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View Full Version : Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) dies at age 89

06-03-2013, 01:23 PM
Lautenberg, the last WWII vet to serve in the Senate, died from viral pneumonia.

Lautenberg was best known for turning law-abiding Americans into felons with the stroke of a pen.

When I filed for divorce a long time ago, the judge handed out routine restraining orders to me and my (now ex-) wife, saying each could not harass, attack, badmouth, commit violence etc. against the other. We both pointed out that there had never been the sightest hint of violence, threat etc. in our marriage. But the judge replied that these orders were routine in divorce cases and would have no real effect in the majority of cases.

I became a felon at that moment. A law sponsored by Frank Lautenberg and passed in 1996, forbids anyone who is under a restraining order that mentions "domestic violence", from owning a gun or even ammunition. I don't know how many thousdands of other people were similarly turned into felons by Mr. Lautenberg. At the same time, thousands of cops had to give up their service revolvers and get stuck on desk jobs.

When the divorce became final, the judge rescinded the orders, again routinely. My son lived with me for the next ten years. I taught him gun safety, how to shoot, how to care for weapons etc. He graduates from Univ. of Calif. next week.

Seven years after the orders were rescinded, the Statues of Limitations on my "crime" finally ran out.

BTW, the People's Republic of California recently passed laws authorizing police to go to the houses of felons in possession of firearms - even people who legally acquired their firearms but later became "felons" - raid their homes, and confiscate all firearms they could find.

I'm glad that Lautenberg is no longer in a position to make felons out of Americans who have done no wrong.

06-03-2013, 01:27 PM
RIP, Mr. Lautenberg. :salute:

Politics aside, he was in office when I just entered HS, brings back some memories. I won't miss his brand of politics though.

06-03-2013, 05:18 PM
I will only pay him the same respects I would for any other human, as in R.I.P.

Now that I have that out of the way. Lautenberg was a proven crook. More like that infamous Wolf in Sheep's clothing when it came to DOWN, and DIRTY politics New Jersey style.

The only politicians who will miss him...for his vote, are the other Democrat Crooks in the Senate.

Now, the guy everybody has been calling an OBAMA SUCKUP will be nominating a Replacement for the N.J. Senator.

Let's see how Christie REGAINS that popularity now.

06-03-2013, 05:46 PM
Christie: Appoint a democrat to replace one. Lose Republicans for 2016.

Appoint a republican because he can: Lost election in November.

Good luck with that rock and hard place, governor.

06-03-2013, 06:18 PM
Christie: Appoint a democrat to replace one. Lose Republicans for 2016.

Appoint a republican because he can: Lost election in November.

Good luck with that rock and hard place, governor.

Wonder why we're not hearing from everyone who...only yesterday, was calling Christie names, and a Suck Up to Obama???

06-03-2013, 10:16 PM
Wonder why we're not hearing from everyone who...only yesterday, was calling Christie names, and a Suck Up to Obama???

Advice, read once, read twice. The answer of my opinion is there.

06-04-2013, 02:29 PM
BTW, Christie just punted.

He announced there would be a Special Election to pick the replacement Senator.

So much for the rumors of Christie having any guts.

The people of New Jersey voted for him (a Republican) KNOWING that (a) Lautenberg was old and infirm, and (b) if a senator died in office, The Governor was charged with appointing a replacement.



NJ Gov. Chris Christie calls for special Senate election in Oct.

Published: Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Associated Press

TRENTON, N.J. — Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday set an October special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat made vacant by Frank Lautenberg's death, a decision that gets voters the quickest possible say on who will represent them but also preserves Christie as the top attraction on November's ballot.

The move means the state will have two statewide elections less than three weeks apart, a rare occurrence that's already drawing criticism.

At a news conference, Christie didn't answer the big question of whom he'll appoint to the seat in the meantime, but he said he has a list of possibilities in his head and will announce a decision quickly. He also says he's not obligated to nominate someone in line philosophically with the liberal Lautenberg.

The Republican governor's decision could bring criticism for putting more elections on the calendar, which can be expensive. The state Office of Legislative Services says each election costs the state about $12 million. Christie said the state will pick up the tab.

