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View Full Version : Emperor Obama Hints At Bypassing Congress If House Republicans Don’t Bow To His Deman

05-31-2013, 05:25 AM
This guy has the nerve to say any person cares more about being reelected than doing the right thing and of course the right policies are his policies :rolleyes: which are trash in itself, I can sum it up his policies real quick confiscate all legal American guns and spend spend spend , isn't Obama the same guy that couldn't get involved with Benghazi because he had a election to win ?


Marcus Aurelius
05-31-2013, 06:28 AM
Obama hinted at bypassing Congress? Must be Friday.;)

Congress is 'supposed' to be part of the checks and balances we set up when this nation was founded. not so much, lately.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-01-2013, 10:22 AM
This guy has the nerve to say any person cares more about being reelected than doing the right thing and of course the right policies are his policies :rolleyes: which are trash in itself, I can sum it up his policies real quick confiscate all legal American guns and spend spend spend , isn't Obama the same guy that couldn't get involved with Benghazi because he had a election to win ?


Yep, the same guy that told Russia just hold on and let me get another term then I'll be in a much better position to betray my country more.. Yes, that ffing worm..-Tyr

06-01-2013, 10:24 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-01-2013, 10:28 AM
Obama hinted at bypassing Congress? Must be Friday.;)

Congress is 'supposed' to be part of the checks and balances we set up when this nation was founded. not so much, lately.
Congress has been cleverly divided and neutered when its not completely in obama 's back pocket.

"Da Plan" is right on track and the scandal bumps will not derail it. Sadly the American citizens has allowed the destruction and takeover of the education system that will lead to their doom. Just a matter of time now..-Tyr

06-01-2013, 10:30 AM
I think it is a good idea. Any gun control legislation is good legislation.

06-01-2013, 10:57 AM
I think it is a good idea. Any gun control legislation is good legislation.

Police state..... When only the Military and Police have guns

06-01-2013, 11:44 AM
I think it is a good idea. Any gun control legislation is good legislation.

Yep, because it does such a good job of protecting the citizens of Chicago. :lame2:

06-01-2013, 11:59 AM
I think it is a good idea. Any gun control legislation is good legislation unConstitutional.

Fixed it for ya.

06-01-2013, 01:08 PM
Fixed it for ya.

You won't be grinning when we send you to Gitmo USA. After we take your guns, of course.
You have the right to bear arms. Most people have two arms and a few short sleeve shirts. No one needs any more than that. :cool:

06-01-2013, 01:20 PM
And Gabby - your thoughts, whether it be recent past, or future - you don't have an issue with a Republican president bypassing congress to pass through Republican agendas that Democrats disagree with? Sounds like we might as well just save money then, get rid of Congress and literally having an emperor, if you truly don't see an issue with this. That's how politics has ALWAYS worked, which is why there are even a certain amount of members. They represent US and if the numbers don't add up, then they don't add up and things don't get passed. But no way she would get into any habit of bypassing congress simply because the other party votes another way. That's the beginning of a dictator.

06-01-2013, 01:54 PM
And Gabby - your thoughts, whether it be recent past, or future - you don't have an issue with a Republican president bypassing congress to pass through Republica dictator.

The unfortunate thing is that his bypassing is probably nothing more than things that Congress has already authorized by previous legislation. Congress has delegated away far too much to the Executive.

06-01-2013, 06:02 PM
You won't be grinning when we send you to Gitmo USA. After we take your guns, of course.
You have the right to bear arms. Most people have two arms and a few short sleeve shirts. No one needs any more than that. :cool:

You'll never get my guns. Ever.

06-02-2013, 08:14 AM
I think it is a good idea. Any gun control legislation is good legislation.

