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View Full Version : Britain -Police Arrest Twitter And Facebook Users If They Make Anti-Muslim Statements

05-27-2013, 01:07 PM
British police are arresting people in the middle of the night if they have made racist or anti-Muslim comments on Twitter following the murder of a soldier by two Muslims in Woolwich, London.

Three men have so far been taken into custody for using Twitter and Facebook to criticize Muslims.

In the Woolwich attack, Lee Rigby, a drummer in the Royal Regiment of Fusliers, was run down in a car and then hacked and stabbed to death by two men with knives and a cleaver. They told a man video recording the scene that it was vengeance for the killings of Muslims by the British Army.

One man has been charged with "malicious communications" on Facebook, the Daily Mail reports.

Two others have been arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. The police are now arresting people based on mere speech in social media, a detective said in a statement to the press:

'The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. Our inquiries into these comments continue.

'These comments were directed against a section of our community. Comments such as these are completely unacceptable and only cause more harm to our community in Bristol.

'People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious.'

The arrests come at the behest of British Muslims, who fear a backlash against them following the death of Rigby, The New York Times says:

The police and Muslim groups have said that there have been anti-Muslim episodes in many parts of the country, the most common involving derogatory messages on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

A number of arrests have been made, with criminal charges being leveled in some cases under laws against inciting racial or religious hatred, and Muslim community leaders have reported rising concern among the estimated 2.5 million Muslims in Britain.

Rest here - http://finance.yahoo.com/news/britain-police-arrest-twitter-facebook-145758582.html

05-27-2013, 01:23 PM
Amazing. Takes the police over 20 minutes to respond with arms to calls for a guy having his head removed. During those intervening moments, one of the perps has a long conversation on motive. Somehow the cops that show up have to shoot the perps, who'd been speaking on and on moments before.

In most US locales, the speaking wouldn't have happened. They'd have been shot or subdued by the 'crowd.'

Now the British enforcement hasn't a problem attacking those that are speaking out, not only about the Islamicists, but the emasculation of the citizenry and police.

05-27-2013, 01:30 PM
I can understand their worries about retaliation. I don't have an issue if they put a little more scrutiny out there until things were smoothed over. But arresting people for speaking their minds? Imagine if this ever happened here? I mean, "malicious communication" - WTF is that? I have a sneaky suspicion that half of our board would qualify for arrest over there. Sir Drummond should take an interest in this stuff, as well as Noir, and make sure they're careful as to what they say and publicize.

05-27-2013, 01:34 PM
British police are arresting people in the middle of the night if they have made racist or anti-Muslim comments on Twitter following the murder of a soldier by two Muslims in Woolwich, London.

Three men have so far been taken into custody for using Twitter and Facebook to criticize Muslims.

In the Woolwich attack, Lee Rigby, a drummer in the Royal Regiment of Fusliers, was run down in a car and then hacked and stabbed to death by two men with knives and a cleaver. They told a man video recording the scene that it was vengeance for the killings of Muslims by the British Army.

One man has been charged with "malicious communications" on Facebook, the Daily Mail reports.

Two others have been arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. The police are now arresting people based on mere speech in social media, a detective said in a statement to the press:

'The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. Our inquiries into these comments continue.

'These comments were directed against a section of our community. Comments such as these are completely unacceptable and only cause more harm to our community in Bristol.

'People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious.'

The arrests come at the behest of British Muslims, who fear a backlash against them following the death of Rigby, The New York Times says:

The police and Muslim groups have said that there have been anti-Muslim episodes in many parts of the country, the most common involving derogatory messages on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

A number of arrests have been made, with criminal charges being leveled in some cases under laws against inciting racial or religious hatred, and Muslim community leaders have reported rising concern among the estimated 2.5 million Muslims in Britain.

Rest here - http://finance.yahoo.com/news/britain-police-arrest-twitter-facebook-145758582.html

Let's ask Drummond to share his thoughts with us on "WHO IS IN CHARGE IN THE U.K.?"

Just wait for the Obama/Holder administration to begin doing the same here in the U.S. When they call it Protecting Americans...when actually. They must protect themselves, and the Brotherhood Obama insists...has no ties to Terror because...THERE IS NO WAR ON TERROR, OR TERRORISTS.....unless....you disagree with Him.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-27-2013, 01:44 PM
Let's ask Drummond to share his thoughts with us on "WHO IS IN CHARGE IN THE U.K.?"

