state ownership of the means of production. That was marx's words and he invented the idea.

But authoritarian states that mimiced communism in name only (listed above) owned everything, not just the means of production. And communism was defined as the last stage of an evolutionary journey from exploitive capitalism to citizen ownership of industry via gummit.

It never happened. Authoritarians took up the names and popularity of communism so they could jump directly to something much like the rule of kings. German Democratic Republic, google it.

Depending on what is meant when you say "socialist nation", you could be refering to the US or North Korea.Socialism is the neccessary authoritarian step in the evolution to communism that Marx described, and that's how he described it.

It's much like how fascism is the authoritarian step toward corporatism.

Marx, like yourself apparently, confused fuedal private property ownership, and corporatist private property ownership--which are both as much government ownership of property as state or collective ownership of property are--with capitalism.

The fact of the matter is, capitalism means liberty, and every call to corporatism or communism is a call to an authoritarian state--be it fascist or socialist. Both rail against capitalism, because capitalism asserts that amongst the many means of production one might own, one always owns one's self. The corporatist/fascist and the communist/socialist cannot accept that one owns one's self--if they did, then they could not make a claim to the right (as they both do) to the lives, and life products, of others.

Communists will lie about anything to stay in power. I have no such agenda nor do I have any such power nor do I believe, even incrementally, in communism. I believe in democracy by, for and of the people not the corporations. Hope that clears it up for ya.So you're not a communist--I can still be "further more" amazed. :D

06-05-2007, 06:23 PM
Capitalism and corporatism are two sides of the same coin. We don't live in societies where sole traders run the economy.

06-05-2007, 06:55 PM
Capitalism and corporatism are two sides of the same coin. We don't live in societies where sole traders run the economy.Communism and corporatism are two sides of the same coin that asserts people don't have the primary claim to their own lives. The truth of that is demonstrated by how both, communist and corporatist, ideologies attempt to diminish capitalism as the intellectualy honest, morally just, and economically valid means by which value should be exchanged, and wealth created.

06-05-2007, 07:10 PM
Communism and corporatism are two sides of the same coin that asserts people don't have the primary claim to their own lives. The truth of that is demonstrated by how both, communist and corporatist, ideologies attempt to diminish capitalism as the intellectualy honest, morally just, and economically valid means by which value should be exchanged, and wealth created.

Since communism is about the social ownership of the means of production and corporatism is about the dominance of a single, private (as opposed to public, I'm not referring to the private corporation v the corporation which trades publicly) in a capitalist economy, they are very different one from another. There are similarities but those similar features don't make one the same as the other. My cat has feline features but she's very different from a lion.

On edit: it is true that corporatism now owns the US political system though. Corporatism is like communism in that both seek total control so yes, I take your point on a re-reading. And just in case anyone thinks I'm picking on the US, here in my country it's the same thing. Even the Labor Party, the party fo the worker, is shit-scared of upsetting corporate Australia while the conservative coalion in power has for its eleven years in office done the bidding of the corporations with unbridled enthusiasm. Yes, our system is corporately owned as well.

06-06-2007, 05:50 AM
I never said anything about a socialist society. What I did say is that the people of the earth need to work together to solve their common problems, like overpopulation, global warming, AIDS, etc. AIDS is a solution to overpopulation.

06-06-2007, 06:53 AM
AIDS is a solution to overpopulation. :lol:
And BONUS!: AIDS is it's own cure! :laugh2:

GW in Ohio
06-06-2007, 07:53 AM
AIDS is a solution to overpopulation.

And you, sir, are the kind of compassionate conservative that George W. Bush would be proud of.

06-06-2007, 09:19 AM
I never said anything about a socialist society. What I did say is that the people of the earth need to work together to solve their common problems, like overpopulation, global warming, AIDS, etc.

No, we need to get back in line with "America first" and let the rest of the ungrateful world fend for themselves. All they do is take in their own self-interest, but Lord help our ears if we do it, the wailing and gnashing of teeth is so loud.