In this case, there would be two — an Aug. 13 primary and the special election on Oct. 16. The general election is Nov. 5.

Marcus Aurelius
06-04-2013, 02:38 PM
Wonder why we're not hearing from everyone who...only yesterday, was calling Christie names, and a Suck Up to Obama???

First, R.I.P. to Senator Lautenberg, and condolences to his family.

As for your post...

They aren't sure if they should laugh at his situation, or cry.

Christie set a special election for October, thus eliminating the problem for himself. Smart move.

06-04-2013, 02:40 PM
BTW, Christie just punted.

He announced there would be a Special Election to pick the replacement Senator.

So much for the rumors of Christie having any guts.

The people of New Jersey voted for him (a Republican) KNOWING that (a) Lautenberg was old and infirm, and (b) if a senator died in office, The Governor was charged with appointing a replacement.

But what is the relevant law?

The death of Lautenberg, a Democrat who died today of complications from viral pneumonia, gives the Republicans a chance to pick up another seat in the Senate. According to one New Jersey law, Christie has the authority to immediately appoint someone to fill out Lautenberg's term, which would end in 2014."The opportunity for Republicans to appoint an interim senator who is someone chosen with the thought of running for a full term in 2014 should be very attractive to the Republicans," said John Weingart, associate director of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University.
Another and more recent statute, however, calls for a special election to come at the next election, which would be this November when Christie faces off in his gubernatorial re-election bid against state Sen. Barbara Buono. (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/chris-christie-challenger-barbara-buono-lost-amid-obama/story?id=19278119)

He should appoint away with the opportunity. When Republican Coverdell died in office from GA the Dem Gov appointed a Dem Senator though fortunately it was Zell Miller.

Marcus Aurelius
06-04-2013, 02:42 PM
BTW, Christie just punted.

He announced there would be a Special Election to pick the replacement Senator.

So much for the rumors of Christie having any guts.

The people of New Jersey voted for him (a Republican) KNOWING that (a) Lautenberg was old and infirm, and (b) if a senator died in office, The Governor was charged with appointing a replacement.

I highly doubt that any significant number of NJ voters voted for Christie for that reason.

It was a smart move on Christie's part. He shows respect for a deceased Senator by not just throwing his position to a member of the opposite party. Also, by allowing the people of the state to determine Senator Lautenberg's replacement, he shows respect for the voters of Nj as well.

red states rule
06-04-2013, 05:05 PM
I highly doubt that any significant number of NJ voters voted for Christie for that reason.

It was a smart move on Christie's part. He shows respect for a deceased Senator by not just throwing his position to a member of the opposite party. Also, by allowing the people of the state to determine Senator Lautenberg's replacement, he shows respect for the voters of Nj as well.

As usual, he caved and shirked his responsibility

If he appointed a Republican, Chris would have lost his buddy Obama, and would no longer get all the glowing coverage from the liberal media

If he appointed a Dem, he would have PO'd the conservatives. Even though there are not that many in NJ

So he took the chicken shit way out. I am not surprised since the ONLY thing that matters to Chris is getting re-elected. He has kept Obama, the liberal media, and the left happy - which all he really cares about

06-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Good Person, Lousy Politician...

RIP Mr. Senator


red states rule
06-04-2013, 05:16 PM
First, R.I.P. to Senator Lautenberg, and condolences to his family.

Christie set a special election for October, thus eliminating the problem for himself. Smart move.

Yes it was a god move if the last thing you wanted from Chris was for him to make a decision

and yes RIP Mr Lautenberg

06-04-2013, 09:17 PM
We need to clean out the Senate and elect a new one. This is a start, anyway.

06-04-2013, 09:28 PM
We need to clean out the Senate and elect a new one. This is a start, anyway.

Repeal the 17th. Restore States Powa!

Marcus Aurelius
06-05-2013, 08:05 AM

Why Chris Christie Might Be a Genius1. The battlefield of presidential politics is littered with the bones of politicians who started thinking about Iowa before tending to their own re-election efforts.