Just wait for the Obama/Holder administration to begin doing the same here in the U.S. When they call it Protecting Americans...when actually. They must protect themselves, and the Brotherhood Obama insists...has no ties to Terror because...THERE IS NO WAR ON TERROR, OR TERRORISTS.....unless....you disagree with Him.

Both Drummond and I have been sounding the alarm about what has been happening in Britain for about a year here now .
The exact same path is being pursued here as has been there. There it succeeded because nobody fought back in the proper way because it was done in a very slow and steady way.
I see the same being done here but on all forums I post the truth and it is ignored, rejected or outright denied by the majority of Americans. I used Britain as an example and still nobody sees the destruction for what it is. Denial allows for inaction. Nobody wants to fight a billion people. F-that , I'd fight a GD trillion people to save my kids and grandkids!

A man either stands and fights for his principles or else he dooms those principles to defeat. F-THAT! I chose to fight --f-obama , f- the damn muslims. -Tyr

05-27-2013, 01:47 PM
Both Drummond and I have been sounding the alarm about what has been happening in Britain for about a year here now .
The exact same path is being pursued here as has been there. There it succeeded because nobody fought back in the proper way because it was done in a very slow and steady way.
I see the same being done here but on all forums I post the truth and it is ignored, rejected or outright denied by the majority of Americans. I used Britain as an example and still nobody sees the destruction for what it is. Denial allows for inaction. Nobody wants to fight a billion people. F-that , I'd fight a GD trillion people to save my kids and grandkids! -Tyr

Tyr. Does what you said above mean. You haven't read any of my posts as well?

Guess there's no further reason for me to come here to say anything if nobody really pays attention.

05-27-2013, 01:50 PM
Tyr. Does what you said above mean. You haven't read any of my posts as well?

Guess there's no further reason for me to come here to say anything if nobody really pays attention.

I don't think Tyr was pointing out individuals, or 'literally' meaning that no one listens. He's probably speaking of the average Joe out there, or perhaps even the majority. But I wouldn't be offended by what he wrote, I don't think he was implying anything about us, or you, or that your posts are unread. :salute:

05-27-2013, 01:58 PM
I'll wait to hear what exactly the comments and tweets where, there have been several recent attacks in areas of London and wider England over the past few days. Including petrol bombing a mosque etc.

Reacting to terrorism with terrorism should not be tolerated.

05-27-2013, 02:01 PM
I don't think Tyr was pointing out individuals, or 'literally' meaning that no one listens. He's probably speaking of the average Joe out there, or perhaps even the majority. But I wouldn't be offended by what he wrote, I don't think he was implying anything about us, or you, or that your posts are unread. :salute:

I agree jimnyc. It's just a way to get people to finally sit up, and take notice. We all want people to LISTEN. The average Joe probably has No Idea what we are talking about anyway.

Not offended in any way. He understands why, and how I said it.

YOU NOTICED...didn't ya???

05-27-2013, 02:11 PM
I'll wait to hear what exactly the comments and tweets where, there have been several recent attacks in areas of London and wider England over the past few days. Including petrol bombing a mosque etc.

Reacting to terrorism with terrorism should not be tolerated.

I agree about the terrorism and agree that they should crack down on violence or retaliation. But don't you guys stand for freedom of speech? I'd have to read it too. I suppose if they were inviting 2,000 of their closest friends to the nearest mosque and encouraging they light it on fire, that's different. But short of that, I can't support them arresting people for simply their words, even if it is to display their hatred.

05-27-2013, 02:17 PM
I agree about the terrorism and agree that they should crack down on violence or retaliation. But don't you guys stand for freedom of speech? I'd have to read it too. I suppose if they were inviting 2,000 of their closest friends to the nearest mosque and encouraging they light it on fire, that's different. But short of that, I can't support them arresting people for simply their words, even if it is to display their hatred.

There are various laws that infringe on free-speech, the most serious being 'threats to kill'
Which can land you considerable jail time.

05-27-2013, 02:35 PM
There are various laws that infringe on free-speech, the most serious being 'threats to kill'
Which can land you considerable jail time.

You would probably find yourself in hot water here too if they were outright threats. The article says "taken into custody for using Twitter and Facebook to criticize Muslims." So I would like to see specifics myself, as there's a big difference between criticizing, or even talking hate, and making actual threats. And even then I would think it need to be specifics. For example, if someone says "I hate Muslims and hope they all get shot to death after what has happened" is one thing - compared to say "I hate Muslims and am going out to kill one tonight".

