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View Full Version : Obama should be on trial for war crimes

red states rule
06-19-2013, 02:17 AM
So says Obama's good buddy and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. (You know the guy Obama described as just a guy in the neighborhood)

Bill Ayers: Let’s face it, Obama should be on trial for war crimes

And, he’s quick to add, so should every other president of the past century. A fun clip for many reasons. One: Because Ayers is such a far-left caricature, you can bait him all day long knowing to a virtual certainty what his responses will be. The two RCP guys can’t suppress their smirks at how easy it is. There’s a 99 percent chance that he’s going to call O a war criminal and a one percent chance that he’s going to betray his anti-war ethos by defending O’s drone policy out of pure personal loyalty. Either way, it’s news. Two: It’ll never stop being amusing watching leftists express their disappointment in Hopenchange. Obama skeptics had to endure a lot of self-congratulatory piety and messianism from the other side in 2008. Five years later, the faithful are split between those like Ayers who see O as having betrayed The Cause and all the Democrats who’ve contorted themselves into supporting things like NSA surveillance chiefly out of partisan allegiance. They still believe in Hopenchange, it’s just a … different Hopenchange, one which requires collecting Americans’ phone and Internet data. No more messiah, whichever camp you’re in.

Three: The fact that Ayers is quick to mention O’s curiosity when asked what he likes about him is, knowingly or not, almost a goof on Jane Mayer and the liberal intelligentsia for giving Obama a pass on style points for his foreign-policy aggressiveness (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/05/24/good-news-from-the-new-yorker-unlike-bush-obamas-pretty-conflicted-about-all-the-people-hes-killing/). As I said once before, it’s a straight line from David Brooks admiring the crease in O’s pants to Mayer et al. deciding that U.S. drones firing missiles at unknown people on the ground in Pakistan is kinda sorta okay because Obama’s smart, thoughtful, morally conflicted about all this, etc. He’s a well-educated, right-thinking liberal who has his stuff together. He’s a lot like them. They trust him. Ayers, at least, refuses to give O a pass on those grounds, although I leave it to you to judge from the clip how deeply troubled he is by Obama’s sins. (“I like him personally. I mean, he’s a really good guy.” (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/06/18/bill-ayers-obama-should-be-tried-for-war-crimes/)) Four: Are we really watching a guy who got off scot-free for domestic terrorism, then crowed about it by declaring that he was “guilty as sin, free as a bird,” (http://www.nationalreview.com/node/168202) complain that someone else isn’t being sufficiently punished for terrorism? What?


06-19-2013, 05:33 PM
How quickly, and easily friends of Obama can change?

Don't fall for any of it. This kind of tactic is a familiar, liberal, hate-filled, democrat attempt to remove all of the pressure
from Obama.
People like Ayers know all of the tricks to be used to deflect, distract attention from the Wrongdoings of their Messiah.

They band together to replace all of the attention toward Obama, and his multitude of Watergate-like actions, with something they hope the other side will fall head over heels for in the end.

Ayers is a SCUM BAG who taught our present SCUM BAG leader of the Socialist, Democrat Party everything they know.

Obama has NO ENEMIES from the Left. Liars always STICK TOGETHER.

06-19-2013, 05:45 PM
They never tried Dubya for war crimes. Why should they try Obama?

06-19-2013, 06:38 PM
They never tried Dubya for war crimes. Why should they try Obama?

Neither committed War Crimes...

To insinuate such from either side is Partisan Rhetoric..

But the Benghazi issue, NSA Issue and all the other scandals need to be investigated.

To be in any matter effective Obama must clear them up... his numbers are plummeting.


red state
06-19-2013, 06:44 PM
Screw war crimes. That son of ill repute should be on trial for TREASON!!! He's as dishonorable, blemished and shameless as his mother. Her name should go down in history as the slut who birthed the black cloud of odor that has abased and abused this Nation beyond belief. B.O. truly is a black eye to this Nation and for that, I hope he hangs for the attacks against our Constitution. And let Bush and his judicial appointee go down in history as the same blight on this Nation for what they've done.

red state
06-19-2013, 06:50 PM
In fact, those who voted for B.O. should lower their heads and pray that history forgives them for what they've done. The Germans have their shame and so do the ignorant hoards who voted for B.O. As mentioned above, there are so many scandals under this MOST corrupt occupier/liar in the White House and if we had any true leadership, he would have already paid for his treason.

06-19-2013, 07:58 PM
They never tried Dubya for war crimes. Why should they try Obama?

Because GWB didn't commit any war crimes. You simply looked at the headline, which comes from a terrorist himself, and figured you would counter with Bush? The man said he thought every president for the past century should be up on war crimes charges. Did you even read the article? I'm betting you read the thread title, a quick blurb or 2 and it was BUSH BUSH BUSH again.

Seriously, doesn't it suck that 99% of the support you offer for the Democrat party and Obama - is pointing out Bush?

06-19-2013, 08:01 PM
They never tried Dubya for war crimes. Why should they try Obama?

Poor gabby. STUCK ON STUPID.....again.

red states rule
06-20-2013, 02:10 AM
They never tried Dubya for war crimes. Why should they try Obama?

Gabby, you remind of the young bimbos in this video where Obama supporters are confronted with the truth about Obama and they are stunned. In your case you simply fall back on your usual excuse which after 5 years is old, worn out, and dog eared
