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View Full Version : WOW....just wow

06-08-2013, 03:32 PM
I debated on posting this here or in the lounge....but seeing that it is politically related I decided here.

I just got off the phone with my mother. She called because she had seen my facebook post about the recruiter calling for my 17 year old.

Which got us in to the topic of politics.

As we are discussing the scandals of the past few weeks she says to me "well you know back when I first married your dad I was registered as an independent, and I don't know what happen, but some how they had me registered as a democrat."

I said wait....stop...hold on....please... please..... please.......... tell me you did not vote strictly democrat because they have you listed as a democrat. Her response " well yeah! That's how I am listed"

(face palm)

06-08-2013, 03:34 PM
I debated on posting this here or in the lounge....but seeing that it is politically related I decided here.

I just got off the phone with my mother. She called because she had seen my facebook post about the recruiter calling for my 17 year old.

Which got us in to the topic of politics.

As we are discussing the scandals of the past few weeks she says to me "well you know back when I first married your dad I was registered as an independent, and I don't know what happen, but some how they had me registered as a democrat."

I said wait....stop...hold on....please... please..... please.......... tell me you did not vote strictly democrat because they have you listed as a democrat. Her response " well yeah! That's how I am listed"

(face palm)

I am speechless!

Anton Chigurh
06-08-2013, 03:42 PM

06-08-2013, 03:44 PM

:2up: exactly!!

06-08-2013, 04:07 PM
I debated on posting this here or in the lounge....but seeing that it is politically related I decided here.

I just got off the phone with my mother. She called because she had seen my facebook post about the recruiter calling for my 17 year old.

Which got us in to the topic of politics.

As we are discussing the scandals of the past few weeks she says to me "well you know back when I first married your dad I was registered as an independent, and I don't know what happen, but some how they had me registered as a democrat."

I said wait....stop...hold on....please... please..... please.......... tell me you did not vote strictly democrat because they have you listed as a democrat. Her response " well yeah! That's how I am listed"

(face palm)

Trinity. Please don't take this wrong but...sadly. That case with your Mom isn't all that unusual these days.
In fact. Hearing you report it about your Mother sort of adds credence to what I have been trying to tell people for many, many years. Not to disrespect your Mother, or people like her but...That shows how generally Uninformed, and I dare say...Uneducated so many Americans really are, and have been for many years.
I'll give you another example, and tell you. My Mother, who died in 2000. Was also a Registered Democrat...because she never bothered changing it...after she convinced me to vote for Jimmy Carter.
Before my Mom died. We found she was writing checks from her checking account to buy all sorts of new furniture, and even pay her prescription bills. Nothing unusual about that except. Since my Dad always took care of the finances before he passed.
Mom didn't know...YOU DEDUCT when you write a check, and DO NOT ADD to the balance after writing a check.
We found out when SEARS, and J.C. Penny tried to SUE me, and my wife for my Mother's debts.
So. If what you told us can be multiplied by Millions, and Millions of people who vote that way.
Is it any wonder WE ARE ALL BEING RAPED???

red states rule
06-08-2013, 04:13 PM

06-08-2013, 04:50 PM
We are talking about a world class ding bat here. Archie Bunkers wife doesn't hold a candle to Trinity's mother. Most people gain wisdom as they age. She has never gained an ounce and loses it with each year. She's not a bad person, she's just mentally disabled or down right stupid. I lean toward the latter.

06-08-2013, 06:32 PM

06-08-2013, 07:40 PM

Damn I didn't know I could get a triple face palm...... can we get a quadruple? :laugh:

06-08-2013, 07:45 PM
Trinity. Please don't take this wrong but...sadly. That case with your Mom isn't all that unusual these days.
In fact. Hearing you report it about your Mother sort of adds credence to what I have been trying to tell people for many, many years. Not to disrespect your Mother, or people like her but...That shows how generally Uninformed, and I dare say...Uneducated so many Americans really are, and have been for many years.
I'll give you another example, and tell you. My Mother, who died in 2000. Was also a Registered Democrat...because she never bothered changing it...after she convinced me to vote for Jimmy Carter.
Before my Mom died. We found she was writing checks from her checking account to buy all sorts of new furniture, and even pay her prescription bills. Nothing unusual about that except. Since my Dad always took care of the finances before he passed.
Mom didn't know...YOU DEDUCT when you write a check, and DO NOT ADD to the balance after writing a check.
We found out when SEARS, and J.C. Penny tried to SUE me, and my wife for my Mother's debts.
So. If what you told us can be multiplied by Millions, and Millions of people who vote that way.
Is it any wonder WE ARE ALL BEING RAPED???

No offense taken....and after hearing my own mother say that, I stopped and thought crap how many others in this country are thinking that way?! Well if nothing else she has at least decided she will no longer vote, because she now understands that she clearly does not understand the process. :salute:

red states rule
06-09-2013, 05:33 AM

06-09-2013, 06:40 AM
Damn I didn't know I could get a triple face palm...... can we get a quadruple? :laugh:https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5959502848/h8B2B143D/

red states rule
06-09-2013, 06:46 AM

06-09-2013, 07:07 AM
We are talking about a world class ding bat here. Archie Bunkers wife doesn't hold a candle to Trinity's mother. Most people gain wisdom as they age. She has never gained an ounce and loses it with each year. She's not a bad person, she's just mentally disabled or down right stupid. I lean toward the latter.

Sounds like she must be related to my X :laugh:

red states rule
06-09-2013, 07:11 AM

06-09-2013, 09:14 AM
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y113/hjmc3rd/fuknomx9.gif (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/hjmc3rd/media/fuknomx9.gif.html)

06-09-2013, 09:19 AM

Marcus Aurelius
06-09-2013, 10:24 AM

Civics class facepalm

red states rule
06-09-2013, 11:54 AM

Abbey Marie
06-09-2013, 01:30 PM
No offense taken....and after hearing my own mother say that, I stopped and thought crap how many others in this country are thinking that way?! Well if nothing else she has at least decided she will no longer vote, because she now understands that she clearly does not understand the process. :salute:

Tell her she needs to vote Republican or Independent for the rest of her life to make up for her mistakes!

red states rule
06-11-2013, 08:26 AM
and they did

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ86gC48dOPat5m_btstEsOIZ3sNw_6t 8WfI5GFmtiw3kxfLTTUBw