I have to agree Gaby I think it is a wonderful Idea to take guns from law abiding citizens so only the criminals will have them :rolleyes:

But I guess being from Cali and having all those wonderful gun laws but ya cant walk down certain streets without being in fear just proves my theory that California is the LAND IF FRUIT AND NUTS

Seriously I understand though heck if these gun laws save just one child's life we should shove it down the Americans people's throats no matter that the stats show way more than half the country doesnt want them :poke:

OOOOO yea by the way how goes the abortion clinics all you libs love so much , you know the ones that kill children everyday :rolleyes:

red states rule
06-02-2013, 09:19 AM
Once again Gabby shows off her double standars. She has posted that she has a gun in her house. and we know she has a child in her house

So once again, a liberal who owns a gun - objects to others owing a gun and wants to harder for law abiding citizens to own a gun

Well down Gabby. You have once again proved that without double standards libs like you would have no standards at all

06-02-2013, 09:36 AM
You won't be grinning when we send you to Gitmo USA. After we take your guns, of course.
You have the right to bear arms. Most people have two arms and a few short sleeve shirts. No one needs any more than that. :cool:

Gabby... why do you have to make over the top statements like that? Why are you trying to incite rather than contribute in a positive manner?

Youll get more flies with honey ..... try it

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-02-2013, 10:53 AM
The unfortunate thing is that his bypassing is probably nothing more than things that Congress has already authorized by previous legislation. Congress has delegated away far too much to the Executive.

To an unfortunate extent that is true Congress has given/allowed Obama too much authority. However he has grabbed much more and he is involved in illegal activities. Anybody that thinks he isn't is a damn fool in my book. Anybody that thinks his negative policies which are so greatly harming this nation are merely "mistakes" is a gullible and "useful fool" IMHO..-Tyr

edit- correct that "useful fool" to "useful idiot" and appeaser type..;)

06-02-2013, 12:34 PM
To an unfortunate extent that is true Congress has given/allowed Obama too much authority. However he has grabbed much more and he is involved in illegal activities. Anybody that thinks he isn't is a damn fool in my book. Anybody that thinks his negative policies which are so greatly harming this nation are merely "mistakes" is a gullible and "useful fool" IMHO..-Tyr

edit- correct that "useful fool" to "useful idiot" and appeaser type..;)

Much talk, no specifics. Thank you. Could you detail from the OP how he will "work around" Congress?

red states rule
06-02-2013, 12:37 PM
To an unfortunate extent that is true Congress has given/allowed Obama too much authority. However he has grabbed much more and he is involved in illegal activities. Anybody that thinks he isn't is a damn fool in my book. Anybody that thinks his negative policies which are so greatly harming this nation are merely "mistakes" is a gullible and "useful fool" IMHO..-Tyr

edit- correct that "useful fool" to "useful idiot" and appeaser type..;)

FU will pretend not to grasp what you are saying Try

Of course FU's intelligence has never been questioned. Of course it has never been mentioned either

06-02-2013, 02:41 PM
FU will pretend not to grasp what you are saying Try

Of course FU's intelligence has never been questioned. Of course it has never been mentioned either

How can anyone discuss something like intelligence for FU if....it never existed in the first place?

Just wondering. Since I have been accused of being just like FU or FJ by FU/FJ who is the lone authority on that topic here.

Marcus Aurelius
06-02-2013, 06:30 PM
I think it is a good idea. Any gun control legislation is good legislation.

Nonsense. Gun control legislation that repeals the 2nd amendment and makes all guns illegal is not good legislation.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-02-2013, 06:35 PM
Much talk, no specifics. Thank you. Could you detail from the OP how he will "work around" Congress?

Executive Orders of which authority he has taken to a whole new stratospheric level. And implementing policies voted down in Congress by simply ordering a cabinent head to implement them. He already goes around Comngress if you fail to know this educate yourself pedro. No reason for me to waste my time educating you unless I choose to but not ever by acting upon a silly request by you. I only do requests for my friends and people I actually respect..-Tyr

06-02-2013, 06:41 PM
Executive Orders of which authority he has taken to a whole new stratospheric level. And implementing policies voted down in Congress by simply ordering a cabinent head to implement them. He already goes around Comngress if you fail to know this educate yourself pedro. No reason for me to waste my time educating you unless I choose to but not ever by acting upon a silly request by you. I only do requests for my friends and people I actually respect..-Tyr

Does that include the 923 EOs that you were investigating and validating from a yearish ago? I thought you were getting back to us with the results. Nevertheless I'm always open to new information.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-02-2013, 06:58 PM
Does that include the 923 EOs that you were investigating and validating from a yearish ago? I thought you were getting back to us with the results. Nevertheless I'm always open to new information.