05-27-2013, 03:59 PM
I agree about the terrorism and agree that they should crack down on violence or retaliation. But don't you guys stand for freedom of speech? I'd have to read it too. I suppose if they were inviting 2,000 of their closest friends to the nearest mosque and encouraging they light it on fire, that's different. But short of that, I can't support them arresting people for simply their words, even if it is to display their hatred.

So they should arrest these people. If anyone thinks it is clever to terrorise a section of the community whether it be Muslims, or Jews or any other minority, they should be arrested before they can harm or kill someone.

At least one Mosque has to be guarded by police after threats to burn it to the ground came in. And in that Mosque, 5000 Muslims gathered to condemn the killing of the solider. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/uk/woolwich-attack-police-guard-london-mosque-where-thousands-of-muslims-gathered-to-condemn-murder-of-soldier-lee-rigby-29294815.html. You should note that the story has been pretty much ignored, yet the EDL protest of "nearly" 2000 got front page. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2013/05/2013527174644753405.html?utm_content=automate&utm_campaign=Trial6&utm_source=NewSocialFlow&utm_term=plustweets&utm_medium=MasterAccount

05-27-2013, 04:24 PM
British police are arresting people in the middle of the night if they have made racist or anti-Muslim comments on Twitter following the murder of a soldier by two Muslims in Woolwich, London.

Three men have so far been taken into custody for using Twitter and Facebook to criticize Muslims.

I wonder how their version jibes with our terroristic threads legislation.

05-27-2013, 05:13 PM
So they should arrest these people. If anyone thinks it is clever to terrorise a section of the community whether it be Muslims, or Jews or any other minority, they should be arrested before they can harm or kill someone.

At least one Mosque has to be guarded by police after threats to burn it to the ground came in. And in that Mosque, 5000 Muslims gathered to condemn the killing of the solider. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/uk/woolwich-attack-police-guard-london-mosque-where-thousands-of-muslims-gathered-to-condemn-murder-of-soldier-lee-rigby-29294815.html. You should note that the story has been pretty much ignored, yet the EDL protest of "nearly" 2000 got front page. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2013/05/2013527174644753405.html?utm_content=automate&utm_campaign=Trial6&utm_source=NewSocialFlow&utm_term=plustweets&utm_medium=MasterAccount

I have no problem if they arrest anyone that even comes close to retaliation, and certainly if anyone should go to a portion of the community with the intent of terrorizing the citizens. I do NOT think they should be arresting people because they criticize others, whether that be online on in "real life". Unless of course, as I said, it's a direct threat.

I read both stories above, of course from different sources, but I did read both stories here in the States.

05-27-2013, 05:15 PM
THREATS are NOT acceptable under the 1st Amendment. For Anyone.

05-27-2013, 05:23 PM
It must suck to live in a country without freedom of speech. We'll find out what that's like soon enough.

05-27-2013, 05:48 PM
It must suck to live in a country without freedom of speech. We'll find out what that's like soon enough.

Are you allowed to threaten to kill someone without legal repercussion?

05-27-2013, 05:56 PM
Are you allowed to threaten to kill someone without legal repercussion?

These guys were charged with: 'The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred..

Americans have the right to incite hatred. Libs do it all the time.

05-27-2013, 06:00 PM
Are you allowed to threaten to kill someone without legal repercussion?


This guy is inciting racial hatred and promoting mass murder.


05-27-2013, 06:05 PM

This guy is inciting racial hatred and promoting mass murder.

YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMoLyWRrXYk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMoLyWRrXYk)

Well i'd rather live in a country were a man like that would be arrested. Whatever floats your boat though.

05-27-2013, 06:05 PM
Every time Obama has appeared anywhere to make a speech. He has incited hatred between Americans.

Of course. Obama would never say anything negative about Muslim's. But, since he's not running for anything.

It doesn't matter. Never did, never will. HATE is HATE. And Obama's a Master of it.

05-27-2013, 06:08 PM
Well i'd rather live in a country were a man like that would be arrested. Whatever floats your boat though.

Whats to stop them from arresting you for criticizing the Government and inciting Hatred of it?

Europe in general has nothing comparable to our bill of Rights. They have nothing even close.

Hence the governments there are more susceptible to dictatorships... The people arent as free as they think they are.

05-27-2013, 06:20 PM
Whats to stop them from arresting you for criticizing the Government and inciting Hatred of it?

Europe in general has nothing comparable to our bill of Rights. They have nothing even close.

Hence the governments there are more susceptible to dictatorships... The people arent as free as they think they are.

