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06-24-2013, 05:41 PM
Uh oh, some bad news for those pothead conservatives among us. You know who you are.

Chronic Cannabis Use May Cause Brain Inflammation (http://news.yahoo.com/chronic-cannabis-may-cause-brain-inflammation-162517422.html)

Chronic marijuana use may cause inflammation in the brain that leads to problems with coordination and learning, a new study in animals suggests.
The study also teased out why this brain inflammation leads to motor and learning problems, and found a surprising answer — cannabis activates immune cells that appear to play a critical role in how a brain region called the cerebellum works.
More research is needed to determine what kinds of problems these "cerebellar deficits" cause people to have in everyday life, Ozaita said. It's possible that microglial cell activation in the cerebellum causes hard-to-detect problems — such as a slightly delayed reaction time while driving — that researchers wouldn't know about unless they tested for them, he said.
In addition to brain inflammation, smoking cannabis has also been linked to lower IQ (http://www.livescience.com/22711-smoking-marijuana-lowers-iq.html) and an increased risk of schizophrenia.

06-24-2013, 06:52 PM

I don't believe it...

Yes you do...

06-24-2013, 06:58 PM
I suppose this explains why I have an oversized melon :coffee:

06-24-2013, 07:00 PM
Tell us about the dangers of chronic tobacco and alcohol use. Other than the fact that both will KILL YOU before your time. Yep, death. Think about it.

06-24-2013, 08:27 PM
Tell us about the dangers of chronic tobacco and alcohol use. Other than the fact that both will KILL YOU before your time. Yep, death. Think about it.

Tobacco and alcohol WILL kill you. But chronic marijuana use, chronic sex and chronic booby touching will only extend ones life. Even just staring at boobies is good for you! http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/staring-at-boobs-extends-male-life-by-5-years/

06-25-2013, 01:00 AM
Uh oh, some bad news for those pothead conservatives among us. You know who you are.

Chronic Cannabis Use May Cause Brain Inflammation (http://news.yahoo.com/chronic-cannabis-may-cause-brain-inflammation-162517422.html)

Chronic stress causes drain bramage too.
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hipo.1116/abstract;jsessionid=6402458A1C2CEA8B5631CF18E0B0A5 28.d02t01?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=fa (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hipo.1116/abstract;jsessionid=6402458A1C2CEA8B5631CF18E0B0A5 28.d02t01?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false)lse
As do high chloresterol foods http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/11/101124114550.htm

Just saying, moderation.