And when you want to "dumb us down" to the level of the rest of the world, that IS socialism at its best.

06-06-2007, 09:25 AM
And you, sir, are the kind of compassionate conservative that George W. Bush would be proud of.

How can you make that claim?

While I disagree with Glockmail's comment I also disagree with your comment. If you are going to make such a claim it should at least be based in reality.

Bush AIDS Plan Gets Bipartisan Praise

By Michael A. Fletcher
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 31, 2007; Page A04

President Bush's call for a doubling of the U.S. commitment to battling the global AIDS crisis was met yesterday with broad support uncommon in Washington. International aid organizations, advocacy groups and members of Congress from both parties offered praise for the proposal -- even if some argued that the proposed increase is insufficient.

Speaking in the Rose Garden yesterday, Bush called on Congress to increase the funding for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to $30 billion over five years, beginning in October 2008. In his State of the Union address in 2003, the president promised $15 billion to fight AIDS over the five years ending in September 2008 -- then the largest financial commitment by a nation to battling a disease.

Link (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/30/AR2007053001403.html)

GW in Ohio
06-06-2007, 10:13 AM
No, we need to get back in line with "America first" and let the rest of the ungrateful world fend for themselves. All they do is take in their own self-interest, but Lord help our ears if we do it, the wailing and gnashing of teeth is so loud.

And when you want to "dumb us down" to the level of the rest of the world, that IS socialism at its best.

Gunny: America First means to me.... first, admitting that the Bush crowd committed a horrible gaffe in Iraq.

Then, we need to disengage from Iraq and the entire Middle East. Let em' kill each other. (And good luck to the Israelis.)

Then, we need to secure our own borders and prevent terrorist attacks on American soil.

A corollary to all this is that we take the $billions we are pissing away in Iraq and put it to good use here in the USA.

06-06-2007, 10:54 AM
Gunny: America First means to me.... first, admitting that the Bush crowd committed a horrible gaffe in Iraq.

Then, we need to disengage from Iraq and the entire Middle East. Let em' kill each other. (And good luck to the Israelis.)

Then, we need to secure our own borders and prevent terrorist attacks on American soil.

A corollary to all this is that we take the $billions we are pissing away in Iraq and put it to good use here in the USA. Good accurate post.

06-06-2007, 02:09 PM
All "the government did it" BS has been proven BS.

only to those that are still asleep...

06-06-2007, 02:10 PM
No, your an ignoramus looking for a one world tyranny. We can survive just fine without an algore or edwards anti-christ telling us how to live.

right, you prefer george bush to tell you how to live.

06-06-2007, 02:12 PM
Liberal democrats, who else?


I can tell by this response that you didn't read the article I posted. Bob Bowman is hardly what any thinking person would call a liberal. He's an old school conservative.

Read the link, THEN make a comment.

06-06-2007, 02:13 PM
The people of the Earth will never come together, much less under one government.

Fuck your globalist, socialist idealism. It will lead to nothing but two classes of people ... those who are served and those doing the serving.

which camp do you put yourself in now? Do you serve the corporate masters? Or are you a corporate master?

06-06-2007, 02:16 PM
only to those that are still asleep...

Why don't you wake us up Stripey? Give us some of that good old fashioned plan 7(I think thats what its called, the building next to WTC that the fat pig and others claim we brought down on purpose because it contained sensitive info) conspiracy religion!

Pass the tinfoil hats!

06-06-2007, 02:17 PM
Ideologically, I would agree with you. In practice, all socialist societies have the ruling class and the ruled class.

much like we have here today... the top 10% earn more than the rest of us combined... instead of a ruling and the ruled class, we have the have mores and everyone else...

06-06-2007, 02:17 PM
which camp do you put yourself in now? Do you serve the corporate masters? Or are you a corporate master?

LMFAO@corporate masters!

Lap it up, Stripey, your catdish is full of kool aid, start drinking!

