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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 02:00 PM
Click the link to see pics of the other cars!! -Tyr http://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/bobby-rahal-five-greatest-muscle-cars-motoramic-experts-164252094.html Bobby Rahal’s five greatest muscle cars: Motoramic Experts <iframe name="I0_1374519326223" width="100%" tabindex="0" title="+1" id="I0_1374519326223" src="https://apis.google.com/_/+1/fastbutton?bsv&annotation=bubble&size=medium&hl=en-US&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fautos.yahoo.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fautos.yahoo.com%2Fblogs%2Fmotoram ic%2Fbobby-rahal-five-greatest-muscle-cars-motoramic-experts-164252094.html&gsrc=3p&ic=1&jsh=m%3B%2F_%2Fscs%2Fapps-static%2F_%2Fjs%2Fk%3Doz.gapi.en_US.TVMG68Es4xg.O% 2Fm%3D__features__%2Fam%3DEQ%2Frt%3Dj%2Fd%3D1%2Frs %3DAItRSTPYz0Svuqh540sMdwC7S3_2x2GR5A#_methods=onP lusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_resizeMe%2C_re nderstart%2Concircled&id=I0_1374519326223&parent=http%3A%2F%2Fautos.yahoo.com&pfname=&rpctoken=10506056" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" vspace="0" hspace="0" style="margin: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 90px; height: 20px; visibility: visible; position: static;" allowtransparency="true" data-gapiattached="true"></iframe>

Print (javascript:window.print();)
<!-- google_ad_section_start --> http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/blogs/motoramic/rahaltopimg.jpg (http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/hPIdaCSC2.Bch8FRIITh7A--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NQ--/http://mit.zenfs.com/852/2013/07/rahaltopimg.jpg)The ‘60s were a magical era. When you look at that 10-year period, there’s never been a percentage increase, in terms of performance, to rival that decade. The most powerful racing car in 1960 had maybe 300 hp, but ten years later, some race cars boasted in excess of 1,000 hp.
The Motoramic Experts series features insights from some of the most talented people in the automotive realm.

“Win on Sunday, sell on Monday.” That saying derived from the success the major automobile manufacturers had on the racetracks and drag strips, and how that related to sales in the dealerships. In terms of performance, what was being offered to the public was mindboggling. When you look at the '50s, the approach taken remained conservative. But in the ‘60s, all hell broke loose. I consider myself very fortunate to have witnessed — and lived — that era. Muscle cars became an integral part of my fascination with the automobile.
Ranking these cars, however, is tough, especially when narrowing it down to just five. There will always be opinions as to whether you’re right or wrong, and invariably you’re going to anger somebody. But for me, these are my five greatest muscle cars:
http://media.zenfs.com/en-US/blogs/motoramic/gto.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/59972430@N00/6164281761/in/photolist-aoHyd2-ap8xR4-apbh5w-aoGNN4-aoKxbJ-6aDc57-6aDxhE-5tkNST-dRgwn-8vD35P-6pVihx-6pZrpJ-6pZrxJ-7DB5M8-7DESkG-dnMdXF-6NCp2y-c8w5DU-bsoD5J-bsoD3y-AEP1T-7TnZKd-6cSVxW-eanSiT-6Xjraq-6cSXYo-6cNSF6-bpf3Po-bKqrB-acGRKQ-7DESPC-5QSbqJ-5QMUqn-5QMU64-dH7wxZ-5QRHvy-69ZATN-69ZqdN-69VecB-dHcWEj-69Zpsm-5QSds5-5QSdAu-69ZAJu-69VpYg-5QMWpZ-bpf41b-7PTFXp-5QMsk8-4BHmEJ-dEwmBz)#5: 1964 Pontiac GTO: This was the car that truly ignited the muscle car era. John DeLorean became infamous for many things later in life, but at the time, he was in charge of the Pontiac division and came up with the crazy idea of shoehorning a high-performance engine into a Pontiac Tempest — calling it the GTO. Immediately, you had what appeared to be an everyday car with an incredibly powerful engine. Songs like Ronny and the Daytonas’ “Little GTO,” celebrated “three deuces and a four speed." It was the spark that bred life to that whole magical era. It has to be placed in my top five

07-22-2013, 02:04 PM
May I order ONE Z-28, with a large Coke, and Fries?????

The 70's Muscle Cars were born in the 60's!

Robert A Whit
07-22-2013, 03:00 PM
For American cars, muscle cars really started with the 1957 models. Such as the 57 Corvette, the Bel Air with the same engine and others including the super fast Buick.

But as the OP brings up, the power of the 60s models were a wonder.

