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View Full Version : White America are you afraid yet?

06-27-2013, 01:19 PM
If you are a white employed American of any age you should be afraid, very afraid. The recent systematic destruction of Paula Dean by those in the media that have appointed themselves as the politically correct thought police should have you literally quaking in your boots. Your livelyhood can be can be taken away and your ability to earn your living seriously impeded for words that you are accused of using 30 years ago. You will be judged in the court of public opinion and then crucified on an alter of pandering and appeasement to special interest groups. Why would we as a people sit back and allow such Orwellian behavior, likely because we are afraid to speak out for fear of this kind of political retribution.
The George Zimmerman self defense trial is another very frightening example of how unproven yet rampant accusations of racism can manipulate even our countries justice system. If there were no racial element to the Zimmerman, Martin incident there would be no trial. This fact alone of being proven guilty by racism or as in the case of O.J. Simpson, exonerated by race are chilling examples of the type of accepted behavior that can bring anyone of us down for daring to disagree or worse yet, simply being a white American. What can we do to change this, for one stop being cowards and secondly stop electing cowards to public office. If this is equality, I stand firmly against it, but it is not, it is retribution, payback for the United States' Original sin, slavery.

Marcus Aurelius
06-27-2013, 01:27 PM
um... welcome?

06-27-2013, 01:39 PM
... If this is equality, I stand firmly against it, but it is not, it is retribution, payback for the United States' Original sin, slavery.

I'd put that blame on the dutch and the africans. :salute:

Plus, you can't forget that other nations still do slavery.

06-27-2013, 01:41 PM
TheAvengingLlama was invited here by me. He is a friend of my eldest brother, Jeff, who you all know posts here. They go all the way back to HS days. Being the mutual friends, I've had the opportunity to read many of our new members posts on Facebook. He's quite the writer and generally very direct about his feelings. I think he'll be a great addition to our board. I'm assuming the first post was prompted by the ton of talk on our FB accounts about the trial that just started on Monday. As a result, many posts were made, which lead to some strong opinions. I believe Mr. Llama and I are on the same page about the Trayvon Martin killing. I also believe he's correct in his belief that this killing/trial wouldn't be national news if not for the racial aspect.

Anyway, I'm glad you accepted my invitation, and welcome to DP, Llama! :salute:

When you're comfortable and learn your way around - post in this thread and introduce yourself and tell us a little more about yourself - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?676-Introductions

06-27-2013, 01:56 PM
Paula Dean's fans are buying her books by the thousands, she will get through this "lynching".

06-27-2013, 02:29 PM
TheAvengingLlama Personally. I would like to agree with you, and all that you said about being afraid. But I don't work that way because they want us to fear them. When the reality is. You cannot, and should not fear gross ignorance, stupidity, illiteracy, and the contempt they have in their endless hatred for anyone who is smarter, or more wealthy..Honestly, than they are, or will ever be.

This should not be a blanket kind of statement against Fearing All of whom you spoke. We all know. There is a small minority of folks who are smart enough, educated enough, and reasonable...without hatred, who are no different than everyone else. No matter what color their skin tone might be.

So. I refuse to cower, or pretend I am afraid of anyone who has no ability to think, reason, or behave like civil human beings. Eventually. People like that end up destroying themselves. Remember. If they fail to REMEMBER History. They are doomed to repeat it. But...if they aren't smart enough...by design of Democrats. To always be Uneducated. They have no idea what History really is. So...they will lose in the end. It has never failed before.