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Obama turning to executive power to get what he wants | McClatchy (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/03/19/186309/obama-turning-to-executive-power.html)<cite>www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/.../obama-turning-to-executive-power.html</cite>‎

Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-hMPurTmn-UJ:www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/03/19/186309/obama-turning-to-executive-power.html+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EX PANDED+ON+AND+MISUSED,&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

Mar 19, 2013 – Now, as he launches his second term, Obama has grown more ... Steinzor, has pressed Obama to sign seven executive orders on health, ... “We've paid a heavy price for having a president whose priority is expanding his own power. ... to boost the economy –came about with little or no Republican support.

Jan 28, 2013 – The nearby table shows the number of executive orders issued per year ... So far, Mr. Obama has averaged 37 executive orders p.a., which is ...

Obama's misuse of AUMF is unconstitutional, unconscionable (http://greenshadowcabinet.us/statements/bolger-manski-obama%E2%80%99s-misuse-aumf-unconstitutional-unconscionable)


Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:mTJ-FxiwIA0J:greenshadowcabinet.us/statements/bolger-manski-obama%E2%80%99s-misuse-aumf-unconstitutional-unconscionable+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HA S+EXPANDED+ON+AND+MISUSED,&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

May 21, 2013 – BOLGER, MANSKI: Obama's misuse of AUMF is unconstitutional, unconscionable ... what had been unspoken up until now: that the executive branch intends to ... in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the ... clear that the Obama administration has adopted and expanded the ...

Everything You Need To Know About Obama's Gun Violence ... (http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2013/01/16/1456381/obama-gun-proposals/)

