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red states rule
06-09-2013, 05:37 AM
How all of this was kept off the map until after the election is amazing

This weekend's Wall Street Journal contains a must-read interview with Washington attorney Cleta Mitchell (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323844804578528193656378164.html?m od=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop), who is representing a number of conservative clients harassed by the IRS. Two items in the piece particularly caught my eye.

First, not surprisingly, no one from the IRS has contacted any of Mitchell's clients as part of any investigation into IRS abuses. Presumably Eric Holder's department isn't terribly motivating to find evidence of wrongdoing. But, Mitchell says, the FBI had contacted Tea Party leaders about who attends their meetings -- as though they're some sort of domestic terrorists.

Second, it sounds as though the IRS also managed to threaten the business interests of at least one conservative donor:

Ms. Mitchell says she learned this week that the IRS even intervened in the business dealings of a donor to conservative causes. "There were two public companies that were in the process of trying to do a merger and somehow the IRS stepped in and demanded all this information and said, 'If you don't give it to us we'll stop this merger,' " she says.
Third, Mitchell mentions the possibility that there has been systematic IRS harassment of individual conservative donors -- but understandably many are worried about coming forward.

All this, put together, suggests that a time may come -- after Congressional investigations have run their course -- for an independent counsel to take over . . . someone who will lead the kind of investigation a Holder-dominated DOJ will never conduct, and who has the time and the power to really plumb the depths of the IRS's dirty work.
