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View Full Version : Fort Hood suspect expected to argue shooting was in defense of Taliban

red states rule
06-11-2013, 07:46 AM
The "work place violence" trial may finally get under way - and here is the lame ass defense the terrorist bastard will offer up

I hope he is hanged, and it is put on Pay Per View with the money raised going to the survivors of his "work place violence"

Accused Fort Hood gunman Major Nidal Hasan is expected to tell a military judge on Tuesday how he plans to argue he was protecting the Taliban when he opened fire on dozens of people at the facility in 2009.

The Army psychiatrist could face the death penalty if convicted of premeditated murder on charges he killed 13 people and wounded 32 in the worst shooting rampage on a U.S. military post.

Hasan, 42, told the presiding judge in the case, Colonel Tara Osborn, last week that he was defending the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban and its leader Mullah Omar when he fired on soldiers in a readiness facility, many of whom were getting ready to deploy to Iraq.

At the time of the shooting, Fort Hood was a major deployment point for the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hasan had been preparing to leave for Afghanistan with a unit assigned to help soldiers deal with mental issues when authorities said he opened fire on a medical station where soldiers go for exams and vaccines.

The accused shooter has not explained how his actions might be construed as protection of the Taliban.

Osborn may issue a ruling on whether Hasan, who will represent himself at his court-martial, can use the "defense of others" argument. She also could rule on his request for a three-month delay in the trial, now set to begin on July 1.

A Fort Hood spokesman said it was "entirely up to the judge" whether she will issue rulings or simply hear testimony on Tuesday.
The hearing was rescheduled from last week, when Osborn said both sides were late getting court filings to her and it was "obvious" they needed more time to prepare.

She released the prospective jurors until further notice, delaying jury selection until after the hearing.

Sergeant Alonzo Lunsford, who was shot five times during the attack and lost sight in his right eye, expressed frustration at the repeated delays in the case.

"Throughout this whole process, he's been treated like he is the victim, and we have been treated as if we really don't matter," Lunsford told Reuters.


06-11-2013, 08:24 AM
Work Place Violence? Terrorism? Questions May Have An Answer (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?41211-Work-Place-Violence-Terrorism-Questions-May-Have-An-Answer)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2013, 09:19 AM
The "work place violence" trial may finally get under way - and here is the lame ass defense the terrorist bastard will offer up

I hope he is hanged, and it is put on Pay Per View with the money raised going to the survivors of his "work place violence" I hope the bastard is sewn up in a pigskin and left out in the August sun for a couple days after having had the pig's left hind leg shoved down his throat.

red states rule
06-11-2013, 09:21 AM
I hope the bastard is sewn up in a pigskin and left out in the August sun for a couple days after having had the pig's left hind leg shoved down his throat.

To me due process would be a bullet in his head and dumping his dead body in the local landfill

06-11-2013, 10:26 PM
If he did it at the behest of your enemy, that would make him guilty of treason right? Does treason = terrorism?

06-11-2013, 10:30 PM
If he did it at the behest of your enemy, that would make him guilty of treason right? Does treason = terrorism?

That is my posit but no, treason =/= terrorism; treason is the crime, terrorist attack is the method.

red states rule
06-12-2013, 11:58 AM
If he did it at the behest of your enemy, that would make him guilty of treason right? Does treason = terrorism?

Look you little bastard, he gunned down unarmed people while shouting "in praise of Allah". He is guilty of 13 counts of Murder One and is a coward in the first degree

We wants to meet Allah - I am sure the hangman would be happy to arrange the meeting

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-12-2013, 08:30 PM
Look you little bastard, he gunned down unarmed people while shouting "in praise of Allah". He is guilty of 13 counts of Murder One and is a coward in the first degree

We wants to meet Allah - I am sure the hangman would be happy to arrange the meeting Bravo.....:beer:, my sentiments exactly....:clap:I'd gladly execute the murdering bastard and do so by gutting him from asshole to elbow with my hunting knife. I keep that baby so sharp it cuts things just by me pointing it at the object, have to be very damn careful where I point it !..;)--Tyr

06-12-2013, 11:58 PM
Accused Fort Hood gunman Major Nidal Hasan is expected to tell a military judge on Tuesday how he plans to argue he was protecting the Taliban when he opened fire on dozens of people at the facility in 2009.

Wouldn't that make it a lot more than just "an incident of workplace violence"? If that's what it was, then that puts it squarely in the "Act of War" camp if you ask me.

Has anyone informed the Obama administration of this coming "defense"?

BTW, isn't "making war against the United States", when done by an American citizen, specifically named in the U.S. Constitution? Article 3, Section 3 to be exact?

red states rule
06-14-2013, 02:00 AM
Bravo.....:beer:, my sentiments exactly....:clap:I'd gladly execute the murdering bastard and do so by gutting him from asshole to elbow with my hunting knife. I keep that baby so sharp it cuts things just by me pointing it at the object, have to be very damn careful where I point it !..;)--Tyr

and Jafar has taken a powder - as usual. Perhaps this will be one thread where he will not pollute it with his lies and lame defense of terrorists

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2013, 09:02 AM
Wouldn't that make it a lot more than just "an incident of workplace violence"? If that's what it was, then that puts it squarely in the "Act of War" camp if you ask me.

Has anyone informed the Obama administration of this coming "defense"?

BTW, isn't "making war against the United States", when done by an American citizen, specifically named in the U.S. Constitution? Article 3, Section 3 to be exact? When a United States military officer makes war against his own country it is treason. No way around it . The guilty party's reason for doing so can not change that. He should be found guilty of treason and shot , the sooner the better. Yet we know this thing will drag on for years and years . Obama is the CiC and will see to that. There is hope for the guy's release if he isn't executed soon. That is the plan IMHO.. -Tyr