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View Full Version : Nixon was a saint compared to Obama

06-24-2013, 06:44 AM
This video talks about scumbag journalist and that is just what they are , Obama has been caught in so many scandals that if the media did there job the way they are suppose to he would have to step down or he would be removed


06-24-2013, 07:19 AM
I'm in full agreement with him. I have said for years the media are scum. Want to get rid of politicians? change the the way washington work? Force the govt to serve, not rule the people? Get rid of the media.

There's lots of alternative news sources on the internet. But most of them don't have any real access to the govt. And any real investigative journalists out there get their phones tapped, investigated and/or killed in strange accidents.

06-24-2013, 07:22 AM
interesting video But,
I agree that Obama is bad, that Nixon was bad, and that the journalism is bad, but the medias done the same since George Washington's times. so it's not like it started with Nixon.

And the Guys proposal for a law sounds either like what we already have in libel laws OR something that sounds like a Gov't media truth patrol. and Guess who get's to determine what the truth is?

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
Thomas Jefferson

Some degree of abuse is inseparable from the proper use of every thing; and in no instance is this more true, than in that of the press. It has accordingly been decided by the practice of the states, that it is better to leave a few of its noxious branches, to their luxuriant growth, than by pruning them away, to injure the vigor of those yielding the proper fruits.
James Madison

06-24-2013, 08:55 AM
Do any of you remember what Limbaugh says when people complain about the media? It's something to the effect that expecting anything other than the worst is setting yourself up for disappointment. Just accept that the truth is found elsewhere.

06-24-2013, 06:18 PM
This video talks about scumbag journalist and that is just what they are , Obama has been caught in so many scandals that if the media did there job the way they are suppose to he would have to step down or he would be removed


Jeff. That would never happen since all of them combined, including Obama. Simply haven't got the intelligence to do their real job. It has always been easier for them to simply follow, and pretend than to think, and understand the difference between Lies, and Truth.

None of them know what TRUTH, and HONESTY is. That's how Ignorance becomes Bliss.

06-24-2013, 06:59 PM
This video talks about scumbag journalist and that is just what they are , Obama has been caught in so many scandals that if the media did there job the way they are suppose to he would have to step down or he would be removed.

Definitely one of the stupidest concepts I have ever read. Anyone who thinks Obama is worse than Nixon has no clue about what the Nixon administration was about. You have to laugh at the idiots who remain so pissed about losing both elections that they will grab any crockoshit idea they can find to keep venting their spleen. Which they have a right to do, of course. It just makes them look like an empty headed idiot.

06-24-2013, 07:05 PM
Definitely one of the stupidest concepts I have ever read. Anyone who thinks Obama is worse than Nixon has no clue about what the Nixon administration was about. You have to laugh at the idiots who remain so pissed about losing both elections that they will grab any crockoshit idea they can find to keep venting their spleen. Which they have a right to do, of course. It just makes them look like an empty headed idiot.

Wrong again gabby. Whenever you come here to talk about 'crockoshit' idea's. YOU happen to be the first, and last person I think of here. Speaking as you do, as the authority of empty headed idiots. Your experience precedes you here.

06-24-2013, 07:08 PM
Wrong again gabby. Whenever you come here to talk about 'crockoshit' idea's. YOU happen to be the first, and last person I think of here. Speaking as you do, as the authority of empty headed idiots. Your experience precedes you here.

Like I am going to listen to someone whose cranium has been ruined by seawater.
I sure hope you are being watched by the NSA at the current time. Perhaps they will come for you. :cool:

06-24-2013, 07:49 PM
Like I am going to listen to someone whose cranium has been ruined by seawater.
I sure hope you are being watched by the NSA at the current time. Perhaps they will come for you. :cool:

You answered your own question by posting. Nothing more needs to be said about you. I feel sorry for any family you may have. They probably feel sorry for you too!

