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07-13-2013, 09:05 PM
Just announced. Use this space to gloat. :cool:

07-13-2013, 09:13 PM
Just announced. Use this space to gloat. :cool:

Are you serious Gaby ? God I pray things will go smoothly

I just turned the tv on and sure enough the Jury did right

07-13-2013, 09:17 PM
Justice has been served now lets see if the people that screamed we will see him in court still feel that way

07-13-2013, 09:22 PM
How does gabby manage to type, or think anything when everything is SHIT...as her avatar advertises>?

07-13-2013, 09:29 PM
Just announced. Use this space to gloat. :cool:

Gaby I posted a article telling it from the news but yes you seen it first I just was so surprised I had to see it for myself , there is no way with Obama and his Hench man backing the prosecution I figured no way he would ever be found innocent , but yall said we will see in court , we have with all the special investigators and the Government behind them they just couldn't change the law and he was found innocent by a jury of his piers

07-13-2013, 09:31 PM
I'm gonna go board up my windows and set my gun near me. Crazy ass racist black NBPP are gonna come get me.
Good luck everyone to the next few weeks->a month of racist riots and a possible race war.

07-13-2013, 09:43 PM
Just announced. Use this space to gloat. :cool:

Gaby I have to ask you dont believe in the court system ? the prosecution had the DOJ , Obama and all kinds of special investigators on there side and still lost , is it not possible that with Florida's law of stand your ground he was simply innocent ? I mean he was tried and found innocent by a jury of his piers , so why tell people to gloat ? I am happy justice was actually done but I followed this case more so to watch what if anything what will happen now , I remember the Rodney King deal and white truck drivers being pulled from there truck as they where guilty of nothing more than trying to do there job and I seen the threats from the NBPP as to how they will be burning whiteys neighborhoods , I live just north of Atlanta so yes I am watching very closely

07-13-2013, 09:47 PM
I was just thinking, if Obama had a son and he looked just like Trayvon, would Zimmerman be walking? Hell no! Then again, Obama doesn't have a son, he just kind of threw that out there, sort of like DOJ and reaction...

07-13-2013, 10:17 PM
Once again, you are jumping to conclusions. I have never cared one iota about this case. It happened in Florida. I live in California. People get into fights and kill each other on a daily basis.
I believe in the jury system. Both sides have stated that the jury was very attentive and concerned about the legal facts of the case, not the personal ones. They deliberated quite some time and arrived at a verdict that they felt was the right one.
But how you feel often depends on which side you were originally on. Look at the Casey Anthony trial. A large segment of the population believes she is a cold blooded killer. But a jury found her innocent.

I can see why the case has gripped the nation. In essence, it was a white guy against a black guy. The media has fanned the flames in the interest of viewership. Did the white guy killed the black guy just because he wanted to? Or what the white guy fending off a vicious assault by the black guy? Which side are you on?

Lawyers in the media are near unanimous on one mistake they feel the prosecution made, which was bringing second degree murder charges. Since much of the evidence was inconclusive, any questions about such would provide reasonable doubt. Which means they have to vote for acquittal. The jury doesn't have to believe either side. Reasonable doubt is acquittal.

Zimmerman is not guilty. End of story.

07-13-2013, 10:19 PM
Just announced. Use this space to gloat. :cool:

I'd be willing to bet that there will little no "gloating." Certainly far less than those in favor of his being found guilty would be doing had he been convicted.

07-13-2013, 10:21 PM
I'd be willing to bet that there will little no "gloating." Certainly far less than those in favor of his being found guilty would be doing had he been convicted.

One of the defense lawyers was gloating in his post-trial press conference. The bald guy, whoever he was. The other was merely slimy. Which describes pretty much all trial lawyers. :p

07-13-2013, 10:28 PM
Once again, you are jumping to conclusions. I have never cared one iota about this case. It happened in Florida. I live in California. People get into fights and kill each other on a daily basis.
I believe in the jury system. Both sides have stated that the jury was very attentive and concerned about the legal facts of the case, not the personal ones. They deliberated quite some time and arrived at a verdict that they felt was the right one.
But how you feel often depends on which side you were originally on. Look at the Casey Anthony trial. A large segment of the population believes she is a cold blooded killer. But a jury found her innocent.

I can see why the case has gripped the nation. In essence, it was a white guy against a black guy. The media has fanned the flames in the interest of viewership. Did the white guy killed the black guy just because he wanted to? Or what the white guy fending off a vicious assault by the black guy? Which side are you on?

Lawyers in the media are near unanimous on one mistake they feel the prosecution made, which was bringing second degree murder charges. Since much of the evidence was inconclusive, any questions about such would provide reasonable doubt. Which means they have to vote for acquittal. The jury doesn't have to believe either side. Reasonable doubt is acquittal.

Zimmerman is not guilty. End of story.

Fair enough Gaby and if you look what I posted I did say you posted first all I did was post a article that I should of posted here I apologize and now that we all know it is done if one of the Mods want to remove the article I put up please do, I didn't mean to steal your thunder I just know you can get shall we say testy at times and really honestly as I read your post I didn't believe it because I expected him to be found guilty , I felt it was a witch hunt to please certain people

07-13-2013, 10:39 PM
One of the defense lawyers was gloating in his post-trial press conference. The bald guy, whoever he was. The other was merely slimy. Which describes pretty much all trial lawyers. :p

I thought you meant message board gloating.

Fuck the lawyers. They all suck...

07-13-2013, 10:39 PM
I felt it was a witch hunt to please certain people

I felt this all along. The police in Sanford, Fla. bowed to social and political pressure and made an arrest. Even though the former lead investigator did not find enough evidence to do so. I think they were afraid to deal with the fallout on their own. It WAS a witch hunt. With no witches involved.

07-14-2013, 09:26 AM
Had I been Zimmerman, I would have walked over to the evidence table, retrieved my weapon and donned it in plain sight before leaving the courthouse.

07-14-2013, 09:35 AM
Did the white guy killed the black guy just because he wanted to? Or what the white guy fending off a vicious assault by the black guy? Which side are you on?

Lawyers in the media are near unanimous on one mistake they feel the prosecution made, which was bringing second degree murder charges. Since much of the evidence was inconclusive, any questions about such would provide reasonable doubt. Which means they have to vote for acquittal. The jury doesn't have to believe either side. Reasonable doubt is acquittal.

Zimmerman is not guilty. End of story.

It wasn't a guessing game if you watched the trial, there was forensic evidence easily proving the fact that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman. Then add in the wounds on his head and the fractured nose. It doesn't take a genius.

And it wasn't just 2nd degree murder, the jury also stated that there wasn't even enough for a manslaughter conviction.

This was NOT about making pre-determined opinions as you imply. The FACTS prove the self defense claims. Several of the best forensic experts in the nation also showed and proved this to be the case. The jury had ALL of the evidence and agreed. This wasn't about sides at all - but about TRUTH and the FACTS. Only idiots claimed race or took sides outside of what the facts CLEARLY showed.

Zimmerman was found not guilty and was innocent from the get go. One doesn't need to allow "grave bodily harm" before they are allowed to defend themselves.

Those complaining that justice has failed and such are the racists. Those whining about the verdict are the ones who thought Trayvon was a "child" minding his own business and was gunned down, nevermind the injuries that show otherwise. Those of us with intelligence watched and gathered as many facts as possible over a year and a half and made their decision based on all the facts they could gather.

