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View Full Version : 101st seeking to save 'Band of Brothers' regiment

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-29-2013, 08:05 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/101st-seeking-save-band-brothers-regiment-100029603.html http://l.yimg.com/a/i/us/nws/p/ap_logo_106.png (http://www.ap.org/) <cite class="byline vcard top-line">KRISTIN M. HALL <abbr>June 28, 2013</abbr> </cite>

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (AP) — The 101st Airborne Division is trying to save its illustrious 506th Infantry Regiment, whose origins date to World War II's fabled "Band of Brothers," from deactivation under the Army's massive restructuring.
The Army announced this week that at least 12 combat brigades nationwide are to be eliminated by 2017 under sweeping military reductions, among them the 4th Brigade Combat Team at Fort Campbell, Ky.
The long-term reorganization seeks to reduce the Army's size from a high of about 570,000 members at the peak of the Iraq war to 490,000 to shrink spending and reflect the country's current military needs as wars in Iraq and Afghanistan end.
The brigade traces its lineage to the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, created in 1942, at Camp Toccoa, Ga.
The 506th was among several parachute regiments created to sneak behind enemy lines in the war. Nicknamed "Currahee," which is a Native American Cherokee term for "stands alone," the regiment parachuted into Normandy during the D-Day invasion in 1944 and then later parachuted into Holland. The regiment raced to liberate Europe amid bouts of fierce fighting in Bastogne, Belgium and then overran Hitler's famed "Eagle's Nest" in Germany.
The regiment wasn't associated with the "Band of Brothers" nickname until the book by historian Stephen Ambrose came out in 1992, reigniting interest in the regiment among the public. The subsequent HBO miniseries produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks about the men of Easy Company won national acclaim, and followed the soldiers from paratrooper training through D-Day and the end of the war.
Brig. Gen. Mark Stammer, acting senior commander of the 101st Airborne Division, said the division wants to preserve the regiment's two battalions, along with its flags and its historical legacy.
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Items belonging to Col. Robert Sink, the first commander of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, a …
He said during a news conference Thursday at the post on the Tennessee-Kentucky state line that the regiment's battalions should be transferred to two of the division's three remaining infantry brigades. Obama down sizing of our military in full force. Why should we have the most powerful military in the world? ITS NOT FAIR, RIGHT? So goes the leftist/liberal thinking and so goes Obama's agenda to weaken us..-Tyr

06-29-2013, 08:09 PM
One more, of the many steps the Obama administration is taking in the name of Saving Nothing, while making Americans angry enough to forget how Obama is determined to DESTROY AMERICA, once, and for all.

Small steps toward the final goal is how Obama, and company are playing it.







red state
06-29-2013, 09:04 PM
If you recall, we recently had a leading official/officer pretty much declared that the days of Rambo are over. The poor leader may as well have said that the days of our being the NUMBER ONE BAD@$$ on the block are over....we now, according to this idiot, need multi-culturalism and cultural awareness of our enemies.

[Maj. Gen. Bennet Sacolick, director of force management for U.S. Special Operations Command, said having seen women working alongside commando teams in Afghanistan, he is less concerned about their physical strength than the social issues that could arise. His comments came as military leaders mapped out plans Tuesday to develop physical and mental standards for thousands of combat jobs and slowly bring women into front-line positions, including possibly Navy SEAL teams or Army Ranger units, where they historically have been banned from serving.]

Political Correctness has single-handedly ruined this Great Nation.....from religion, education, jobs and now our MIGHTY military.

Put a fork in it....it's DONE!

06-29-2013, 10:00 PM

06-30-2013, 02:21 PM
If you recall, we recently had a leading official/officer pretty much declared that the days of Rambo are over. The poor leader may as well have said that the days of our being the NUMBER ONE BAD@$$ on the block are over....we now, according to this idiot, need multi-culturalism and cultural awareness of our enemies.

[Maj. Gen. Bennet Sacolick, director of force management for U.S. Special Operations Command, said having seen women working alongside commando teams in Afghanistan, he is less concerned about their physical strength than the social issues that could arise. His comments came as military leaders mapped out plans Tuesday to develop physical and mental standards for thousands of combat jobs and slowly bring women into front-line positions, including possibly Navy SEAL teams or Army Ranger units, where they historically have been banned from serving.]

Political Correctness has single-handedly ruined this Great Nation.....from religion, education, jobs and now our MIGHTY military.

Put a fork in it....it's DONE!

Our Military. Primarily those who claim to be the JOINT CHIEFS, and those working their career, political jobs in the Pentagon, have all been De-Militarized, and Wussified by the Obama administration because...they fear for their Military Career path's being shortened IF....any of them DARE to step forward with a PAIR OF BALLS, to disagree with the DESTRUCTION OF OUR NATION.

Remember. Part of the OBAMA plan in destroying America must begin....by destroying our Military.