Noir. So you enjoy living on a submarine, and have no problem sinking to the lowest levels of society???

Imagine how your Limited Freedoms would change with a Constitution, and amendments like our's?

05-27-2013, 06:35 PM
Whats to stop them from arresting you for criticizing the Government and inciting Hatred of it?

Europe in general has nothing comparable to our bill of Rights. They have nothing even close.

Hence the governments there are more susceptible to dictatorships... The people arent as free as they think they are.

The guy in that video was telling black people they had to kill white people, and their babies, apparently i'm in a minority in thinking that should not be considered lawful behaviour.

Also you're government is free to pop you out of your house tonight and hold you in a cell indefinitely, without trail or charge, before you go thinking America is some bastion of freedom and europeans are shackled by our governments.

05-27-2013, 07:17 PM
The guy in that video was telling black people they had to kill white people, and their babies, apparently i'm in a minority in thinking that should not be considered lawful behaviour.

Also you're government is free to pop you out of your house tonight and hold you in a cell indefinitely, without trail or charge, before you go thinking America is some bastion of freedom and europeans are shackled by our governments.

Therein lies YOUR problem Noir. I don't THINK America is a bastion of Freedom. I KNOW IT IS. Because I have been around the World, and visited nations where they only Dream of having the Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights we Americans wish every HUMAN BEING could have.

If you don't see it that way, or refuse to make such comparisons. That's YOUR problem. Not ours.

05-27-2013, 07:20 PM
Well i'd rather live in a country were a man like that would be arrested. Whatever floats your boat though.

If he was white and inciting racial hatred and mass murder he would have been arrested in a heartbeat. Don't forget about the guy who made some dopey anti-muslim video nobody saw that the Obama regime blamed for the Benghazi attacks. Last I heard he was still incarcerated for that.

So racism and hatred only flows one direction in the US. It's OK if you are black or brown or yellow or green, just not if you are white.

Maker of Anti-Islam Video Remains in Jailhttp://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/05/10/benghazi-patsy-maker-anti-islam-video-remains-jail

05-27-2013, 07:26 PM
The guy in that video was telling black people they had to kill white people, and their babies, apparently i'm in a minority in thinking that should not be considered lawful behaviour.

Also you're government is free to pop you out of your house tonight and hold you in a cell indefinitely, without trail or charge, before you go thinking America is some bastion of freedom and europeans are shackled by our governments.

So you are European but not living in the UK. France?

By the way, America USED to be a bastion of freedom, now we're hardly any better than you Euro-commies. That is a great sadness for most of us.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-27-2013, 08:15 PM
Tyr. Does what you said above mean. You haven't read any of my posts as well?

Guess there's no further reason for me to come here to say anything if nobody really pays attention.

No sir. I have read and enjoyed your posts immensely my friend. I only meant the part about big D and I concentrating on whats happened already in Britain and the muslims has been trumpeted by us hard and heavy for a while now. Certainly not discounting the many fine posts such as yours and others that add so much more to the conversations and warnings. I sure did not intend to exclude anybody in my comments. Pardon if you will my poor wordsmithing amigo. -:beer:-Tyr

05-27-2013, 08:31 PM
No sir. I have read and enjoyed your posts immensely my friend. I only meant the part about big D and I concentrating on whats happened already in Britain and the muslims has been trumpeted by us hard and heavy for a while now. Certainly not discounting the many fine posts such as yours and others that add so much more to the conversations and warnings. I sure did not intend to exclude anybody in my comments. Pardon if you will my poor wordsmithing amigo. -:beer:-Tyr

Tyr. No problemo. Just wondering now how our friend D is doing?
Sounds like his world over there is really coming apart.
Sadly. He doesn't have the luxury of a First Amendment to protect him.
Don't worry about the wordsmithing. I appreciate it, and it seems to really confuse the ones who need confusing. If you know what I mean?

05-28-2013, 04:56 AM
But arresting people for speaking their minds? Imagine if this ever happened here? I mean, "malicious communication" - WTF is that?

They're just moderating the conversation Jimmy, not unlike your work here. :rolleyes:

05-28-2013, 07:56 AM
Also you're government is free to pop you out of your house tonight and hold you in a cell indefinitely, without trail or charge, if you are a terrorist, supporting a terrorist or involved in criminal activities rising to the level that is listed within the patriot act. Innocent people will not be involved in this, before you go thinking America is some bastion of freedom and europeans are shackled by our governments.

