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View Full Version : 26% of Obama Backers Say Tea Partiers Are More Dangerous Than Radical Muslims

red states rule
06-27-2013, 03:25 PM
I wonder if that 26% includes Gabby, FU, and LR?

(Oh and lets not forget Virgil :lol:)

Half of all voters consider radical Muslims the bigger terrorist threat facing the nation, but supporters of President Obama consider the Tea Party to be as big a danger.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters consider radical Muslims to be the bigger threat to the United States today. Thirteen percent (13%) view the Tea Party that way, and another 13% consider other political and religious extremists to be the larger danger. Six percent (6%) point to local militia groups. Two percent (2%) see the Occupy Wall Street movement as the bigger terrorist threat. (To see survey question wording, click here (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/questions/pt_survey_questions/june_2013/questions_terrorism_and_nuclear_weapons_june_22_23 _2013).)

However, among those who approve of the president’s job performance, just 29% see radical Muslims as the bigger threat. Twenty-six percent (26%) say it’s the Tea Party that concerns them most. Among those who Strongly Approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical Muslims.

As for those who disapprove of Obama’s performance, 75% consider radical Muslims to be the bigger terrorist threat. Just one percent (1%) name the Tea Party.

I’ve never been to a Tea Party rally per se, but I’ve attended conservative events where Tea Party groups are a major presence. In my own experience, these men and women are by and large kind, friendly, and patriotic Americans who happen to believe in limited government, lower taxation and traditional values. They do not in any way shape or form advocate violence or hatred; they merely want to hold their government accountable – which seems pretty reasonable (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2013/06/27/irs-inspector-general-liberal-groups-werent-targeted-like-conservatives-n1629048) these days, no? How then does one explain the fact that more than one-quarter of the president’s supporters consider Tea Party people to be the nation’s “top terror threat?” This is utterly insane to me. Of course, liberals can disagree with conservatives on policy, but there is simply no credible evidence whatsoever that Tea Partiers pose a national security risk to the United States of America.

The truth is, I think, that the media has tried desperately to portray Tea Partiers as violent (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/07/23/Stephanopoulos-Responsible-Tea-Party-Smear) and intolerant racists (http://therightscoop.com/epic-michelle-malkin-torches-juan-williams-for-smearing-the-tea-party-as-racist/). And sadly, too many well-meaning Americans seem to have bought into these spurious lies. What a shame.


06-27-2013, 06:13 PM
When ALL OBAMA HAS is 26%. Who really cares what they think, or believe? If they voted TWICE for him.
They've already thrown their own future down the SINKHOLE called Dependency on Others...to exist.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2013, 06:36 PM
As stupid as they are I think its at least 60% of them thinking that. If a movie had in it a character like Obama doing what he is doing it'll be totally unbelievable yet he does it and its praised. Which goes to show that the last two/ /three(?) generations are clueless idiots that were taught very little in our public school system. And that was by design. What is currently being done to this nation is a culmination of a long range plan. A partnership between groups here DEM/LEFTISTS/MUSLIMS and a group outside of our borders that plan on destroying us without firing a shot.. Obama leads that group now because of the office he holds. . Fact..-Tyr

06-27-2013, 07:07 PM
26% of Obama Backers Say Tea Partiers Are More Dangerous Than Radical Muslims


The number of deluded, fanatical mouth-breathers among the liberal ranks, is rising steadily.

I begin to understand how the German people in 1933 (normally a polite, rational, civilized populace) was able to elect someone like Adolf Hitler to high position in their government.

They must have experienced a transformation such as we are seeing here today.


BTW, no, I am not calling Democrats Nazis. The differences between U.S. Democrats and German Nazis are many and large.

I am merely commenting on the transformation of their voting populace, which swung from electing a civilized man like Hindenburg in 1925 and 1932, to accepting someone like Hitler as Reich Chancellor in 1934. Are we seeing a similar transformation here, now?

