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View Full Version : The NBPP says they wont be burning there communties but rather whiteys communities

07-10-2013, 08:12 AM

Ya have to wonder how this Hate group can get away with these threats , but I will be waiting for them to come burn down my neighborhood

07-10-2013, 08:34 AM

Ya have to wonder how this Hate group can get away with these threats , but I will be waiting for them to come burn down my neighborhood

Because they are allowed to exercise free speech. I hope DHS mobilizes the private paramilitary force to nip this in the bud. Maybe this will be the event that we get a presidential alert.

This is the intimidation that I was talking about. I am so damn tired of it. This nation ratified equal rights years ago but the black community continues to use the victim card to get away with inappropriate behavior. When will "whitey" have enough? I think they might be surprised if they try this in the rural areas.

Maybe this will be good practice for using drones on Americans.

07-10-2013, 08:55 AM
Because they are allowed to exercise free speech. I hope DHS mobilizes the private paramilitary force to nip this in the bud. Maybe this will be the event that we get a presidential alert.

This is the intimidation that I was talking about. I am so damn tired of it. This nation ratified equal rights years ago but the black community continues to use the victim card to get away with inappropriate behavior. When will "whitey" have enough? I think they might be surprised if they try this in the rural areas.

Maybe this will be good practice for using drones on Americans.

As long as Obama jumps on the Black band wagon and pumps troubles up there will never be no rest , I honestly believe he took race relations back 50 years , as for the NBBP this whitey has had enough the first match I seen lit , mwell lets just say it might be the last I see lit but there will be plenty that wont be lighting anymore either :death:

Marcus Aurelius
07-10-2013, 10:11 AM
if he is acquitted, Obama will say 'The jury acted stupidly.'

As for the NBPP guy... be a damned shame if he stepped on a land mine or something.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-10-2013, 10:24 AM
Because they are allowed to exercise free speech. I hope DHS mobilizes the private paramilitary force to nip this in the bud. Maybe this will be the event that we get a presidential alert.

This is the intimidation that I was talking about. I am so damn tired of it. This nation ratified equal rights years ago but the black community continues to use the victim card to get away with inappropriate behavior. When will "whitey" have enough? I think they might be surprised if they try this in the rural areas.

Maybe this will be good practice for using drones on Americans. They do not riot in rural areas or smaller rural towns. Around here they say," hell no Im not going to do that . Those white folk will shoot me"! And they are right!! Any of them come down my street setting fire to people's homes I'll shoot 'em down like the scum they are and do so without blinking an eye or losing any sleep over it. A man has to understand that defending the life of others(innocent women /children) and that of his family takes precedence over all other concerns. -Tyr

red state
07-10-2013, 02:09 PM
I hope it is all talk but I am fairly certain that THEY will simply use this as an opportunity to upgrade their entertainment center with another "FREE stuff day". I feel for those living in such areas but it is a free country and they do have the right to move to BETTER, SAFER more AMERICAN areas rather than live among roaches and other vermin that cities and blue states often house....just make sure you don't bring the pests or politics with you when and if you seek asylum in one of our RED States.

If it does come down to some nasty events....I'm sure that B.O. and Holder will not allow a "good crisis will not go to waste" and it'll be the local disarming of "whitey" as was the case during Katrina or after the tornadoes of Greensburg, KS. IF I recall, the only ones who weren't disarmed were those black panther types who were shooting at the choppers who were trying to help bring food and water. Those who the gov were supposedly protecting in the Super Dome were actually prisoners to those black panther types who were raping, robbing and murdering others (UNARMED OTHERS). If such violence spreads, we could be looking at B.O.'s anticipated announcement of martial law on a National level. I doubt we have any opposition to such a decree with the leadership serving us now on Capitol Hill. Perhaps this is what all those millions of lead rounds and solid rubber wheeled tanks are for.

Maybe it'll all just blow away but I suspect that B.O. will only add gas to the flame with whatever comes out of his stupid mouth. I've gone to FL for my anniversary, spring break and summer vacation for five years now (and just got back a few weeks ago) but I'll not return until this has all blown over (even thought I had intended to do our 23th Anniversary in St Augustine). I simply do not go looking to shoot someone and the mountains have served us well for Valentines and Thanksgiving the past 6 years and I have no doubt that the mountains will do just fine for this year's anniversary.

07-10-2013, 02:46 PM
Because they are allowed to exercise free speech. I hope DHS mobilizes the private paramilitary force to nip this in the bud. Maybe this will be the event that we get a presidential alert.