Depending on Crooks...as in Government to support, think, breathe, and be responsible for you. Has never worked in the past.
So..why should we fear the inevitable now?

red states rule
06-28-2013, 03:30 AM
If you are a white employed American of any age you should be afraid, very afraid. The recent systematic destruction of Paula Dean by those in the media that have appointed themselves as the politically correct thought police should have you literally quaking in your boots. Your livelyhood can be can be taken away and your ability to earn your living seriously impeded for words that you are accused of using 30 years ago. You will be judged in the court of public opinion and then crucified on an alter of pandering and appeasement to special interest groups. Why would we as a people sit back and allow such Orwellian behavior, likely because we are afraid to speak out for fear of this kind of political retribution.
The George Zimmerman self defense trial is another very frightening example of how unproven yet rampant accusations of racism can manipulate even our countries justice system. If there were no racial element to the Zimmerman, Martin incident there would be no trial. This fact alone of being proven guilty by racism or as in the case of O.J. Simpson, exonerated by race are chilling examples of the type of accepted behavior that can bring anyone of us down for daring to disagree or worse yet, simply being a white American. What can we do to change this, for one stop being cowards and secondly stop electing cowards to public office. If this is equality, I stand firmly against it, but it is not, it is retribution, payback for the United States' Original sin, slavery.

The Zimmerman trial is simply a tool for the race baiters to inflame the hate of racism on their side while screaming they want "justice"

As I have posted before, I thought the election of Obama was going to "heal" race relations in the US

06-28-2013, 06:58 AM
The Zimmerman trial is simply a tool for the race baiters to inflame the hate of racism on their side while screaming they want "justice"

As I have posted before, I thought the election of Obama was going to "heal" race relations in the US

The election of Obama has taken racism back 30 years at least , you have the NBP thinking they could mess with the polling stations and they did why because Obama ( or anybody in DC) was afraid of them no because they are black , Obama is in office to punish white America period

06-28-2013, 07:03 AM
TheAvengingLlama is a great guy that puts his thoughts out there and isn't afraid to tell ya how he feels , yes we knew each other back in school but he has seriously become a great writer and better yet a stand up man , yall will like him a lot

06-28-2013, 07:13 AM
I have to agree with A.L. our country is being transformed to a post European, post Christian society at an alarming rate. Soon, whites will be a minority.

Not only is the problem with offending blacks, but gays and other designated victim groups as well.

Our country is fracturing into a bunch of factions that do not consider themselves Americans first. We are losing our national identity.

This problem also extends to who you vote for and support in an election.

A black person would vote for a person who represents his interests and no one would object.

A gay person would do the same.

However, the Middle Class is expected to vote for people whose stated purpose in life is to undermine the interests of the Middle Class or else be labeled a bigot, a racist, a homophobe.

06-28-2013, 07:24 AM
At what point is our country no longer worth defending? I'm raising my sons to consider opportunity elsewhere if there is none here in the US. There has to be a nation somewhere on this planet that is discovering freedom.

06-28-2013, 11:16 AM
TheAvengingLlama was invited here by me. He is a friend of my eldest brother, Jeff, who you all know posts here. They go all the way back to HS days. Being the mutual friends, I've had the opportunity to read many of our new members posts on Facebook. He's quite the writer and generally very direct about his feelings. I think he'll be a great addition to our board. I'm assuming the first post was prompted by the ton of talk on our FB accounts about the trial that just started on Monday. As a result, many posts were made, which lead to some strong opinions. I believe Mr. Llama and I are on the same page about the Trayvon Martin killing. I also believe he's correct in his belief that this killing/trial wouldn't be national news if not for the racial aspect.

Anyway, I'm glad you accepted my invitation, and welcome to DP, Llama! :salute:

When you're comfortable and learn your way around - post in this thread and introduce yourself and tell us a little more about yourself - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?676-Introductions

Thank you James for the kind words.

06-28-2013, 11:19 AM
<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/hBaUmx5s6iE" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>.

red states rule
06-29-2013, 05:23 AM
I have to agree with A.L. our country is being transformed to a post European, post Christian society at an alarming rate. Soon, whites will be a minority.

Not only is the problem with offending blacks, but gays and other designated victim groups as well.

Our country is fracturing into a bunch of factions that do not consider themselves Americans first. We are losing our national identity.

This problem also extends to who you vote for and support in an election.

A black person would vote for a person who represents his interests and no one would object.

A gay person would do the same.

However, the Middle Class is expected to vote for people whose stated purpose in life is to undermine the interests of the Middle Class or else be labeled a bigot, a racist, a homophobe.

