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View Full Version : Obama, - pragmatism or conwardice

Alik Bahshi
06-30-2013, 03:23 PM
This article was written before the second election of Obama. As I predicted Obama now beware of the influential Jewish lobby and presses on Israel, that Israel withdraw from the occupied territories.
Obama,- pragmatism or cowardice

"Yeshua Ha-Nozri: cowardice, of course, one of theworst vices"
Mikhail Bulgakov "TheMaster and Margarita"<o:p></o
If we compare the speech ofPresident Barack Obama at Cairo University with his performance (I would saythe report) to the leadership of the American Jewish lobby (AIPAC), that despite the antagonism is readily apparent in task orientation, they have one thingin common, namely, in both speeches Obama said what he wanted to hear thea udience. What is this, the political pragmatism or immorality? Involuntarily ask yourself, in which case Obama was sincere? Undoubtedly, there will be a time when Obama will have to answer to his conscience, but we can not know and hardly we find out what it will be. After all, we do not have the moral rightto interfere in such an intimate relationship between the individual area with a Conscience. Let it be, as they say, Conscience Obama, but there are circumstances which details please clarify, because the words of a man with the power, for which there is the strongest military power in the state today, the man from whose will determine the fate of many people and even nations , should be treated with all seriousness. In this case we are talking about theArab-Israeli conflict - the headache of American Presidents (1), which are forced by the Jewish lobby, a policy of double standards, damaging not only the image of America, but also imposed, it is unnecessary to any economically or political point of view, the policy of confrontation with the Arab world with the resultant conglomerate here inter related issues such as security (the tragedy of September 11) and the subsequent unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in which the actions of America are like the raging elephant in achina shop. Yes, in the out break of the war is not the fault of Barack Obama,however … However, Obama, understanding the role of the Arab-Israeli conflict in all the Middle East problems, as seen in his fiery speech at Cairo University, which he said almost immediately after the president took so nothing substantial and are not made to put an end to morethan half-century conflict. Of course, President Obama is the first of his predecessors made it clear that he is clearly a problem and knows how to solveit, and most importantly, is going to solve it. It seemed that Obama is willingto fight the Jewish lobby (2.3), for this, he had plenty of time and power, but... Do business in the worst vice, pointed to by Yeshua Ha-Nozri. So what are thedetails please find out the circumstances to find out which of the speechesObama sincere? For this we need to ask just two questions:
- Does the right audience at Cairo University, Obama's political position? Answer – NO - Does AIPAC audiencedirectly on the political situation Obama? The answer is unequivocal - yes, even more so that it delivered to the Jewish lobby on the eve of the presidential election.
Thus, one can safely doubt the sincerity of Obama's audience AIPAC. America'spresident is limited in time and, in contrast to the sovereign of Putin, who can afford it down the toilet the whole people, is obliged to adjust their actions and spoken language with public opinion, and the opinion of theall-powerful Jewish lobby can not be ignored, especially in anticipation of the election, if he wants to stay in the White House for a second term.
Obama more time for his first term in office, he held a major health care reform for the country, his head fell off an environmental disaster in the Gulfof Mexico as a result of the accident at the rig, he had to take bold decisions to confront the economic crisis in America, take the form of a global As promised,Obama with drew its troops from Iraq, and maybe it's not cowardly to fight the Jewish lobby and down the curtain bloody Middle Eastern performances based onthe money of the American taxpayer, and that, subject to these urgent cases for the country, Obama physically not enough time. Now, in order to perform software Cairo speech and avoid being accused of terrible flaw mentioned by Yeshua Ha-Nozri, Obama at least needed a victory in the elections. In light ofthis political insincerity Obama to AIPAC quite clear. This behavior is similar to a doctor, putting the patient before surgery necessary for his owngood, but the fact that Israel needs this operation, no doubt. Deciding the questionof Palestine Obama deprive Tehran obscurantist motivation to use the Arab-Israeli conflict to justify political goals to lead the Islamic world in the fight against such hateful Western democracy from which they protect their people, and in which they are, quite rightly, they see a potential threat tohis power. If this forecast Obama's policy in the Middle East conflict is wrong, and Obama did not dare to political battle with the Jewish lobby, leaving open the question of Palestine, then, I think he does not avoid a difficult conversation with a Conscience. This brings to mind: "Ultimately,the moral choice is the most pragmatic." Andrei Sakharov

1. "Late Flowers" 2. "America demands changes» 3. "Obama, bring America's conscience and save Israel»

06-30-2013, 03:32 PM
Alik - if these ARE your writings, then it is not necessary to include links to backup your own writing. Doing so will give the impression that you just want to spam your own writing and site. Additionally, while I acknowledge that many jumped on your writing style and such - I haven't really seen you go back to these threads you have started and taking the time to reply to those who did make legit replies. This also, gives off the vibe that you are more interested in getting your writing and links out there.

Alik Bahshi
06-30-2013, 03:40 PM
Alik - if these ARE your writings, then it is not necessary to include links to backup your own writing. Doing so will give the impression that you just want to spam your own writing and site. Additionally, while I acknowledge that many jumped on your writing style and such - I haven't really seen you go back to these threads you have started and taking the time to reply to those who did make legit replies. This also, gives off the vibe that you are more interested in getting your writing and links out there.


06-30-2013, 03:42 PM

Thanks! :thumb:

I hope you'll make a better effort to reply to those who do pay attention to your topics.

Alik Bahshi
06-30-2013, 10:30 PM
Thanks! :thumb:

I hope you'll make a better effort to reply to those who do pay attention to your topics.

With great pleasure I will lead the debate, otherwise why take part in the forum, but so far, apart from attacks and insults I have not seen anything.