I don't give a crap if anyone likes it or not - CONGRATS George Zimmerman on your freedom, on the truth and for being exonerated on defending your own life. Take money for a hundred interviews and go live in Brazil or something, buddy!!

07-14-2013, 09:47 AM
Once again, you are jumping to conclusions. I have never cared one iota about this case. It happened in Florida. I live in California. People get into fights and kill each other on a daily basis.
I believe in the jury system. Both sides have stated that the jury was very attentive and concerned about the legal facts of the case, not the personal ones. They deliberated quite some time and arrived at a verdict that they felt was the right one.
But how you feel often depends on which side you were originally on. Look at the Casey Anthony trial. A large segment of the population believes she is a cold blooded killer. But a jury found her innocent.

I can see why the case has gripped the nation. In essence, it was a white guy against a black guy. The media has fanned the flames in the interest of viewership. Did the white guy killed the black guy just because he wanted to? Or what the white guy fending off a vicious assault by the black guy? Which side are you on?

Lawyers in the media are near unanimous on one mistake they feel the prosecution made, which was bringing second degree murder charges. Since much of the evidence was inconclusive, any questions about such would provide reasonable doubt. Which means they have to vote for acquittal. The jury doesn't have to believe either side. Reasonable doubt is acquittal.

Zimmerman is not guilty. End of story.

Gabby...post like this all the time and I will have tremendous respect for you... Excellent and well constructed post!

We knew you could do it!


07-14-2013, 10:08 AM
Just as I said yesterday. The feds are gearing up to file criminal charges on George. They are determined to lynch him one way or another.

07-14-2013, 10:32 AM
Just as I said yesterday. The feds are gearing up to file criminal charges on George. They are determined to lynch him one way or another.

They talked about this with quite a few lawyers last night and they where saying the Gov. would have to prove that TM's rights where violated and all agreed there is no way in hell this should go any further in fact they said prosecutors take cases to court because they have evidence where they can win and this case never should of went to criminal court

07-14-2013, 10:58 AM
They talked about this with quite a few lawyers last night and they where saying the Gov. would have to prove that TM's rights where violated and all agreed there is no way in hell this should go any further in fact they said prosecutors take cases to court because they have evidence where they can win and this case never should of went to criminal court

Here's the thing, and this is going to sound really shitty and I kind of hate myself for saying it, but...

I get the sense that all that follows, and the initial trial to a certain degree, are hoops the state and federal governments feel they should jump in an effort to placate an angry community. Perhaps they are being pressured to jump through the hoops. If something eventually sticks, all the better for the appeasement.

07-14-2013, 11:09 AM
Whats most surprising is he was not judged to of committed manslaughter...

07-14-2013, 11:17 AM
Whats most surprising is he was not judged to of committed manslaughter...

Why is that surprising? Read the statute, stand your ground laws and self defense. It wasn't even remotely close to manslaughter. The forensic experts easily PROVED Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman based on trajectory and his shirt and entry points. Then add in a fractured nose and gashes to the back of his head. It was 100% in align with his story. Manslaughter would HAVE to mean a crime was committed, and if he shot in self defense, then there was no crime at all. Hell, they could have added in an option for simple assault and it wouldn't have mattered - unless the charge was against Trayvon who DID assault Zimmerman.

07-14-2013, 11:33 AM
I felt this all along. The police in Sanford, Fla. bowed to social and political pressure and made an arrest. Even though the former lead investigator did not find enough evidence to do so. I think they were afraid to deal with the fallout on their own. It WAS a witch hunt. With no witches involved.I totally agree.

07-14-2013, 11:37 AM
Why is that surprising? Read the statute, stand your ground laws and self defense. It wasn't even remotely close to manslaughter. The forensic experts easily PROVED Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman based on trajectory and his shirt and entry points. Then add in a fractured nose and gashes to the back of his head. It was 100% in align with his story. Manslaughter would HAVE to mean a crime was committed, and if he shot in self defense, then there was no crime at all. Hell, they could have added in an option for simple assault and it wouldn't have mattered - unless the charge was against Trayvon who DID assault Zimmerman.

Depends how you define 'stand your ground' i guess, Zimmerman went out chasing after him. Not so much standing ground as in pursuit.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2013, 11:39 AM
I felt this all along. The police in Sanford, Fla. bowed to social and political pressure and made an arrest. Even though the former lead investigator did not find enough evidence to do so. I think they were afraid to deal with the fallout on their own. It WAS a witch hunt. With no witches involved. Yet you did post a comment about we that may wish to gloat. Justice being rendered is not gloating. Being pleased that Obama and the haters didn't get their way is not gloating. Being happy an innocent man was not lynched is not gloating! Being proud the justice system did prevail and the NBPP didn't get to murder an innocent man is not gloating.-Tyr

07-14-2013, 11:50 AM
Depends how you define 'stand your ground' i guess, Zimmerman went out chasing after him. Not so much standing ground as in pursuit.

They didnt have to consider Stand Your Ground...

Classic Self Defense...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2013, 11:51 AM
Depends how you define 'stand your ground' i guess, Zimmerman went out chasing after him. Not so much standing ground as in pursuit.
Dude, if you come into my neighborhood and I follow you around for hours on the city streets here I have broken no law and have engaged in no threatening action. However should you then decide to approach me asking what I'm doing I could say to you "none of your damn business" and still be in the right. Should you then attack me the stand your ground law comes into effect, at least it does in Florida. Here I don't need it as I don't give a damn about any ffing law when I'm attacked. I simply attack back faster ,better and with FAR GREATER action. If I feel my life is in danger of being taken I would use deadly force and I don't need a gun to do that. Trust me on that. By the way, that was used as an example and certainly not a threat to you... I used to have pretty gals follow me around in stores and all I ever did was turn around, approach them and get their phone numbers! Worked out well and since they were adults no laws were ever broken . -;)-Tyr

07-14-2013, 12:34 PM
Had I been Zimmerman, I would have walked over to the evidence table, retrieved my weapon and donned it in plain sight before leaving the courthouse.

Cant be in possession of a firearm or Ammunition in a Courthouse...

He'd have gone to jail for at least a year for doing so...

07-14-2013, 01:15 PM
As usual I find the media at fault in turning this case into something it did not need to be. Zimmerman followed a figure who he did not recognize and whose BEHAVIOR he suspected. His initial call to authorities did not state that the subject he was interested in WAS black but that he MIGHT be. The initial investigators saw no reason to indict him. Media incited public pressure on the state and federal level to indict. The individual killed was NOT the innocent child the media insisted on. He was a 17 year old young man with an apparently hostile attitude. Read what was recovered from his twitter account. The evidence and the best case the prosecution could present failed to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. And in this country, the jury is still the ultimate voice of justice, thank whatever deity you revere. I am sorry a young life ended but I believe, based on the evidence I saw, that he was culpable in his own demise. I don't blame his family for grieving and resenting the man who shot him. But I do blame the media for validating the perspective that this rises to a racial issue. It trivializes the matter of civil rights. Not every confrontation between two people of different races is about race. Sometimes it is about a situation going horribly wrong. Let us hope this media nightmare doesn't provoke any more violence. It would be a pity if the racial violence they insisted this was about actually arose as a result of their focusing on it.