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/4QBgRXhpZgAASUkqAAgAAAACADEBAgAHAAAAJgAAAGmHBAABAA AALgAAAAAAAABQaWNhc2EAAAMAAJAHAAQAAAAwMjIwAqAEAAEA AAAsAAAAA6AEAAEAAAAsAAAAAAAAAP/bAIQAAwICAwICAwMDAwQDAwQFCAUFBAQFCgcHBggMCgwMCwoLC w0OEhANDhEOCwsQFhARExQVFRUMDxcYFxMYEhQVFAEDBAQGBQY KBgYKEA4MDhIOEhAPFBEPEBAQDw0PEA4PDQ8PEA4NDg4PEA4PD Q4PEBAQDA4ODw8NEA8MDQ8PDQ4N/8AAEQgALAAsAwERAAIRAQMRAf/EABwAAAIDAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYHBAUIAgMJAf/EADEQAAEDAgUCBQEIAwAAAAAAAAECAwQFEQAGBxIhMUEIEyJRg WEUFiNicZGhwRcyUv/EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEBQYCAQD/xAAtEQABBAECAwcEAwEAAAAAAAABAAIDEQQhMRJBURNhcYGRsf AiocHRBULhMv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Aw5m7Syd/k+t0iPBDSae+WlnaEEJBsFnsb2625wTAy2nGZI518Q+DyWiy8Z z5TwN2A7t+fmnXp5pOEyoiXnQ6U246hOBzZtNPCFxHhkmydlvH Taq0XKdEjxDKajuG29RPJxiMgzPeSASqpEYFkphZirqIFNbq0N wOw3AEKI4srsT+uO8KTid2Tt1NyKaOLkgbPmeyilwZDRPmOMbn CD6bhSk8fAGLEDQS4Hkf9SAc0eaQ1S1umQ5jjX2hQ2npfFMYjX C152oG9KhrWheas9RcxatVzJ7lGg1d1IVTadODzsZ9lbjKytK0 JPllaTfpzY97YjRSmBscELwWgu1IrRxutCfq3Gx6dCtMTjMBjk LnPpm2xAF2DW1EVrqL/wCUI5EnuU+oRw9GcQ3u2eWD6gebdfcDFjLiBaaOvz8qVgyh7w1 23z8JtUyU/Tm25ztLRJEhSvLckrVtSLkAbUkXP6n4xHLRIeEPIqrqr9SD7ea 8ymvjJpt+3uE7I6al9xE1CM+iG40A4htlWzbt9W6yiQSPnGdLm Nn4TqP3pyqvsnmOeWhpAs3QpK7UCorTGhUmnRZMyUxF/GSykuEKK1mxt0IJIxfxX3ckhABP2pQMlnDJwt5afK80g8x5BzL OqRfZhxGkrSDsfqkZpaT7KSpYIP0OLTM6ECrcfBriPUBLdm/wXpVWNP6pCpubGqEluVSK3HefepxXtdZlqBKlsgjaoLVZSkEpB USb3UcZGSBzjxtPSxtdd48PHle1VIsljiztNC2hfUba+A056Vo sKZUqFApGYEOz1OFTKHHFofYCSl66UgWBPICnOtv4xamZPJGQw b1seW/Qd3VaTHGPDLxOOmvrt7WjB7PNNIDdNb82EtzzFtKbA2XHJBtyC evt++FWYcl3Idff9L2fJhJ+jUfPVX9d1BYy7lZuW26lL6rpiMp SbFZtclN+gHx072wvDhGaUsO3P9XXP5opOZkCBnGD9XLT57rvG ptLruW4i0s0w1BDKHAmWwVshQJSolNrIUeyk8j68AkdhOY4g3W uxo+vPwKzwlBFXquVB8SGlceCY+dalWoVeYdcbcbDh2bAo7Nmw gFABABtc7bnm+OHfxcz/qbZBrbhr72QeqL29aaBNDxJ+Mam+HiFAptMjxq3mmSULXDdcOy IyeQtwJIJK7EJTcf9HiwVS/j8AymhoBz69yUkeGiysLZr1bi6i5hl5hhQWKVMqDi3JkMbihtw qJunuQRb5BxoIcAwDs3G2jYjp08vZOR54kaAPO+7Yr5Q83PMQl MOyW0IvdOxolQJ/MT/AEcHlxgXXVr52XwxltjyB91Gr+bTM8szZR/DGxKR2HU2GCRY4ZfCPFQ5sl0xty7sqZ4gTpMaiUtuO5UZLiWUT q5ObhQ2Cbm61G5tx1v26Hiy2TiuNveaHQAk/r56lheKobohqWjuWESj95PEVkqiVVQClwaFRzOjNX7B4uJKze/JF8IunDdGwPI6kn8CgmxQ3P4WL8yatVbUDUOt5tqjylz6vNXLf TuJCUk+lsflQgJQn2CRjVY0DYYWQj+oAv3PmbJScn1ElFDGcHI Uxp5LrZdJuhaOElP1v/eDiMOaRySxLmO4m7q0l6mPSAlYNlXvtHAGCMxmtFIMsskh1VFO zq88VqW6fUPfB+yA2CEA5Dbua3kLUpLhSSeTcjjAHtGybY1U87 OchyQomQ8s91Hkn+cKdm1MhCTDqm1ek2wYLpX8WoveQEbgRe9y OcGahEKZ9sd2/wC2D3ohUFFky3CDzjlxXQaFUSZLljzhdxRmhQSbm564Gu1//9k= (http://www.debatepolicy.com/search?q=NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPA NDED+ON+AND+MISUSED,&lr=&as_qdr=all&tbs=ppl_ids:--112387180007490505464-,ppl_nps:Annie-Rose+Strasser,ppl_aut:1)

Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lAfV67XsQcsJ:thinkprogress.org/politics/2013/01/16/1456381/obama-gun-proposals/+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPANDED+ON+ AND+MISUSED,&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

by Annie-Rose Strasser (http://www.debatepolicy.com/search?q=NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPA NDED+ON+AND+MISUSED,&lr=&as_qdr=all&tbs=ppl_ids:--112387180007490505464-,ppl_nps:Annie-Rose+Strasser,ppl_aut:1) - in 83 Google+ circles (https://plus.google.com/112387180007490505464)
Jan 16, 2013 – He will also, through executive action, urge private sellers to conduct ... In order to track weapons that are used for crimes, Obama will issue a ... Obama hopes to be able to gather more information on gun violence and misuse of ... like to expand that service so that low-income Americans have the same ...

Obama executive orders vastly empower psychiatry while gutting ... (http://www.naturalnews.com/038736_executive_orders_psychiatry_patients_rights .html)


Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:95OgnhE5yVcJ:www.naturalnews.com/038736_executive_orders_psychiatry_patients_rights .html+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPANDE D+ON+AND+MISUSED,&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

Jan 17, 2013 – This great expansion of psychiatric authority and power will ensure that ... Executive orders number 20-23 are another psychiatric marketing dream ... All of that has been changed overnight by Obama's executive orders. .... Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material.

Executive “Actions” Are Eradicating Our Rights | Conservative Daily (http://www.conservative-daily.com/2013/03/30/executive-actions-are-eradicating-our-rights/)


Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wxjywqC616AJ:www.conservative-daily.com/2013/03/30/executive-actions-are-eradicating-our-rights/+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPANDED+ON+ AND+MISUSED,&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

Mar 30, 2013 – American presidents have used Executive Orders since George Washington. ... President Obama is no exception. ... President Obama signed 23 Executive “<wbr>actions” to expand his anti-gun and anti-Second ... Constitutional advocates are up in arms over the misuse of power by the Obama Administration.

<s class="acts b w xsm">[PDF]</s>The 2013 Cybersecurity Executive Order: Overview and ... (https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42984.pdf)


Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:edAN08FimJMJ:https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R42984.pdf+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EX PANDED+ON+AND+MISUSED,&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

Mar 1, 2013 – an executive order designed to improve the cybersecurity of U.S. critical ... expanding to other CI sectors an existing Department of Homeland Security program for .... On February 12, 2013, President Obama issued Executive Order 13636, ... a means of communication.6 While no unclassified reports have ...

White House List of Obama's 23 Executive Orders on Gun Control ... (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/01/robert-farago/list-of-obamas-23-executive-orders-on-gun-control/)


Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KRZUS7-vpUUJ:www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/01/robert-farago/list-of-obamas-23-executive-orders-on-gun-control/+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPANDED+ON+ AND+MISUSED,&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

Jan 16, 2013 – Some of these executive orders seem like they just might ... Do a little research and see how many times he has used the system to take what he wants. ..... There is no overreach, no expansion of executive branch powers, and ..... But when you put them together the opportunity for misuse is easily apparent.

Republican attorneys general see Obama misuse of power ... (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/feb/26/republican-attorneys-general-see-obama-misuse-of-p/?page=all)

