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View Full Version : In the Himalayas, Journeys of Faith and Flowers

05-31-2013, 04:32 PM
"Pilgrimages, religious or otherwise, are inspired by stories — some true, some fictional and some in which fact and legend are seamlessly stitched together. Regardless of their veracity, these stories resonate. The places where the stories are set become salient landmarks in the geographies of our imaginations. They seem to call to us from within, urging us to go to them and promising to complete us in some way if we do. Think of Jerusalem or Mecca, ground zero or even Graceland; these are not mere dots on a map, but places loaded with meaning that draw travelers to them. And when we go — when we reach these places that through their stories have reached into us — it’s as though our inner world unites with the outer. At least for a little while."

I just finished reading this and wondered if anyone here has had an experience like this or has a place in mind that would fit the description. Since my father's family was from Ireland, I have long wanted to visit that country and, since my faith has a connection to the old neolithic sites, I would especially want to see those.

06-01-2013, 06:38 PM
The Himalayas would be cool, as long as I wouldn't have to do any climbing.

There was a cool Bill Murray movie called the 'Razor's Edge' that had his journey there and his spiritual awakening as a partial focus of the story.