It seems no matter what the issue is - if you disagree with the Dems and libs you are tagged a racist

Looks back over the last 5 or 6 years

If you opposed Obama you were tagged as a racist

If you opposed obamacare and went to those Town Halls to voice your opposition to your elected official you were tagged as a racist

If you opposed the Ground Zero mosque you were tagged as a racist

If you attended a Tea Party rally you were tagged as a racist

If you opposed raising the debt ceiling you were tagged as a racist

If you opposed raising taxes you were tagged as a racist

If you oppose amnesty for the illegals you were tagged as a racist

If you want to seal the borders and control who enters the country you are tagged as a racist

If you agree with people showing a photo ID to vote you are tagged as a racist

I could go on but the pattern is easy to see. When you have any disagreement with a liberal (and some R's on amnesty) you are tagged as a racist and shouted down with the insults

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-29-2013, 11:15 AM
If you are a white employed American of any age you should be afraid, very afraid. The recent systematic destruction of Paula Dean by those in the media that have appointed themselves as the politically correct thought police should have you literally quaking in your boots. Your livelyhood can be can be taken away and your ability to earn your living seriously impeded for words that you are accused of using 30 years ago. You will be judged in the court of public opinion and then crucified on an alter of pandering and appeasement to special interest groups. Why would we as a people sit back and allow such Orwellian behavior, likely because we are afraid to speak out for fear of this kind of political retribution.
The George Zimmerman self defense trial is another very frightening example of how unproven yet rampant accusations of racism can manipulate even our countries justice system. If there were no racial element to the Zimmerman, Martin incident there would be no trial. This fact alone of being proven guilty by racism or as in the case of O.J. Simpson, exonerated by race are chilling examples of the type of accepted behavior that can bring anyone of us down for daring to disagree or worse yet, simply being a white American. What can we do to change this, for one stop being cowards and secondly stop electing cowards to public office. If this is equality, I stand firmly against it, but it is not, it is retribution, payback for the United States' Original sin, slavery. Great post. Sure it is retribution but it is not justice. There is no justice in punishing those of us alive now for transgressions made by our ancestors back than. Additionally, this nation fought a long and very costly Civil War that the lib/dems swear was only about slavery. So going along with them on that I have to ask what more punishment and retribution do they want than the deaths and misery inflicted on this nation by that our most costly war? The ffing debt has been paid but being true libs and ignorant self-serving bastards they refuse to acknowledge that payment. F-that, f-them! Nobody gets to play that damn guilt trip on me as I never owned a damn slave nor any member of my family ! Exactly what I have often told black co-workers when they start talking that trash in an attempt to try to make this white man feel guilty.
I answer only for my OWN damn Mistakes and Sins not anybody else's! The description of your character by Jim and Jeff leads me to believe we are going to be friends. I like a man with strong convictions and a sense of justice. So accept if you will a hearty welcome from the resident board "ranting expert" and far rightwing member.. ;) -Tyr

06-29-2013, 12:01 PM
If you are a white employed American of any age you should be afraid, very afraid...

The Stormfront board must be slow today... :rolleyes:

I am a white female. I am not afraid to live in peaceful coexistence with my neighbors. Others are not. They are upset that what they consider the natural order of things have been turned upside down. Black people are now their equals. Homosexuals are now their equals. Even Mexicans are being made their equals.
It's a sad state of life, I tell ya... :rolleyes:

06-29-2013, 12:04 PM
The Stormfront board must be slow today... :rolleyes:

I am a white female. I am not afraid to live in peaceful coexistence with my neighbors. Others are not. They are upset that what they consider the natural order of things have been turned upside down. Black people are now their equals. Homosexuals are now their equals. Even Mexicans are being made their equals.
It's a sad state of life, I tell ya... :rolleyes:

Not everyone who speaks out about certain black folks for various reasons, is a flaming member of Stormfront. You said the same crap when there was a fairly decent discussion about crime rates and other statistics. Not every truth or opinion makes someone a racist, because you disagree with that they are saying.