Looks like that Plan is WORKING perfectly.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2013, 02:46 PM
Our Military. Primarily those who claim to be the JOINT CHIEFS, and those working their career, political jobs in the Pentagon, have all been De-Militarized, and Wussified by the Obama administration because...they fear for their Military Career path's being shortened IF....any of them DARE to step forward with a PAIR OF BALLS, to disagree with the DESTRUCTION OF OUR NATION.

Remember. Part of the OBAMA plan in destroying America must begin....by destroying our Military.

Looks like that Plan is WORKING perfectly. Obama has been purging true and patriotic military officers ever since the start of his agenda. Check out who he purged first. You'll find out that it was military officers that would not sign an oath to fire upon unarmed citizen protesters should an order to do so be given. And his investigation gave the names of the true patriotic military high brass to which he used various means to force out. All his agenda is is a plan to weaken this nation in everyway possible. So we must ask who does he truly serve? Answer is damn sure not us , our nation or our welfare. The bastard is a damn traitor pure and simple.. As such the damn scum is not my president. F-HIM.... -Tyr

07-01-2013, 04:00 PM
Obama has been purging true and patriotic military officers ever since the start of his agenda. Check out who he purged first. You'll find out that it was military officers that would not sign an oath to fire upon unarmed citizen protesters should an order to do so be given. And his investigation gave the names of the true patriotic military high brass to which he used various means to force out. All his agenda is is a plan to weaken this nation in everyway possible. So we must ask who does he truly serve? Answer is damn sure not us , our nation or our welfare. The bastard is a damn traitor pure and simple.. As such the damn scum is not my president. F-HIM.... -Tyr

Tyr. Along those lines. Though most will question, and tell me I am fabricating this. But. I live in a very large, military community as part of the largest military establishment on the East Coast of the United States. It stretches from DC, down to North, and South Carolina in many ways. But...what we hear most often. From Active Duty families, and members more often now is. How so many of them are choosing to leave military life when their enlistments, and legally sanctioned obligations are completed.
Anyone who still believes Obama is a great CIC...probably isn't very smart, or has never worn the uniform. Either, Or.
Yes. There are thousands of enlisted members today who LOVE Obama. And, without sounding racist. I will simply allow everyone reading this to decide....which race those military members represent.
Even many of them. Who shall remain FACELESS...have been showing a great disappointment, and much displeasure with the Sitting President. And, many of them laugh when anyone calls him the C-in-C with a straight face.

We all know how Obama and company are bound, and determined to destroy the military. So,those who can. ARE LEAVING ASAP.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2013, 09:54 AM
Tyr. Along those lines. Though most will question, and tell me I am fabricating this. But. I live in a very large, military community as part of the largest military establishment on the East Coast of the United States. It stretches from DC, down to North, and South Carolina in many ways. But...what we hear most often. From Active Duty families, and members more often now is. How so many of them are choosing to leave military life when their enlistments, and legally sanctioned obligations are completed.
Anyone who still believes Obama is a great CIC...probably isn't very smart, or has never worn the uniform. Either, Or.
Yes. There are thousands of enlisted members today who LOVE Obama. And, without sounding racist. I will simply allow everyone reading this to decide....which race those military members represent.
Even many of them. Who shall remain FACELESS...have been showing a great disappointment, and much displeasure with the Sitting President. And, many of them laugh when anyone calls him the C-in-C with a straight face.

We all know how Obama and company are bound, and determined to destroy the military. So,those who can. ARE LEAVING ASAP. Obama was the main reason two of my relatives left the military after long careers there. They saw that the guy was a damn traitor and who tha' hell wants to serve at the bidding of a damn traitor?

07-02-2013, 01:23 PM
Obama was the main reason two of my relatives left the military after long careers there. They saw that the guy was a damn traitor and who tha' hell wants to serve at the bidding of a damn traitor?

I know how they felt Tyr. I couldn't wait to retire in 95, while Bubba was still pretending he loved the Military...just like Obama.

If there is anything I honestly did learn while in the military. It was how the Higher-ups, with all the gold on their shoulder's are forced to Appease, Bow down, and even Kiss Butt...politically. In order to make sure their retirement benefits aren't stopped because they dared to speak out of turn...and tell the truth.

It's an endless stream of really SAD, SAD DAYS for our military now.

And most of all. SAD FOR OUR NATION, across the board.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2013, 02:18 PM
I know how they felt Tyr. I couldn't wait to retire in 95, while Bubba was still pretending he loved the Military...just like Obama.

If there is anything I honestly did learn while in the military. It was how the Higher-ups, with all the gold on their shoulder's are forced to Appease, Bow down, and even Kiss Butt...politically. In order to make sure their retirement benefits aren't stopped because they dared to speak out of turn...and tell the truth.

It's an endless stream of really SAD, SAD DAYS for our military now.

And most of all. SAD FOR OUR NATION, across the board. O' so well and honestly said my friend. :beer:--Tyr