Alfa Romeo had by the late 30s a 1.5 liter engine that I believe produced up around 600 hp.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 07:59 PM
I favored five cars from that era. The GTO, the Mustang, the Camaro, Dodge Charger and the 1969 Roadrunner. -Tyr http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2010/11/21/15/06/1969_plymouth_road_runner-pic-808667971699814703.jpeg http://www.cargurus.com/Cars/1969-Plymouth-Road-Runner-Pictures-c9354#pi35831594 Really , really, really loved the GTO..-Tyr http://www.google.com/search?q=gto&lr=&as_qdr=all&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=qdTtUbG_DY7g8wT6g4GYCw&ved=0CEAQsAQ&biw=906&bih=582#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=OTBLEeYKdpXjvM%3A%3BHRisGK-Vb_pwbM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcarsfolia.com%252Fdat a_images%252Fnews%252Fpontiac-gto%252Fpontiac-gto-07.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcarsfolia.com%252Fnews %252Fpontiac-gto.html%3B1111%3B653 http://carsfolia.com/data_images/news/pontiac-gto/pontiac-gto-07.jpg (http://www.debatepolicy.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=gto&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=HRisGK-Vb_pwbM&tbnid=OTBLEeYKdpXjvM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcarsfolia.com%2Fnews%2Fpontiac-gto.html&ei=ytTtUbzxAoHI9gThqYGgBg&bvm=bv.49478099,d.aWM&psig=AFQjCNGM4jm-CdDnKITltvyKrUzgSn6UPA&ust=1374627388204988)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 08:20 PM

Robert A Whit
07-22-2013, 08:22 PM
I favored five cars from that era. The GTO, the Mustang, the Camaro, Dodge Charger and the 1969 Roadrunner. -Tyr http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2010/11/21/15/06/1969_plymouth_road_runner-pic-808667971699814703.jpeg http://www.cargurus.com/Cars/1969-Plymouth-Road-Runner-Pictures-c9354#pi35831594 Really , really, really loved the GTO..-Tyr http://www.google.com/search?q=gto&lr=&as_qdr=all&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=qdTtUbG_DY7g8wT6g4GYCw&ved=0CEAQsAQ&biw=906&bih=582#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=OTBLEeYKdpXjvM%3A%3BHRisGK-Vb_pwbM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcarsfolia.com%252Fdat a_images%252Fnews%252Fpontiac-gto%252Fpontiac-gto-07.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcarsfolia.com%252Fnews %252Fpontiac-gto.html%3B1111%3B653 http://carsfolia.com/data_images/news/pontiac-gto/pontiac-gto-07.jpg (http://www.debatepolicy.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=gto&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=HRisGK-Vb_pwbM&tbnid=OTBLEeYKdpXjvM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcarsfolia.com%2Fnews%2Fpontiac-gto.html&ei=ytTtUbzxAoHI9gThqYGgBg&bvm=bv.49478099,d.aWM&psig=AFQjCNGM4jm-CdDnKITltvyKrUzgSn6UPA&ust=1374627388204988)

All cars I never owned nor drove. It is too difficult for me to try to rate cars never driven by me. So, since you are the expert on those cars, I do bow to your knowledge of them.

Robert A Whit
07-22-2013, 08:47 PM
Talk about muscle. This 55 Chevy sounds like it has over 400 hp.

This driver had a wild ride. Track is long gone. Back in those days, we saw most of the big time drag stars at this track.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 09:21 PM
Talk about muscle. This 55 Chevy sounds like it has over 400 hp.

This driver had a wild ride. Track is long gone. Back in those days, we saw most of the big time drag stars at this track.

http://youtu.be/EBV21F9OGOc That was one lucky dude to have survived that crash. -Tyr

Robert A Whit
07-22-2013, 10:49 PM
That was one lucky dude to have survived that crash. -Tyr

A very long time friend racing his dragster. This is Junior driving. About his car. Dyno small block Chevy running gasoline and 4 bbl carb at just over 800 hp. I can check his records but I recall it at about 7.3 sec 1/4 mile and about 183 mph. Not bad for a bit over 300 cu in. He owns his own dyno so tests it as needed.


07-22-2013, 11:08 PM
My first car, I got it used in 1971, 1969 Mustang Mach 1:


Robert A Whit
07-22-2013, 11:08 PM
He picks races to go to. They do it for fun and his father built the car and funded it.


