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View Full Version : Interview with Tyr.

07-01-2013, 03:56 PM
An interview held with a staunch, dedicated patriot, someone who fearlessly says just what needs to be said, when it needs to be said .. someone who'll take on all-comers in the service of a loyalty to the unvarnished truth - who knows his enemies and will fight them to the bitter end ... we are privileged to witness an in-depth interview, here, with just such a decent individual.


Tyr, many thanks for this contribution to DebatePolicy ! :beer:And thanks to Abbey and Jim for a quality interview - a job well done.

red state
07-01-2013, 10:27 PM
GREAT READ! It held no surprises by, heck, I've know the guy for quite a while now. I think it would be great for ALL the old coots to be interviewed while they can still remember how to answer half the questions or are still kickin'. HA!

Hopefully, we'll read more of these in the future.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2013, 09:24 AM
Thanks guys . We old coots had better take a hard stand for what is right and proper for this nation because we are the last generation that has the knowledge of what this once was and was intended to be. They do not teach that in schools any more and that's by design. I remember as a young kid always wanting to hear the old folks talk. I remember starting school and thinking how wonderful it all was and how great it was to have access to a huge library. Schools back then were truly wonderful places and my God the vast majority of teachers were awesome. Were it not for my temperament I would have been a teacher. Used to dream about doing just that but knew my massive anger control issues of my youth wouldn't allow it to be a proper career. You are right ,the old coots know a bit more after all they have lived and experienced a helluva lot more. Does not make any of us better than anybody else simply because we are older but does give us a greater foundation to draw upon in decision making. And with that in mind I have often suggested that all federal elections should have a voting age of 35 years old and older. Of course the drawback is there are those that are senile. I never saw senility in either my father or my grandfather but have in others since and its a sad sight. I often joke with the young guys(18 to 30) by saying this with a wink, "Old age ain't all that its cracked up to be , best to just not do it." Some of them get the joke , others think me mad. :laugh:--Tyr

07-02-2013, 01:14 PM
Thanks guys . We old coots had better take a hard stand for what is right and proper for this nation because we are the last generation that has the knowledge of what this once was and was intended to be. They do not teach that in schools any more and that's by design. I remember as a young kid always wanting to hear the old folks talk. I remember starting school and thinking how wonderful it all was and how great it was to have access to a huge library. Schools back then were truly wonderful places and my God the vast majority of teachers were awesome. Were it not for my temperament I would have been a teacher. Used to dream about doing just that but knew my massive anger control issues of my youth wouldn't allow it to be a proper career. You are right ,the old coots know a bit more after all they have lived and experienced a helluva lot more. Does not make any of us better than anybody else simply because we are older but does give us a greater foundation to draw upon in decision making. And with that in mind I have often suggested that all federal elections should have a voting age of 35 years old and older. Of course the drawback is there are those that are senile. I never saw senility in either my father or my grandfather but have in others since and its a sad sight. I often joke with the young guys(18 to 30) by saying this with a wink, "Old age ain't all that its cracked up to be , best to just not do it." Some of them get the joke , others think me mad. :laugh:--Tyr:clap::clap::clap::clap: