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05-24-2013, 05:47 PM
an ongoing problem...

U.S. Sergeant Raped in Afghanistan Found Nowhere to Go

As the only woman in her bomb-disposal unit in Afghanistan, Army Sergeant Rebekah Havrilla said she had learned to endure sexual harassment from her team leader and contempt from the captain who commanded the unit.
Enlarge image Former U.S. Army Sergeant Rebekah Havrilla

Former U.S. Army Sergeant Rebekah Havrilla testifies about being sexually assaulted while in the military during a hearing March 13, 2013 in Washington, D.C. Photographer: Win McNamee/Getty Images
Enlarge image Service Women’s Action Network Director Anu Bhagwati

Service Women’s Action Network Executive Director Anu Bhagwati, also a former Marine captain and company commander, said that "today's military justice system is not professional." Photographer: Win McNamee/Getty Images

So when another service member raped her, she said, reporting the crime to her commanding officer was unthinkable.

“There was no way I was going to go to my commander,” Havrilla, who served in Afghanistan from 2006 to 2007, said in an interview. “He made it clear he didn’t like women.”

The reluctance of most victims to report crimes of sexual assault in the U.S. military goes to the heart of the uproar over such attacks, which President Barack Obama denounced last week as “shameful and disgraceful.”

Now a growing number of lawmakers, led by women in the House of Representatives and Senate, are demanding a change that military leaders have long considered anathema: letting independent military prosecutors, instead of commanding officers, pursue sexual assaults and other major crimes.

“Our system is broken,” said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a New York Democrat and chief sponsor of a measure to wrest such cases away from military supervisors. “This is the only way we can provide the unbiased justice that our victims need.”

...Kissing, Biting

“I dealt with an abusive team leader for six months in Afghanistan,” she said in an interview. The sergeant first class “tried to pull me into his bed a couple of times, would slap my butt when I walked by if no one was around and one time tried to kiss and bite the back of my neck and put his hand in my shirt.”

The captain in command of the unit told other soldiers that he didn’t think women belonged there and seldom talked to her, Havrilla said.

About a week before she was due to return home, Havrilla said, she stopped by the room of an enlisted man who worked with a bomb dog to drop off some equipment she had borrowed.

“He grabbed me and threw me back on the bed,” she said. “I physically tried to leave and he physically restrained me. I told him ‘no’ repeatedly.”

She eventually relented, she said, to avoid what she feared would be a beating.

“It’s hard to explain what goes through your head, but you do a risk assessment,” Havrilla said. “I didn’t want to get hurt. I wanted to get out of Afghanistan as much in one piece as I could.”
‘Restricted’ Report

With no faith in the chain of command, Havrilla said, she filed only a “restricted” report, a move that entitled her to counseling without triggering an investigation or charges. After leaving active duty, she filed a second restricted report in February 2009, after running into her rapist at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri, where she was doing training for the Army Reserves.

Later that year, after a friend notified her that graphic pictures of her rape were posted online, Havrilla said she filed an unrestricted report. An investigation was conducted, though no charges resulted. ....


05-24-2013, 06:22 PM
rev. I really do feel terribly sorry for you. What a miserable existence you must be living. Never saying anything nice, or good. Never finding anything happy to report on. And, the miserable ways you find reasons to always report negative news about the United States, it's Military, and even your own family...if it warrants discussion.
What a lousy way to try and impress people you don't know, and will never meet face to face. Because you fear being confronted by anything NICE, PLEASANT, or BEAUTIFUL. That would spoil everything for you.

05-24-2013, 06:53 PM
Soo we should not mention that women have a problem with rape in the military?
The Pentagon has admitted it and says it's really is trying to fix it as best they can.
Or that there's new legislation proposed to change military rules concerning it?

And the sites called 'debate policy' not 'never say a bad word about the U.S. or any military activity or policy'.

and maybe you've missed some of my other threads








I know we don't agree on a lot of things.
but there are people here that post thing far more offensive that rarely get a peep of complaint or grumbling. or "miserable existence" comments.
Have i ever posted a thread that says that all U.S. soldiers are criminally minded? and tired for pages to defend the proposition. Or posted a series of other broad brush threads against all on the right, or all Roman Catholics, Atheist?

let me help you.

How bout we just agree to disagree.

05-24-2013, 07:17 PM
Soo we should not mention that women have a problem with rape in the military?
The Pentagon has admitted it and says it's really is trying to fix it as best they can.
Or that there's new legislation proposed to change military rules concerning it?

