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06-08-2013, 02:21 AM
hint: College


Will This Stop Kids From Dropping Out of High School?As the school year winds down, President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan are dropping in on schools around the country.

In the last month, President Obama has delivered commencement speeches (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/05/18069134-obama-calls-for-citizenship-in-ohio-state-commencement-speech-focused-on-civic-duty?lite), yesterday he kicked off the start of ConnectED, a program expanding high-speed internet access to all public schools in the U.S., and today Duncan visited a New York City high school to discuss High School Redesign, a $300 million competitive grant program.

The plan would invest in programs that would bring “major changes to the American high school experience” and improve career and technical education. Grants would be awarded to school districts seeking to overhaul science, technology, engineering, and math curriculum (http://www.takepart.com/article/2013/04/11/new-science-standards-welcome-climate-change-and-evolution-into-schools), as well as those that create partnerships with nonprofit groups, businesses, and other higher education institutions. Schools in high-poverty and rural districts will receive special consideration.


06-08-2013, 07:29 PM
You can bet those grants have strings attached.

06-08-2013, 08:01 PM
The kids that are high achieving in the areas cited need basic tech, good teachers, and good texts.

Kids that aren't achieving need programs that actually can get them excited about trades, skills that they'd need to start their own businesses, etc. Again, costs to do so aren't high, indeed in many cases getting volunteers from unions or local self-employed can be brought in as assistants, mentors, or guest speakers. Bankers can be brought in to explain what's necessary to get loans.

Not all belong in college, either because of skills or interests.

Robert A Whit
06-08-2013, 08:29 PM
Obama understands one thing well.

That if you funnel cash to schools, you have democrats for life.

06-08-2013, 08:43 PM
Democrats have a propensity for dropping out of school.

06-09-2013, 12:31 AM
Schools aren't as wholly political as it seems, local control is still a force. As I've posted over the past 3 years, in wealthier high school districts in Chicagoland, it's a growing push to say to kids and parents, "Jr college is a good choice for many, especially those that tuition is a burden or are unclear on what college course of study they may want to pursue." For many students, jobs out of high school are a necessity and/or one they wish to make. Yes, the high schools have begun to recognize this. They are informing teachers of how to write a strong recommendation for students that deserve one. Many wish to pursue jobs in retail, auto, hair/nail/make up styling, etc. No need in some areas for degree or license. Some want additional training and all teachers again, have prompts in the necessary points to hit for letters of recommendation.

Yes, there are also instructions for teachers to break it to a student that they cannot write a favorable letter of recommendation. Reasons may include tardies, disrespect, cheating, cutting class. And again, yes, suggestions are given when students plead for mercy. 'Johnny really seems committed to pursuing this venue for his future. While he had many problems with attending class in timely manner, in the past 6 weeks he's not missed class or been tardy. While this may be a small window in time, it's the period when he realized he really wants this opportunity and may be much more reflective of his future than the months proceeding. When in class, Johnny is amiable and contributes when he can.'

One must remember, which most employers dealing with 18 year olds get, that they can change in moments, not just weeks and months.