This is the intimidation that I was talking about. I am so damn tired of it. This nation ratified equal rights years ago but the black community continues to use the victim card to get away with inappropriate behavior. When will "whitey" have enough? I think they might be surprised if they try this in the rural areas.

Maybe this will be good practice for using drones on Americans.

I have never seen one, with pants down around their knee's....able to outrun any caliber of projectile fired from a 2nd Amendment device.

Robert A Whit
07-10-2013, 03:08 PM
Because they are allowed to exercise free speech. I hope DHS mobilizes the private paramilitary force to nip this in the bud. Maybe this will be the event that we get a presidential alert.

This is the intimidation that I was talking about. I am so damn tired of it. This nation ratified equal rights years ago but the black community continues to use the victim card to get away with inappropriate behavior. When will "whitey" have enough? I think they might be surprised if they try this in the rural areas.

Maybe this will be good practice for using drones on Americans.

Is the Florida "stand your ground" law still in effect?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-10-2013, 04:36 PM
I have never seen one, with pants down around their knee's....able to outrun any caliber of projectile fired from a 2nd Amendment device. I got the biggest laugh a couple years ago as this young black guy came running out of our local Walmart wearing those pants down around his knees. The old white guy chasing him was barely trotting and caught him about 60 feet from the doorway he had just exited. The criminal was completely out of wind but the older guy was not even breathing hard. I stopped to make sure the tired out young punk did not try to fight the guy. I asked, need any help(?) but the older guy said, "no I've got him , thanks for the offer". Dumbass black guy looked to be in his mid 20's. He found out the hard way that that "prison butt advertising style" is not geared for running away. Rather its geared for bending over and taking it which Im sure he will have found out all about in prison by now. And he will be in style in his new home too. :laugh::laugh::laugh: -Tyr

07-10-2013, 05:17 PM
I got the biggest laugh a couple years ago as this young black guy came running out of our local Walmart wearing those pants down around his knees. The old white guy chasing him was barely trotting and caught him about 60 feet from the doorway he had just exited. The criminal was completely out of wind but the older guy was not even breathing hard. I stopped to make sure the tired out young punk did not try to fight the guy. I asked, need any help(?) but the older guy said, "no I've got him , thanks for the offer". Dumbass black guy looked to be in his mid 20's. He found out the hard way that that "prison butt advertising style" is not geared for running away. Rather its geared for bending over and taking it which Im sure he will have found out all about in prison by now. And he will be in style in his new home too. :laugh::laugh::laugh: -Tyr

Don't know whether you've ever watched "COPS". But chances are. You'll get to see FINE, COMICAL examples of what you speak of above...and the COPS always High Five each other as they laugh at the IDIOTS with their skivvies showing, and pants down to their knee's keepin' the CAPS warm.

07-10-2013, 05:38 PM

Ya have to wonder how this Hate group can get away with these threats , but I will be waiting for them to come burn down my neighborhoodEhh I live in a very Rural setting. that being said .. Bring it on.. I would love the opportunity to show one of these morons a lesson. Hell my 10 year old is a great shot and can hit anything at 100 yards...... F-ing idiots that they think that we will just let them do what ever they want....
Takes a special kind of stupid if you ask me!!!

07-10-2013, 07:24 PM
idiots are completely ignoring the fact that Zimmerman isn't white in order to justify violence against whites.

The police will be ready and any rioting will simply result in them rioting in their own neighborhoods, as usual, and beating up any bleeding heart white people who want to "join the fight for Trayvon".

07-10-2013, 07:44 PM
I was living in the San Fernando Valley when the Rodney King verdicts came down and I must say...

While I certainly do not condone the type of actions called for by this NBPP douche nozzle, it would be somewhat surprising if these asshats actually trashed something other than their own neighborhoods. History, however, is not on their side...

07-10-2013, 07:56 PM
The NBPP says they wont be burning there communties but rather whiteys communities

Bring it on.

07-10-2013, 08:54 PM
if he is acquitted, Obama will say 'The jury acted stupidly.'

As for the NBPP guy... be a damned shame if he stepped on a land mine or something.

According to Obama all white and Christians act stupidly :laugh: Now a days you must be black and a Muslim to be considered good by our own Government

07-10-2013, 09:01 PM
Is the Florida "stand your ground" law still in effect?

Yes as far as I know it is

And when ya come to GA there is a law called Jeff's law if I see you messing around in my neighborhood I open fire , I went out today and got another Mag and 100 more rounds just in case ( this was a good excuse );)

If you just look at this page think about how long the NBPP will last trying to mess around in others neighborhoods , they had better stick to burning the ghetto no one cares if it burns it saves the tax payers money from having to Bulldoze it !!