07-14-2013, 01:23 PM
Personally. Though nobody else really cares what I think. I fully expected to hear Zimmerman pronounced Guilty.

And, we must all remember. It's not over yet. The NAACP with many of their obvious friends are now demanding that Obama, and Holder begin to charge Zimmerman with Federal Violations....for...what else? RACIAL reasons.

We are about to see the final THREE RING CIRCUS come to town again. With Holder as the MASTER OF RACE BAITING.

07-14-2013, 01:49 PM
Cant be in possession of a firearm or Ammunition in a Courthouse...

He'd have gone to jail for at least a year for doing so...

I wouldn't have loaded it until I got to the front door. Retrieving what's mine and leaving the courthouse should have been within the law.

07-14-2013, 01:50 PM
"Stand Your Ground" was taken off the table early in the process. Zimmerman's lawyers tossed the idea in favor of simple "Self Defense." To their credit, it worked. There is, however, a caveat... Zimmerman is now open to a civil wrongful death lawsuit, and don't think Martin's family won't be pursuing just that. In fact, I believe they filed one prior to the start of the murder trail. I say he is "now open" to such a lawsuit because it is my understanding that, had they gone with "Stand Your Ground" or even had a hearing on the potential plea, it would have shut down the ability for Martin's family to file the wrongful death suit.

I could be wrong, but this is my understanding.

Anyone with better information can feel free to correct this information.

07-14-2013, 01:56 PM
Depends how you define 'stand your ground' i guess, Zimmerman went out chasing after him. Not so much standing ground as in pursuit.

Doesn't matter in the slightest bit that Zimmerman followed him and found him suspicious, he is 100% within his rights to have done so. I see you say he shouldn't have "chased" him when in reality it was simply walking and following, but you neglect to point out that Martin broke his nose and slammed his head into the pavement. Regardless, as far as finding him guilty of manslaughter, as I said:

To convict Zimmerman of manslaughter, the jurors would have had to believe he "intentionally committed an act or acts that caused the death of Trayvon Martin." That charge could have carried a sentence of up to 30 years in prison, though the jury was not told of that possible sentence.

He didn't intentionally go to kill Martin and the prosecution never came close to making a case for that. It was legal for him to follow. And if Martin turned around and was causing him such bodily harm, using a gun in self defense was NOT intentional, but rather self defense alone, and it really is that simple - and it was PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt that Martin was on top, and the injuries backup what Zimmerman state about being attacked.

07-14-2013, 01:58 PM
Let's all look at it this way. WHO here? Which member reading this? Has any power to CHANGE the Jury's Decision yesterday?

Let whoever feels that powerful. Please step forward.

The case has been decided. It's over.

Remember? We're still talking about the O.J. Trial too!

Has anyone changed that decision?

07-14-2013, 02:01 PM
"Stand Your Ground" was taken off the table early in the process. Zimmerman's lawyers tossed the idea in favor of simple "Self Defense." To their credit, it worked. There is, however, a caveat... Zimmerman is now open to a civil wrongful death lawsuit, and don't think Martin's family won't be pursuing just that. In fact, I believe they filed one prior to the start of the murder trail. I say he is "now open" to such a lawsuit because it is my understanding that, had they gone with "Stand Your Ground" or even had a hearing on the potential plea, it would have shut down the ability for Martin's family to file the wrongful death suit.

I could be wrong, but this is my understanding.

Anyone with better information can feel free to correct this information.

While I agree that they will follow with a civil suit, unless the fix is in, they shouldn't even come close to winning, even with the burden of proof being lower. It's now been established that Martin was the aggressor and Zimmerman has been acquitted based on self defense. They will be hard pressed to find him guilty considering he was attacked and defending himself. That's not to say that it can't happen, especially if it's a verdict made by a judge, but based on legalities and facts, no way they should prevail.

And now the NAACP is pushing for charges based on civil riots violations, which I also can't see happening, unless again the fix is in. They might as well turn around and re-try THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of black people who shot white people, and now charge them with civil riots violations as well. It's bullshit. The threshold is VERY high in order to bring and prevail in such a case. And different than a regular civil suit, if they try, Zimmerman should sue for a billion dollars for what would CLEARLY be a malicious prosecution. NO WAY in hell an acquittal leads to civil rights charges if this was a black shooting a white, or a black shooting a black.

07-14-2013, 02:02 PM
Let's all look at it this way. WHO here? Which member reading this? Has any power to CHANGE the Jury's Decision yesterday?

Let whoever feels that powerful. Please step forward.

The case has been decided. It's over.

Remember? We're still talking about the O.J. Trial too!

Has anyone changed that decision?

It's still an interesting discussion. While OJ was acquitted, he later was held responsible in a civil suit and the judgment was for like $35 million or so if I recall correctly.

07-14-2013, 02:05 PM
It's still an interesting discussion. While OJ was acquitted, he later was held responsible in a civil suit and the judgment was for like $35 million or so if I recall correctly.

Of course it's interesting. I won't deny that. I asked WHO had the power to change what IS, and what happened with the verdict?

You can talk about the JFK assassination till you turn blue in the face too! Nobody can change it. No matter how many conspiracy theorie junkies need to make it something ELSE.

07-14-2013, 02:07 PM
Of course it's interesting. I won't deny that. I asked WHO had the power to change what IS, and what happened with the verdict?

You can talk about the JFK assassination till you turn blue in the face too! Nobody can change it. No matter how many conspiracy theorie junkies need to make it something ELSE.

The crooked DOJ and Eric Holder have the power to change this verdict and still have him placed in jail for life, should they perform a malicious prosecution.

07-14-2013, 02:10 PM
Personally. Though nobody else really cares what I think. I fully expected to hear Zimmerman pronounced Guilty.

And, we must all remember. It's not over yet. The NAACP with many of their obvious friends are now demanding that Obama, and Holder begin to charge Zimmerman with Federal Violations....for...what else? RACIAL reasons.

We are about to see the final THREE RING CIRCUS come to town again. With Holder as the MASTER OF RACE BAITING.

Jim....I said this earlier.

red state
07-14-2013, 02:35 PM
TYR WROTE: Dude, if you come into my neighborhood and I follow you around for hours on the city streets here I have broken no law and have engaged in no threatening action. However should you then decide to approach me asking what I'm doing I could say to you "none of your damn business" and still be in the right. Should you then attack me the stand your ground law comes into effect, at least it does in Florida. Here I don't need it as I don't give a damn about any ffing law when I'm attacked. I simply attack back faster ,better and with FAR GREATER action. If I feel my life is in danger of being taken I would use deadly force and I don't need a gun to do that. Trust me on that. By the way, that was used as an example and certainly not a threat to you... I used to have pretty gals follow me around in stores and all I ever did was turn around, approach them and get their phone numbers! Worked out well and since they were adults no laws were ever broken . -;)-Tyr"

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Tyr, some still know very little to NOTHING about this trial....or anything in general to make a comment about most topics. The Zman was not pursuing anyone. He had merely gotten out of the car because he lost track of a boy in a hood (much like the "suspects" who had been robbing houses in that area). Martin was, indeed, acting suspicious and was probably under the influence. Zman, after being told that he did not have to do what he was doing in trying to see where Martin went, was going back to his vehicle. He was NEVER ordered to return to his car and he certainly did nothing but do his civic duty by calling 911, and do exactly what he was "suggested" to do. He was forced to shoot this wayward kid and the Zman probably prevented a woman from being attacked later on (like the case a few weeks ago). The case would have never been open if BIG MOUTH B.O. had kept his ignorant liberal mouth SHUT. Why can't such people expose their ignorance so profoundly and so often. Just let us THINK you're stupid....don't PROVE it!!! HA!!!