06-24-2013, 08:00 PM
Definitely one of the stupidest concepts I have ever read. Anyone who thinks Obama is worse than Nixon has no clue about what the Nixon administration was about. You have to laugh at the idiots who remain so pissed about losing both elections that they will grab any crockoshit idea they can find to keep venting their spleen. Which they have a right to do, of course. It just makes them look like an empty headed idiot.

Your reading comprehension isn't so good, is it? The current battlefield is the amnesty for illegal aliens. Scandals have a life of their own and are best handled by the axiom: "When your enemy is self-destructing, don't interfere."

06-24-2013, 08:22 PM
Definitely one of the stupidest concepts I have ever read. Anyone who thinks Obama is worse than Nixon has no clue about what the Nixon administration was about. You have to laugh at the idiots who remain so pissed about losing both elections that they will grab any crockoshit idea they can find to keep venting their spleen. Which they have a right to do, of course. It just makes them look like an empty headed idiot.

You think Obama's dismal failure since 2008 is because people are mad at lost elections? Sorry, his crappy record is all his own and has nothing to do with the past. You talk about an "empty headed idiot", and here you are trying to make excuses for Obama by AGAIN concentrating on the past, making things up, and basically doing anything other than acknowledge the utter failure he has been. And that doesn't even touch Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, AP records, hacking reporters, IRS... I know how you guys feel though, it must suck to support such a failure, and one who has stepped on our COTUS at every step. So people like you sit back and say "What difference does it make".

The only empty head I see is the one who trolls and trolls and trolls, never acknowledges the wrongdoing of the party she supports, never acknowledges the failures and can only debate with "Bush".

06-24-2013, 08:27 PM
You think Obama's dismal failure since 2008 is because people are mad at lost elections? Sorry, his crappy record is all his own and has nothing to do with the past. You talk about an "empty headed idiot", and here you are trying to make excuses for Obama by AGAIN concentrating on the past, making things up, and basically doing anything other than acknowledge the utter failure he has been. And that doesn't even touch Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, AP records, hacking reporters, IRS... I know how you guys feel though, it must suck to support such a failure, and one who has stepped on our COTUS at every step. So people like you sit back and say "What difference does it make".

The only empty head I see is the one who trolls and trolls and trolls, never acknowledges the wrongdoing of the party she supports, never acknowledges the failures and can only debate with "Bush".

Jim. Ya know? If you really think about it. Gabby's endless appearances here, with all the dumb, stupid stuff she tries to deposit here. Is, actually a really good sign. And should be a WELCOME warning to all of us about how the LIBERAL, DEMOCRAT, LEFTIST, PROGRESSIVES really are when left to their own Devices in sharing their Uncommon stupidity, ignorance, and empty mindedness.

We all are keenly aware. Democrats can only win elections by cheating, lying, and convincing others to be AS STUPID as Gabby is.

Robert A Whit
06-24-2013, 08:34 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gabosaurus http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=648466#post648466)
Definitely one of the stupidest concepts I have ever read. Anyone who thinks Obama is worse than Nixon has no clue about what the Nixon administration was about. You have to laugh at the idiots who remain so pissed about losing both elections that they will grab any crockoshit idea they can find to keep venting their spleen. Which they have a right to do, of course. It just makes them look like an empty headed idiot.

You think Obama's dismal failure since 2008 is because people are mad at lost elections? Sorry, his crappy record is all his own and has nothing to do with the past. You talk about an "empty headed idiot", and here you are trying to make excuses for Obama by AGAIN concentrating on the past, making things up, and basically doing anything other than acknowledge the utter failure he has been. And that doesn't even touch Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, AP records, hacking reporters, IRS... I know how you guys feel though, it must suck to support such a failure, and one who has stepped on our COTUS at every step. So people like you sit back and say "What difference does it make".

The only empty head I see is the one who trolls and trolls and trolls, never acknowledges the wrongdoing of the party she supports, never acknowledges the failures and can only debate with "Bush".

