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07-20-2013, 07:46 AM
(Video) Trayvon Mob Smacks Houston Grandma


A Houston grandmother spoke to a mob about moving out of their way because her granddaughter needed to get to the hospital. They smacked her instead.
Click2Houston (http://www.click2houston.com/news/local-familys-emergency-trip-to-hospital-interrupted-by-protestors/-/1735978/21009282/-/xa44gh/-/index.html):
Hundreds of people marched in protest to the George Zimmerman verdict on Monday.
“No justice, no peace,” they yelled as they walked from the Byrd Funeral Home in the 2500 block of Wheeler to the Southmore Street overpass bridge near Highway 288.
Just after 7p.m. Monday, the demonstrators spilled out onto the road and blocked traffic for about 15 minutes.
“I looked up and I see all the protesters, they’re everywhere,” said Georgia, who asked that her last name not be used. “So, we got into the traffic and they’re stopping us and not letting us go.”
Georgia was on her way to Texas Children’s Hospital in the Medical Center because her 7-year-old granddaughter was having an allergic reaction to some medication.
Georgia’s daughter was driving and tried to go around the demonstrators by driving on the grassy shoulder.
“One of them was hitting the windshield and I was just screaming, ‘We’ve got to get to the hospital,’ and they were screaming and chanting,” she said. “All I could think of was, I got to get my granddaughter to the hospital.”
“My mom rolled down the window,” said Georgia’s daughter. “She said, ‘We’re trying to get my granddaughter to the hospital,’ and a guy just started hitting her.”

<ins style="display:inline-table;border:none;height:250px;margin:0;padding:0; position:relative;visibility:visible;width:300px"><ins id="aswift_2_anchor" style="display:block;border:none;height:250px;margin:0;pa dding:0;position:relative;visibility:visible;width :300px">After trying to reason with them, If i thought that my grandbaby was at risk i would have just ran them down.</ins></ins>

07-20-2013, 08:06 AM
I wonder what would happen if someone shot an attacker and said, "That's for George Zimmerman."

07-20-2013, 08:16 AM
Like you Larry I would have have just kept driving. They either get out of the way or get run over. The more they try to stop me the faster I go.

07-20-2013, 08:17 AM
I would of put the pedal on the floor and mowed these animals down like bowling pins, ya have to wonder if Obama is watching these things and thinking what a great job he did, of course he is this is exactly what he wanted total unrest

07-20-2013, 08:25 AM
I wonder what would happen if someone shot an attacker and said, "That's for George Zimmerman."I doubt that would happen, the white community is usually more cavil than that. And they wonder why their watched in shopping areas, and hear doors locking when they approach, and lady's grasp titer to their purses.

07-20-2013, 11:55 AM
Barack "Sharpton" Obama just poured gasoline on this smoldering pile of shit with his stupid speech yesterday. What an asshole.