06-06-2007, 02:18 PM
much like we have here today... the top 10% earn more than the rest of us combined... instead of a ruling and the ruled class, we have the have mores and everyone else...

Tough shit, life is a competition, there are winners and losers, not everyone can be a winner. Work your ass off and you too Stripey can rise out of the ranks of losers, whiners and complainers.

I love our capitalist system.

06-06-2007, 02:19 PM
True, but what I was not addressing was socialist idealism. I don't particularly care for that either. Who wants to be an identical cookie living in a cookie cutter house driving a cookie cutter car to a cookie cutter job? Socialism, IMO, promotes apathy. There is no incentive to excel. The cookie cutter dude next door could be half as smart and half as capable and STILL get paid the same and have the same as you.

I WAS referring to the bastardized verisons of Marxist societies that promoted a two-class society.

Hell, our middle class here is becoming a vanishing breed.

correct. So what we have here now is the two class system... Us and those that own the corporations... how come corporations can declare bankruptcy but indivduals can't?

Do you think that's fair?

06-06-2007, 02:21 PM
correct. So what we have here now is the two class system... Us and those that own the corporations... how come corporations can declare bankruptcy but indivduals can't?

Do you think that's fair?

But individuals can Stripey, there are just a few more requirements on individuals now. Please try to be honest in your arguments from now on, your cooperation which i'm sure i'll receive is appreciated.

06-06-2007, 02:22 PM
much like we have here today... the top 10% earn more than the rest of us combined... instead of a ruling and the ruled class, we have the have mores and everyone else...

So this is all about you coveting your neighbor's house then.

Perhaps you can explain to me just how someone in a mansion takes money from your pocket. :poke:

06-06-2007, 02:25 PM
So this is all about you coveting your neighbor's house then.

Perhaps you can explain to me just how someone in a mansion takes money from your pocket. :poke:

Glock its simply envy, people with liberal economic views such as the "corporations are evil and the reason I am where I am" are simply envious, lazy and unwilling to bust their ass, they'd rather have it handed to them on a silver platter.

06-06-2007, 02:26 PM
Why don't you wake us up Stripey? Give us some of that good old fashioned plan 7(I think thats what its called, the building next to WTC that the fat pig and others claim we brought down on purpose because it contained sensitive info) conspiracy religion!

Pass the tinfoil hats!

Another one that reads from the rear...

This thread is about Bob Bowman and a group he is leading called The Patriots... go read the first post and THEN TRY to make an informed comment on it... IF you can... but I very much doubt it.

06-06-2007, 02:28 PM
Tough shit, life is a competition, there are winners and losers, not everyone can be a winner. Work your ass off and you too Stripey can rise out of the ranks of losers, whiners and complainers.

I love our capitalist system.

Have you anything at all to say about the topic? Or is reading the thread opener before commenting too hard for a simpleton/cret(e)n like you to comprehend?

06-06-2007, 02:31 PM
Another one that reads from the rear...

This thread is about Bob Bowman and a group he is leading called The Patriots... go read the first post and THEN TRY to make an informed comment on it... IF you can... but I very much doubt it.

No, fuck that, support your comment that only those that are asleep believe the government had nothing to with 9/11.

06-06-2007, 02:32 PM
For the morons that don't know they should read the thread opener before making their asinine comments...

I posted this on Sunday...

I saw an interesting movie yesterday and this man was one of the panelists discussing what had just transpired during that movie. So this morning I googled him and found this:

Are YOU a patriot? (http://thepatriots.us/)

06-06-2007, 02:32 PM
Have you anything at all to say about the topic? Or is reading the thread opener before commenting too hard for a simpleton/cret(e)n like you to comprehend?

We are way past that Patriot bullshit, support your positions on corporations or piss off.

06-06-2007, 02:34 PM
Glock its simply envy, people with liberal economic views such as the "corporations are evil and the reason I am where I am" are simply envious, lazy and unwilling to bust their ass, they'd rather have it handed to them on a silver platter.