And the sites called 'debate policy' not 'never say a bad word about the U.S. or any military activity or policy'.

and maybe you've missed some of my other threads








I know we don't agree on a lot of things.
but there are people here that post thing far more offensive that rarely get a peep of complaint or grumbling. or "miserable existence" comments.
Have i ever posted a thread that says that all U.S. soldiers are criminally minded? and tired for pages to defend the proposition. Or posted a series of other broad brush threads against all on the right, or all Roman Catholics, Atheist?

let me help you.

How bout we just agree to disagree.

rev. The Obama defense, or Obama excuses just don't work with me.

05-25-2013, 06:38 PM
Other than nurses, maids and hookers, women should not be in the military.

05-25-2013, 07:47 PM
Other than nurses, maids and hookers, women should not be in the military.

I disagree, other than infantry and a few related fields I think women can serve just fine. There are no maids or hookers in the military.

05-25-2013, 07:53 PM
I disagree, other than infantry and a few related fields I think women can serve just fine. There are no maids or hookers in the military.

Gaffer. Some people simply do not want, or understand how the World has been changing. So, they refuse to admit how women are, and have been trying to become the equal's of men.

The days of BAREFOOT and PREGNANT, and staying home to clean the house have been gone a long time. Some people simply refuse to admit it, or catch up with the rest of society. Because...FILL IN THE BLANK..........

05-25-2013, 09:25 PM
The sexual assault culture in the military is WAY out of control. That is because the military hierarchy (all the up to the worthless Pentagon geezers in chief) has spent decades looking the wrong way.
The military needs to stop wringing its hands and start doing the right thing. ANY member of the military, regardless of rank, who is convicted of sexual assault should receive a dishonorable discharge and then prosecuted. The same should be true of any member of the military guilty of covering up an assault or failing to report an assault.
You can't allow the bad apples to poison the tree. Not every soldier is a hero. Some of them are criminals.

05-25-2013, 09:28 PM
Other than nurses, maids and hookers, women should not be in the military.

Idiots like you should not be allowed to breath. My hope is that you drink too much moonshine and fall asleep on a train track.

05-25-2013, 11:02 PM
The sexual assault culture in the military is WAY out of control. That is because the military hierarchy (all the up to the worthless Pentagon geezers in chief) has spent decades looking the wrong way.
The military needs to stop wringing its hands and start doing the right thing. ANY member of the military, regardless of rank, who is convicted of sexual assault should receive a dishonorable discharge and then prosecuted. The same should be true of any member of the military guilty of covering up an assault or failing to report an assault.
You can't allow the bad apples to poison the tree. Not every soldier is a hero. Some of them are criminals.

Gabby I have to agree with most of what you are saying here but I have never served so I am speaking only on stories I hear and stuff I read but I think the military is adapting to females in the service very well but of course not all are going to make the change as easy as others , and as Gaffer I don't feel women should be put in certain positions only do to what could be done to them if caught but there are many ways for a woman to serve and there are many that can and will serve as good as anyone else

05-26-2013, 04:53 AM
Other than nurses, maids and hookers, women should not be in the military.

Classy as ever I see.

But what of this woman who had no recourse to justice? Are her rights and the rights of other serving women to common respect worth nothing?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-26-2013, 06:07 AM
I disagree, other than infantry and a few related fields I think women can serve just fine. There are no maids or hookers in the military.

Women should not be in the Infantry period! All this dumbass PCA CRAP causes far more problems than it ever solves. No maids in the military except for the top brass but the history of hookers serving military ( by following along) goes back well over 3,000 years. Idoubt if there was even a handful of rape cases by military men accosting military women in all our armed forces during WW2. But women were not Infantry then. Infantry is a different kind of animal because it HAS TO BE.. Train men to kill other men and you got to expect that a few will be less than civil in thier actions. No damn need to offer up some fine sexy gal as a temptation right in their damn midst all the time.
Dumbass politicians should be forced to serve at least two years in our military before ever being allowed to interfere in military structure,rules and regulations!!! Clueless bastards ff up everything they touch.--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-26-2013, 06:13 AM
But what of this woman who had no recourse to justice? Are her rights and the rights of other serving women to common respect worth nothing?

But what of this woman who had no recourse to justice? Are her rights and the rights of other serving women to common respect worth nothing?

Funny that you should ask the exact same question concerning our military and justice as I have about Islam , it's Sharia Law and women's rights, Jafar.

How about you answering that question concerning Sharia law since you are muslim and an self-proclaimed expert on it?