2. Chris Christie was unlikely to win Iowa, but his moves might help in the states where he has a realistic path to victory.

3. If Christie does manage to win the Republican nomination, he will be much more formidable because of this step.

Way too much info to post snippets here, so go read. Worth a look.

red states rule
06-05-2013, 03:14 PM

Way too much info to post snippets here, so go read. Worth a look.

and I thought the liberal media had a slobbering love affair with Obama. You have them beat by a wide margin Marcus

Marcus Aurelius
06-05-2013, 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=643898#post643898) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/art...us_118696.html (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2013/06/05/why_chris_christie_might_be_a_genius_118696.html)

Way too much info to post snippets here, so go read. Worth a look.

and I thought the liberal media had a slobbering love affair with Obama. You have them beat by a wide margin Marcus

You're really not very bright, are you. I keep forgetting, anyone who doesn't hold their nose and wave their hand at the mere mention of Obama, must in your mind have a slobbering love affair with him. It's your way, or go fuck yourself...we get it.

red states rule
06-05-2013, 03:32 PM
You're really not very bright, are you. I keep forgetting, anyone who doesn't hold their nose and wave their hand at the mere mention of Obama, must in your mind have a slobbering love affair with him. It's your way, or go fuck yourself...we get it.

Spoken like a recent graduate of Gabby's School of Debating

Like Obama lovers, you are thin skinned over any objections raised about your guy

Attempts to shrink the size and cost of government are hampered by guys like Christie who has his hand out wanting other people's money and screams like hell when he is told he has wait to get the pork out of the spending bill

Or wimping out by not appointing a conservative to the Senate seat (assuming he is still a conservative)

and you do not seem to have a problem with it

Marcus Aurelius
06-05-2013, 03:46 PM
Spoken like a recent graduate of Gabby's School of Debating

Like Obama lovers, you are thin skinned over any objections raised about your guy

Attempts to shrink the size and cost of government are hampered by guys like Christie who has his hand out wanting other people's money and screams like hell when he is told he has wait to get the pork out of the spending bill

Or wimping out by not appointing a conservative to the Senate seat (assuming he is still a conservative)

and you do not seem to have a problem with it

You DO realize I'm a Republican, right? That I voted for McCain (met him in Philly at the Constitution Center and asked him about oil drilling in the US... it's floating around YouTube someplace), and have a Romney/Ryan bumper sticker still on my car, right?

Christie is doing exactly what any governor would do... what is best for his state. Live with it.

He decided to let the people decide, which anyone with a brain would say was a good idea. There's a whole thread I started on that topic, btw. look for it.

red states rule
06-05-2013, 03:53 PM
You DO realize I'm a Republican, right? That I voted for McCain (met him in Philly at the Constitution Center and asked him about oil drilling in the US... it's floating around YouTube someplace), and have a Romney/Ryan bumper sticker still on my car, right?

Christie is doing exactly what any governor would do... what is best for his state. Live with it.

He decided to let the people decide, which anyone with a brain would say was a good idea. There's a whole thread I started on that topic, btw. look for it.

Where did I say you were not a Republican? I pointed out how Chris tried to re-write history, ignored the pork in the Sandy bill, and I asked why he continues to suck up to Obama. You in turn has a fit over that

It is sad to see a promising conservative sell out for pure political gain

This thread shows Chris has zero guts to make a decision so he wimps out. Seems to me the last thing he wants to do is PO his buddy Obama and appoint a conservative to the Senate seat

06-05-2013, 03:58 PM
Where did I say you were not a Republican? I pointed out how Chris tried to re-write history, ignored the pork in the Sandy bill, and I asked why he continues to suck up to Obama. You in turn has a fit over that