Nixon was bad in one narrow respect. The watergate fiasco. He deserved to be impeached. But a lot that Obama does is not transparent. And we deal with a media that worships Obama.

How can the truth come out when the Media stands tall for Obama?

Obama tackled the econo9my bas ackwards. He came to office not understanding the economy. He did a poor job picking economists.

Ask plenty of lawyers if they understand economics. Very few are trained in economics.

Case closed. She lost the argument.

06-25-2013, 06:53 AM
We Know someone has a empty head when they make a statement like we are mad because we lost the election when we had counties in this country that voted 120% for Obama or how about Philly not one white vote , The difference between Obama and Nixon is easy Nixon maned up and left when he was wrong , Obama has scandals coming out the wazoo ( none to do with him winning a election ) and still stays and worst takes his family on 100 million dollar vacations , It is really sad when people not even old enough to have been born when Nixon was president can be so ridiculous as to jump in on a thread like this state something as stupid, as Obama tells the American people we must tighten our belts , closes the White house to visitors but can afford yet another vacation , people like this are the ones that put him in office and blindly follow a thief and a cheat all in the name of political correctness and then have the nerve to call anybodies brain empty

06-25-2013, 01:08 PM
We Know someone has a empty head when they make a statement like we are mad because we lost the election when we had counties in this country that voted 120% for Obama or how about Philly not one white vote , The difference between Obama and Nixon is easy Nixon maned up and left when he was wrong , Obama has scandals coming out the wazoo ( none to do with him winning a election ) and still stays and worst takes his family on 100 million dollar vacations , It is really sad when people not even old enough to have been born when Nixon was president can be so ridiculous as to jump in on a thread like this state something as stupid, as Obama tells the American people we must tighten our belts , closes the White house to visitors but can afford yet another vacation , people like this are the ones that put him in office and blindly follow a thief and a cheat all in the name of political correctness and then have the nerve to call anybodies brain empty

Jeff. That kind of talk is merely the programmed kind of remarks the educationally challenged are taught to constantly repeat. It's nothing but one, of many other excuses they have been instructed to use because...they wouldn't DARE speak honestly, or disclose the truth. That would ruin all of their other programmed lies they honestly believe to be Factual, and True.
That is also how they demand, and prove they are not LYING. They are so convinced the False facts they have been taught are true. They can't say anything else.

red states rule
06-26-2013, 03:39 AM
Definitely one of the stupidest concepts I have ever read. Anyone who thinks Obama is worse than Nixon has no clue about what the Nixon administration was about. You have to laugh at the idiots who remain so pissed about losing both elections that they will grab any crockoshit idea they can find to keep venting their spleen. Which they have a right to do, of course. It just makes them look like an empty headed idiot.

Were you even alive when Nixon was in office?

Here is one of the Articles of Impeachment against Nixon

This conduct has included one or more of the following:

He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

Obama is a bigger crook then Nixon could ever be and the more we learn about the abuse of power regarding the IRS the worse it is getting

Except for liberals like you Gabby who have put party ahead of country

06-29-2013, 02:39 PM
Were you even alive when Nixon was in office?

Here is one of the Articles of Impeachment against Nixon

This conduct has included one or more of the following:

He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

Obama is a bigger crook then Nixon could ever be and the more we learn about the abuse of power regarding the IRS the worse it is getting

Except for liberals like you Gabby who have put party ahead of country

red states rule. It's not fair asking gabby if she was alive during the Nixon years. The abortion didn't work.

06-29-2013, 06:33 PM
In terms of Foreign Policy, Nixon blows Obama away...

Nixon had Henry Kissinger.
Obama has John Kerry

Kissinger helped Bring Begin and Sadat together..

Kerry..... well... He married a rich broadhttp://www.stephenvoss.com/portraits/rsrc/images/collection/henry-kissinger.jpg

red states rule
07-01-2013, 03:39 AM