Is Sharia law correct in it's mistreatment (degradation ) of women?
Does Sharia law provide justice for it's women , for the rape cases ? --Tyr

05-26-2013, 07:34 AM
Women should not be in the Infantry period! All this dumbass PCA CRAP causes far more problems than it ever solves. No maids in the military except for the top brass but the history of hookers serving military ( by following along) goes back well over 3,000 years. Idoubt if there was even a handful of rape cases by military men accosting military women in all our armed forces during WW2. But women were not Infantry then. Infantry is a different kind of animal because it HAS TO BE.. Train men to kill other men and you got to expect that a few will be less than civil in thier actions. No damn need to offer up some fine sexy gal as a temptation right in their damn midst all the time.
Dumbass politicians should be forced to serve at least two years in our military before ever being allowed to interfere in military structure,rules and regulations!!! Clueless bastards ff up everything they touch.--Tyr

I expected someone else to bring up the camp followers. There haven't been any camp followers since the Indian wars. There have always been hookers living off post.

Like I said, there are all sorts of jobs women can do in the military. Just not the front line stuff. There, they become a distraction. Most are not able to handle the difficulties they would encounter. I was in the infantry and I know what it's like. There are no beds or shelter. You carry your food on your back and ration it in case you don't get resupplied. Four hours sleep per night, six if your lucky. On the move all day. Need to piss, you do it at break stops where ever you happen to be. Need to shit? You it during break shops and make sure you carry your paper with you. There was paper in the C-ration packs. Need to wash up? Find a creek, strip down and bath. Someone is standing right by you with weapon ready. In a sustained running fire fight that lasts for days you might be lucky if you have time for a piss and that may have to be while laying on your side.

There are lots of jobs for women. My mother was in the Army Air Corp in WW2. She drove a jeep.

05-26-2013, 07:34 AM
I disagree, other than infantry and a few related fields I think women can serve just fine. There are no maids or hookers in the military.

Well there should be.

05-26-2013, 07:39 AM
Classy as ever I see.

But what of this woman who had no recourse to justice? Are her rights and the rights of other serving women to common respect worth nothing?

Ask your jihadist buddies who go to strip joints the night before a big attack.

05-26-2013, 07:58 AM
Gabby I have to agree with most of what you are saying here but I have never served so I am speaking only on stories I hear and stuff I read but I think the military is adapting to females in the service very well but of course not all are going to make the change as easy as others , and as Gaffer I don't feel women should be put in certain positions only do to what could be done to them if caught but there are many ways for a woman to serve and there are many that can and will serve as good as anyone else

I wonder what hidden agendas are being pushed here. Remember Obama's "never let a crisis go to waste". Obviously the problem needs to be fixed, but don't let the problem be a distraction from sneaking in hidden agendas. What we don't want is the sexual harassment lawsuit culture to be front and center in the military.

05-26-2013, 08:00 AM
Idiots like you should not be allowed to breath. My hope is that you drink too much moonshine and fall asleep on a train track.

Thank you for your well thought out, carefully considered analysis. Why don't you implement your well thought out plan?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-26-2013, 10:02 AM
The sexual assault culture in the military is WAY out of control. That is because the military hierarchy (all the up to the worthless Pentagon geezers in chief) has spent decades looking the wrong way.
The military needs to stop wringing its hands and start doing the right thing. ANY member of the military, regardless of rank, who is convicted of sexual assault should receive a dishonorable discharge and then prosecuted. The same should be true of any member of the military guilty of covering up an assault or failing to report an assault.
You can't allow the bad apples to poison the tree. Not every soldier is a hero. Some of them are criminals.

Not every President is a hero, some of them are criminals...

05-26-2013, 10:49 AM
Not every President is a hero, some of them are criminals...

We shouldn't be discussing the draft dodging Dubya in this thread.

I don't care if you are a decorated war veteran. If you commit a crime, you are a criminal and you shouldn't be allowed to serve our country. You belong in jail with the other criminals.

05-26-2013, 11:29 AM
We shouldn't be discussing the draft dodging Dubya in this thread.

I don't care if you are a decorated war veteran. If you commit a crime, you are a criminal and you shouldn't be allowed to serve our country. You belong in jail with the other criminals.

Why not put them in the front lines to get shot?
Much cheaper, and they're doing a service.

05-26-2013, 12:39 PM
Idiots like you should not be allowed to breath. My hope is that you drink too much moonshine and fall asleep on a train track.

I prefer beer.

05-26-2013, 03:32 PM
Ask your jihadist buddies who go to strip joints the night before a big attack.

Yeh, about that...

Marcus Aurelius
05-26-2013, 03:37 PM
Classy as ever I see.

But what of this woman who had no recourse to justice? Are her rights and the rights of other serving women to common respect worth nothing?

If she were Muslim, they'd just cane her and be done with it.

05-26-2013, 03:40 PM
Gabby. Just wondering. Does it really, really hurt for you to speak out of your Butt?