06-27-2013, 07:40 PM
26% of Obama Backers Say Tea Partiers Are More Dangerous Than Radical Muslims


The number of deluded, fanatical mouth-breathers among the liberal ranks, is rising steadily.

I begin to understand how the German people in 1933 (normally a polite, rational, civilized populace) was able to elect someone like Adolf Hitler to high position in their government.

They must have experienced a transformation such as we are seeing here today.


BTW, no, I am not calling Democrats Nazis. The differences between U.S. Democrats and German Nazis are many and large.

I am merely commenting on the transformation of their voting populace, which swung from electing a civilized man like Hindenburg in 1925 and 1932, to accepting someone like Hitler as Reich Chancellor in 1934. Are we seeing a similar transformation here, now?

Little-Acorn. Only One thing to remember here. Those who make such announcements VOTED FOR OBAMA. They have no other way to defend against people who expose the hatred...by telling the truth.
These people are just following Obama's footsteps when they call fellow Americans THE ENEMY.
The can't see how OBAMA is actually the Enemy they fear. That would make them all look like the fools they are.
Ignorance, Stupidity, and Lack of Education all combined...equal HATRED.

Robert A Whit
06-27-2013, 08:42 PM
As stupid as they are I think its at least 60% of them thinking that. If a movie had in it a character like Obama doing what he is doing it'll be totally unbelievable yet he does it and its praised. Which goes to show that the last two/ /three(?) generations are clueless idiots that were taught very little in our public school system. And that was by design. What is currently being done to this nation is a culmination of a long range plan. A partnership between groups here DEM/LEFTISTS/MUSLIMS and a group outside of our borders that plan on destroying us without firing a shot.. Obama leads that group now because of the office he holds. . Fact..-Tyr

I tried.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tyr-Ziu Saxnot again.

06-27-2013, 09:02 PM
It's true in a way. At least a radical Muslim can be turned away from radicalism by debating the radical position with sound Islamic education to show him that radical and violent ways are actually contrary to what Islam teaches.

The Tea Party on the other hand is full of equally radical but more stubborn individuals. :fighting0061:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2013, 09:16 PM
It's true in a way. At least a radical Muslim can be turned away from radicalism by debating the radical position with sound Islamic education to show him that radical and violent ways are actually contrary to what Islam teaches.

The Tea Party on the other hand is full of equally radical but more stubborn individuals. :fighting0061: Really? How so? How about just a few examples of being more stubborn than murdering innocent people because they worship a different God. Come on Jafar , this is your chance to really shine and back up your own words. Lets hear it... -Tyr

06-27-2013, 09:23 PM
It's true in a way. At least a radical Muslim can be turned away from radicalism by debating the radical position with sound Islamic education to show him that radical and violent ways are actually contrary to what Islam teaches.

The Tea Party on the other hand is full of equally radical but more stubborn individuals. :fighting0061:

How many Tea Party rallies have you been to? None? You're talking out of your anus. Most are just geezers annoyed than their kids moved back in with them.

06-27-2013, 11:39 PM
The Tea Party is one of the most dangerous groups in the country. And no doubt a bunch of villainous tax cheat, which is why the IRS is after them. After all, the Tea Party does hate America and wishes harm on our troops. We should place them all in interment camps. For the good of the country.

red states rule
06-28-2013, 01:33 AM
How many Tea Party rallies have you been to? None? You're talking out of your anus. Most are just geezers annoyed than their kids moved back in with them.

I enjoy watching the reaction of liberals who supported the OWS when I asked them how many people were arrested at Tea Party rallies? Or how many women were raped? How many people used drugs? Or how many people were murdered at those rallies?

Also how many workers had to be employed to clean up after the rally?

Their silence is a delight to listen to

06-28-2013, 06:14 AM
How many Tea Party rallies have you been to? None? You're talking out of your anus. Most are just geezers annoyed than their kids moved back in with them.

Exactly. Stubborn, cantankerous old coots.

