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View Full Version : Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out

05-29-2013, 01:11 PM
A stunningly good summary. And it identifies the fundamental difference between today's conservatives and today's liberals.

Will a society do better, on average, when each member can make his own decisions, learn from his mistakes, and sink or swim by his own efforts? Or would it do better if ruled by an elite who can overrule the individuals' decisions with "better" decisions of their own?



Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out

by Daniel Greefield
May 24, 2013

There is a characteristic feature to tyranny. It isn’t the scowling faces of armed guards or the rusting metal of barbed wire fences.


05-29-2013, 01:23 PM
And there we go. We've finnaly hit the point where we see what's going on right in front of our very noses.

When does the revolution for freedom start? I'll join for a better free'er America.

05-29-2013, 01:49 PM
And there we go. We've finnaly hit the point where we see what's going on right in front of our very noses.

When does the revolution for freedom start? I'll join for a better free'er America.

Only the people who read this article (or a few similar ones) will see what's going on in front of their noses. And that's a pretty small percentage of the American populace.

05-29-2013, 01:57 PM
Only the people who read this article (or a few similar ones) will see what's going on in front of their noses. And that's a pretty small percentage of the American populace.

Little-Acorn, and Cadet. That is all true. But we cannot forget. Today. More than TEN MILLION Americans are on Government approved Disability. Add that ten million with the More than 50 Million Americans who voted for Obama TWICE. And, therein lies the bigger problem.
We all know who reads articles like this. But what about those 60 Million plus Americans who DEPEND on Govt. Thanks to Obama, and the Democrats who BUY VOTES with FREE HANDOUTS that NEVER END????

05-29-2013, 03:27 PM
A stunningly good summary. And it identifies the fundamental difference between today's conservatives and today's liberals.



05-29-2013, 03:30 PM
Teddy Roosevelt's actions didn't always match his words. But his word here are basic and to the point.

From the article:
“I believe the majority of the plain people of the United States will, day in and day out, make fewer mistakes in governing themselves than any smaller class or body of men, no matter what their training, will make in trying to govern them,” Theodore Roosevelt said.

TR hit the difference between conservatives and modern liberals, exactly.


05-29-2013, 04:18 PM
Thankfully. Someone like most of us saw fit to record, and keep this Historic speech for JUST THIS TIME in 2013.


And this...


05-29-2013, 06:14 PM


Did you even read it?

05-29-2013, 07:15 PM
Did you even read it?

Cadet. I keep wondering how gabby gets all of those pictures from her family album to fit in a post.

05-29-2013, 07:24 PM
Only the people who read this article (or a few similar ones) will see what's going on in front of their noses. And that's a pretty small percentage of the American populace.

Reading this article or others won't do it. Libs/dems/progressives will wholly reject the idea that they are the tyrants, regardless how obvious it is to the rest of us.

05-29-2013, 07:25 PM


Thanks for proving my point.

05-29-2013, 08:07 PM
Did you even read it?

low information voters are not required to read

05-29-2013, 08:24 PM
There is a good reason for this line

"The answer of the liberal technocrats, the Bloombergs and Obamas, is a chorus of jeers. They make it clear with their policies that they believe that the American people are unfit to govern themselves in matters great or small."

The Bloombergs, Obama's, and most Democrat/Liberal/Leftist/Progressives THRIVE on a large population of UNEDUCATED people that, in turn. Will provide for an unending supply of UNFIT people to govern themselves. Just as Obama and the Democrats have been working so hard to PERPETUATE..just as LBJ began, back in the 1960's with the GREAT SOCIETY...that never really was meant to succeed.