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07-17-2013, 08:19 AM
This is a smart Guy I really was surprised to hear this from a black man today after hearing all the negative most blacks have to say

Allen West accused the NAACP and other race-baiters of cherry picking cases for a political agenda, pointing out that they’ve been silent on two horrible cases where a white family was savagely murdered and a white baby shot in the face by two black teenagers

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/07/race-baiters-allen-west-where-was-naacp-and-media-when-two-black-teenagers-shot-a-white-baby-in-the-face/#ixzz2ZJC626V4
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Marcus Aurelius
07-17-2013, 08:54 AM
Again, an African American who tells it like it is. And again, the Al Sharptons and the Jessie Jacksons will call him an Uncle Tom, and dismiss him.

07-17-2013, 09:26 AM
This is a smart Guy I really was surprised to hear this from a black man today after hearing all the negative most blacks have to say

Allen West accused the NAACP and other race-baiters of cherry picking cases for a political agenda, pointing out that they’ve been silent on two horrible cases where a white family was savagely murdered and a white baby shot in the face by two black teenagers

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/07/race-baiters-allen-west-where-was-naacp-and-media-when-two-black-teenagers-shot-a-white-baby-in-the-face/#ixzz2ZJC626V4
Get more Clash on ClashDaily.com (http://clashdaily.com), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ClashDaily), Twitter (https://twitter.com/Doug_Giles), and YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/CLASHDAILY).

If people paid more attention to People like this, and the Pastor posted earlier, Instead of Sharpton and Jackson we would not have situations like this Trayvon Circus.

07-17-2013, 10:52 AM
This is actually a fairly common response from Conservative blacks. The problem is there's not enough of them out to be heard at the same level as the Al Sharptons on the left.

07-17-2013, 12:22 PM
This is actually a fairly common response from Conservative blacks. The problem is there's not enough of them out to be heard at the same level as the Al Sharptons on the left.

I have to agree with you and its a real shame this guy is a straight shooter

Marcus Aurelius
07-17-2013, 01:47 PM

Zimmerman: Guilty of Not Being Black

Chicago has had 200 homicides this year, but the NAACP and the media don’t seem to care.

07-18-2013, 05:51 AM
Not a matter of not enough black conservative speakers - it's a matter of an entire culture grown to be fools.

red state
07-18-2013, 04:07 PM
Again, an African American who tells it like it is. And again, the Al Sharptons and the Jessie Jacksons will call him an Uncle Tom, and dismiss him.

Spot on....THEY are ALWAYS the first to label. I appreciate fine individuals who actually STAND for something...I would like to see a few Latinos comment on what they think of all this. We do have a few Latino politicians don't we? In fact, I'd like to hear from average Latinos on how they have interpreted the conduct of dimocrats and the support of the Republicans and average Conservative JOES. The only thing I could find on Rubio talking about the case was before the trial had even began...not a peep now that it is over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmaIKmjBWjs

I realize that whites are pretty tolerant and to themselves when it comes to such awful crimes as what we saw with the guy beating the mom in front of her child or in the shooting of that guy from two punks but we are apparently fairly vocal within certain forums or surroundings so where are the Latino voice...certainly not with Marco. He should be shouting at the top of his voice criticizing B.O. and Holder for what they've done and continue to do.

I almost started a new thread on this but thought it would be as well served here under Jeff's thread....I hope this is OK and if anyone has any clipping of Rubio or some of the other Latino politicians condemning B.O. & Holder, please submit them.

07-18-2013, 08:43 PM
What's even worse is...those who we call Race Baiters, calling WEST all kinds of names...simply ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH, or EDUCATED ENOUGH to understand what they are saying, or doing.

They just follow the lead of the Biggest, Most recognized Race Baiters in America. Namely Sharpton, and Jackson, with every Black member of the Congressional Caucus, and NAACP who NEED to keep Black Americans angry, and upset about how white people are their enemy.
Sad as it is. That is the truth.