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View Full Version : Race violence alarms, before Zimmerman verdict

07-12-2013, 12:29 AM
As the cops get ready for it Sharpton and his band of thugs are having meeting , Gee I wonder what about

Al [Sharpton] and Jesse [Jackson] may worry that the acquittal of George Zimmerman will usher in a new era of white-on-black violence in America.


07-12-2013, 03:09 PM
As the cops get ready for it Sharpton and his band of thugs are having meeting , Gee I wonder what about

Al [Sharpton] and Jesse [Jackson] may worry that the acquittal of George Zimmerman will usher in a new era of white-on-black violence in America.


Jeff. We all know. That's NOT REALLY what Jesse, and Al are worried about. They pretend they are the peace makers....as the wink, and cross their fingers. When we all know. The reality is. Jesse and Al only Increase their Financial Bottom Lines when they can perpetuate, lead, cause, and applaud BLACK ON BLACK killings...they can blame on WHITE people.

07-12-2013, 10:32 PM
Will whites riot if Zimmerman is found guilty? Will they take to the streets and start shooting black people wearing hoodies?

07-12-2013, 11:48 PM
Will whites riot if Zimmerman is found guilty? Will they take to the streets and start shooting black people wearing hoodies?

First off welcome back and I hope your trip was a safe one

To your answer we should because if he is found gulity it was nothing more than a public lynching and I thought the Blacks where against that , Gabby the NBPP has issues a statement saying if he is found innocent they wont be burning there own homes they will go to WHITEYS SUBURBS , this is the same NBPP that Holder and Obama allowed to put bounties on Zimmermans life , but you know as well as I do no the whites wont riot , I am not sure Gaby while you where away if you caught any of the trial but the defense made no head way at all they where made fools of and the Judge did everything she could do to help them even as far as allowing new things he can be convicted of because she new they hadnt prover there case

07-13-2013, 01:03 AM
I have not followed the trial at all. Putting it on live TV guaranteed it would become a circus, with the attorneys more concerned with future career and financial prospects than their clients. They could present testimony for a year and it would change no one's minds.
I read a lot about the case in the early stages. I don't believe there was enough evidence to make an arrest, much less bring the case to trial. The former Sanford police chief thought the same thing and was fired for saying so.

I am fairly certain there will be a hung jury. From what I read this morning, half the jury is confused and the other half is terrified about how either decision would affect their lives. The only way I can see them making a decision is if the judge forces them to do so.

07-13-2013, 07:00 AM
I have not followed the trial at all. Putting it on live TV guaranteed it would become a circus, with the attorneys more concerned with future career and financial prospects than their clients. They could present testimony for a year and it would change no one's minds.
I read a lot about the case in the early stages. I don't believe there was enough evidence to make an arrest, much less bring the case to trial. The former Sanford police chief thought the same thing and was fired for saying so.

I am fairly certain there will be a hung jury. From what I read this morning, half the jury is confused and the other half is terrified about how either decision would affect their lives. The only way I can see them making a decision is if the judge forces them to do so.

Gaby it really shouldn't be a hung jury as I watched I didn't see the prosecution do anything except mess up , they had to prove without any doubt there case and they didn't , but the judge keeps allowing new charges he can be charged with ( that shows ya the prosecution knows they didn't win there case ) and as far as TV I agree with you 100% this should never of been put on TV one man is dead and the other fighting for his life this is not a Drama show but rather real life

07-13-2013, 10:22 AM
This is not a matter of who proved their case or not. This is six reluctant jurors who don't want to interject themselves into the controversy. Like I said before, your opinion of the trial outcome is going to depend on how you originally felt about Zimmerman.

07-13-2013, 01:13 PM
I am unclear as to why anyone would believe that an acquittal would lead to White-on-Black violence. An acquittal does not nullify the rule of law. Besides, Zimmerman is Hispanic.

To Gabby...

When was the last time you heard of White people in this country rioting? Well, white people who weren't liberals?

07-13-2013, 01:28 PM
I am unclear as to why anyone would believe that an acquittal would lead to White-on-Black violence. An acquittal does not nullify the rule of law. Besides, Zimmerman is Hispanic.

To Gabby...

When was the last time you heard of White people in this country rioting? Well, white people who weren't liberals?

hjmick. You should ask that same question of the people who live in large cities where their HOCKEY, FOOTBALL, SOCCER, and BASEBALL Teams have won Championships over the last several decades.

Even if those teams WIN. The people, of all races, who fill up with all sorts of DISTORTING drink, and drugs find some reason to go out and Intentionally FLIP cars, burn cars, burn and rob stores, and attack police officers who are expected to be GENTLE, KIND, and TOLERANT of STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE AND HATRED....just because "THEY WANT TO!"

07-13-2013, 01:41 PM
hjmick. You should ask that same question of the people who live in large cities where their HOCKEY, FOOTBALL, SOCCER, and BASEBALL Teams have won Championships over the last several decades.

Even if those teams WIN. The people, of all races, who fill up with all sorts of DISTORTING drink, and drugs find some reason to go out and Intentionally FLIP cars, burn cars, burn and rob stores, and attack police officers who are expected to be GENTLE, KIND, and TOLERANT of STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE AND HATRED....just because "THEY WANT TO!"

Yeah, I've never understood that. But in those instances, as you pointed, the mobs are multi-racial.

07-13-2013, 01:49 PM
Yeah, I've never understood that. But in those instances, as you pointed, the mobs are multi-racial.

Just as they will be in this case. Have you seen any of the Demonstrators on tv? Not all Black, or any one race.

If they are there. It won't matter what the Jury decides. Guilty, or Not Guilty.

They have been organized by DOJ, and the likes of phonies like Jesse Jackson. And...THEY NEED TO HAVE A RIOT. No matter what.

07-13-2013, 02:22 PM
The sports comparison is quite accurate. Anyone looking for a reason to go out and cause trouble will do so. Look at Chicago when the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. Roughly 98 percent of the celebrants were peaceful. But there were a handful who decided to wreck things. Some of those were not even hockey fans. They were just looking for a "party."

There are going to be outside agitators on both sides. Black people will talk about "injustice." White people will talk about the right to carry guns and "protect" their neighborhoods.

07-13-2013, 04:55 PM
This is not a matter of who proved their case or not. This is six reluctant jurors who don't want to interject themselves into the controversy. Like I said before, your opinion of the trial outcome is going to depend on how you originally felt about Zimmerman.

The law calls for certain things to happen and in this case the prosectuin had to prove without a doubt and they simply didnt do it all they did was proced to show the world ( what most already new ) just how racist some in the black community are , and if you believe that a case is or should won or lost by how you felt about the person before the trial then you are absolutely wrong