07-14-2013, 02:43 PM
I wouldn't have loaded it until I got to the front door. Retrieving what's mine and leaving the courthouse should have been within the law.

Not when it's a Firearm Missile...

Youd be arressted the second you tried to take it.

07-14-2013, 04:44 PM
It wasn't a guessing game if you watched the trial, there was forensic evidence easily proving the fact that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman. Then add in the wounds on his head and the fractured nose. It doesn't take a genius.

And it wasn't just 2nd degree murder, the jury also stated that there wasn't even enough for a manslaughter conviction.

This was NOT about making pre-determined opinions as you imply. The FACTS prove the self defense claims. Several of the best forensic experts in the nation also showed and proved this to be the case. The jury had ALL of the evidence and agreed. This wasn't about sides at all - but about TRUTH and the FACTS. Only idiots claimed race or took sides outside of what the facts CLEARLY showed.

Zimmerman was found not guilty and was innocent from the get go. One doesn't need to allow "grave bodily harm" before they are allowed to defend themselves.

Those complaining that justice has failed and such are the racists. Those whining about the verdict are the ones who thought Trayvon was a "child" minding his own business and was gunned down, nevermind the injuries that show otherwise. Those of us with intelligence watched and gathered as many facts as possible over a year and a half and made their decision based on all the facts they could gather.

I don't give a crap if anyone likes it or not - CONGRATS George Zimmerman on your freedom, on the truth and for being exonerated on defending your own life. Take money for a hundred interviews and go live in Brazil or something, buddy!!

First let me say that I always contended that Zim would win. Our justice system is weighted to the defendant, as it should be.

I do not accept, however, that race had nothing to do with this case. How does Zim assume that the young man is an f'ing a**hole? Does he think this of everyone who wears hoodies? Anyone who thinks the call and pursuit had nothing to do with Trayvon's race is an idiot.

Self defense for Zim? What about self defense for Trayvon? He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw he was being observed by Zim in his car. He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw that Zim was following him on foot. Wouldn't you have defended yourself if someone pursued you on a dark rainy night?

Evidence was obvious that Zim had a problem with black people. He had made dozens of calls to the cops about black people walking around in his neighborhood. Zim also has a history of violence. He assauted a police officer.

Zim was found innocent by a jury of his peers. However, anyone who still believes that he was really innocent just isn't paying attention. Anyone who doesn't think this was about race is just not thinking.

Robert A Whit
07-14-2013, 04:53 PM
First let me say that I always contended that Zim would win. Our justice system is weighted to the defendant, as it should be.

I do not accept, however, that race had nothing to do with this case. How does Zim assume that the young man is an f'ing a**hole? Does he think this of everyone who wears hoodies? Anyone who thinks the call and pursuit had nothing to do with Trayvon's race is an idiot.

Self defense for Zim? What about self defense for Trayvon? He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw he was being observed by Zim in his car. He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw that Zim was following him on foot. Wouldn't you have defended yourself if someone pursued you on a dark rainy night?

Evidence was obvious that Zim had a problem with black people. He had made dozens of calls to the cops about black people walking around in his neighborhood. Zim also has a history of violence. He assauted a police officer.

Zim was found innocent by a jury of his peers. However, anyone who still believes that he was really innocent just isn't paying attention. Anyone who doesn't think this was about race is just not thinking.

The crime was when Trayvon was beating up Zim. Somehow that is ignored in a haste to find fault with Zim. Zim had then and has today the right to defend himself.

The jury did right.

I am sick of the race card. It can be true but today it is used no matter what.

This country has no laws to punish you with if you do happen to be racist. Like freedom of speech, one can say what they want and it is totally legal so long as the comments are true, with no malice and so forth.

The claim it was over race is plainly not true. Zimerman is no punk kid and never had any problem with negroes. Matter of fact, it was Trayvon that attacked Zimmerman. Did that happen due to Zimmerman's race?

07-14-2013, 05:11 PM
First let me say that I always contended that Zim would win. Our justice system is weighted to the defendant, as it should be.
I always figured he would lose for due to the outside help the prosecution had
I do not accept, however, that race had nothing to do with this case. How does Zim assume that the young man is an f'ing a**hole? Does he think this of everyone who wears hoodies? Anyone who thinks the call and pursuit had nothing to do with Trayvon's race is an idiot.
Have you seen the real pictures of TM ? the ones showing him as the thug he was , of course he would be questioned in a strange neighborhood
Self defense for Zim? What about self defense for Trayvon? He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw he was being observed by Zim in his car. He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw that Zim was following him on foot. Wouldn't you have defended yourself if someone pursued you on a dark rainy night?
So if someone follows you you immediately go to beating the shit out of him ? Maybe TN would be alive today if instead of fighting he simply asked GZ what the hell his problem was at that point Z would of had to of explained himself and TM could of explained he was visiting his aunts house
Evidence was obvious that Zim had a problem with black people. He had made dozens of calls to the cops about black people walking around in his neighborhood. Zim also has a history of violence. He assauted a police officer.Its sad to say but when you see a black man walking through your neighborhood a place that has been hit with many robberies ya have to question , you need look no further than our prisons to see many blacks are criminals and I hate to say that because many are terrific people but look at the ratio black to white in prisons
Zim was found innocent by a jury of his peers. However, anyone who still believes that he was really innocent just isn't paying attention. Anyone who doesn't think this was about race is just not thinking.Thats your opioin and you are welcome to it , dont forget these six woman where told exactly what the law was and exactly what the prosecution had to prove , we are only Sunday morning QB's

Look a jury of his piers found him innocent while the prosecution had Obama the DOJ and special invesagators at there disposal if they could of found anyway possible to make this stick he would of been found guilty

07-14-2013, 05:19 PM
First let me say that I always contended that Zim would win. Our justice system is weighted to the defendant, as it should be.

I do not accept, however, that race had nothing to do with this case. How does Zim assume that the young man is an f'ing a**hole? Does he think this of everyone who wears hoodies? Anyone who thinks the call and pursuit had nothing to do with Trayvon's race is an idiot.

Self defense for Zim? What about self defense for Trayvon? He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw he was being observed by Zim in his car. He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw that Zim was following him on foot. Wouldn't you have defended yourself if someone pursued you on a dark rainy night?

Evidence was obvious that Zim had a problem with black people. He had made dozens of calls to the cops about black people walking around in his neighborhood. Zim also has a history of violence. He assauted a police officer.

Zim was found innocent by a jury of his peers. However, anyone who still believes that he was really innocent just isn't paying attention. Anyone who doesn't think this was about race is just not thinking.

YOU are the idiot for claiming that calling someone a fucking asshole makes it about race. That's one of the most asinine comments EVER written here. There is ZERO evidence - and I mean ZERO - to show that race played ANY part in this shooting.

