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View Full Version : Professor Orders Students to Support Gay Rights

red states rule
06-19-2013, 02:28 AM
The same intimidation and liberal indoctrination is going on in the public school system.

A Tennessee community college professor ordered her students to wear ribbons in support of gay rights and said those who supported the traditional definition of marriage are just “uneducated bigots” who “attack homosexuals with hate,” according to a legal firm representing several of the students in the class.

Students in a general psychology class at Columbia State Community College were directed by their professor to wear “Rainbow Coalition” ribbons for an entire day and express their support for the homosexual community, said Travis Barham, an attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom.

Barham is calling for the college to punish Dr. Linda Brunton and order her to apologize to the students whose constitutional rights he believes were violated, according to a letter he sent to the community college president.

“Dr. Brunton essentially turned her General Psychology class into a semester-long clinic on the demands of the homosexual movement,” Barham said.
A Columbia State spokesperson told Fox News she was not aware of the concerns but vowed to look into the matter. Brunton did not return a telephone call seeking comment.

According to her faculty page, Brunton is a member of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Educators Network and lists diversity issues among her professional interests.

Alliance Defending Freedom said the professor told students to write a paper about how they were allegedly “discriminated against” because of their support for homosexual conduct.

Several students objected to the assignment because their religious convictions prohibit them from supporting conduct their faith teaches them is immoral and unnatural.

Barham said the professor made it clear they had to follow the rules of the assignment to receive credit and allegedly told the students their own beliefs and viewpoints were irrelevant – even when they wrote their papers.

The students were also barred from defending or explaining any other views regarding homosexual conduct, dismissing such arguments as “throwing Bible verses” at her,” the attorney said.

“When students objected to how she was pushing her personal views on the class, she explained that it is her job ‘to educate the ignorant and uneducated elements of society,’ that oppose this movement’s demands and to correct their ‘hateful and close-minded’ views” Barham said.

Barham said the assignment violated the constitutional rights of students by forcing them to advance a particular political agenda.

“The Constitution does not allow any government official to force another person to adopt or advocate a particular moral or political view. But this professor did just that with this assignment and thus clearly violated freedoms protected by the First Amendment.”


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2013, 09:16 PM
The same intimidation and liberal indoctrination is going on in the public school system. Some woman should stomp her azz a good one. And then stick one of those ribbons right on the tip of her nose as a target for one last punch. Liberals believe ever so strongly in Nazi- like indoctrination. All good little leftists do.. Her sorry ass should be fired.. -Tyr

Marcus Aurelius
06-19-2013, 10:05 PM
Assuming this is all accurately described, she should be fired, IMHO.

Marcus Aurelius
06-19-2013, 10:22 PM
BTW, had a professor instructed students to support 'family values', required essentially the same things as the professor in the OP article, THAT professor should also be fired, IMHO. It goes both ways.

06-19-2013, 10:43 PM
This pathetic nitwit is a member of a gay & lesbian network for educators, so I have no doubt this story is true. If she "ordered" them to do so in any way, she should be shitcanned. Queers and those in support of the "movement", are becoming more and more intolerant of those they make the same claim against, and in many instances like this are resorting to bullying others, trying to belittle some for their opinions and stances - and if someone dare speak out in return? "Homophobe" will be the label they get.

red states rule
06-20-2013, 02:30 AM
As usual we see the mask of liberalism being removed from the face of this "professor" While she accuses conservatives and those who do not support the gay lifestyle of intolerance she orders her students to support this cause while not respecting their options and their values

06-21-2013, 04:52 PM
This pathetic nitwit is a member of a gay & lesbian network for educators, so I have no doubt this story is true. If she "ordered" them to do so in any way, she should be shitcanned. Queers and those in support of the "movement", are becoming more and more intolerant of those they make the same claim against, and in many instances like this are resorting to bullying others, trying to belittle some for their opinions and stances - and if someone dare speak out in return? "Homophobe" will be the label they get.

Where's that little boy when you need him? Ya know? The one who stuck his finger in the DIKE??? Sounds like he would be useful in this case...signed: A Homphobe-erant.

06-21-2013, 08:13 PM
What the right-wing media conveniently leaves out is that the one-time assignment is optional. Students have the chance to opt out. The professor has made the same assignment to classes for the last 20 years. The assignment is meant to bring awareness to discrimination in all forms, not to force political views down anyone´s throat.

06-21-2013, 08:28 PM
What the right-wing media conveniently leaves out is that the one-time assignment is optional. Students have the chance to opt out. The professor has made the same assignment to classes for the last 20 years. The assignment is meant to bring awareness to discrimination in all forms, not to force political views down anyone´s throat.