No shit about that. ANd its why these wannabes vote for populists liberal candidates, because they are promised everything. Then the liberal politicians never deliver, they only take from the rich and make government bigger, more government intervention, more power taken from the people, less freedom, less ability to produce wealth.:pee:

06-06-2007, 02:34 PM
For the morons that don't know they should read the thread opener before making their asinine comments...

I posted this on Sunday...

Stopped reading after the author inserted "fascist" into the first paragraph which immediately relegated it to laughable status.

Support the positions you've taken in the meantime which have zero to do with that article. Wait, they probably do, the article is probably full of Jonestown style kool-aid musings also.

06-06-2007, 02:35 PM
We are way past that Patriot bullshit, support your positions on corporations or piss off.

what do you, a confessed chickenhawk, know about true patriotism? nothing.

Speak to the topic or fuck off. :fu:

06-06-2007, 02:35 PM
Interesting, needs more looking into as far as I'm concerned, but definately interesting.

Maybe he will be soon speaking in a city near you... if he is, try to see him, and maybe he will fire you up as well... here is his schedule:

The Patriots Tour (http://thepatriots.us/pg_01_events_tourSchedule.php)

06-06-2007, 02:35 PM
We are way past that Patriot bullshit, support your positions on corporations or piss off. He can't. That's why he's running away.

06-06-2007, 02:38 PM
Some substance would be nice. Educating people? Depends on what they're teaching. I'd be interested to see the curriculum and who is going to fund it.

Maybe he will be soon speaking in a city near you... if he is, try to see him, and maybe he will fire you up as well... here is his schedule:

The Patriots Tour (http://thepatriots.us/pg_01_events_tourSchedule.php)

06-06-2007, 02:40 PM
Are you saying that he has a tinfoil hat because he questions the silence of our government on the matter of 9/11? Not all the questions concerning that incident have been answered nor have numerous other questions on other issues been answered either. You may choose to sit and watch. He decided to do something about it.

Maybe he will be soon speaking in a city near you, Baron... if he is, try to see him, and maybe he will fire you up as well... here is his schedule:

The Patriots Tour (http://thepatriots.us/pg_01_events_tourSchedule.php)

06-06-2007, 02:43 PM
what do you, a confessed chickenhawk, know about true patriotism? nothing.

Speak to the topic or fuck off. :fu:

Rather be labeled a chickenhawk than a baldfaced liar. Care to provide proof you served? You didn't serve shit, anybody can make that claim on the web.

I am the face of American patriotism, you are a traitor.

06-06-2007, 02:44 PM
Stripey, quit being a pussy and dodging, just like you dodge the truth about military service. Support your positions now!

06-06-2007, 02:50 PM
Stripy the castrated cat!:laugh2:

06-06-2007, 08:39 PM
No, we need to get back in line with "America first" and let the rest of the ungrateful world fend for themselves. All they do is take in their own self-interest, but Lord help our ears if we do it, the wailing and gnashing of teeth is so loud.

And when you want to "dumb us down" to the level of the rest of the world, that IS socialism at its best.

Hogwash. GW is obviously an idealist. He doesn't always represent clinically astute thinking. But he almost always gets the sentiments right.

I doubt you can show examples of any of the issues you are painting him as supporting .

06-06-2007, 10:40 PM
For the morons that don't know they should read the thread opener before making their asinine comments...

I posted this on Sunday...

Thanks for calling most of us morons, mental midget. Everybody knows you can't handle anything complex.

But seriously your thread was dull. And since you aren't yet qualified to be preaching to anybody about nonpartisan patriotism your tude demonstrates you as a loser. A poser.

Fix your own ailments partisan bullshitter, and then fix us.

Once you have been converted to the church of this new patriotism and earned a few stripes then come back and fill us in. Meanwhile you just sound like a brainwashed child who is still being bottle fed on small ideas.