And sure, Trayvon was 100% entitled to defend himself, only he was the aggressor. Had Zimmerman been on top of him, and busted his nose, and smashed his head into the pavement, he would have had the identical right to defend himself. Fact is though, forensic evidence OVERWHELMINGLY showed Trayvon on top, the trajectory of the bullet made that 100% clear and irrefutable. The injuries to Zimmerman, identified within mere minutes of the incident, prove that Trayvon was harming him. There is ZERO evidence that Zimmerman touched or harmed Trayvon IN ANY WAY up until the moment of the shooting.

If someone follows me, I DO NOT have the right to assault them. Someone following you is not a crime and there is NOTHING to defend ones self from.

Anyone who is stupid enough to claim he is guilty, when he has been acquitted, is, well, and idiot. Anyone who claims this is about race with ZERO PROOF, is a fucking brain dead liberal idiot.

What you "accept" is meaningless, as people that had MUCH more access to the facts completely disagree with you, and that includes the jury AND some of the best forensic experts in the business.

I guess dope smoking delinquents who want to attack grown men and try to beat their heads in the pavement should maybe think twice the next time. And for those who swear it was about race - deal with it - he's now acquitted and a free man, regardless of what the clueless and uneducated chime in about.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2013, 05:28 PM
First let me say that I always contended that Zim would win. Our justice system is weighted to the defendant, as it should be.

I do not accept, however, that race had nothing to do with this case. How does Zim assume that the young man is an f'ing a**hole? Does he think this of everyone who wears hoodies? Anyone who thinks the call and pursuit had nothing to do with Trayvon's race is an idiot.

Self defense for Zim? What about self defense for Trayvon? He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw he was being observed by Zim in his car. He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw that Zim was following him on foot. Wouldn't you have defended yourself if someone pursued you on a dark rainy night?

Evidence was obvious that Zim had a problem with black people. He had made dozens of calls to the cops about black people walking around in his neighborhood. Zim also has a history of violence. He assauted a police officer.

Zim was found innocent by a jury of his peers. However, anyone who still believes that he was really innocent just isn't paying attention. Anyone who doesn't think this was about race is just not thinking. Dude, you are dead wrong. First watching a person is not a crime. Even approaching a person and asking a question is not either. Trayvon felt spied upon more than likely because he was scoping out what he could steal IMHO. And if blacks are known to be the main group stealing why treat them as if they are totally innocent? All Trayvon had to do was just keep on walking out of the area on to where he was staying. Zimmerman shot him when he Trayvon was on top beating him and it was a vicious beating as the wounds on Zimmerman prove. I know quite a bit about such things myself having delivered plenty of them in my previous job. I have a history of violence but it doesn't make me wrong when defending myself. That you fail to admit or understand that is your error and your folly. Last but by no means least is the reality that race had a helluva a lot more to do with this after the attacker was killed than it ever did before his death! And that is a sad indictment of the current government and politics in this nation. --Tyr

07-14-2013, 05:29 PM
The crime was when Trayvon was beating up Zim. Somehow that is ignored in a haste to find fault with Zim. Zim had then and has today the right to defend himself.

The jury did right.

I am sick of the race card. It can be true but today it is used no matter what.

This country has no laws to punish you with if you do happen to be racist. Like freedom of speech, one can say what they want and it is totally legal so long as the comments are true, with no malice and so forth.

The claim it was over race is plainly not true. Zimerman is no punk kid and never had any problem with negroes. Matter of fact, it was Trayvon that attacked Zimmerman. Did that happen due to Zimmerman's race?

I understand your perspective and agree that the race card is used too much. The pendulum has swung. Whites can not get away with being racist, while those of color can.

This isn't just about the race card. Zim made an assumption about this young man based on his race. He followed the man against the advice of the dispatch. He lied repeatedly during the trial. A fight ensued. Non one knows who was defending themselves. It's just as reasonable to assume Trayvon was defending himself after being pursued.

I'm only disgusted by this case, because almost without exception, conservatives automatically went against the unarmed kid. Why do you suppose that is? Would it have made a difference if Trayvon was white? I think it would.

red state
07-14-2013, 05:32 PM
"First let me say that I always contended that Zim would win. Our justice system is weighted to the defendant, as it should be.

I do not accept, however, that race had nothing to do with this case. How does Zim assume that the young man is an f'ing a**hole? Does he think this of everyone who wears hoodies? Anyone who thinks the call and pursuit had nothing to do with Trayvon's race is an idiot.

Self defense for Zim? What about self defense for Trayvon? He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw he was being observed by Zim in his car. He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw that Zim was following him on foot. Wouldn't you have defended yourself if someone pursued you on a dark rainy night?

Evidence was obvious that Zim had a problem with black people. He had made dozens of calls to the cops about black people walking around in his neighborhood. Zim also has a history of violence. He assauted a police officer.

Zim was found innocent by a jury of his peers. However, anyone who still believes that he was really innocent just isn't paying attention. Anyone who doesn't think this was about race is just not thinking."

__________________________________________________ ______

If the comment above :lol:

is ridiculously, ignorantly written,

please provide a


Here's mine: :clap:

07-14-2013, 05:32 PM
Dude, you are dead wrong. First watching a person is not a crime. Even approaching a person and asking a question is not either. Trayvon felt spied upon more than likely because he was scoping out what he could steal IMHO. And if blacks are known to be the main group stealing why treat them as if they are totally innocent? All Trayvon had to do was just keep on walking out of the area on to where he was staying. Zimmerman shot him when he Trayvon was on top beating him and it was a vicious beating as the wounds on Zimmerman prove. I know quite a bit about such things myself having delivered plenty of them in my previous job. I have a history of violence but it doesn't make me wrong when defending myself. That you fail to admit or understand that is your error and your folly.--Tyr

Why are you so dead sure? Watching and approaching a person is not illegal, I'll admit. But, why did he do so? Why was he angry? Do you think maybe he made an assumption?

The court proved that the "vicious beating" resulted in "insignificant injuries". Zim lied his azz off over and over. Why are you so sure he's innocent?

07-14-2013, 05:35 PM
This isn't just about the race card. Zim made an assumption about this young man based on his race. He followed the man against the advice of the dispatch. He lied repeatedly during the trial.

What lies can you prove? Dispatch are ordinary citizens and have zero authority, he was 100% within his rights to tail him to ensure a crime wasn't being committed within his neighborhood. You and your ilk keep claiming it was about race, and yet there is ZERO evidence that this was the case - ZERO.

red state
07-14-2013, 05:35 PM
This case had NOTHING to do with race until B.O. and his ignorant little followers put their big, ignorant nose into it.

If truth was known, this is a ploy to "deminish" any rights of those who MAY POSSIBLY HAVE a differing view than those on the LEFT. Racism is a tool and they use it well and often.

Divide and conquer and NEVER let a good crisis go to waste.

If anyone was racist....it was the punk kid (not the Zman).

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2013, 05:35 PM
I understand your perspective and agree that the race card is used too much. The pendulum has swung. Whites can not get away with being racist, while those of color can.

This isn't just about the race card. Zim made an assumption about this young man based on his race. He followed the man against the advice of the dispatch. He lied repeatedly during the trial. A fight ensued. Non one knows who was defending themselves. It's just as reasonable to assume Trayvon was defending himself after being pursued.

