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05-23-2013, 02:34 AM
why cant the obama administration say it?

why is it ok, and encouraged by many who hate christians including atheists but islam gets a pass

why do we pretend islam is a religion of peace when its history says otherwise

but other religion are called out for their histories of violence

as you can tell i dont like hypocrisy, and I dont believe any religion is peaceful based on its history

05-23-2013, 08:43 AM
Islam doesn't condone or support terrorism in any way. There is nothing in Islam to justify killing innocent people for political motives.

The phrase "Islamic" terrorism is an oxymoron. It's saying Christian Atheism. It makes no sense.

Marcus Aurelius
05-23-2013, 08:55 AM
Islam doesn't condone or support terrorism in any way. There is nothing in Islam to justify killing innocent people for political motives.

The phrase "Islamic" terrorism is an oxymoron. It's saying Christian Atheism. It makes no sense.

Tell that to all the Muslims who yell 'Allah Akbar!' when they blow themselves and the people around them up, dumb ass.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-23-2013, 09:03 AM
Islam doesn't condone or support terrorism in any way. There is nothing in Islam to justify killing innocent people for political motives.

The phrase "Islamic" terrorism is an oxymoron. It's saying Christian Atheism. It makes no sense.

How about some truth Jafar? Just start with numbers 1,2 and 3 on the following list..
then 5,6,7,8 ,9....
And then number 10!!! -Tyr




Ten Obvious Reasons Why
Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

18,000 deadly terror attacks (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/) committed explicitly in the name of Islam in just the last ten years. (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).

Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people killed (http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/Arlandson/dead_poets.htm) for insulting him or for criticizing his religion. This included women. Muslims are told to emulate (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/quran/verses/033-qmt.php#033.021) the example of Muhammad.

Muhammad said (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/muslim/001-smt.php#001.0033) in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.
Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/quran/verses/048-qmt.php#048.019), sex (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/muslim/008-smt.php#008.3432) and a gluttonous paradise (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/quran/verses/056-qmt.php#056.015) as incentives. He beheaded captives (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/abudawud/038-sat.php#038.4390), enslaved children (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/074-sbt.php#008.074.278) and raped women (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/062-sbt.php#007.062.137) captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.

After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other.
Fatima, Muhammad's favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died. She even miscarried Muhammad's grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.
Fatima's husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad's favorite wife - and one whom he had said was a "perfect woman (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/muslim/031-smt.php#031.5966)." 10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad's death.
Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.
The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war...
And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam!

Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/quran/verses/009-qmt.php#009.029) to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.

Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves. To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah.
None of these other religions are at war with each other.

Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves. This is according to the example (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/052-sbt.php#004.052.260) set by Muhammad.

Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human. Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for murder (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/083-sbt.php#009.083.017), but that a Muslim could never (http://www.usc.edu/org/cmje/religious-texts/hadith/bukhari/083-sbt.php#009.083.050) be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.

The Qur'an never once speaks of Allah's love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah's cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims more than 500 times (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/024-hell-and-hate.htm).


"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)

Refute this truth if you can or hide like you always do when facing truth that I present..-Tyr


05-23-2013, 09:08 AM
It seems that in todays society that many radical Islamist's kill in the name of Allah to justify their actions.

What do you call that Jaffar?

Are these the actions of logical men and women? To kill innocent people and justify it by perverting Islam in the process?

It is the duty of ALL Muslims worldwide to condemn those that commit such acts and not support them or allow them to operate unhindered.

Moderate and Liberal Muslims must retake their religion from the Radicals... Otherwise the cycle will never end.

Islam needs to emerge into the 21st century, not remain locked in the 15th.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-23-2013, 09:33 AM
It seems that in todays society that many radical Islamist's kill in the name of Allah to justify their actions.

What do you call that Jaffar?

Are these the actions of logical men and women? To kill innocent people and justify it by perverting Islam in the process?

It is the duty of ALL Muslims worldwide to condemn those that commit such acts and not support them or allow them to operate unhindered.

Moderate and Liberal Muslims must retake their religion from the Radicals... Otherwise the cycle will never end.

Islam needs to emerge into the 21st century, not remain locked in the 15th.

Any and all attempts at a reformation in Islam have met with an overpowering and brutal response that is then cheered as correct by 99.99999% of the still living muslims. I used "still living " for a reason. Those that attempt any meaningful reform are murdered! Mohammad wanted no deviation from the basic evil and hatred of mankind that he created.-Tyr

05-23-2013, 12:52 PM
Tyr. According to the Obama administration, the Democrat party, Liberals, Progressives, and of course...BUSH haters.

We the People have been instructed, and reminded countless times.

"There is no such thing as a War on Terror, nor Terrorists who threaten We The People".

All of those accusations were just MADE UP following September 11th, 2001, to cover the False Reasons for Bush to Invade

IRAQ, and then AFGHANISTAN.....for....."OIL".