It is sad to see a promising conservative sell out for pure political gain

This thread shows Chris has zero guts to make a decision so he wimps out. Seems to me the last thing he wants to do is PO his buddy Obama and appoint a conservative to the Senate seat

red states rule. The Gov. didn't SELL OUT to anyone. He has a state, and federal Constitutional Mandate to follow in providing for the protection of the people of New Jersey.
Every other governor in this country, from coast to coast...during EMERGENCY conditions...like Bobby Jindal of La., has taken Federal Assistance Funds at some time. Even Haley Barber during Katrina accepted, and asked for funds from FEMA.
Gov. Christie is FIRST...a Gov. and Second. A Politician.
Though we distrust almost all of them. As I do.
I would probably do the same things.

red states rule
06-05-2013, 04:02 PM
red states rule. The Gov. didn't SELL OUT to anyone. He has a state, and federal Constitutional Mandate to follow in providing for the protection of the people of New Jersey.
Every other governor in this country, from coast to coast...during EMERGENCY conditions...like Bobby Jindal of La., has taken Federal Assistance Funds at some time. Even Haley Barber during Katrina accepted, and asked for funds from FEMA.
Gov. Christie is FIRST...a Gov. and Second. A Politician.
Though we distrust almost all of them. As I do.
I would probably do the same things.

AT, I am talking about Chris LYING about the pork in the relief bill, and whining over R's trying to take that pork out of the bill - then sending him the money

His nonstop sucking up to Obama is disgusting to see considering he has gotten his relief money

Now all of us call Obama out on his lies, but some here do not want to do the same when it comes to Christie

Like the umpire in baseball I am calling them as I see them AT

06-05-2013, 04:49 PM
AT, I am talking about Chris LYING about the pork in the relief bill, and whining over R's trying to take that pork out of the bill - then sending him the money

His nonstop sucking up to Obama is disgusting to see considering he has gotten his relief money

Now all of us call Obama out on his lies, but some here do not want to do the same when it comes to Christie

Like the umpire in baseball I am calling them as I see them AT

And you have every right to do so. Truthfully. I have no dog in that fight since I don't live in the NorthEast...thank GOD.

I do however have the ability to IMAGINE how I would feel if I lived up there, and had to go through what all of you obviously are.
Obama and the system failed, and continues to fail. As for what you call Christie Lies. You obviously have information about him I haven't seen, or heard.
I will repeat my stand on ALL POLITICIANS....I DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM.

red states rule
06-05-2013, 05:01 PM
And you have every right to do so. Truthfully. I have no dog in that fight since I don't live in the NorthEast...thank GOD.

I do however have the ability to IMAGINE how I would feel if I lived up there, and had to go through what all of you obviously are.
Obama and the system failed, and continues to fail. As for what you call Christie Lies. You obviously have information about him I haven't seen, or heard.
I will repeat my stand on ALL POLITICIANS....I DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM.

I do not have a dog in this fight either. I live in another blue state and have to deal with tax and spend libs who want every cent I have in my wallet and bank accounts

Here is the article on Chris rewriting history AT and the artivcle Marcus ignored on the other thread

Chris Christie Tries to Rewrite Own History on Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill

On January 1 Speaker John Boehner made the decision to pull the Hurricane Sandy Relief bill from a vote because it was full of pork and pet projects. The bill included everything from funding for Amtrak to Alaska fisheries, hardly close to helping those devastated by the storm. As a reminder: (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/little_help_here_1kW6aQ8fElj4CKwbheEV0N)

The pork-barrel feast includes more than $8 million to buy cars and equipment for the Homeland Security and Justice departments. It also includes a whopping $150 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to dole out to fisheries in Alaska and $2 million for the Smithsonian Institution to repair museum roofs in DC.

An eye-popping $13 billion would go to “mitigation” projects to prepare for future storms.

Other big-ticket items in the bill include $207 million for the VA Manhattan Medical Center; $41 million to fix up eight military bases along the storm’s path, including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; $4 million for repairs at Kennedy Space Center in Florida; $3.3 million for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center and $1.1 million to repair national cemeteries.

Budget watchdogs have dubbed the 94-page emergency-spending bill “Sandy Scam.”

Regardless of the original "Sandy Relief Bill" not really being about Sandy relief, Boehner's move prompted New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to hold an angry press conference the next day. He berated House Republicans for the failure of the bill.

"There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims, the House majority and their Speaker John Boehner," Christie said.