06-29-2013, 12:11 PM
But this is not even a decent argument. It is someone who is upset because it is now frowned upon to make racist statements. My paternal grandfather would be greatly unhappy with the world as it is now. He was born and raised in Texas and as deeply racist as they come. Every problem in society was the fault of minorities, immigrants and anyone else who was not Anglo Protestant. But he fought in World War II and earned the right to be who he was.
I actually feel sorry for Paula Deen. Old habits die hard.

06-29-2013, 12:17 PM
But this is not even a decent argument. It is someone who is upset because it is now frowned upon to make racist statements. My paternal grandfather would be greatly unhappy with the world as it is now. He was born and raised in Texas and as deeply racist as they come. Every problem in society was the fault of minorities, immigrants and anyone else who was not Anglo Protestant. But he fought in World War II and earned the right to be who he was.
I actually feel sorry for Paula Deen. Old habits die hard.

My point is, someone upset over unequal treatment of a word, or an argument you disagree with - doesn't mean they are racist or a stormfront member. Most people I talk to, know, see, read about, at least reasonable people, see a huge difference in the response to those who may use that word, depending on WHO says it. That hardly makes one a racist.

06-29-2013, 01:50 PM
The Stormfront board must be slow today... :rolleyes:
Though, clearly, the namecalling and guilt-by-imagined-association is not.

Llama, let me introduce you to little gabby, who makes up stuff and lies about everyone she disagrees with, then runs away for a few weeks as soon as her fibs are challenged.

They are upset that what they consider the natural order of things have been turned upside down. Black people are now their equals. Homosexuals are now their equals. Even Mexicans are being made their equals.

This, of course, is the exact opposite of what the OP's post said, though he did imply it in his thread title.

I myself was taken aback by the thread title, and thought we had another bigoted racist in our midst. But the rest of the post had quite a different, and very valid, theme: That the leftists' entire technique is to try, convict, sentence, and punish (i.e. destroy) anyone they disagree with, purely in the court of public opinion where their lies and diversions often can go unchallenged.

Llama, a bit of (unsolicited) advice, worth exactly what you paid for it: Lay off the racial remarks. Or, at least, point out that whites aren't the only ones to get "the treatment" from the left *COUGH*clarencethomas*COUGH*hermancain*COUGH*thoma ssowell*COUGH

Pointing out the left's disreputable techniques is one thing. Giving them more ammo, even a little, is pointless if not counterproductive.

As I said, unsolicited advice, worth exactly what you paid for it.

BTW, welcome to DP.

06-30-2013, 08:33 PM
Seems black on white crime is on the rise across the country so yes this is a good argument

(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/family-picnic-targeted-by-black-gang/#uojF6BVbcXvfBbJM.99

Robert A Whit
06-30-2013, 08:46 PM
The Stormfront board must be slow today... :rolleyes:

I am a white female. I am not afraid to live in peaceful coexistence with my neighbors. Others are not. They are upset that what they consider the natural order of things have been turned upside down. Black people are now their equals. Homosexuals are now their equals. Even Mexicans are being made their equals.
It's a sad state of life, I tell ya... :rolleyes:

Since you claim they all are, why don't they all act like they are? If you want to have some fun, pick an all negro neighborhood to rent in for a few months. Then come back to tell your glowing report. If you love graffiti, on homes, fences and many things, move to a Mexican area. They will of course welcome you with open knives in hand.

Robert A Whit
06-30-2013, 08:49 PM
Though, clearly, the namecalling and guilt-by-imagined-association is not.

Llama, let me introduce you to little gabby, who makes up stuff and lies about everyone she disagrees with, then runs away for a few weeks as soon as her fibs are challenged.

This, of course, is the exact opposite of what the OP's post said, though he did imply it in his thread title.

I myself was taken aback by the thread title, and thought we had another bigoted racist in our midst. But the rest of the post had quite a different, and very valid, theme: That the leftists' entire technique is to try, convict, sentence, and punish (i.e. destroy) anyone they disagree with, purely in the court of public opinion where their lies and diversions often can go unchallenged.