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAEAAeAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAgMEBgcAAf/EADsQAAIBAgQCBwUGBAcAAAAAAAECAwQRAAUSIRMxBiJBUWFxg RQjkaHRBxVCseHwMlKCwSQlM0NEcqL/xAAXAQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMA/8QAIREAAgICAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECERIhA0ETMUJRYXH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ADNNsBiWZOHGWPIEX+OItPyGHalOJSzIPxIR8sQsoS6jLYKxke XXdRyVreR88SKahip42MbSSSMt9UhucR8qqBXZdHISbuml7GxB 5HD9FTLSsWlqJ3CJYGR+qQSefj4+WHAx+WvSnsZNkZbgsRpxJS rgMKSyERgrq3bmB3YHzwJMTTOxBHvYWXttvYfngJPWPFMy8Ajc B3L3tY87EE/Da+NlQKLPSZpFU1zRosihUJV2GxA2O/h/cYfStgnkZEBLDvFrjvHhgMlRPc6KZuWk2tyPpy/LESavlpWR0gaMlgCbAgkkADa2NmbEs8hBUjhm3niFLPEoa5/h52H5bb4AffmYCMOyy2YL+E/i/q7L49WpmrYxIaYtexv1Rc4DmgqLH2zKCpkaAI25spBFm8j4Yak q4VZVRATYjcX5YaqpahIJGMBGlWIuQOzEGiWWuks6MqE9p1Eju va/zwjY1BenkEhBAH8VthYY6apo5JNE5iLJKEW+5BI7vj8MIjdIon mQHhRjTHpHPxt++WE07UdTUO8aIZEAN9HI8739cEAupCRKkaKF W/JRbHYYrZL1EMfazj4DfHYJj2DsxLUbYjQjliWgwgwLyOf2HMpq KTaN36vgez4j+2DtXRwFzVuoMiJY6msrL3HFaERzLN6pJ9ccSE ovDIuSLb4K9HniR5KQVTTgrdRJIHNwbEfp4YMZbxYz43jmFOJD mUQFMSukB45lGynu774bST2uThTWhq1BDpYWkHev0wqoE1IyNR QlxyaIHSvn54VVwQPRo9ezMy78VV6yn0xR7JACbMkaYRBJSqv1 Hja1mvzYDs5d+CMlPFUoumVRLdSVDhuRva/bhNRQSf6jRrVxkXE0R0vbx7/UYrU0aS3ENfeoYagoDBV/X92xNvH1KRg5bRYWy2J4VjVJwyhesV7jt249MUNHSaIJUaVBsG dbX8sBMvNVJTj2mWMOptqBJDeO18T6elVzYLNO3YEXQPid/lgX8Aobp6uSrnWFo3CsLaW6xB3/ABX5X7LeuCUcYnBp6U6o/wDenHIj+VfrhQoNA/xZWFGBIgivd7d57cTlSOaiX2dWi5FQeqVI77YZJ9gbRBqWlp/dxQFk0gJo5jvv2Yd4SQxEmyqouxO3xxClnrI5ZYkkh4oPWkaIm 5t3XHlgPSZ1UZ9TLAYRAwb3wVrhh2enhhclsZwkkrJdMTV1j1F iEAsgPdjsE6WnEMQUC2OwRWJjAC3JsB24BVfTLK6aN2i407LyE aWB9TbD/SzNI8sypo7nj1IKIFO4HafLs9cZkZwwbR1rE3Hz/vgpWZs0bI88izCjqq+WlWIuwV11cQKNO19ha9j52xCzHP6fJ4K fVTJoeY6PZyqugtfVsfLnbngT0Oqlips1VmKxyQqjKPxAk/Plv4nA+vSOvzSoWoVrNw4oyu2lgoGw5WwHxJuy3neGNGkdHul1 Bm3uTNplUXu66TbvPZ8MGquj9pYPJIzInWRAbAMO3GT9BY406R mnlBs0TpHc/wARsD+QONAk9qoIJnpqgrGqMdDbqNufhjOeLpk1DJWh2qzylya D/M6hadXYkRytrJ8AO7uGAeX57Q1bsKeaFtR6oAIOm/PkLYyfjvUs0k7NJKbFnkYsT5k4K5LKqTQMXkXRId0a1hzP78MG cM9MPHyOHoalQ59lEKz0glgNdxCRFJZNRIGwJ2O37GLHLUBIUk WQIg3awuCLYwPN0m+8KiSfctO9m7GIaxti4fZjm3BnraWcyvTL GGRN2CsDbYdl7/LDtKK+ie5O+y/wU87RER9UpJdSGZQRe/riboSmMk80x63PUdh4DAmXPah+pRUmgfzy/QfXFL6by12phVZhKI5EDoq7LtcFdvQ3+WEU4t0h/HJK2WJ6ygfNp6iEBgpszqw2PMht9v1xFhqctyvNnkqp6aiikgU RI50AnUdRvy7vnjOciqvu6qAUIYmBVlcXVbjZrd4Nt8EOlE01f MrSA6KSnSJjpAsSSfmWG+F8VSuykuS+OqNZiqIp4hJDIkiHkyM CD8MdjJ+gVUKfpFDCCwWVWQhTtci4v8PnjzDvRAX0lzGTOMxnn gsYQdETMdPUH63Prhvoxlzr7Y1QjEWXddxpO7Dzsp7cBpK+Egm FHhYte4OoDwF8WXJ+m0NDlgoKigMyIxdJOqHubX1bWPLDqkB7D GWdGp8noKtqqaGczBAiwkta25vsN7kbDxxWM74yVMiLEygMH1t tsdxYeoODDdP4SBw8ukRl3W0y2XuA6osPDAHNOkDZmxaeBRZSq aNtILFj277k+WEi5bTKTUPaP5RP92VtFUFutFKjSMN9r9b5Xxo n2i1nsHReqKmzT2gU/wDbn/5DYyhcwRJ0kEWpVYNw33U27DvexwZz3prWZ7QSUNfT0/Bdla8aFWBBvsSxxpRtpip0VJ5OG+q2xFvPB3JIgzOx7FU8++/0/ZsMCStNp08OQ/1D6YlUdcaQNwVPWte7dx8v35gYomuxQz0hYDK4DJYSJKoPfdku x9W39cd9nNRJH0hgRQpWpR421X3FtQt43UfPAyvzdq+n4NRBHo JQ3TqnqqAOXkMN0OYNQVUFVSIEmhbVGxa4B5crYE6kmgxtM2+K hZjeQhR3Yz/7T1Zc3o4SPcimut+0ljf8lwLPT/P2/wCRED4Qp9MCa/Pq/MZVmrpRUMmrSJVDBbnewIsBy28MThBRY8ptnUOUZjXBnoqVp0j 925UgDfdefM7HYeOLhV5ROITTCDivUREO43CSFbBTY220qQfHF Moc8zDLo3ioqmSFHfiMqnbVa1/hiZD0wziFQomRgG19eMHfDu7tGTWLTGpstzLIqqCeqg4L8TUhD X6y2Njbkdxt447CKnpHVVNvaKeils2r3sPE37+sTvtjzG/RD//Z►► (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/feb/26/republican-attorneys-general-see-obama-misuse-of-p/?page=all)
Feb 27, 2013
Top Republican legal officials say the Obama administration is ... in a good way — with Mr. Obama's precedent ...

