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View Full Version : Child-rape suspect: She 'seduced' me

06-23-2013, 07:59 AM
Yet another idiot that ought to be shot , anyone believing a 12 year old could seduce someone really needs to be put out of his misery

A University of Washington neurobiology student charged with child rape after being accused of picking up a 12-year-old girl from the Seattle streets and taking her to his apartment has been identified as a volunteer with a leading Islamic activist organization.


06-23-2013, 08:44 AM
And a worker of CAIR no less, what a surprise. And the "child" seduced him? What a laugh. But EVEN IF, it doesn't matter. I can't wait till he tells that to a judge. "Your honor, I understand I broke the law, and committed rape, in the worst degree since it's of a child younger than 14, but I beg for leniency, as this pre-teen child seduced me". "It's her fault, your honor, as this 12 year old dressed provocatively." What a joke. And I guess she somehow forced him to share drugs with her too. :rolleyes:

“There are many, many cases all the time of sexual predators taking advantage of underage girls,” wrote Geller. “This one, however, has two elements that show traces of the effects that Islamic supremacism can have on a human mind. Abdelbadie claims that this 12-year-old girl ‘seduced’ him – an idea that might occur easily to someone who, following Muhammad’s example, sees girls as young as nine as sex objects. Also, he claims she was dressed ‘provocatively.’”

Geller noted many Muslim clerics have justified sexual abuse of women by saying that they brought it on themselves with their immodest dress.

“Muslim men in Islamic cultures have no obligation to control themselves,” she wrote. “Women have to make sure they don’t get attacked by not ‘provoking’ the men. This little girl was a victim of that mentality.”

Geller, author of “The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America,” said it’s the “same modus operandi behind the scores of Muslim child sex trafficking gangs in Europe.”

“Vulnerable preteen plied with drugs and alcohol. Sex jihad …. this is how it starts.”

SeattlePI.com said according to the girl’s account, Abedelbadie approached her and started talking to her, then asked her to smoke marijuana with him.


06-23-2013, 09:35 AM
okay, finally found his age in the article, 22 for point of reference. Now, even if she was an early bloomer (such as my first girlfriend), her age could only be construed 15, maybe 16 at the outstretch going by looks. That's *STILL* obviously underage, whatever she was wearing or doing.

However, I do not see the Islamic run. His sole defense is the most basic defense that has existed, used again and again by rapists all over the world. Trying to pin it to his religion is simy giving him too much credit.

Marcus Aurelius
06-23-2013, 10:14 AM
I bet he wishes he'd done this in an Islamic country, where he'd get a 'stiff' talking to, and the girl would be beheaded for sex outside marriage.

06-23-2013, 01:23 PM
I bet he wishes he'd done this in an Islamic country, where he'd get a 'stiff' talking to, and the girl would be beheaded for sex outside marriage.

I would like to hear Jafars spin on this..... but that wont happen...

06-23-2013, 09:33 PM
I would like to hear Jafars spin on this..... but that wont happen...

Actually I would rather not , I get tired of the silly excuses , but I can understand why many do like to get a good chuckle

06-24-2013, 12:17 AM
I would like to hear Jafars spin on this..... but that wont happen...

What spin? The guy broke the law.

Sin begets sin. He was taking drugs which led him to even worse things.

They allegedly smoked marijuana and had sex at his apartment.

By intoxicants and games of chance Satan only desires to create enmity and hatred between you, and to turn you away from the remembrance of Allah and from Prayer. Will you, then, desist? (Qur'aan 5:91)

Trust the likes of Pamela Geller to try and twist this into another Islam bash.