I fixed that for you. :) You would have a point if there were some sort of history of our country doing so to it's citizens, but it simply doesn't happen.

05-28-2013, 08:19 AM
I fixed that for you. :) You would have a point if there were some sort of history of our country doing so to it's citizens, but it simply doesn't happen.

At least two times in our history, sedition laws were passed and enforced. Once under John Adams, again under Woodrow Wilson. People tended to rise up against the government overplaying its hand.

With what the IRS and other government enforcement agencies have been uncovered doing, people are concerned about speaking out and meeting. That's the 'chilling effect' at work.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-28-2013, 08:45 AM
I fixed that for you. :) You would have a point if there were some sort of history of our country doing so to it's citizens, but it simply doesn't happen.

Alot has been happening under the public radar since obama was installed . How much more crap are we Americans goi ng to put up with from that ffing traitor? Where he a Republican his sorry ass would have already been impeached and anybody with at least normal IQ knows that is the truth!...-Tyr

05-28-2013, 10:18 AM
Funny how I just ran into this via Drudge:


Obama and the 1917 Espionage Act
The president uses the overly broad and little-used WWI-era law to go after reporters. By Michael Barone

<!--smart_paging_filter-->There is one problem with the entirely justified if self-interested media squawking about the Justice Department’s snooping into the phone records of multiple Associated Press reporters and Fox News’s James Rosen.

The problem is that what the AP reporters and Rosen did arguably violates the letter of the law.

It sounds as though this law criminalizes a lot of journalism. You might wonder how such a law ever got passed and why, for the last 90 years, it has very seldom produced prosecutions and investigations of journalists.

The answer: This is the Espionage Act of 1917, passed two months after the United States entered World War I. In his 1998 book Secrecy, the late senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan tells the story of how it came into being.

Congress was responding to incidents of German espionage before the declaration of war. In July 1916, German agents blew up the Black Tom munitions dump in New York Harbor. The explosion was loud enough to be heard in Connecticut and Maryland. The Espionage Act was passed with bipartisan support in a Democratic Congress and strongly supported by President Woodrow Wilson, also a Democrat.

Wilson wanted even more. “Authority to exercise censorship over the press,” he wrote a senator, “is absolutely necessary.” He got that authority in May 1918 when Congress passed the Sedition Act, criminalizing, among other things, “abusive language” about the government.

Wilson’s Justice Department successfully prosecuted Eugene Debs, the Socialist candidate who received 900,000 votes for president in 1912, for making statements opposing the war. The Wilson administration barred Socialist newspapers from the mails, jailed a filmmaker for making a movie about the Revolutionary War (don’t rile our British allies), and prosecuted a minister who claimed Jesus was a pacifist. German-language books were removed from libraries, German-language newspapers were forced out of business, and one state banned speaking German outdoors.

It was an ugly period in our history. It’s also a reminder that big-government liberals can be as much inclined to suppress civil liberties as small-government conservatives can — or more so.

Fortunately, things changed after Wilson left office. A Republican Congress allowed the Sedition Act to expire in 1921. Debs received 915,000 votes for president in 1920 while in Atlanta federal prison, but President Warren Harding, a former journalist and a Republican, commuted Debs’s sentence to time served, effective Christmas day 1921, and invited him to the White House.


05-28-2013, 10:29 AM
That would NEVER happen in this country! We're only going to arrest twitter and facebook users if they are conservatives. :p

05-28-2013, 11:30 AM
Alot has been happening under the public radar since obama was installed . How much more crap are we Americans goi ng to put up with from that ffing traitor? Where he a Republican his sorry ass would have already been impeached and anybody with at least normal IQ knows that is the truth!...-Tyr

They do abuse their power, I have little doubt of that. I was just butting on on Noir's comment. Many years back when the patriot act was created, there was much talk about the same comments he made, and yet it has never happened. People thought citizens by the thousands were going to be rounded up and held forever without due process or a trial. This just simply hasn't happened. Most people that make those remarks likely haven't read the act in its entirety. It wouldn't surprise me if Obama looked into rounding up some reporters and holding them though, only to find out that it couldn't happen.

I DO think that the act is coming awfully close, in wording, to violating constitutional rights though. I think it should be rewritten and made so that it CAN'T ever be used outside of known terrorists and such, with absolute proof, and perhaps a warrant from a judge.

But unlike the UK sweeping in and arresting some, for supposedly criticizing Islam, the US hasn't acted on it's own citizens, outside of Jose Padilla, who they had proof on and was ultimately sentenced to like 10+ years in prison.