I'm only disgusted by this case, because almost without exception, conservatives automatically went against the unarmed kid. Why do you suppose that is? Would it have made a difference if Trayvon was white? I think it would. Ha, what you miss is that if the dead kid was white and the killer a black guy in a neighborhood watch program we'd never heard about it and the ffing piece of shat president wouldn't have said a damn thing about it. That you miss that and so blatantly exhibit your bias while trying to justify the deliberate and wrongful /corrupt use of the race card is pitiful IMHO.-Tyr

07-14-2013, 05:37 PM
Look a jury of his piers found him innocent while the prosecution had Obama the DOJ and special invesagators at there disposal if they could of found anyway possible to make this stick he would of been found guilty

That's true but the DOJ is not done yet, just read they are going to review the trial.

07-14-2013, 05:37 PM
Why are you do dead sure? Watching and approaching a person is not illegal, I'll admit. But, why did he do so? Why was he angry? Do you think maybe he made an assumption?

The court proved that the "vicious beating" resulted in "insignificant injuries". Zim lied his azz off over and over. Why are you so sure he's innocent?

Uh, no, idiot, the prosecution claimed it was insignificant, and Zimmerman's experts showed differently. There was nothing "proven" by the court. And none of your questions matter as none of that stuff is illegal. Someone does not have the right to attack/assault another for simply being followed. You claiming he lied his ass off shows it is YOU who is inventing things and biased, idiot.

07-14-2013, 05:39 PM
I wonder why Trayvon's father lied? First it wasn't his voice, then it was. Jeantelle claims one thing, then another. The idiot can't even read. The ONLY proven lies are on the side of the dead wannabe thug.

red state
07-14-2013, 05:43 PM
"Why are you do dead sure? Watching and approaching a person is not illegal, I'll admit. But, why did he do so? Why was he angry? Do you think maybe he made an assumption?

The court proved that the "vicious beating" resulted in "insignificant injuries". Zim lied his azz off over and over. Why are you so sure he's innocent?"

Because TYR is RIGHT!!! The Zman followed him in his car because he was acting suspicious and matched the description of those who had been seen at other home burglaries. In fact, this is why the Zman initially joined neighborhood watch (because his wife saw a burglary next door with the perpetrator using THEIR yard to escape. And for the record.....assumptions aren't illegal (walking up to someone and decking them IS).

I *(or the jury) saw no lies....only the more ignorant, bullheaded leftists saw lies (or created the so-called lies). The Zman WAS being viciously beaton and I'da shot his @$$ as well. NONE of us knows if that ONE, LAST pounding on the concrete would have murdered the Zman and he acted as a REAL American with any sense would have.

We're all "so sure he's innocent" because the COURT OF LAW says he is.....put that in your pipe and smoke on it a while.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2013, 05:46 PM
Why are you so dead sure? Watching and approaching a person is not illegal, I'll admit. But, why did he do so? Why was he angry? Do you think maybe he made an assumption?

The court proved that the "vicious beating" resulted in "insignificant injuries". Zim lied his azz off over and over. Why are you so sure he's innocent? I saw no lies proven on Zimmerman and how is that you think 6 women made such a horrible error after they heard and saw all that evidence? If Zimmerman broke no law by following and if he was attacked then self -defense covers everything after that. The prosecution failed to prove Zimmerman guilty and trust me they damn sure wanted to.. Justice prevailed and that has brightened my outlook tremendously in regards to the future of this nation and its dire problems with the scum leading it now.-Tyr

red state
07-14-2013, 05:46 PM

07-14-2013, 05:48 PM
That's true but the DOJ is not done yet, just read they are going to review the trial.

I see that Larry but I watched a special last night where they interviewed at least one judge and countless lawyers and they all agreed inm order to bring federal charges they would have to show TM's rights where violated and they were not all agreed , know I am sure they will try ( being as Obama started this mess ) but I dont think with all the scandals they can afford yet another , but this administration has shocked the hell out of me before . Last I had seen the NAACP had over 100,000 signatures calling for the feds to step in

07-14-2013, 05:50 PM
Why are you so dead sure? Watching and approaching a person is not illegal, I'll admit. But, why did he do so? Why was he angry? Do you think maybe he made an assumption?

The court proved that the "vicious beating" resulted in "insignificant injuries". Zim lied his azz off over and over. Why are you so sure he's innocent?

Did you watch any of the trial? That's the first question I have for you since you seems to know what happened.

It's been stated why he followed Martin:

There had been burglaries, thefts and a shooting. People were on edge and watching closely for suspicious behavior.

Did he make assumptions. I believe he did, which is why he called the police to report someone he considered suspicious.

As for Zim lying his ass off, how do you know unless you were there????? Even though the wounds were minor, if someone is being slammed to the ground and punched who's to judge if he felt his life was in danger or not???

After all there had already been a SHOOTING at the comlex.

red state
07-14-2013, 05:50 PM
The key to that, Jeff, is that EVERYONE (except) B.O. acts "stupidly".

07-14-2013, 05:51 PM
The easy answer. For everyone who must continue to rant on about something none of us can change is.

"PROFILING". Pure and simple. Like all of us do here on this forum.

I profile members like 'fj', logroller, Robert, and Gabby. Because I know what they always bring here.

Anyone disagree?

red state
07-14-2013, 05:55 PM
Was that punk not the racist when he (by the star witness's account) described the Zman as "CREEPY @$$ WHITE CRACKA'"?

Was the punk not on FB or whatever spouting a bunch of junk *(as if he were a gangsta')?

Didn't the FBI or the local law have photos of Martin with jewelry and guns on his bed or person?

Can we be certain that it wasn't Martin who had done the burglaries or shootings (since he had been connected with drugs, stolen items AND a firearm)?! Mind you.....The Zman had a LEGAL firearm (with training) whereas Martin had neither properly or LEGALLY.

red state
07-14-2013, 05:58 PM
The easy answer. For everyone who must continue to rant on about something none of us can change is.

"PROFILING". Pure and simple. Like all of us do here on this forum.

I profile members like 'fj', logroller, Robert, and Gabby. Because I know what they always bring here.

Anyone disagree?

__________________________________________________ ___________________________

AGREED....and approve (IF) the profiling is logical and for a reason that has been an established FACT that (for example) muSLUMs are 99.9% more likely to perform a terrorist "incident" or a liberal is 99.9% more likely to say something EXTREMELY ignorant without a shred of fact.

07-14-2013, 06:03 PM
The easy answer. For everyone who must continue to rant on about something none of us can change is.

"PROFILING". Pure and simple. Like all of us do here on this forum.

I profile members like 'fj', logroller, Robert, and Gabby. Because I know what they always bring here.

Anyone disagree?
What's that exactly?

red state
07-14-2013, 06:04 PM
Thanks a lot About Time!!!! You seemed to have killed the thread!!!! I was enjoying it but since you deemed it as ranting, can you please tell us what you would prefer to talk about.....make sure it is a topic we can do something about. HA!!!!!

Don't hit me....don't hit me!!!! I'll fall in line! HA!!!!!

I've gotta get ready for church anyway....we have visitation (a church member died so we're going to pay our respects before the funeral tomorrow).

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-14-2013, 06:08 PM
"Why are you do dead sure? Watching and approaching a person is not illegal, I'll admit. But, why did he do so? Why was he angry? Do you think maybe he made an assumption?

The court proved that the "vicious beating" resulted in "insignificant injuries". Zim lied his azz off over and over. Why are you so sure he's innocent?"