What a cute little cub Stripey is. He was actually born yesterday!

06-07-2007, 05:44 AM
Hogwash. GW is obviously an idealist. He doesn't always represent clinically astute thinking. But he almost always gets the sentiments right.


This is typical liberal thinking. Facts, reality and results mean nothing, so long as you have good intentions. Of course, THEY decide who has good intentions or not.

06-07-2007, 10:59 AM
Actually stripy, they tried the same thing with me, even after I published my serial numbers and dates of service that they could ckeck up on. Theystill maintained that I was lying about it. somdon't bother. The most these jerks have shown regarding military service is one washed oout picture of someone in uniform that anyone could purchase in surplus store. and from OCA? absolutely Nadda.

The face of American Patriotism? Hardly to show his rendition of that face, he would have to pull his pants down and bend over.

06-07-2007, 11:04 AM
[QUOTE=loosecannon;73043]Thanks for calling most of us morons, mental midget.

QUOTE] Apparently you think the shoe fits, He mentioned no names, just a Generic description.

06-07-2007, 11:16 AM
Actually stripy, they tried the same thing with me, even after I published my serial numbers and dates of service that they could ckeck up on. Theystill maintained that I was lying about it. somdon't bother. The most these jerks have shown regarding military service is one washed oout picture of someone in uniform that anyone could purchase in surplus store. and from OCA? absolutely Nadda.

The face of American Patriotism? Hardly to show his rendition of that face, he would have to pull his pants down and bend over.

OCA never claimed service in the American military. I served 6 months in the Greek military only because I was going to spend a year there and for 1st generationers from parents that migrated you are still considered a full fledged Greek citizen and therefore as a male are still subject to required military service. Now with that said you can stay there for up to 3 months before you get snatched up involuntarily but I turned myself in cause I wanted to and did stay a year.

But claiming military service in America over the web is probably the easiest thing to do, I think if you make that claim you need to scan some proof, induction papers maybe..whatever.....People such as Psycho and Stripey who continually bring up military service in order to lend more weight to their opinions are full of shit IMO, they never fucking served shit.

06-07-2007, 11:17 AM
[QUOTE=loosecannon;73043]Thanks for calling most of us morons, mental midget.

QUOTE] Apparently you think the shoe fits, He mentioned no names, just a Generic description.

Jesus Christ man! Figure out the friggin quote system!

06-07-2007, 01:23 PM
:lol: BBpwned!

06-07-2007, 04:37 PM
OCA never claimed service in the American military. I served 6 months in the Greek military only because I was going to spend a year there and for 1st generationers from parents that migrated you are still considered a full fledged Greek citizen and therefore as a male are still subject to required military service. Now with that said you can stay there for up to 3 months before you get snatched up involuntarily but I turned myself in cause I wanted to and did stay a year.

But claiming military service in America over the web is probably the easiest thing to do, I think if you make that claim you need to scan some proof, induction papers maybe..whatever.....People such as Psycho and Stripey who continually bring up military service in order to lend more weight to their opinions are full of shit IMO, they never fucking served shit. In your opinion, and you don't know crap. you are only guessing, but if you have never served, why are you commenting??

06-07-2007, 04:38 PM

Jesus Christ man! Figure out the friggin quote system! Go to Hell

06-07-2007, 09:39 PM
[QUOTE=loosecannon;73043]Thanks for calling most of us morons, mental midget.

QUOTE] Apparently you think the shoe fits, He mentioned no names, just a Generic description.

He addressed everybody who was speaking offtopic. Which would include you. If you like being insulted by self righteous types get it on.

06-08-2007, 01:24 AM
Well, I am a patriot and I have objected for years to the corporate mindset that knows no borders and will sell anyone down the river for a buck/euro/yuan.

Amazing how many free-trade corporatists there are here. Count me out. Permanently.