Marcus Aurelius
06-28-2013, 07:35 AM
It's true in a way. At least a radical Muslim can be turned away from radicalism by debating the radical position with sound Islamic education to show him that radical and violent ways are actually contrary to what Islam teaches.

If it's so fucking easy, WHY doesn't Islam do it then? There would BE no terrorism if Islam tried to do this. It doesn't. It hides it's fucking head in the sand, and lets terrorism go on unchecked. Too busy worshiping a pedophile to bother I guess.

Marcus Aurelius
06-28-2013, 07:36 AM
I enjoy watching the reaction of liberals who supported the OWS when I asked them how many people were arrested at Tea Party rallies? Or how many women were raped? How many people used drugs? Or how many people were murdered at those rallies?

Also how many workers had to be employed to clean up after the rally?

Their silence is a delight to listen to

Since Jahil is an expert on the Tea Party, perhaps he can post those stats for us???

06-28-2013, 08:31 AM
It's true in a way. At least a radical Muslim can be turned away from radicalism by debating the radical position with sound Islamic education to show him that radical and violent ways are actually contrary to what Islam teaches.

The Tea Party on the other hand is full of equally radical but more stubborn individuals.

Equally radical? Do you see members of the tea party killing people, cutting off heads, abusing women, committing terror attacks and calling for holy wars? They may be "radical", as in their opinions are far from what you and other believe - but to put them in the same category as radical Muslims is laughable.

The Tea Party is one of the most dangerous groups in the country. And no doubt a bunch of villainous tax cheat, which is why the IRS is after them. After all, the Tea Party does hate America and wishes harm on our troops. We should place them all in interment camps. For the good of the country.

What crimes, killings, abuses and such make them so dangerous? I don't recall a single group that the irs TARGETED that was guilty of cheating on taxes. The rest of your stuff is trolling. Or was the entire post trolling? Seriously, why don't you stick to the bottom portion of the board if you can't control yourself? I don't want to be accused of being biased and such for removing you from threads, or the entire board, but you are adding NOTHING to the political side of the board except for riling up trouble and fights. I stick up for you as one who would have a lot to add if she wasn't abused. But you repay me by entering threads and starting your trolling, left and right, without any provocation at all.

Exactly. Stubborn, cantankerous old coots.

Stubborn or cantankerous hardly makes them radicals. Again, to compare them in ANY way to radical Islam is laughable.

06-28-2013, 08:32 AM
If it's so fucking easy, WHY doesn't Islam do it then? There would BE no terrorism if Islam tried to do this. It doesn't. It hides it's fucking head in the sand, and lets terrorism go on unchecked. Too busy worshiping a pedophile to bother I guess.

VERY RARELY does Islam try to reel in the radicals hell bent on destruction, abuse and death. Always support or a blind eye.

06-28-2013, 08:41 AM
The Tea Party is one of the most dangerous groups in the country. And no doubt a bunch of villainous tax cheat, which is why the IRS is after them. After all, the Tea Party does hate America and wishes harm on our troops. We should place them all in interment camps. For the good of the country.

... but you are adding NOTHING to the political side of the board except for riling up trouble and fights.

I believe she was attempting irony. But I can also think of some others who are meeting your standards equally well. :poke:

06-28-2013, 08:52 AM
I believe she was attempting irony. But I can also think of some others who are meeting your standards equally well. :poke:

I don't think many are 100% free of trolling on the political side. But most at least add a LITTLE to the story, and ATTEMPT to debate the topic, at least a little.

06-28-2013, 08:57 AM
I don't think many are 100% free of trolling on the political side. But most at least add a LITTLE to the story, and ATTEMPT to debate the topic, at least a little.

Debatable, but trolling is trolling right?

06-28-2013, 08:58 AM
Debatable, but trolling is trolling right?

Yes, trolling is trolling. I've even done it once or twice myself. :)

06-28-2013, 09:15 AM
Yes, trolling is trolling. I've even done it once or twice myself. :)

:thumb: All things in moderation. :laugh:

Marcus Aurelius
06-28-2013, 09:19 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=649131#post649131)
It's true in a way. At least a radical Muslim can be turned away from radicalism by debating the radical position with sound Islamic education to show him that radical and violent ways are actually contrary to what Islam teaches.