Throughout seven minutes of official remarks in response to Boehner's move, Christie didn't mention pet projects a single time. Finally, at the very end of the press conference (27 minute mark) in response to a reporter, Christie pointed out some of the pet projects put into the bill.

On January 4, (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/05/nyregion/house-passes-9-7-billion-in-relief-for-hurricane-sandy-victims.html?_r=0)a bill to replenish the federal government's flood insurance fund was passed by the House and Senate and was signed by President Obama. On January 15, (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/15/sandy-relief-measure-passes_n_2480328.html) the House passed a $51 billion Sandy Relief package and it wasn't until January 29 that the remainder of the relief passed (http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/28/politics/senate-sandy) after stalling from the Democratic controlled Senate for weeks.

Today, Christie is claiming he never supported a pork ridden bill and demanded pork be stripped out of Sandy Relief from the beginning, which isn't true.
"My criticism was after they did not pass the GOP version of the bill without the pork in last Congress," posted on Twitter today.

In fact, he helped solicit votes for the pork ridden version of the bill Boehner pulled.

"My help was enlisted in rounding up votes. I spoke to members from all over the country. I spent most of New Years Eve and New Years Day on the phone with members of Congress from all over the country soliciting their support and vote for this package," Christie said on January 2.

The entire reason Christie held the press conference above was in response to the bill pulled on January 1, not the amended versions passed later in January.


06-05-2013, 05:15 PM
I do not have a dog in this fight either. I live in another blue state and have to deal with tax and spend libs who want every cent I have in my wallet and bank accounts

Here is the article on Chris rewriting history AT and the artivcle Marcus ignored on the other thread

Thanks red states rule. Looks like nobody can really be trusted. As I suspected from the get-go.
So. I will repeat my stand on ALL POLITICIANS....I DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM.

In fact. Despite their sex, or size. To me. All POLITICIANS have been proven to be "GELDINGS".

red states rule
06-05-2013, 05:19 PM
Thanks red states rule. Looks like nobody can really be trusted. As I suspected from the get-go.
So. I will repeat my stand on ALL POLITICIANS....I DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM.

In fact. Despite their sex, or size. To me. All POLITICIANS have been proven to be "GELDINGS".

At least you can admit the obvious about Chris - unlike Marcus

We are slowly drowning in debt and Chris wanted his share and did not give a damn about the US taxpayers and how their money was spent. Like teenagers spending Mom and Dad's money - they do not give a damn about the cost since it someone else's money

red states rule
06-06-2013, 10:58 AM
Thanks red states rule. Looks like nobody can really be trusted. As I suspected from the get-go.
So. I will repeat my stand on ALL POLITICIANS....I DO NOT TRUST ANY OF THEM.

In fact. Despite their sex, or size. To me. All POLITICIANS have been proven to be "GELDINGS".

At least you admitted the truth about Chris while mArcus has remained silent

It is clear Marcus is cut from the same cloth as Chris Matthews

Chris is from the left side and Marcus is from the right

Both are fountains of misinformation

Marcus Aurelius
06-06-2013, 02:00 PM

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday appointed state Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa to temporarily fill the seat held by the late Frank Lautenberg.

Chiesa, a Republican, will hold the seat until a special election, which Christie set for Oct. 16. Chiesa does not plan to run in that election, Christie said.

There ya go. Proof positive that Christie is Obama's bitch, right?

Dumb ass.

Marcus Aurelius
06-06-2013, 02:10 PM
At least you admitted the truth about Chris while mArcus has remained silent

It is clear Marcus is cut from the same cloth as Chris Matthews

Chris is from the left side and Marcus is from the right

Both are fountains of misinformation

you're a fountain of horse shit. EVERY claim I make, I back up with links... usually more than one. YOU, however, have rarely written a post that isn't dripping with misinformation, hyperbole, or stupidity.

06-06-2013, 02:22 PM
At least you admitted the truth about Chris while mArcus has remained silent

It is clear Marcus is cut from the same cloth as Chris Matthews

Chris is from the left side and Marcus is from the right

Both are fountains of misinformation

The One, and Only thing I admitted was...MY DISTRUST FOR ALL POLITICIANS.