And yet the kids claim otherwise. Are you saying they are doing this to appease the right wing media?

06-21-2013, 08:42 PM
What the right-wing media conveniently leaves out is that the one-time assignment is optional. Students have the chance to opt out. The professor has made the same assignment to classes for the last 20 years. The assignment is meant to bring awareness to discrimination in all forms, not to force political views down anyone´s throat.

You flunked again gabby. We all know YOU are just jealous that professor didn't mention your name.

Marcus Aurelius
06-21-2013, 09:30 PM
What the right-wing media conveniently leaves out is that the one-time assignment is optional. Students have the chance to opt out. The professor has made the same assignment to classes for the last 20 years. The assignment is meant to bring awareness to discrimination in all forms, not to force political views down anyone´s throat.

please link to the syllabus, marking the part where it shows this is an optional assignment.

Marcus Aurelius
06-21-2013, 10:02 PM
please link to the syllabus, marking the part where it shows this is an optional assignment.

I'll even help, gabby...


06-21-2013, 10:17 PM
It's several of the Professor's former students commenting on a story. If you do a search for her, you will find out that her classes are very popular and she is well liked and respected. Trouble is, none of that would fit in a right-wing story about a militant gay advocate. :rolleyes:

Marcus Aurelius
06-21-2013, 10:58 PM
It's several of the Professor's former students commenting on a story. If you do a search for her, you will find out that her classes are very popular and she is well liked and respected. Trouble is, none of that would fit in a right-wing story about a militant gay advocate. :rolleyes:

Still waiting for the proof that the assignment was optional. I even gave you the link to he classes, syllabuses, etc.

06-22-2013, 06:56 AM
It's several of the Professor's former students commenting on a story. If you do a search for her, you will find out that her classes are very popular and she is well liked and respected. Trouble is, none of that would fit in a right-wing story about a militant gay advocate. :rolleyes:

Trouble is with that asinine reply is that these kids filed suit and made their comments BEFORE a "right wing story" took hold of it. Are you really that stupid? Kids make accusations. Kids get representation and file lawsuit. Media agencies all get wind of it and report on it. Of course Gabby blames the link/report rather than address the actual story. Even when she does somewhat address the story, she claims the teacher never did this, and that again it's the story bullshitting. :rolleyes: I guess thousands of news agencies around the country are making shit up then.

Tell me, are these all right wing media too? And this is juts one page of results.

http://www.cafemom.com/group/99198/forums/read/18678901/TN_students_say_assignment_forced_them_to_support_ gay_rights

06-22-2013, 06:57 AM
Still waiting for the proof that the assignment was optional. I even gave you the link to he classes, syllabuses, etc.

You won't get it. 95% of the time she will troll and never come back to offer any type of proof for her retarded statements. The few times she does return, she'll just blurt out other crap, but still not address any questions asked of her.

06-25-2013, 07:26 PM
You won't get it. 95% of the time she will troll and never come back to offer any type of proof for her retarded statements. The few times she does return, she'll just blurt out other crap, but still not address any questions asked of her.

Jim. I fully suspect you to disagree with this assessment of gabby. But, I simply cannot resist. Personally. In my opinion. Gabby is a very troubled, miserable kind of person who pretends to be as dumb as possible in order to raise the IRE of the rest of us.
In other words. There are ten thousand Comedians out of work, and gabby thinks she's the only one working.

Marcus Aurelius
06-25-2013, 07:54 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gabosaurus http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=647906#post647906)
It's several of the Professor's former students commenting on a story. If you do a search for her, you will find out that her classes are very popular and she is well liked and respected. Trouble is, none of that would fit in a right-wing story about a militant gay advocate. :rolleyes:

Still waiting for the proof that the assignment was optional. I even gave you the link to he classes, syllabuses, etc.


red states rule
06-26-2013, 03:17 AM
The best way to drive Gabby away from a thread is to keep asking her to back up her "facts". She will quickly become "bored" and move on to another thread

06-28-2013, 05:25 PM
The best way to drive Gabby away from a thread is to keep asking her to back up her "facts". She will quickly become "bored" and move on to another thread

red states rule. Dumb people never get bored, and every thread is a new experience for her.

red states rule
06-29-2013, 04:49 AM
red states rule. Dumb people never get bored, and every thread is a new experience for her.

She uses the term bored to express her irritation at other posters for injecting facts into the thread. So she takes her ball and goes home

06-29-2013, 02:37 PM
She uses the term bored to express her irritation at other posters for injecting facts into the thread. So she takes her ball and goes home

All the result of gabby playing Dodge Ball with a BOWLING BALL.