07-22-2013, 11:13 PM
My dad owned Cadillacs and Lincoln Continentals when we were real small. 1964 he went nutty and got this car, in yellow with black top:


07-22-2013, 11:21 PM
My first boyfriend, in jr. high got two cars for his 16th birthday, both new:

1972 Cuda:


and 1972 Corvette:


He was killed in the 'vette a couple days after his birthday.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 11:23 PM
My first car, I got it used in 1971, 1969 Mustang Mach 1:

Man o' man what a sweet ride. I'd love to have that car now. Always loved the Mustangs, Chargers, Camaro's, GTO'S and Roadrunners. My first new car bought off the lot new was a Dodge Charger. First car is like the first love. You never forget it.. You were lucky indeed that yours was such a great ride! -Tyr

Marcus Aurelius
07-22-2013, 11:25 PM
A very long time friend racing his dragster. This is Junior driving. About his car. Dyno small block Chevy running gasoline and 4 bbl carb at just over 800 hp. I can check his records but I recall it at about 7.3 sec 1/4 mile and about 183 mph. Not bad for a bit over 300 cu in. He owns his own dyno so tests it as needed.


Oh, you are so full of shit. Now you know a race driver? Please. You just 'happen' to recall a time and the mph? A few days was all you could go without lying your ass off. Figures.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 11:26 PM
My first boyfriend, in jr. high got two cars for his 16th birthday, both new:

1972 Cuda:


and 1972 Corvette:


He was killed in the 'vette a couple days after his birthday.
Wow, sorry to here about such a tragic loss of life and so young. Just me but I'd prefer the Cuda over the Corvette. I've just never been a big Corvette fan myself. -Tyr

07-22-2013, 11:26 PM
Man o' man what a sweet ride. I'd love to have that car now. Always loved the Mustangs, Chargers, Camaro's, GTO'S and Roadrunners. My first new car bought off the lot new was a Dodge Charger. First car is like the first love. You never forget it.. You were lucky indeed that yours was such a great ride! -Tyr

Oh I wish I had that car today! LOL! While I did appreciate the car, I was in two accidents within the first week. Really 'too much' car for a brand new driver. My dad did get it fixed.

Then I started skipping school, taking my friends with me. ;) My mom found out. Bye, bye car.

07-22-2013, 11:30 PM
Wow, sorry to here about such a tragic loss of life and so young. Just me but I'd prefer the Cuda over the Corvette. I've just never been a big Corvette fan myself. -Tyr

His folks were mega rich but really neglected their kids. Two cars for a 16 year old? Lots of stuff, no supervision. He was under the influence, hit cement lane barrier at high speed and the car just shattered.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 11:32 PM
Oh I wish I had that car today! LOL! While I did appreciate the car, I was in two accidents within the first week. Really 'too much' car for a brand new driver. My dad did get it fixed.

Then I started skipping school, taking my friends with me. ;) My mom found out. Bye, bye car.
Wow Kat, who knew that you were such a young hell raiser! ;) Its ok , I guess we all were. I mean young and dumb was a phase we all went through. However loving and appreciating great cars wasn't dumb. Just being too damn wild probably was. I had two close friends die in car crashes and never make their 20th birthdays. Both were in newly acquired muscle cars. Both drove like speed demons. -Tyr

07-22-2013, 11:34 PM
Experience counts a lot. Whether driving mega horsepower cars or raising kids. My folks certainly had been comfortable, but growing up in a very affluent area, didn't 'seem' comfortable. ;) I did learn the difference though between 'stuff' and 'being nurtured.'

Perhaps that's why I can be so 'strict.' Kids need both room to grow, but parameters they cannot go beyond without consequences.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-22-2013, 11:36 PM
His folks were mega rich but really neglected their kids. Two cars for a 16 year old? Lots of stuff, no supervision. He was under the influence, hit cement lane barrier at high speed and the car just shattered. My friend Louis drove off the road late at night (was drunk and speeding in the rain), flipped his GTO AND LANDED UPSIDE DOWN IN A ROADSIDE DITCH WHICH HAD ABOUT 5 FOOT OF WATER! Apparently he was knocked unconscious and drowned. Sad..

Robert A Whit
07-22-2013, 11:39 PM
I have posted, calling him Ed, one of the two dragsters built by Ed Schuck Senior. Ed and I are the same age within a couple of months. Ed has done a ton of business with me and we have long done each other favors.

Ed has two sons. Craig is much taller than his older brother. Craig is about 6-4 and drives the car I posted. Both sons race the same dragster class. Jr at times races Craig. Jr is about 5-10 and still lives in the SF Bay Area.

Anyway, Both cars are super fast.

I found a youtube where Craig is testing the power on his dad's Dyno. Ed's shop is to die for.

07-22-2013, 11:41 PM
Wow Kat, who knew that you were such a young hell raiser! ;) Its ok , I guess we all were. I mean young and dumb was a phase we all went through. However loving and appreciating great cars wasn't dumb. Just being too damn wild probably was. I had two close friends die in car crashes and never make their 20th birthdays. Both were in newly acquired muscle cars. Both drove like speed demons. -Tyr

I had many 'moments' during high school. I really pretty much showed up for tests in my last two years, homework was not graded. I was in the middle of my class, with horrid attendance record, but high ACT score. I was lucky my mom basically forced me into college, (Long story, but she forged my application into state school,) I entered on probation. From that point on I didn't fool around regarding school. I transferred after 1 year to college closer to home to be with my boyfriend. We took two classes together in Sociology, I started dating the professor. LOL!

