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View Full Version : Did our current government allow the Boston attack to occur?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-11-2013, 08:04 PM
Nation split on NSA monitoring

By Reid Davenport
Jun 11, 2013

http://fcw.com/articles/2013/06/11/~/media/GIG/FCWNow/Topics/Privacy/spying.ashxA new poll reveals divided opinions on whether the NSA's monitoring of Americans is acceptable. (Stock image)

The revelation that the National Security Agency has the records of millions of Americans' phone calls hasn't significantly affected public opinions towards government surveillance to fight terrorism, according to a poll conducted last week by the Pew Research Center and the Washington Post.
The poll showed that 56 percent of Americans believe that the government's getting secret court orders to track the phone calls of millions of Americans is acceptable. In a 2006 poll by ABC News and the Washington Post, only 51 percent of Americans thought the surveillance under President George W. Bush, which included listening to phone calls and reading emails without court approval, was acceptable. Forty one percent of Americans believe the current tracking system is unacceptable, according to last week's poll.
(http://fcw.com/articles/2013/06/11/nsa-surveillance-poll.aspx)Resource (http://fcw.com/articles/2013/06/11/nsa-surveillance-poll.aspx)Pew Research Center/Washington Post poll (http://www.people-press.org/files/legacy-pdf/06-10-13%20PRC%20WP%20Surveillance%20Release.pdf)

However, when asked if they support monitoring of email and other online activities, support drops to 45 percent, with 52 percent opposed.
The poll "finds no indications that last week's revelations of the government's collection of phone records and internet data have altered fundamental public views about the tradeoff between investigating possible terrorism and protecting personal privacy," the Pew Research Center said.013/06/11/nsa-surveillance-poll.aspx
(http://fcw.com/articles/2013/06/11/nsa-surveillance-poll.aspx) Now consider this . This information about the blanket spying on all of us came out --AFTER-- the Boston Marathon bombing!! When more Americans by the millions are likely to accept the spying after viewing the horror of that Boston terrorist attack! Now ask yourself how many now support the illegal unconstitutional spying because of having been through that recent terrorist attack in Boston. How damn convenient is that? And they can and do spy on ALL OF US AND ALL OUR COMMUNICATIONS YET HAD NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE COMING BOSTON MARATHON ATTACK. Or did they know and let it happen? Russia warned them too. Think about it.. I talked to 9 people today about it all and 7 of the nine justified the spying purely because of that recent attack. Those 7 admitted they were completely opposed to such prior to the "recent" Boston attack.. Patterns folks, I see a pattern here myself. -Tyr

Marcus Aurelius
06-11-2013, 08:09 PM
Oh joy... another conspiracy theory.

06-11-2013, 08:10 PM
In the same manner that Dubya allowed the 9-11 attacks to happen.

06-11-2013, 08:33 PM
No way I believe the crap about Bush 'allowing' 9/11 to happen and no way I believe anyone let Boston happen. Were mistakes made with 9/11? I'm sure, from the intel to the cleanup. I wouldn't be surprised about any mistakes in the Boston bombing, like dropping the ball when notified by Russia. But it's going to take 100% definitive proof before I see the government as having allowed it to happen. I see it happening already as I did with 9/11. No hard proof of a single thing, but a mountain of evidence supporting what we saw/know/were told. And no, I'm not just listening to Obama or someone and relying on it. This is from reading articles from around the world, easily hundreds of them. The same with video, not Fox, but stations and videos from everywhere. I've listened to conspiracy theorists to legal analysts to the authorities to the bombers friends. I make my opinion based on an awful lot of facts, video and reading. I'd be willing to re-visit my stance should anything solid appear to persuade me.

Robert A Whit
06-11-2013, 10:01 PM
[URL="http://fcw.com/articles/2013/06/11/nsa-surveillance-poll.aspx"]http://fcw.com/articles/2 Now consider this . This information about the blanket spying on all of us came out --AFTER-- the Boston Marathon bombing!! When more Americans by the millions are likely to accept the spying after viewing the horror of that Boston terrorist attack! Now ask yourself how many now support the illegal unconstitutional spying because of having been through that recent terrorist attack in Boston. How damn convenient is that? And they can and do spy on ALL OF US AND ALL OUR COMMUNICATIONS YET HAD NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE COMING BOSTON MARATHON ATTACK. Or did they know and let it happen? Russia warned them too. Think about it.. I talked to 9 people today about it all and 7 of the nine justified the spying purely because of that recent attack. Those 7 admitted they were completely opposed to such prior to the "recent" Boston attack.. Patterns folks, I see a pattern here myself. -Tyr

If they actually spied on all of us, the Boston bombing never would have happened.