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View Full Version : Please don't "help" me.

07-09-2013, 09:52 PM
I'm a conservative because I see what "help" does to people.

We Aspies are overwhelmingly liberal, always asking not to be forgotten when handing out government assistance, along with their parents doing the same. When I go to support group meetings, I'm surprised how many won't try getting a job because it might mess up their SSDI. I have blown through perhaps 50 employers. Oddly enough, knowing so many IT applications makes me highly sought after. So many efforts to "help" Aspies are about someone getting paid from either parents or government. Some "help" is well meaning but misguided. I almost washed out as a convenience store clerk because the assistant manager said I wasn't learning the job. Luckily she had to check in a delivery from Frito-Lay. The general manager walks up and sees me efficiently ringing up customers. The general manager asked the assistant and I why she said I was failing. I told the general manager it was because no one was "helping" me.

Sheltered workshops really tick me off. What do you suppose these people pay: http://aspiritech.org/ ? $15 per hour!! I make QUADRUPLE that.

We do this by harnessing the strengths of people with high functioning autism – attention to detail, precision, an affinity for repetitive tasks, outstanding technology skills – and providing our Test Engineers with a combination of intensive training, structure, and support to mitigate potential workplace challenges - See more at: http://aspiritech.org/#sthash.TOa0rmoN.dpuf

We do this by harnessing the strengths of people with high functioning autism – attention to detail, precision, an affinity for repetitive tasks, outstanding technology skills – and providing our Test Engineers with a combination of intensive training, structure, and support to mitigate potential workplace challenges - See more at: http://aspiritech.org/#sthash.TOa0rmoN.dpuf

What a load of crap!! Affinity for repetitive tasks?!?!! Manual testing is torture. I can't work with Excel as an application to save my life. However as an object is a different story. However, for me Excel is a stone age tool. I prefer Visual Studio Ultimate.

This is how I make a chart in an Excel spreadsheet: Some managers claim I can't do tasks in Excel.

Sub AssortedTasks()
Dim myChart As ChartObject
Application.ActiveSheet.Range("a4").Value = 8
myInput = InputBox("Please type a number:")
Application.ActiveSheet.Range("a5").Value = myInput
Set myChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(100, 50, 200, 200)
With myChart
.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Selection
.Chart.ChartType = xlPie
End With
End Sub

Why would a manager, particularly a female INSIST it be done the way below especially when it makes no sense? Is it a power thing? "The intern can do it, why can't you"?


07-09-2013, 10:13 PM
PS: In spite of blowing through 50 employers, I stay employed 85% of the time.