Llama, a bit of (unsolicited) advice, worth exactly what you paid for it: Lay off the racial remarks. Or, at least, point out that whites aren't the only ones to get "the treatment" from the left *COUGH*clarencethomas*COUGH*hermancain*COUGH*thoma ssowell*COUGH

Pointing out the left's disreputable techniques is one thing. Giving them more ammo, even a little, is pointless if not counterproductive.

As I said, unsolicited advice, worth exactly what you paid for it.

BTW, welcome to DP.

Hey Acorn

Very very good thoughts my man. At that price, priceless.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2013, 11:47 PM
If you are a white employed American of any age you should be afraid, very afraid. The recent systematic destruction of Paula Dean by those in the media that have appointed themselves as the politically correct thought police should have you literally quaking in your boots. Your livelyhood can be can be taken away and your ability to earn your living seriously impeded for words that you are accused of using 30 years ago. You will be judged in the court of public opinion and then crucified on an alter of pandering and appeasement to special interest groups. Why would we as a people sit back and allow such Orwellian behavior, likely because we are afraid to speak out for fear of this kind of political retribution.
The George Zimmerman self defense trial is another very frightening example of how unproven yet rampant accusations of racism can manipulate even our countries justice system. If there were no racial element to the Zimmerman, Martin incident there would be no trial. This fact alone of being proven guilty by racism or as in the case of O.J. Simpson, exonerated by race are chilling examples of the type of accepted behavior that can bring anyone of us down for daring to disagree or worse yet, simply being a white American. What can we do to change this, for one stop being cowards and secondly stop electing cowards to public office. If this is equality, I stand firmly against it, but it is not, it is retribution, payback for the United States' Original sin, slavery. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ok, who bushwhacked this guy!?? A great post then suddenly no more. Who sniper shot him and when was the deed accomplished? --Tyr

red state
07-14-2013, 11:57 PM
........You will be judged in the court of public opinion and then crucified on an alter of pandering and appeasement to special interest groups. Why would we as a people sit back and allow such Orwellian behavior, likely because we are afraid to speak out for fear of this kind of political retribution........

Very well written and I have to agree 100%. In fact, this coincides with how he got away with being a citizen of other countries when our Constitution forbids such a candidate from running (or in this case taking an oath that B.O. is dead set to break).

red state
07-15-2013, 12:02 AM
With the below statement, I TOTALLY disagree. Speak for yourself. My people didn't own slaves so I DO NOT owe you or anyone else a thing (except a hard way if you try to harm or take what is MINE)>

"If this is equality, I stand firmly against it, but it is not, it is retribution, payback for the United States' Original sin, slavery."

07-15-2013, 03:20 PM
The One, and Only thing I fear in this life is....IGNORANCE. Which breeds illiteracy, stupidity, and win's non-thinking, selfishness from all kinds of people who only care for ONE PERSON...Themselves.

Our nation is suffering from STUPIDITY. It is everywhere you look. Everywhere you go. And in everyone you see.

Anyone who doubts that.....

Just wait for the reactions, and posts that follow this.

07-15-2013, 03:47 PM
But this is not even a decent argument. It is someone who is upset because it is now frowned upon to make racist statements. My paternal grandfather would be greatly unhappy with the world as it is now. He was born and raised in Texas and as deeply racist as they come. Every problem in society was the fault of minorities, immigrants and anyone else who was not Anglo Protestant. But he fought in World War II and earned the right to be who he was.
I actually feel sorry for Paula Deen. Old habits die hard.

Language management becomes THOUGHT management.

Ever read '1984', by George Orwell ? He understood how demonising certain expressiveness could be used to control thought processes. This is why the Left is so keen on political correctness initiatives .. not 'for the greater good', but to straitjacket peoples' thinking in such a way that to think in ways they don't approve of becomes an increasing impossibility.

Freedom isn't served by this. TOTALITARIANISM is.