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View Full Version : Tax deductions for political broadcasting?

06-05-2013, 11:56 AM
Tax deductions for political broadcasting?</SPAN></SPAN>

Electronic broadcasting is considered by to be the most per capita cost effective method to modify or inform large populations.</SPAN></SPAN>

Doesn’t every Exxon commercial promote the petroleum industry; directly or indirectly putting forte Exxon’s viewpoints regarding environment regulations?</SPAN></SPAN>
I’m opposed to prescription drugs being peddled in a similar manner as cosmetics or laundry detergents. Others object to promotion of alcoholic beverages or of contraceptives.</SPAN></SPAN>

Isn’t every broadcasting commercial a potential opportunity to discuss a political issue? Doesn’t discussion of political issue indirectly promote or argue positions taken by various political candidates regarding those issues? Thus isn’t every commercial actually a current or will or can become a potential future political position?</SPAN></SPAN>

There’s conceivable method to actually enforce both the explicitly drafted and the purposes of our current federal laws which deny tax deductions for expenditure regarding political candidates. We should:</SPAN></SPAN>

Unbundle the prices of broadcasting time and date transactions from the prices of “content” products and services.</SPAN></SPAN>
Eliminate tax deductions for broadcasting time expenditures regardless of what’s the broadcasts purpose.</SPAN></SPAN>

I prefer complete elimination of such tax deductions but at very least eliminate them for some duration prior to elections for federal office. We could eliminate them for broadcasts 45 or 30 days prior to the elections.</SPAN></SPAN>

Respectfully, Supposn</SPAN> </SPAN>

06-05-2013, 01:37 PM
Tax deductions for political broadcasting?


There’s conceivable method to actually enforce both the explicitly drafted and the purposes of our current federal laws which deny tax deductions for expenditure regarding political candidates. We should:

Unbundle the prices of broadcasting time and date transactions from the prices of “content” products and services.
Eliminate tax deductions for broadcasting time expenditures regardless of what’s the broadcasts purpose.

I prefer complete elimination of such tax deductions but at very least eliminate them for some duration prior to elections for federal office. We could eliminate them for broadcasts 45 or 30 days prior to the elections.

Of course, it's a business expense however I'm not aware of too many corporations that actually put out political broadcasting; that sort of thing is done through PACs and direct contributions to candidates. Nevertheless will you also support the ending of tax deductions for news and punditry programs if the venture into the giving of political opinion and offering statements of support? Here is an excerpt from someone far more versed than I in the subject


Justice Alito takes on critics of Citizens United case (http://news.msn.com/politics/justice-alito-takes-on-critics-of-citizens-united-case)

He said opponents of the 5-4 decision have conducted an effective, but misleading, public relations campaign by stressing that the court extended free speech rights to corporations.He even praised opponents' pithy cleverness, noting such bumper stickers as "Life Does Not Begin at Incorporation."
But Alito rattled off the names of the nation's leading newspapers and television networks, all owned by corporations and possessing acknowledged rights to print and say what they wish about politics and government.
"The question is whether speech that goes to the very heart of government should be limited to certain preferred corporations; namely, media corporations," he said. "Surely the idea that the First Amendment protects only certain privileged voices should be disturbing to anybody who believes in free speech."


BTW, why don't any of your suggestions ever rely on less government regulation and intrusion?