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View Full Version : Obama delays major portion of Obamacare until AFTER 2014 mid-terms...

Marcus Aurelius
07-02-2013, 07:48 PM

The Obama administration announced Tuesday that it is delaying a major provision in the health care overhaul, putting off until 2015 a requirement that many employers offer health insurance.

The announcement was made late Tuesday by the Treasury Department, at the beginning of the holiday week while Congress was on recess. It comes amid reports that the administration is running into roadblocks as it prepares to implement ObamaCare.
The change in the employer mandate is arguably the most significant concession the administration has made to date.

"It's also a cynical political ploy to delay the coming train wreck associated with ObamaCare until after the 2014 elections," he said

And the sheeple will not even realize that's what he's doing.

Marcus Aurelius
07-03-2013, 07:51 AM

The President knows Obamacare is, in the words of one if its chief architects, a train wreck. Now, apparently fearing being held accountable to voters at the ballot box, the President wants to delay implementation until after the 2014 elections. We should accept the President’s invitation, and indeed defund Obamacare altogether, to restore economic growth and avoid the impending train wreck.

– Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX

"This is the train wreck that the senator who wrote the law predicted was coming. The new health care law should be repealed and replaced with effective legislation that will reduce costs by involving patients more in health care decision-making."

– Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.

"Obamacare costs too much and it isn’t working the way the administration promised. And while the White House seems to slowly be admitting what Americans already know, and what I hear consistently in my travels around Kentucky regarding the regulatory burden on employers, the fact remains that Obamacare needs to be repealed and replaced with common-sense reforms that actually lower costs for Americans."

– Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

And the Dems?

"Flexibility is a good thing. Both the administration and Senate Democrats have shown - and continue to show - a willingness to be flexible and work with all interested parties to make sure that implementation of the Affordable Care Act is as beneficial as possible to all involved. It is better to do this right than fast."

–Sen. Harry Reid, D-NV, spokesman Adam Jentleson
Reid couldn't manage to choke that nonsense out, so he had a flunky do it.

07-03-2013, 01:28 PM

And the Dems?

Reid couldn't manage to choke that nonsense out, so he had a flunky do it.

I gets even worse..."it's the GOP's fault because they've been obstructing the implementation" [/puke]

07-03-2013, 01:32 PM
What kind of idiot Congress writes that sort of delegating power into legislation... oh, never mind. I remember now.

07-03-2013, 08:13 PM

And the sheeple will not even realize that's what he's doing.

Nope...and the kicker is they only delayed the employer mandate, not the individual mandate....

07-03-2013, 08:19 PM
All part of the original Obama/Democrat plan.

He, and the Democrats rely on the largest majority of Uninformed, Uneducated, Dependent Americans who now collect some form of Government assistance....to REMAIN Die-Hard, Uninformed, Dependent Americans who support everything they have been convinced to believe..is FREE.

Obama and the Dems know. MONEY TALKS, and they have convinced the IGNORANT Americans that Republicans want to take away THE FREE STUFF. And...that JUST CAN'T HAPPEN.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-03-2013, 08:20 PM

And the sheeple will not even realize that's what he's doing.

The sheeple only care that the --grass is currently free..!! Just wait until the coming future bill hits them and they find that they will have to pay with their hides! Will be of small comfort to us but the look of shock and horror on their dumbass faces will be utterly priceless IMHO.-TYR

Marcus Aurelius
07-04-2013, 12:35 PM

Until yesterday, the administration had basically put on a brave face about the difficulties arising in its implementation of Obamacare. With a few minor exceptions (now especially notable among them the one-year delay of key requirements for the new small-business exchanges), they have pretended everything was fine, and have enabled a chorus of defenders on the left to do the same. Last night’s announcement of a one-year delay in the implementation of the employer mandate is the first serious indication that the administration sees that the wheels are coming off the bus, and is very worried about it.

The formal announcement came through a “Treasury Note (http://www.treasury.gov/connect/blog/Pages/Continuing-to-Implement-the-ACA-in-a-Careful-Thoughtful-Manner-.aspx),” essentially a blog post by the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy at Treasury, which had the hilariously Orwellian title of “Continuing to Implement the ACA in a Careful, Thoughtful Manner.”

But perhaps more troubling for the law’s defenders, this decision is even more likely an acknowledgement of some of the economic irrationality of the law. I doubt that just implementing reporting requirements is the issue here. More likely, the administration agrees with some of its critics who have argued that this element of the law would hurt the economy, and especially employment. And they probably also saw that the pressure from employers to avoid both the reporting requirements and the mandate was going to create huge problems for their PR effort in the fall.

The individual mandate, for instance, may now be politically untenable, since, by eliminating the employer mandate but keeping the individual mandate, the administration is freeing large employers but not workers of a burden and would put the government in the position of causing people to be dumped from employer coverage and then fining them for not getting individual coverage in an unfamiliar and expensive new system with lots of growing pains.

Under the law, eligibility for exchange subsidies depends on an individual not receiving an affordable offer of qualified insurance from an employer. If employers will now not be required to report on their insurance offerings in 2014, I don’t see how the government will be able to determine eligibility for subsidies, and therefore how the exchanges will be able to function.

07-04-2013, 05:52 PM

Read through this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2012/08/06/the-irs-employer-mandate-loophole/

What has attracted less attention thus far is a different IRS regulation that could make it possible for most employers to completely, or in some cases nearly, avoid the employer mandate altogether.

They're writing regulations that defeat the intent of the law.

07-04-2013, 06:00 PM
What kind of idiot Congress writes that sort of delegating power into legislation... oh, never mind. I remember now.

They didn't. According to the WSJ article I read today, this is being done in violation of the law. Too bad the GOP is just as stupid as their counterparts, they could make an issue of this...

Which brings us to the dubious legality of this delay. The Affordable Care Act's Section 1513 states in black-letter law that "(d) Effective Date.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2013." It does not say the Administration can impose the mandate whenever it feels it is politically convenient.

This selective enforcement of laws has become an Administration habit. From immigration (the Dream Act by fiat) to easing welfare reform's work requirements to selective waivers for No Child Left Behind, the Obama Administration routinely suspends enforcement of or unilaterally rewrites via regulation the laws it dislikes. Now it is doing it again on health care, without any consultation from, much less the approval of, Congress. President Obama probably figures business and Republicans won't object because they don't like the law anyway.

Employer Mandate? Never Mind
Obama decides not to enforce the heart of his health-care law. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323899704578583493972896364.html)

07-06-2013, 08:22 AM
This is a you tube video saying exactly what many on here are saying , 2014 is in the middle of mid term elections so any real tyrant knows not to hurt his chance of filling seats with like minded people to help destroy this country so yes postpone Obamacare to 2015 and this guys rants are funny enough to post even though we know the reason it is worth watching him


07-06-2013, 02:34 PM
This is a you tube video saying exactly what many on here are saying , 2014 is in the middle of mid term elections so any real tyrant knows not to hurt his chance of filling seats with like minded people to help destroy this country so yes postpone Obamacare to 2015 and this guys rants are funny enough to post even though we know the reason it is worth watching him


ERROR. My apologies.

Robert A Whit
07-06-2013, 02:44 PM
Nope...and the kicker is they only delayed the employer mandate, not the individual mandate....

This is the same thing we get in the SF Bay area on TV news reports.

The kicker is Obama pretends he is not out to help the very rich but who did he help as usual?

The rich.