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View Full Version : Republicans should support Hillary's candidacy

06-04-2007, 05:29 PM
I fail to see why so many Republicans continue to attack Hillary Clinton. She is the worst of all possible Democratic options. The fact that Hillary is a Clinton, plus being a totally distrustful oscillating lunatic, would guarantee her defeat in the general election.

Hillary is the GOP's only chance for retaining the White House. Republicans should totally endorse her run for the nomination.

06-04-2007, 06:09 PM
Gabs, you realize you guys dont have a single qualified candidate dont you? Doesn't matter who it is, you guys are going to lose. The Republicans have the issues and the leadership skills.

Vote in the one you think is the best. Bring it on. He/she is going to lose big time.

With that said, do you really think we want the worst possible candidate on either side? Why on earth would we suppose Hillary (or any other Democrat for the primary) when it means they could potentially (However slight the potential) win the general? it makes no sense to want the worst candidates on either side to win.

However, im not worried about Hillary or anyone else.

06-04-2007, 09:38 PM
I fail to see why so many Republicans continue to attack Hillary Clinton. She is the worst of all possible Democratic options. The fact that Hillary is a Clinton, plus being a totally distrustful oscillating lunatic, would guarantee her defeat in the general election.

Hillary is the GOP's only chance for retaining the White House. Republicans should totally endorse her run for the nomination.


06-05-2007, 01:51 AM
Hillary is the strongest Republican on either ticket. Barring a strong 3rd party entrance in this election she is a shoe in.

06-05-2007, 01:55 AM
they're right, hillary is neocon scum... right along with mccain, giuliani, and romney and about 99% of the republican party.

06-05-2007, 01:56 AM
Hillary is the strongest Republican on either ticket. Barring a strong 3rd party entrance in this election she is a shoe in.


06-05-2007, 02:00 AM
is everyone going insane?

06-05-2007, 02:17 AM
Maybe it's just you, a4321.

is everyone going insane?

Pick you up some smoke and a beer and just relax. You take yourself far more seriously than anyone else does.

06-05-2007, 07:54 AM
Hitlery has a very good chance of winning the election. Her being a woman will get many votes for the many femi-nazi females in this country.

06-05-2007, 05:20 PM
Hillary is the GOP's only chance for retaining the White House. Republicans should totally endorse her run for the nomination.

That will happen... right after al-Qaeda blows up Mecca and Vladimir Putin surrenders to Uruguay.

06-05-2007, 05:35 PM
I garantee the neocon media, sometime before the elections, will make a big push for republicans to support hillary clinton, she's the worst thing for america, but the best thing for the neocon aholes that plugged bush in there.

so should republicans... no
will a lot of republicans... yes, sadly

06-05-2007, 05:37 PM
I garantee the neocon media, sometime before the elections, will make a big push for republicans to support hillary clinton, she's the worst thing for america, but the best thing for the neocon aholes that plugged bush in there.

And I guarantee that you will be able to count the "neocon" votes for Hillary on one hand.

06-05-2007, 05:51 PM
All the media except FOX will push hitlery and no conservatives will vote for her. FOX is pushing guliani, mccain and romney, and no conservatives will vote for any of them.

06-05-2007, 06:04 PM
I hope you all realize that it does not matter who the GOP nominates in 2008. The eventual nominee will be tainted by Bush's fuckups and have no chance. Very few will vote FOR the Dem nominee. They will be voting AGAINST the Bush legacy. Because that is how politics works.
That is how you got Clinton in office. The American populace voted against another four years of Reaganomics.
You might as well face the facts. The Bushies have doomed Republican politics for the next decade or so. You are screwed.

06-05-2007, 06:20 PM
Hillary is the strongest Republican on either ticket. Barring a strong 3rd party entrance in this election she is a shoe in.

This coming from a born liar lol.

Hillary has zero chance, men won't vote for a woman. Better yet nominate Barack baby, see how many people vote for a Black.......just on skin color alone.

06-05-2007, 06:23 PM
Hilary has zero chance. She is a hypocritical liar.
I will vote for Obama because he has intelligence and integrity. Two things missing in the current President.

06-05-2007, 07:46 PM
Hilary has zero chance. She is a hypocritical liar.
I will vote for Obama because he has intelligence and integrity. Two things missing in the current President.

Obama will lose........because of the White vote, with Blacks only comprising 13% of the population there simply aren't the numbers available for victory.

Oh I know, I know, you see many Whites at his stump speeches and so forth.......in the anonymity of the polling booth ain't no way Whites voting for a Black, especially a Black muslim.

I hope that either Hillary or Barack gets the nomination, neither stands a chance in the general. I fear Edwards though, he's just enough of a slick conman and just stupid enough like Bubba to get elected.

