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View Full Version : Rick Perry: Champion of the 1st Amendment

05-29-2013, 12:20 PM

Rick Perry understands what the founders meant by Separation of Church and State which I argued in the following thread:

Perry will be signing into law HB 308. The text of the bill allows students and school districts to do the following:
1. Educate students about the history of traditional winter celebrations
2. Use traditional greetings regarding the celebrations, including: (1) "Merry Christmas";
(2) "Happy Hanukkah"; and
(3) "happy holidays."
3. Display on school property scenes or symbols associated with
traditional winter celebrations, including a menorah or a Christmas
image such as a nativity scene or Christmas tree, if the display
includes a scene or symbol of:
(1) more than one religion; or
(2) one religion and at least one secular scene or symbol.

Finally someone gets it right with Church and State. Of course the atheists will be none too pleased about it because with shut down all of their frivolous lawsuits.
God bless Rick Perry and God bless the great state of Texas!

Full text of the bill:

05-29-2013, 01:43 PM
Can't wait to see the overwhelming Liberal responses to this.

Starting with 5071 and then we must remember this....5072.
We cannot forget. The ACLU, and their large CORRAL of Lawyers GET PAID....win or lose, every time.