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View Full Version : Spy vs. Spy: Feds now want reports from retailers

07-12-2013, 07:50 AM
Since 9/11 we all know if someone comes into buy a unreasonable amount of anything dangerous to turn him/her in but now Obama wants to make it official

Only days after Barack Obama ordered all federal workers (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/07/09/196211/linchpin-for-obamas-plan-to-predict.html#.Udyr7W0U8Uw) to watch their colleagues and report whatever suspicious behavior, the FBI has rolled out a video encouraging everyone in the nation’s retail industry to call police when there are unanswered questions.


07-12-2013, 10:43 AM
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-A1d7nBLqE4M/UZZ11J95aWI/AAAAAAAFHCE/ZcL0YQ9EIwM/s1600/Don%25E2%2580%2599t%2520talk%2520by%2520phone%2520 much%252C%2520a%2520spy%2520is%2520nearby..jpg

Soviet propaganda

07-12-2013, 11:33 AM
Govt news agency, secret police, political officers, reporting on your coworkers, friends and neighbors, wire tapping, monitoring everyones business. Sound familiar to anyone?

07-12-2013, 02:41 PM
Govt news agency, secret police, political officers, reporting on your coworkers, friends and neighbors, wire tapping, monitoring everyones business. Sound familiar to anyone?

Gaffer. I'm about to tell you, and everyone else something all of you should already know.

What you said above has been in effect since the PATRIOT ACT was passed by Congress.

Not a joke. Not a lie. Check it out yourself. Nothing new. Honestly. Obama keeps discovering new ways to trample
the constitution, and he has the strongest Support Network in Holder, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer to
carry them out.
P.S. Yesterday. In case nobody heard it, or noticed.
OBAMA, and his Defense Secretary authorized STOPPING All Hazardous Duty Pay to Our Military Members serving around the World.
That is all part of his PHONY Sequester Idea, aimed at further Destruction of our Military.
How many people just shrugged this news off?
The people Obama pretends to Care For...and may soon NEED to protect Him.

07-12-2013, 04:38 PM
Gaffer. I'm about to tell you, and everyone else something all of you should already know.

What you said above has been in effect since the PATRIOT ACT was passed by Congress.

Not a joke. Not a lie. Check it out yourself. Nothing new. Honestly. Obama keeps discovering new ways to trample
the constitution, and he has the strongest Support Network in Holder, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer to
carry them out.
P.S. Yesterday. In case nobody heard it, or noticed.
OBAMA, and his Defense Secretary authorized STOPPING All Hazardous Duty Pay to Our Military Members serving around the World.
That is all part of his PHONY Sequester Idea, aimed at further Destruction of our Military.
How many people just shrugged this news off?
The people Obama pretends to Care For...and may soon NEED to protect Him.

I agree this all goes back for many years. Germany wasn't co-opted overnight and neither was Russia. Today we are in the realm of 1936. All the pieces are being put in place and nobody is paying attention.

He's crippling the military so they can't stand against him and he can openly form and fund his own army. He's going to purge all that would be a threat to him. He has to do so carefully tho as there's too much instant media available today to get away with a Stalin type purge.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-12-2013, 06:00 PM
I agree this all goes back for many years. Germany wasn't co-opted overnight and neither was Russia. Today we are in the realm of 1936. All the pieces are being put in place and nobody is paying attention.

He's crippling the military so they can't stand against him and he can openly form and fund his own army. He's going to purge all that would be a threat to him. He has to do so carefully tho as there's too much instant media available today to get away with a Stalin type purge. KGB and Gestapo type tactics have already been approved for Obama to use. He hit the ground running with them and hasn't slowed down yet. Scum will destroy all that he can before he passes the torch to Hillary. -Tyr

07-12-2013, 06:16 PM
KGB and Gestapo type tactics have already been approved for Obama to use. He hit the ground running with them and hasn't slowed down yet. Scum will destroy all that he can before he passes the torch to Hillary. -Tyr

Tyr. And with everything you said. We should also recognize how those who so fully support Obama, and Democrats, will come here to laugh, and accuse us of 'THE SKY IS FALLING' kind of accusations they MUST ignore in order to remain in the good graces of their equally dumb Liberal friends.
All of them are forbidden from expressing any displeasure, or actual, proven facts about Obama. Because they fear being labeled as the Racists...they so easily call us who have the courage to disagree with Obama.

Scare tactics like the KGB and GESTAPO are, and have been in operation since before Obama was sworn-in the first time as the PHONY, WANNABE RULER of DUMB, EASILY LED Americans who simply DO NOT KNOW ANY BETTER.