06-05-2007, 08:33 PM
I hope you all realize that it does not matter who the GOP nominates in 2008. The eventual nominee will be tainted by Bush's fuckups and have no chance. Very few will vote FOR the Dem nominee. They will be voting AGAINST the Bush legacy. Because that is how politics works.
That is how you got Clinton in office. The American populace voted against another four years of Reaganomics.
You might as well face the facts. The Bushies have doomed Republican politics for the next decade or so. You are screwed.

Wishful thinking. Thompson can carry the Republican, conservative and moderate votes. NO OTHER candidate from either side can do that.

The fact that the Dems don't have legitimate candidates to the Presidency has doomed them. YOU are screwed.

GW in Ohio
06-06-2007, 09:17 AM
Obama will lose........because of the White vote, with Blacks only comprising 13% of the population there simply aren't the numbers available for victory.

Oh I know, I know, you see many Whites at his stump speeches and so forth.......in the anonymity of the polling booth ain't no way Whites voting for a Black, especially a Black muslim.

I hope that either Hillary or Barack gets the nomination, neither stands a chance in the general. I fear Edwards though, he's just enough of a slick conman and just stupid enough like Bubba to get elected.

1. Do you actually think that white people will only vote for a white candidate? Are you stuck back in the 1950s? Do you still have your Buick Hydraflow automobile?

2. Obama is not a Muslim. Are you playing at being a dumb cracker, or are you actually a dumb cracker?

06-06-2007, 10:24 AM
1. Do you actually think that white people will only vote for a white candidate? Are you stuck back in the 1950s? Do you still have your Buick Hydraflow automobile?

2. Obama is not a Muslim. Are you playing at being a dumb cracker, or are you actually a dumb cracker?

Sure that motherfucker is a Muslim only he won't come out with it because that shit don't fly here.

Been to the South lately? I have, went to school there and I can guarantee you no Whites will vote for a Black presidential candidate therefore he won't carry 1 southern state and therefore could never get elected.

Your simplistic view of America being this wonderfully tolerant and lover of all cultures is simply naive.

06-06-2007, 10:30 AM
Mr. Obama the Muslim:


06-06-2007, 10:43 AM
Mr. Obama the Muslim:


I have seen that report before. I does not convince me that he is a practicing Muslim.

06-06-2007, 10:45 AM
I have seen that report before. I does not convince me that he is a practicing Muslim.

Ok Biker noted, what will it take though to make you see that he's a surface Christian and and an at heart Muslim?

06-06-2007, 10:53 AM
Well if he wants to be a muslim he certianly can be and do what muslims do. He should squat down and pray 5 times a day pointing toward Mecca. He has displayed other church activities, does he do this out of faith or political cacluation? I believe he is more likely a politician at heart than a religious follower.

06-06-2007, 12:35 PM
I will vote for Obama because he has intelligence and integrity. Two things missing in the current President.

Why will you vote for Obama other than he is a good public speaker??

What are his politics regarding immigration? Abortion? Do you know?

Because I haven't heard him state anything other than he voted against the war.

What else does he have going for him? He has no experience.

06-07-2007, 07:30 AM
You are correct, 5stringer, and I repeat as you have stated, "Hillary is no neocon."

And I guarantee that you will be able to count the "neocon" votes for Hillary on one hand.

She is, however, the most conservative in the traditional sense of any candidate whether Repuplican or Democratic now running.

06-07-2007, 08:52 AM
She is, however, the most conservative in the traditional sense of any candidate whether Repuplican or Democratic now running.

How is this conservative?


06-07-2007, 10:05 AM
How is this conservative?


"I wanna take those profits from the companies, the companies that sweated for those profits and invest those profits for those companies because I know what is best"

Read between the lines for everyone.

Yes, very conservative.

Politics ain't Psycho's cup of tea.

Pale Rider
06-08-2007, 07:32 PM
All the media except FOX will push hitlery and no conservatives will vote for her. FOX is pushing guliani, mccain and romney, and no conservatives will vote for any of them.

Very true. Giuliani, not a true conservative, will not be President on the republican ticket. McCain, liberal in practice, conservative by name only, stick a fork in him, he's done. Romney, a little too much flash in the pan, no second act, I get the impression with him we'd have more status quo. And whether or not people will admit it, him being a Mormon will hurt him.

The TRUE conservatives that it will boil down to are Newt Gingrich, Fred Thompson, and Tom Tancredo. Maybe Huckabee.

06-08-2007, 07:47 PM
Gabs, you realize you guys dont have a single qualified candidate dont you? Doesn't matter who it is, you guys are going to lose. The Republicans have the issues and the leadership skills.

Vote in the one you think is the best. Bring it on. He/she is going to lose big time.

With that said, do you really think we want the worst possible candidate on either side? Why on earth would we suppose Hillary (or any other Democrat for the primary) when it means they could potentially (However slight the potential) win the general? it makes no sense to want the worst candidates on either side to win.

However, im not worried about Hillary or anyone else.

Actually I hate to say it but Dodd is more then qualified and if I had a severe brain fart and voted Democrat I would vote for him. I would sure as hell vite for him over a couple of republican Candidates that are running.