Why does everything have to be a reason to argue about every little detail all the time?

How can ANYONE expect to be heard, listened to, or taken seriously for ANYTHING..when the rule of thumb must always be:

This stuff is totally FOOLISH.
None of us are, or will ever be in GOV. CHRISTIES brain...we don't know what he's thinking. And he certainly
doesn't come here to DP looking for answers to his problems.
No wonder we're all at each other's throats so much.
NOBODY, but NOBODY can be trusted.

Marcus Aurelius
06-06-2013, 02:58 PM

However, the governor ensured that a high-profile Democratic Senate candidate would not be running at the top of the ticket this November, when he and other Republicans are running in the main general election. Such a candidate on the ballot could help attract support to other Democrats running for lower-level office.

Further proof that all Christie does, is to benefit Obama.:rolleyes:

red states rule
06-07-2013, 06:30 AM

Further proof that all Christie does, is to benefit Obama.:rolleyes:

and the special election is only costing NJ taxpayers $12 to $13 million dollars. A small price for others to pay right Marcus?

Botom line is there is no reason to have the special election EXCEPT for the politcal benefit of Chris

Whcih you seem to be happy with

Marcus Aurelius
06-07-2013, 07:04 AM
and the special election is only costing NJ taxpayers $12 to $13 million dollars. A small price for others to pay right Marcus?

Botom line is there is no reason to have the special election EXCEPT for the politcal benefit of Chris

Whcih you seem to be happy with

So, you're saying you prefer to have your politicians appointed, rather than elected. Got it.

I guess the NJ population doesn't agree with you. They must all be Obamabots, right?

Dumb ass.

red states rule
06-07-2013, 07:08 AM
So, you're saying you prefer to have your politicians appointed, rather than elected. Got it.

I guess the NJ population doesn't agree with you. They must all be Obamabots, right?

Dumb ass.

The Gov does appoint according to the law. Your slobbering love affair with Chris has turned you into a male version of Gabby

First you did not care about the BILLIONS in pork that were in the Sandy relief bill

Now you do not care about the millions wasted on a special election that does not need to need held

When it comes to YOUR guy you are very generous with other people's money Marcus

Marcus Aurelius
06-07-2013, 07:17 AM
The Gov does appoint according to the law. Your slobbering love affair with Chris has turned you into a male version of Gabby

First you did not care about the BILLIONS in pork that were in the Sandy relief bill

Now you do not care about the millions wasted on a special election that does not need to need held

When it comes to YOUR guy you are very generous with other people's money Marcus

Again, so, you're saying you prefer to have your politicians appointed, rather than elected. Got it.

I guess the NJ population doesn't agree with you. They must all be Obamabots, right?

Dumb ass.

red states rule
06-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Again, so, you're saying you prefer to have your politicians appointed, rather than elected. Got it.

I guess the NJ population doesn't agree with you. They must all be Obamabots, right?

Dumb ass.

Sorry if you are such a Chris Christie hack to admit what the law is

When it comes to Obama you have one set of standards - but when it come to your guy Chris - well what standards?

I must admit Marcus in additon to your very short fuse and hot temper - when defending Christie you have more positions then a stripper doing her pole dance

Marcus Aurelius
06-07-2013, 07:32 AM
Sorry if you are such a Chris Christie hack to admit what the law is

When it comes to Obama you have one set of standards - but when it come to your guy Chris - well what standards?

I must admit Marcus in additon to your very short fuse and hot temper - when defending Christie you have more positions then a stripper doing her pole dance

A... he followed the law, which allows him to appoint someone to the seat, and allows him to call a special election. He did his job.

B...My standards do not change based on party affiliation, unlike yours which are based ONLY on party affiliation.

C... This is what I was taking about when I said the vast majority of your posts are nothing but hyperbole.

Enjoy your blind stupidity. The rest of us prefer to walk in the daylight, regardless of what it brings.

red states rule
06-08-2013, 01:10 PM