Because TYR is RIGHT!!! The Zman followed him in his car because he was acting suspicious and matched the description of those who had been seen at other home burglaries. In fact, this is why the Zman initially joined neighborhood watch (because his wife saw a burglary next door with the perpetrator using THEIR yard to escape. And for the record.....assumptions aren't illegal (walking up to someone and decking them IS).

I *(or the jury) saw no lies....only the more ignorant, bullheaded leftists saw lies (or created the so-called lies). The Zman WAS being viciously beaton and I'da shot his @$$ as well. NONE of us knows if that ONE, LAST pounding on the concrete would have murdered the Zman and he acted as a REAL American with any sense would have.

We're all "so sure he's innocent" because the COURT OF LAW says he is.....put that in your pipe and smoke on it a while. Freaking -A- bravo!!!! --:beer:. Very well stated about the Court of Law declaring Z-man innocent! -:clap:--Tyr p.s. First I would NOT have shot Trayvon because it would have been me on top doing the beating on the sorry punk that attacked me. However if about to be murdered it's every person's right to use lethal force to save their own life and yes I would have shot the guy too. Thank God and my father/grandfather I was taught how to fight and how to win. And that has indeed saved my life at least twice and possibly as many as 5 times. Yet I've never used a weapon on anybody except-- the one time at 18 that I hit my older brother(22) using a set of brass knucks and he then proceeded to beat my ass quite splendidly! This was the really badass older brother that had pushed me a mile too far. Alas, it was all over a girl and trust me that's usually the worst reason to be fighting another man. Funny thing was the brass knucks he had taken away from a guy that he had knocked out about a month before at a bar in a town about 35 miles away. I had decided to at least give him one little taste of what he had given me before. And yes the girl was worth it at the time. Upon proper reflection now I see that she was not but really my anger was more at him for the disrespect he had shown me. Life teaches many lessons if one lives long enough to learn them..- ;)-Tyr

red state
07-14-2013, 06:12 PM
Thanks for that story, Tyr.....that's subject matter that most anyone can agree to discuss (whether anything can be done about it now or not). HA!

OK...I better shut up cuz About Time will probably make a long, Long, LONG drive down South to show what an irritated old man can still do. HA!!!

Just messing with you old tymer. HA!!!! Ya'll go about your business and I'll try to catch up later. Gotta go now.

07-14-2013, 06:15 PM
What lies can you prove? Dispatch are ordinary citizens and have zero authority, he was 100% within his rights to tail him to ensure a crime wasn't being committed within his neighborhood. You and your ilk keep claiming it was about race, and yet there is ZERO evidence that this was the case - ZERO.

You're right. I can't prove that a guy who was a neighborhood watchman wouldn't know his own street names when there are only three. I can't prove that he lied about his head being banged repeatedly against the concrete when even the cop said he was exagerating and the medical examiner said the injuries were insignificant. I also can't prove that he lied when he said Trayvon saw his small black concealed weapon that was holstered behind him on a dark night. I also can't prove that he lied when he said he was able to reach that gun that was holstered nearly on his back when Trayvon was sitting on his chest. You're right, I can't prove any of this, but the more important question to you and people of your "ilk" HOW ARE YOU SO SURE HE'S INNOCENT?

It was about race. How else could he tell he was dealing with a f'ing a**hole? Does he have a thing against sweaters?

07-14-2013, 06:27 PM
"First let me say that I always contended that Zim would win. Our justice system is weighted to the defendant, as it should be.

I do not accept, however, that race had nothing to do with this case. How does Zim assume that the young man is an f'ing a**hole? Does he think this of everyone who wears hoodies? Anyone who thinks the call and pursuit had nothing to do with Trayvon's race is an idiot.

Self defense for Zim? What about self defense for Trayvon? He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw he was being observed by Zim in his car. He wasn't doing anything illegal when he saw that Zim was following him on foot. Wouldn't you have defended yourself if someone pursued you on a dark rainy night?

Evidence was obvious that Zim had a problem with black people. He had made dozens of calls to the cops about black people walking around in his neighborhood. Zim also has a history of violence. He assauted a police officer.

Zim was found innocent by a jury of his peers. However, anyone who still believes that he was really innocent just isn't paying attention. Anyone who doesn't think this was about race is just not thinking."

__________________________________________________ ______

If the comment above :lol:

is ridiculously, ignorantly written,

please provide a


Here's mine: :clap:"Just one man's perspective", Zimmerman said the boy came back and circled his car and then Zimmerman started a foot persecute, he went past were the confrontation happened apparently not seeing the boy, and on his way back is when the boy confronted him, I think Zimmerman was probably known buy some of the rife Rafe that visited the neighborhood, and was probably very annoying, and the boy decided to make a name for himself, he enticed Zimmerman to follow him, he hide and waited, confronting Zimmerman on his way back, probably only intending to beat him down, for bragging rights, unfortunately it went very bad, but he caused the situation, just throwing it out there My Opinion

Robert A Whit
07-14-2013, 06:30 PM
I understand your perspective and agree that the race card is used too much. The pendulum has swung. Whites can not get away with being racist, while those of color can.

This isn't just about the race card. Zim made an assumption about this young man based on his race. He followed the man against the advice of the dispatch. He lied repeatedly during the trial. A fight ensued. Non one knows who was defending themselves. It's just as reasonable to assume Trayvon was defending himself after being pursued.

I'm only disgusted by this case, because almost without exception, conservatives automatically went against the unarmed kid. Why do you suppose that is? Would it have made a difference if Trayvon was white? I think it would.

Hey Bing, glad you came back.

Whites are of color. Just not the color of a Negro.

I remind you it was Zimmerman that had the duty of community watch. And he did the right thing, calling dispatch. Trayvon did the wrong thing by holding down Zimerman trying to beat him to death.

Zimmerman did nothing to cause being attacked. So found the Jury and they got it right.

Zimmerman had the gun put away until he got attacked. Concrete makes a damned fine weapon yet the gun is mightier than the chunks of rock.

Robert A Whit
07-14-2013, 06:33 PM
You're right. I can't prove that a guy who was a neighborhood watchman wouldn't know his own street names when there are only three. I can't prove that he lied about his head being banged repeatedly against the concrete when even the cop said he was exagerating and the medical examiner said the injuries were insignificant. I also can't prove that he lied when he said Trayvon saw his small black concealed weapon that was holstered behind him on a dark night. I also can't prove that he lied when he said he was able to reach that gun that was holstered nearly on his back when Trayvon was sitting on his chest. You're right, I can't prove any of this, but the more important question to you and people of your "ilk" HOW ARE YOU SO SURE HE'S INNOCENT?

It was about race. How else could he tell he was dealing with a f'ing a**hole? Does he have a thing against sweaters?

Excuse me? Now you claim by his head being smashed so he needed medical treatment including stitches is not much at all? If you want to make it about race, it was Negro on Mexican when the Mexican was held down.

If you mean that kind or racist, probably so. Trayvon believe he could take out Martin by smashing his head onto concrete.

07-14-2013, 06:58 PM
You're right. I can't prove that a guy who was a neighborhood watchman wouldn't know his own street names when there are only three. I can't prove that he lied about his head being banged repeatedly against the concrete when even the cop said he was exagerating and the medical examiner said the injuries were insignificant. I also can't prove that he lied when he said Trayvon saw his small black concealed weapon that was holstered behind him on a dark night. I also can't prove that he lied when he said he was able to reach that gun that was holstered nearly on his back when Trayvon was sitting on his chest. You're right, I can't prove any of this, but the more important question to you and people of your "ilk" HOW ARE YOU SO SURE HE'S INNOCENT?