The Tea Party on the other hand is full of equally radical but more stubborn individuals.

Equally radical? Do you see members of the tea party killing people, cutting off heads, abusing women, committing terror attacks and calling for holy wars? They may be "radical", as in their opinions are far from what you and other believe - but to put them in the same category as radical Muslims is laughable.

jim... you missed the most ridiculous part of his comment...

a radical Muslim can be turned away from radicalism by debating the radical position with sound Islamic education

Not only is that laughable since they do not DO it... it is contradictory to Jahil's previous posts that the radicals are NOT 'really' Muslims. Now, he suddenly calls them Muslims. WTF???

Marcus Aurelius
06-28-2013, 09:20 AM
I believe she was attempting irony. But I can also think of some others who are meeting your standards equally well. :poke:

Should should go back to ironing instead.

06-28-2013, 09:41 AM
The Tea Party is one of the most dangerous groups in the country. And no doubt a bunch of villainous tax cheat, which is why the IRS is after them. After all, the Tea Party does hate America and wishes harm on our troops. We should place them all in interment camps. For the good of the country.

The tea party is when the backbone of america (The middle class) finally get's riled up enough to do something.

06-28-2013, 10:29 AM
Exactly. Stubborn, cantankerous old coots.

Stubborn, cantankerous... and right.

06-28-2013, 11:27 AM
To many people, trolling is the act of saying something that they disagree with.

06-28-2013, 12:49 PM
The Tea Party is one of the most dangerous groups in the country. And no doubt a bunch of villainous tax cheat, which is why the IRS is after them. After all, the Tea Party does hate America and wishes harm on our troops. We should place them all in interment camps. For the good of the country.

To many people, trolling is the act of saying something that they disagree with.

So it's not trolling, we just disagree. Then please, backup your comments.

1. Why are they "one of the most dangerous groups in the country"? Have the committed tons of crimes and have they been violent?
2. Point out some of the cases where the IRS is after tea party groups for cheating on their taxes.
3. Show where any group has stated they hate America
4. Show where they ever wished harm on our troops.

I don't expect answers, and I certainly don't expect the truth or facts. Why? Because the trolling in that post is beyond obvious. We don't just disagree with you, we KNOW you just make crap up - which is why you are labeled a troll.

06-28-2013, 01:24 PM
So it's not trolling, we just disagree. Then please, backup your comments.

1. Why are they "one of the most dangerous groups in the country"? Have the committed tons of crimes and have they been violent?
2. Point out some of the cases where the IRS is after tea party groups for cheating on their taxes.
3. Show where any group has stated they hate America
4. Show where they ever wished harm on our troops.

I don't expect answers, and I certainly don't expect the truth or facts. Why? Because the trolling in that post is beyond obvious. We don't just disagree with you, we KNOW you just make crap up - which is why you are labeled a troll.

The thread started with a headline about a poll saying 26% of O backers say TEA party people are more dangerous than radical Muslims.

I commented that this percentage seems to be increasing, and quite noticeably. And pointed out that the 26% are people who come to a completely fatuous conclusion based on zero evidence, nothing but their own hatred making them WISH it were true.

Little gabby dropped her usual feces at that point, and I observed that she was a fitting example of such a mindless hater as I had described - and that such mindless haters could have resulted in the acceptance of another mindless hater as the leader of an otherwise-civilized, polite, normal country.

But there is one more factor a person (or a crowd) needs to accept and follow such a fanatical hater as their leader. While the people in the crowd must be capable of saying such irrational things (many hamless trolls do that just to get a rise out of those who listen)... they must also be capable of actually believing in their heart of hearts, that the irrational conclusions they have utttered, are genuinely true.

