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Marcus Aurelius
07-02-2013, 02:37 PM

Egypt teetered on the brink of overthrow after a defiant Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi rejected an ultimatum issued by the military, in which defense officials have pledged to intervene if the government does not address public demands and bring an end to the political turmoil engulfing Cairo.

Morsi said Tuesday that he had not been consulted and would pursue his own plans for reconciliation between his government and opposition leaders, according to Reuters.

this is going to get ugly.

07-02-2013, 02:43 PM
Hmmmmm.... seems the ARAB SPRING turned into a non democratic Movement.

Egypt has had enough... and when you piss off the Egyptian Army....you're finished.

A Message to Morsi... (See Video)


07-02-2013, 02:46 PM

The military underlined it will "not be a party in politics or rule." But it said it has a responsibility to act because Egypt's national security is facing a "grave danger," according to a statement."

The Armed Forces repeat its call for the people's demands to be met and give everyone 48 hours as a last chance to shoulder the burden of a historic moment for a nation that will not forgive or tolerate any party that is lax in shouldering its responsibility," it said.

It did not directly define "the people's demands," but said if they are not realized, the military is obliged to "announce a road-map for the future and the steps for overseeing its implementation, with participation of all patriotic and sincere parties and movements."

this is going to get ugly.

Let's see if our "investment" in the military pays off.

07-02-2013, 04:36 PM
Hmmmmm.... seems the ARAB SPRING turned into a non democratic Movement.

Egypt has had enough... and when you piss off the Egyptian Army....you're finished.

A Message to Morsi... (See Video)


No, they just haven't learned how to handle it after 40 years of oppression under a brutal dictator.

It may take a while for them to realise that the country can't move forward until they can accept an elected govt, stop protesting and rioting to bring the country stability, bring back the tourists and improve the economy and their lives. Democracy means that if your president is bad, you get to vote him out at the next election, not kick him out at the next riot.

Unfortunately, the opposition has been organising rallies constantly, former regime remnants have been paying thugs to rape and pillage to foment discord and force the people into missing the stability of the former regime, and outside forces have been stoking any little grievance into fires.

07-02-2013, 04:51 PM
No, they just haven't learned how to handle it after 40 years of oppression under a brutal dictator.

It may take a while for them to realise that the country can't move forward until they can accept an elected govt, stop protesting and rioting to bring the country stability, bring back the tourists and improve the economy and their lives. Democracy means that if your president is bad, you get to vote him out at the next election, not kick him out at the next riot.

Unfortunately, the opposition has been organising rallies constantly, former regime remnants have been paying thugs to rape and pillage to foment discord and force the people into missing the stability of the former regime, and outside forces have been stoking any little grievance into fires.

Yes, and Hamas 'govern splendidly' too, don't they, Jafar ?

How's your support coming along for them ? How many elections have they had since first attaining power ?

07-02-2013, 04:55 PM
No, they just haven't learned how to handle it after 40 years of oppression under a brutal dictator.

It may take a while for them to realise that the country can't move forward until they can accept an elected govt, stop protesting and rioting to bring the country stability, bring back the tourists and improve the economy and their lives. Democracy means that if your president is bad, you get to vote him out at the next election, not kick him out at the next riot.

Unfortunately, the opposition has been organising rallies constantly, former regime remnants have been paying thugs to rape and pillage to foment discord and force the people into missing the stability of the former regime, and outside forces have been stoking any little grievance into fires.

The Military Council will take over and Morsi will be out...

He ruled with too heavy a hand and was too radical for the secular Egyptians.

The Muslim Brotherhood seems to be on the outs with the people...

Marcus Aurelius
07-03-2013, 07:21 AM
yup... gonna get ugly.


Egypt’s military vowed to defend the country’s people against any “terrorist, radical or fool” hours ahead of its deadline for President Mohammed Morsi to resolve the nation’s political crisis -- or face intervention by the army. "We swear to God that we will sacrifice even our blood for Egypt and its people, to defend them against any terrorist, radical or fool,” read a post on the official Facebook page of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which is headed by Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi.

"There is no substitute for legitimacy," said Morsi, at times angrily raising his voice, thrusting his fist in the air and pounding the podium. He warned that electoral and constitutional legitimacy "is the only guarantee against violence."

"The price can be my life," he said.

07-03-2013, 07:35 AM
Egypt's Military has stated it will protect the people....

Morsi is a dead duck...

Today he is OUT

07-03-2013, 08:15 AM
The Military Council will take over and Morsi will be out...

He ruled with too heavy a hand and was too radical for the secular Egyptians.

The Muslim Brotherhood seems to be on the outs with the people...

The people don't have a problem with Islamic government. Egypt is an Islamic country. They are more concerned about jobs, security and prosperity. This is not about religion at all.

07-03-2013, 08:30 AM
The people don't have a problem with Islamic government. Egypt is an Islamic country. They are more concerned about jobs, security and prosperity. This is not about religion at all.

We'll see at the end of the day..... wont we.

Maybe they can put in a few laws banning sexual assault..... That might bring back the Tourists.

07-03-2013, 08:39 AM


red state
07-03-2013, 09:30 AM
Jafar fails to see that their current "president" (mush like ours) has tried to establish a theocracy based on a cult. In fact, he has failed because he came into power too quickly with to soon of a drastic change. Had he eased into the water with change (as the SOB currently occupying OUR White House) he would have been far more successful. For the first time, I am somewhat encouraged by this second round of rebellion because it (may possibly) a legitimate rebellion that is fair to ALL (even the Christians). Let us hope so because (IF) a muSLUM theocracy is set up, there will NEVER be any substantial tourism. Who in their right mind would vacation in ANY of the HELL HOLES we know as muSLUM?! We can only hope that there will be legitimate change for the better (not like the bastard change WE THE PEOPLE have since 2008).

red state
07-03-2013, 09:37 AM
In fact, jafar sees nothing but iSLUM and hopes for the day that this cult has a tight grip around our throats. Your cult is a throw-back from the past and has always been nothing more than a modern day copy-cat religion with less than a 2,000 year history to its credit that went terribly wrong because the founder who gave this Moon worshiping cult a face lift was terribly EVIL.

It is no wonder it is the "religion" of PIECES and the entire SANE world would like to see it fall to pieces.

Marcus Aurelius
07-03-2013, 11:26 AM

Power struggle breaks out in Egypt as President Morsi calls for reconciliation, but won't step down

An all-out power struggle has broken out in Egypt, with President Mohammed Morsi's national security adviser reportedly saying a military coup is now underway, while the military has vowed to defend its people "against any terrorist, radical or fool.”

Minutes before the military’s deadline for Morsi to resolve the nation’s political crisis passed Wednesday afternoon, the embattled leader called for "national reconciliation," but said he would not step down.

07-03-2013, 11:31 PM
We'll see at the end of the day..... wont we.

Maybe they can put in a few laws banning sexual assault..... That might bring back the Tourists.

When the thugs stop getting paid, the assaults will stop. This kind of thing never happened before when the police actually you know, policed.


I think I know this place. It's next to a cafe where I used to go for a shisha while waiting for my visa to be processed in Magomma :)