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View Full Version : New law 'allows Obama to take over all media'

07-19-2013, 06:17 AM
According to this article we are at the beginning of here all kinds of garbage from the Government , such as , all the stuff they did in Florida ( the DOJ ) they can now legally take over the media , so if ya thought we didnt have a honest media before just wait , and opf course there will be those jumping on the bad wagon and believing all the trash they can spew

An online radio host is sounding the alarm over a brand-new law he claims grants the federal government massive new powers to saturate Americans with domestic propaganda at U.S. taxpayer expense.
“This law allows the federal government to have sweeping power to push television, radio, newspaper and social-media propaganda onto the U.S. public,” warns Michael Evans of America’s Voice Now. (http://americasvoicenow.org/)
“It removes protection for Americans from the ideological diarrhea that will pour forth from this administration like ejected vomit.”


Marcus Aurelius
07-19-2013, 07:06 AM
According to this article we are at the beginning of here all kinds of garbage from the Government , such as , all the stuff they did in Florida ( the DOJ ) they can now legally take over the media , so if ya thought we didnt have a honest media before just wait , and opf course there will be those jumping on the bad wagon and believing all the trash they can spew

An online radio host is sounding the alarm over a brand-new law he claims grants the federal government massive new powers to saturate Americans with domestic propaganda at U.S. taxpayer expense.
“This law allows the federal government to have sweeping power to push television, radio, newspaper and social-media propaganda onto the U.S. public,” warns Michael Evans of America’s Voice Now. (http://americasvoicenow.org/)
“It removes protection for Americans from the ideological diarrhea that will pour forth from this administration like ejected vomit.”


The text is linked in your OP article...


It doesn't, as far as I can see, do any of that.


No funds authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors shall be used to influence public opinion in the United States. no tax payer expense on broadcasts of this type within the US.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors from engaging in any medium or form of communication, either directly or indirectly, because a United States domestic audience is or may be thereby exposed to program material, or based on a presumption of such exposure. Such material may be made available within the United States and disseminated, when appropriate, pursuant to sections 502 and 1005 of the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948..Simple doesn't prohibit the government from engaging in use of any type of media, even if the material that was intended for foreign audiences can be viewed, heard, etc., by American audiences.

Evans is severely over reacting.

07-19-2013, 03:39 PM
According to this article we are at the beginning of here all kinds of garbage from the Government , such as , all the stuff they did in Florida ( the DOJ ) they can now legally take over the media , so if ya thought we didnt have a honest media before just wait , and opf course there will be those jumping on the bad wagon and believing all the trash they can spew

An online radio host is sounding the alarm over a brand-new law he claims grants the federal government massive new powers to saturate Americans with domestic propaganda at U.S. taxpayer expense.
“This law allows the federal government to have sweeping power to push television, radio, newspaper and social-media propaganda onto the U.S. public,” warns Michael Evans of America’s Voice Now. (http://americasvoicenow.org/)
“It removes protection for Americans from the ideological diarrhea that will pour forth from this administration like ejected vomit.”


Jeff. This kind of stuff, we call "WHAT IF's" is exactly what Obama, and the Lame Stream Press, with the blessings of Liberal politicians want, and need to take place.
It's all by DESIGN, that this kind of endless hypothetical garbage further DIVIDES us all with worry, and the scare tactics they need. All supported now by Obama's RACE BAITING SPEECHES...also designed to further tear us as a nation...apart.
Don't pay any attention to HYPOTHETICAL situations that COULD, or MIGHT happen.
If we allow such things to control us. Eventually...we lose all control over everything we hold dear...Like our Constitution.

Obama is just dumb enough to destroy all of us...aiding our enemies...HERE AT HOME.

07-19-2013, 03:41 PM
I'd like a state of the union address every night. That's one good thing I can see coming from this.
I would love to see him stuttering and always telling us we're worse off today then we were yesterday. And it's all bushes fault.

I meant Fireside chats, my bad.

07-19-2013, 04:24 PM
They are just doing it so they can catch the terrorist and protect us , why are you folks so paranoid. Gov't Officials would never lie to the public via media.