It didnt dawn on me until I went to the Philippines. The people there, for the most part, cant get passports, unless they can demonstrate they earn enough money to go to another country and not be a drain on it, or, they have a job lined up. Basically, they are prisoners, and this goes on in many, many countries.
What gives any man, any government the fucking right to tell me where I can go in this world. Does FREEDOM only exist in your own country???
If a man/woman, from any country wants to work for me, who the hell is anybody to tell us we cant make that agreement?
Nobody owns the earth, everyone should be able to travel where and when they please.
Im wondering when this passport thing got started. Did Jesus have to show his to get into another country, or the Apostle Paul? (Im not sure if Jesus went into another country outside of Israel)

This countries backbone is small , independent business owners. When people attack big corporations by passing laws, it hurts the small business owners most of the time. The BOOGEY man, big corps, is bullshit.
Besides, those big Corps provide us with plenty of things,

06-08-2007, 01:31 AM
It didnt dawn on me until I went to the Philippines. The people there, for the most part, cant get passports, unless they can demonstrate they earn enough money to go to another country and not be a drain on it, or, they have a job lined up. Basically, they are prisoners, and this goes on in many, many countries.
What gives any man, any government the fucking right to tell me where I can go in this world. Does FREEDOM only exist in your own country???
If a man/woman, from any country wants to work for me, who the hell is anybody to tell us we cant make that agreement?
Nobody owns the earth, everyone should be able to travel where and when they please.
Im wondering when this passport thing got started. Did Jesus have to show his to get into another country, or the Apostle Paul? (Im not sure if Jesus went into another country outside of Israel)

This countries backbone is small , independent business owners. When people attack big corporations by passing laws, it hurts the small business owners most of the time. The BOOGEY man, big corps, is bullshit.
Besides, those big Corps provide us with plenty of things,

Passports are for international security.

06-08-2007, 07:41 AM
[QUOTE=OCA;73270] Go to Hell Seriously, man. Just click the quote button on the bottom right, then don't mess inside the [brackets].

06-08-2007, 10:25 AM

He addressed everybody who was speaking offtopic. Which would include you. If you like being insulted by self righteous types get it on. The shoe didn't fit me. did it you???

06-08-2007, 10:35 AM
[QUOTE=Doniston;73715] Seriously, man. Just click the quote button on the bottom right, then don't mess inside the [brackets]. and others complain that the majority of the post isn't necessary if you are responding to a small part. Usually the problem is simply that I missed the fact that removing the last portions of the post sometimes also removes the First Bracket of the quote ending. and thus I sometimes miss it. If that's the biggest problem these distrators have, I have no sympathy for them. But there is also a glitch in the system that allows quotes to be credited to the wrong poster. The administration has already admitted that.

What really bothers me is that there is no delete buttom to keep duplications down. Or if there is, I sure haven't found it.

06-11-2007, 10:07 AM
....and others complain that the majority of the post isn't necessary if you are responding to a small part. Usually the problem is simply that I missed the fact that removing the last portions of the post sometimes also removes the First Bracket of the quote ending. and thus I sometimes miss it. If that's the biggest problem these distrators have, I have no sympathy for them. But there is also a glitch in the system that allows quotes to be credited to the wrong poster. The administration has already admitted that.

What really bothers me is that there is no delete buttom to keep duplications down. Or if there is, I sure haven't found it.

You screwed it up again, man. When you edit between the quote brackets you are erasing critical brackets. Make sure you have open bracket-quote=poster;post number-closed bracket, followed by text, then open bracket-slash-quote-closed bracket. Otherwise all sorts of strange things can happen.

10-11-2007, 07:54 PM
Passports are for international security.

Did Jesus have a passport?

I know as a conservative (libertarian actually) , Im bucking the tide here, but I think one of our most precious rights is the right and freedom to movement, WORLDWIDE, unless you have demonstrated a reason you should be restrained.

I just dont think any person or group of people have the right to tell you where you can go unless its private property.

Why shouldnt I be able to go buy a boat and go sailing whereever I want?

Fukk control frreaks, hahhaha :))