More videos for NUMBER OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS ... » (http://www.debatepolicy.com/search?q=NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPA NDED+ON+AND+MISUSED,&lr=&as_qdr=all&source=univ&tbm=vid&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=JdurUeaGB8fVyAGN4oCYAw&ved=0CGcQqwQ)
Legal Briefings: Growth of the executive order, unchecked ... (http://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2013/01/16/sanders-legal-briefings-growth-of-the-executive-order-unchecked/)


Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4ywFd6RshvcJ:www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2013/01/16/sanders-legal-briefings-growth-of-the-executive-order-unchecked/+NUMBER+OF+EXECUTIVE+ORDERS+OBAMA+HAS+EXPANDED+ON+ AND+MISUSED,&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

Jan 16, 2013 – OPINION - Executive orders have existed in one form or another since ... However, when the federal government began to rapidly expand in the early ... Barack Obama's recent first term in office, the number of executive orders ... 1900s, the unfortunate result is the increasing misuse of executive orders to ...


Although I was kind enough to post this for your helpless azz.--Tyr

06-02-2013, 07:18 PM

Although I was kind enough to post this for your helpless azz.--Tyr

First page of what exactly? A bunch of google links from whatever search you typed in? Thanks. You know it would be helpful if you would argue the actual issue rather than arguing what you think I'm doing. I'm no fan of BO but arguing reality is much more important.

