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View Full Version : Democrats Want To Build A Park On The Moon

07-11-2013, 08:58 AM
With the country sinking faster than the titanic we have a democrat wanting to put a park on the moon :rolleyes: and this is what they get paid so much money for

As if the nation wasn’t drowning under an inescapable debt-load already, Donna Edwards (D-Md.) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) have proposed legislation that would establish a national historical park on the surface of the moon.


Marcus Aurelius
07-11-2013, 09:05 AM
why would we put a national Park on the moon? I mean, it's not like we really landed there, right?:tinfoil:

07-11-2013, 09:22 AM
With the country sinking faster than the titanic we have a democrat wanting to put a park on the moon :rolleyes: and this is what they get paid so much money for

As if the nation wasn’t drowning under an inescapable debt-load already, Donna Edwards (D-Md.) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) have proposed legislation that would establish a national historical park on the surface of the moon.

http://libertyalliance.com/2013/07/democrats-want-a-park-on-the-moon/A park on the moon that's ridicules, Build a Country on the moon give all the an-ti American and an-ti God Liberals a place to go and be happy, "Heck they already got a President"

07-11-2013, 11:25 AM
With the country sinking faster than the titanic we have a democrat wanting to put a park on the moon :rolleyes: and this is what they get paid so much money for

As if the nation wasn’t drowning under an inescapable debt-load already, Donna Edwards (D-Md.) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) have proposed legislation that would establish a national historical park on the surface of the moon.


I don't see what is so unrealistic about this. It was a Republican Moonbat Gingrich who wanted to colonize the moon. Even the highly biased article points out that private donations would pay for it. What's your beef?

It's also not so much as a park i.e. pond, benches, and ducks. It's to secure the site of our landing. I think that's important. You would too, if a Republican suggested it.

07-11-2013, 11:41 AM
I am guessing that the moon must be one of the 52 states Obama mentioned. Other than that, I don't recall that the US has any claim to any territory on the moon. The whole thing is assanine; might as well for a national park in Siberia!

07-11-2013, 11:46 AM
Personally. Instead of always being reminded of the LIBERAL, DEMOCRAT, OBAMA stupidity, and ignorance every time we look up at the moon.

I think we should remember Maxine Waters' idea, and create a Liberal Park on Mars.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Marcus Aurelius
07-11-2013, 11:50 AM
I don't see what is so unrealistic about this. It was a Republican Moonbat Gingrich who wanted to colonize the moon. Even the highly biased article points out that private donations would pay for it. What's your beef?

It's also not so much as a park i.e. pond, benches, and ducks. It's to secure the site of our landing. I think that's important. You would too, if a Republican suggested it.

And enforcement will be handled... how?

07-11-2013, 11:50 AM
Personally. Instead of always being reminded of the LIBERAL, DEMOCRAT, OBAMA stupidity, and ignorance every time we look up at the moon.

I think we should remember Maxine Waters' idea, and create a Liberal Park on Mars.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Maxine would make a great park ranger for any national park located off-planet.

07-11-2013, 11:52 AM
And enforcement will be handled... how?

Marcus. How quickly THEY forget? Obama cancelled all expeditures of NASA.

Where would they get the OBAMA BUCKS to do this in the first place???

It would take a LOT of Food Stamps to get any kind of LIFTOFF....from a couch.

07-11-2013, 11:56 AM
And enforcement will be handled... how?

Hell if I know... Regardless, it's a privately funded project. Who cares? I'm just pointing out that it isn't any where as stupid as what the conservatives propose every day. Should we secure, somehow, a huge piece of our history? Sure. If private money wants to do it, go for it.

As for another post asking what business we have claiming the moon, that what this country does. That's what this country has always done. Is this a surprise?

07-11-2013, 11:59 AM
Marcus. How quickly THEY forget? Obama cancelled all expeditures of NASA.

Where would they get the OBAMA BUCKS ?to do this in the first place???

It would take a LOT of Food Stamps to get any kind of LIFTOFF....from a couch.

“The measure would allow the government to accept donations from companies and foreign governments to help manage the landing sites and “provide visitor services and administrative facilities within reasonable proximity to the Historical Park.”

It helps to read the post, before you respond.

07-11-2013, 12:00 PM
I don't see what is so unrealistic about this. It was a Republican Moonbat Gingrich who wanted to colonize the moon. Even the highly biased article points out that private donations would pay for it. What's your beef?

It's also not so much as a park i.e. pond, benches, and ducks. It's to secure the site of our landing. I think that's important. You would too, if a Republican suggested it.

I am glad you know me so well :rolleyes: as to what I would do , for your information I wouldn't agree with anything going on at the moon at this time as our country if failing so bad as our troops have to give up a hot meal a day as our troops had to give up 4th of July celebrations as people are only working 4 days a week because that all there employers can afford . AS for it being sponsored by someone other than the tax payers I seen at least 4 different people offer to sponsor paying for security at the WH so they could reopen it to tours but no one excepted , so to make a long story short is the heck with the moon lets fix what we have here first !!

07-11-2013, 12:02 PM
“The measure would allow the government to accept donations from companies and foreign governments to help manage the landing sites and “provide visitor services and administrative facilities within reasonable proximity to the Historical Park.”

It helps to read the post, before you respond.

Sure thing bingster. Hope YOU are one of the first to donate. By the way. You should contact a man who is now selling acres of Moon Land online. Ya know? Secure your own space on the Moon before somebody gets there to claim what is rightfully yours?

I'm not gonna argue with ya. That would take away the urge to just laugh.