It was about race. How else could he tell he was dealing with a f'ing a**hole? Does he have a thing against sweaters?

Quite honestly, I think YOU are a fucking asshole. Does that make me a racist somehow? And no, I'm not kidding.

Again, experts also testified about his fractured nose and that the injuries to the back of his head were consistent with being smashed into concrete. I'll take a forensic experts word, and what I saw with my own eyes, over what a policeman testifies about. And ALL that matters, is that when he was being pummeled, is whether he was in fear of grave bodily harm or not, idiot.

He's innocent because people who had access to what we don't, every single last piece of evidence, easily acquitted him in less than 2 days. What you dream up in your pathetic little mind won't change those facts. You and your ilk are like little snot nosed kids who put a plug in their ears when the professionals testify and explain things that one with an education likely need to understand.

Trayvon gambled and is dead. Zimmerman was being pummeled and defended his own life. He has been acquitted. You and your baseless information that has no support to back it up is comical. You toss out rhetoric and act like its fact. You act like a dumb ass lesbian that used to post here and I'm surprised you haven't started with the "he was killed because he bought skittles and an iced tea" yet.

07-14-2013, 06:59 PM
Excuse me? Now you claim by his head being smashed so he needed medical treatment including stitches is not much at all? If you want to make it about race, it was Negro on Mexican when the Mexican was held down.

If you mean that kind or racist, probably so. Trayvon believe he could take out Martin by smashing his head onto concrete.

Bing the idiot should go to his local hospital, wait for people to show up with broken/fractured noses, and tell them they need to leave as the injuries are insignificant.

07-14-2013, 07:17 PM
Let's solve all of this conjecture, guessing, and hyperventilating about this topic right now.

Let's ask him.....>>>>>>>>> 5265. And I don't want anyone to tell me "That doesn't belong here!"

If we can see children being abused, and people being Beheaded. Or a child on a thread with a Partial Brain Stem??? What about MSNBC...pretending to ACCIDENTALLY post this????

Robert A Whit
07-14-2013, 09:18 PM

Note that Zimmerman's gun "was placed into evidence," not returned to him as so many rumors had it.
Note that Trayvon Martin's weight is listed as 160 pounds, not the 140 pounds that you read all over, as in this lead paragraph from a Daily Beast story today (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/03/27/george-zimmerman-s-account-of-fight-with-trayvon-martin-questioned.html). His height is listed as 6 feet; George Zimmerman is listed at 5 feet 9 inches, but no weight is given.
Note the notation that the scene was secured with crime scene tape, and compare that to Jesse Jackson's complaint, "They didn’t even bother to put yellow tape around the murder scene when he died, That’s how much the police did to find out what happened to this young boy."
A transcript of Zimmerman's first 911 call (UPDATE --Though this has become the common way to refer to this call, it turns out the call was actually to a non-emergency Sanford Police Dept. line) is below CNN's exhaustive effort to determine whether Zimmerman used the word "coon" in an audible sigh during that call is here (http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/22/did-trayvon-martins-shooter-use-slur-in-911-tapes/?hpt=ac_mid). The latest story on Zimmerman's account from the Orlando Sentinel is here (http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-03-26/news/os-trayvon-martin-zimmerman-account-20120326_1_miami-schools-punch-unarmed-black-teenager).
Zimmerman: Hey, we’ve had some break-ins in my neighborhood and there’s a real suspicious guy. It’s Retreat View Circle. The best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about. [00:25]

Dispatcher:OK, is he White, Black, or Hispanic?

Zimmerman:He looks black
Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?

Zimmerman:Yeah, a dark hoodie like a gray hoodie. Either jeans or sweat pants and white tennis shoes. He’s here now … he’s just staring. [00:42]

Dispatcher:He’s just walking around the area, the houses? OK.

Zimmerman:Now he’s just staring at me. [00:48]

Dispatcher: OK, you said that’s 1111 Retreat View or 111?

Zimmerman:That’s the clubhouse.

Dispatcher:He’s near the clubhouse right now?

Zimmerman: Yeah, now he’s coming towards me. He’s got his hands in his waist band. And he’s a black male.[1:03]

Dispatcher: OK How old would you say he is?

Zimmerman: He’s got something on his shirt. About like his late teens.

Dispatcher: Late teens?

Zimmerman: Uh, huh.Something’s wrong with him. Yep, he’s coming to check me out. He’s got something in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is. [01:20]

Dispatcher: OK, just Let me know if he does anything, OK?

Zimmerman: OK.

Dispatcher: We’ve got them one the way. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.

Zimmerman: OK.These assholes. They always get away. When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and make a left. Actually, you would go past the clubhouse. [1:39]

Dispatcher:OK, so it’s on the left hand side from the clubhouse?

Zimmerman:Yeah. You go in straight through the entrance and then you'd make a left. You go straight in, don’t turn and make a left. Sh** He’s running. [2:08]

Dispatcher: He’s running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: (Sound that indicates perhaps Zimmerman is getting out of his car) Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood. [2:14]

Dispatcher:OK, which entrance is that he’s headed towards?

Zimmerman:The back entrance.

[Disputed utterance by Zimmerman at 2:22 that the subsequent affidavit of probable cause (http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2012/04/trayvon-martin-shooting-death-affidavit-of-probable-cause-text-version.html) said was " "these f---ing punks".]

Dispatcher: Are you following him? [2:24]

Zimmerman: Yeah. [2:25]

Dispatcher:OK.We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]

Zimmerman: OK. [2:28] (wind noises heard)

Dispatcher:Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]

Zimmerman:George. He ran.

Dispatcher:Alright, George, what’s your last name?

Zimmerman: Zimmerman.

Dispatcher:What’s the phone number you’re calling from?

Zimmerman: 407-435xxxx (wind noises die down)

Dispatcher: Alright, George, we do have them on the way. Do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Alright, where are you going to meet with them at?

Zimmerman: Um, if they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the clubhouse and, uh, straight past the clubhouse and make a left and then they go past the mailboxes you’ll see my truck. [3:10]

Dispatcher: Alright, what address are you parked in front of? [3:21]

Zimmerman: Um, I don’t know. It’s a cut-through so I don’t know the address. [3:25]

Dispatcher: OK, do you live in the area?

Zimmerman: Yeah, yeah, I live here.

Dispatcher: OK, what’s your apartment number?

Zimmerman: It’s a home. It’s 1950 – oh, crap, I don’t want to give it out – I don’t know where this kid is [inaudible] [3:40]

Dispatcher: OK, do you just want to meet with them at the mailboxes then? [3:42]

Zimmerman: Yeah, that’s fine. [3:43]

Dispatcher: Alright, George, I’ll let them know you’ll meet them at …

Zimmerman: Could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at? [3:49]

Dispatcher: OK, yeah that’s no problem.

Zimmerman:My number … you’ve got it?

Dispatcher: Yeah, I’ve got it. xxxxx?

Zimmerman: Yeah, you got it.

Dispatcher: OK, no problem. I’ll let them know to call you when they’re in the area. [4:02]


Dispatcher: You’re welcome.

Call ends 4:07