BTW, I liked this one:

Search Results
Obama turning to executive power to get what he wants | McClatchy (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/03/19/186309/obama-turning-to-executive-power.html)<cite style="font-style: inherit; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/.../obama-turning-to-executive-power.html</cite>‎

Spot on.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-03-2013, 12:33 AM
First page of what exactly? A bunch of google links from whatever search you typed in? Thanks. You know it would be helpful if you would argue the actual issue rather than arguing what you think I'm doing. I'm no fan of BO but arguing reality is much more important.

BTW, I liked this one:

Search Results
Obama turning to executive power to get what he wants | McClatchy (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/03/19/186309/obama-turning-to-executive-power.html)<cite style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-style: inherit;">www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/.../obama-turning-to-executive-power.html</cite>‎

Spot on.

Sure you like it you ffing little worm. The article defends the GD BASTARD FAR MORE THAN IT LEVELS ANY CRITICISMS OF HIS ACTIONS.
Yet when called a liberal, an appeaser or a damn shill you deny them all. However every damn chance you get you promote the GD ffing bastard. Kiss my ass , I am tired of your damn duplicity. --Tyr

red states rule
06-03-2013, 03:32 AM
Sure you like it you ffing little worm. The article defends the GD BASTARD FAR MORE THAN IT LEVELS ANY CRITICISMS OF HIS ACTIONS.
Yet when called a liberal, an appeaser or a damn shill you deny them all. However every damn chance you get you promote the GD ffing bastard. Kiss my ass , I am tired of your damn duplicity. --Tyr

He is the second coming of Virgil Tyr. No matter what - Obama is innocent of all charges regardless of the overwhelming mount of evidence proving the contrary in FU's world

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-03-2013, 07:46 AM
He is the second coming of Virgil Tyr. No matter what - Obama is innocent of all charges regardless of the overwhelming mount of evidence proving the contrary in FU's world

Sometimes his little game of duplicity just reaches a max with me and I tell him/she? how the the cow ate the cabbage. My previous post was me tired of his denials, why doesnt he just come out and admit to being a dem/obama shill?
Besides AT THIS POINT I have little use for anybody that doesnt at least dislike( or even better) absolutely hate that ffing obama. --Tyr

06-03-2013, 08:12 AM
Sure you like it you ffing little worm. The article defends the GD BASTARD FAR MORE THAN IT LEVELS ANY CRITICISMS OF HIS ACTIONS.

WTF are you talking about??? It was YOUR link that you were offering as some sort of proof of the evil BO and the destruction that he has wrought via overreaching Executive POWA!!! Just because the article doesn't veer off into rantville decrying every breath BO takes YOU think it "defends the GD BASTARD..." Man it gets old.

The problem for you is that, like my very first post in this thread, is that his EO actions are probably completely legal and based on previous legislation granted to the Executive and are a result of too much delegation being done by Congress. I hope that any illegal EOs are challenged and the next R POTUS rescinds what he can.

Yet when called a liberal, an appeaser or a damn shill you deny them all. However every damn chance you get you promote the GD ffing bastard. Kiss my ass , I am tired of your damn duplicity. --Tyr

Uh, yeah I deny it because it's not true. A thousand times I have asked for proof of my "appeasing" and being a liberal and a thousand times you and your pals have failed. I've got two posters so flustered that they continually takes pot shots while running away from actual debate.

But I'll try again; where have I promoted the "GD ffing bastard"?

06-03-2013, 08:14 AM
He is the second coming of Virgil Tyr. No matter what - Obama is innocent of all charges regardless of the overwhelming mount of evidence proving the contrary in FU's world

Sometimes his little game of duplicity just reaches a max with me and I tell him/she? how the the cow ate the cabbage. My previous post was me tired of his denials, why doesnt he just come out and admit to being a dem/obama shill?
Besides AT THIS POINT I have little use for anybody that doesnt at least dislike( or even better) absolutely hate that ffing obama. --Tyr

Groupthink lives at DP. :sad:

red states rule
06-12-2013, 05:43 AM