Only at that point does the crowd turn fom a bunch of sad, unimportant trolls, into an actual political killing machine, as the people of Germany did in the 1930s and 40s, with results we all know.

My purpose in this thread, has not been to call the Democrat party a "political killing machine" like Nazi Germany. They are not.

My purpose is only to point out that they are taking the first firm step in that direction.

As indicated by the 26% statistic that opened the thread.

06-28-2013, 01:33 PM
To many people, trolling is the act of saying something that they disagree with.

Gabby. Why are you so upset? You should be more than pleased to see so many members Following Your Lead as the #1 Troll on DP.

06-28-2013, 01:54 PM
Gabby. Why are you so upset? You should be more than pleased to see so many members Following Your Lead as the #1 Troll on DP.

Sorry, all we can really do is put her in the top 3; She's got competition. ;)

red states rule
06-29-2013, 05:05 AM
To many people, trolling is the act of saying something that they disagree with.

You are right Gabby

How dare anyone stand up and oppose higher taxes, trillion dollar per year deficits, nearly an additional $7 trillion added to the national debt. the IRS targeting people for their political beliefs, the unexplained deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, the NSA spying on all US citizens, the reckless spending of Federal workers per perks and luxury hotel suites, the economic polices that have not worked, the lame foreign policies that are allowing Iraq to get nukes and dictators to use chemical weapons to kill their own citizens, and Obamacare that is causing people to lose their jobs and drive up the cost of health ins for the rest of us

You are scratching your head wondering why anyone be opposed to such reasonable liberal polices that in 40 or 50 years would eventually solve the "problems" we are facing now. So these damn Tea Party people must be silenced and beaten into submission

06-29-2013, 06:25 AM
VERY RARELY does Islam try to reel in the radicals hell bent on destruction, abuse and death. Always support or a blind eye.

Actually they did try it in Yemen with a 98% success rate. Unfortunately it closed down because of a lack of funding and support.

Maybe you should have been sending Imams armed with Qur'aans to Guantanemo to rehabilitate those you caught instead of torturing them. It would have been more constructive.

Or how about spreading education about Islam in Afghanistan and Iraq instead of trying to convert them to Christianity?

red states rule
06-29-2013, 06:30 AM
Actually they did try it in Yemen with a 98% success rate. Unfortunately it closed down because of a lack of funding and support.

Maybe you should have been sending Imams armed with Qur'aans to Guantanemo to rehabilitate those you caught instead of torturing them. It would have been more constructive.

Or how about spreading education about Islam in Afghanistan and Iraq instead of trying to convert them to Christianity?


06-29-2013, 06:59 AM
Actually they did try it in Yemen with a 98% success rate. Unfortunately it closed down because of a lack of funding and support.

Maybe you should have been sending Imams armed with Qur'aans to Guantanemo to rehabilitate those you caught instead of torturing them. It would have been more constructive.

Or how about spreading education about Islam in Afghanistan and Iraq instead of trying to convert them to Christianity?

If it was so successful I wonder why it was closed due to lack of support and funding.

red states rule
06-29-2013, 07:10 AM
If it was so successful I wonder why it was closed due to lack of support and funding.

Jafar will bellow how itt was all because of a massive Jewish conspiracy Gaffer

06-29-2013, 08:38 AM
Actually they did try it in Yemen with a 98% success rate. Unfortunately it closed down because of a lack of funding and support.

Maybe you should have been sending Imams armed with Qur'aans to Guantanemo to rehabilitate those you caught instead of torturing them. It would have been more constructive.

Or how about spreading education about Islam in Afghanistan and Iraq instead of trying to convert them to Christianity?

Yeah, exactly, lack of funding and SUPPORT.

Anyway, one country wouldn't make my words incorrect anyway. There are COUNTLESS radicals in COUNTLESS countries looking to pervert the religion and use it as an excuse to be violent, abuse and/or kill. And they continue to be able to try and radicalize others. I posted about the idiot leading cleric in Egypt, inciting violence, and he's APPLAUDED for his words.