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View Full Version : Immigration deal survives GOP threat

06-06-2007, 01:01 PM
can you believe this...??
And look at the title of the article by AP...

By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer
53 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - A bipartisan immigration bill narrowly survived a potentially fatal challenge on Wednesday when the Senate turned back a Republican bid to limit the illegal immigrants who could gain lawful status.

The close vote on a proposal by Sen. John Cornyn (news, bio, voting record), R-Texas, to bar felons — including those court-ordered to be deported — from legalization reflected the delicate position of the contentious immigration bill, which remains under threat from the right and the left.

The vote was 51-46 against the amendment. Democrats succeeded in sucking support from Cornyn's proposal by winning adoption of a rival version that would bar a more limited set of criminals, including certain gang members and sex offenders, from gaining legalization. The Senate backed that amendment 66-32.

Cornyn had painted his effort as a key vote for any presidential candidate — a sign of the degree to which the contentious debate is bleeding over into the GOP campaign fray.

The amendment "is a defining issue for those who seek the highest office in the land to demonstrate their respect for the rule of law and to demonstrate their desire to return law and order to our immigration system," Cornyn said.

Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., alone among his party's presidential aspirants in backing the immigration measure, opposed Cornyn's bid and backed the Democratic alternative offered by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.

Sen. Charles Schumer (news, bio, voting record), D-N.Y., called Cornyn's measure "a stealth, Trojan horse amendment to kill the bill."

Kennedy, an architect of the bill, said it "would exclude hundreds of thousands from the benefits in this bill and undermine the bipartisan compromise that (senators) worked so long and so hard to produce."