His Phd was from University of Chicago, he encouraged me to write a hell of an essay to get accepted, luckily I could do that. I spent 1 year at U of I and got my pol sci degree, another at U of C and got the Sociology degree. After 14 years of marriage, got the history degree and teaching creds.

07-23-2013, 06:28 AM
As much as it pains me, because I love and grew-up as a driver on 60s muscle, we really do live in the golden age of car performance. At no time in history is 'fast' more-available to the average consumer than today. Cars are often easier to make faster than ages ago (a $500 tuner can re-map the ECU to very nice power gains), and they tend to stop and turn MUCH better.

Really hit me awhile ago - doing the math and realizing my old Subaru Legacy was faster, stock, than Dodge Hemi's, Olds 442s, Z28s, etc. Most of those cars were right around 14 seconds in the 1/4 mile. Some were in the 15s. Today we have SUVs running 15s out of the box.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2013, 10:00 AM
As much as it pains me, because I love and grew-up as a driver on 60s muscle, we really do live in the golden age of car performance. At no time in history is 'fast' more-available to the average consumer than today. Cars are often easier to make faster than ages ago (a $500 tuner can re-map the ECU to very nice power gains), and they tend to stop and turn MUCH better.

Really hit me awhile ago - doing the math and realizing my old Subaru Legacy was faster, stock, than Dodge Hemi's, Olds 442s, Z28s, etc. Most of those cars were right around 14 seconds in the 1/4 mile. Some were in the 15s. Today we have SUVs running 15s out of the box. I agree cars are fast these days. However the muscle cars of the 60's/70's were also about the new body styles too. The Camaro and the Mustang both have the looks that please the eye. GTO , Roadrunner and Charger did too. As did the Corvette Stingray but I'm not a big fan of it. The picture KAT posted of her first car the red Mustang amply illustrates that. -Tyr

07-23-2013, 11:55 AM
My first boyfriend, in jr. high got two cars for his 16th birthday, both new...

He was killed in the 'vette a couple days after his birthday.

This is the very definition of "parenting failure".

07-23-2013, 12:01 PM
This is the very definition of "parenting failure".

I've always seen it as neglect, problem is that those with money can hire someone to be 'replacement,' knowing that all they do is care for the house, not the kids. I don't know how this differs between those with less, that leave their kids to fend for themselves, other than there's lots of stuff and food in the kitchen.

07-23-2013, 12:04 PM
If not for the 60's "muscle cars" you wouldn't have the resurgence of performance cars in the US today. "Retro" styling is loved today because of those beauties in the past. Look at the Ford Mustang or Dodge Challenger.

07-23-2013, 12:27 PM
I've always seen it as neglect, problem is that those with money can hire someone to be 'replacement,' knowing that all they do is care for the house, not the kids. I don't know how this differs between those with less, that leave their kids to fend for themselves, other than there's lots of stuff and food in the kitchen.Call it what you like; its all failure. My older brother had a rich friend who got a brand new '68 z28 Camaro for his 16th birhday. After getting a speeding ticket for doing over 100mph on Route 2 (8 lane highway at night, no traffic) they sold it and bought hin a regular Camaro. Hey, at least they taught him something.

When my son turned 16 I gave him my old Explorer, V6, 4WD. He's a skier so needs the utility, and he's always been a practical kid. I know he doesn't appreciate the car as much as he should, but he and his friends were never into cars anyway. I taught him how to maintain it and it's still running good, 5 years later. Last weekend he took a trip to Toronto in it with some friends.

My daughter loves cars and wanted a Mustang, and liked the 05-09 design. I found her an 05 with a V6, manual transmission, bare bones, high miles, ran just OK, and brought it home. I spent a little money and time on it, put in a new suspension from a GT, fixed all the strange noises coming from the transmission, fixed the loose shifter, aligned it in my garage using fish line and carpenter's tools, and now it runs and drive great. We took out the crappy stereo a previous owner had installed poorly and put in a factory unit from an 07. Then we took the crappy semi-dual exhaust off with loud after market mufflers and put in a true-dual system, and I found factory GT mufflers on Craigslist for $50. I found a set of seat covers on Craigslist for $75 and replaced the worn-out ones. After two years it needed tires so found a set of 'take offs" factory wheels and mounted tires from a new GT and put those on, then sold the old set on Craigslist, basically getting the new, larger wheels for free. Three years going on and she loves that car even more, and so do I.


I told both kids that I hate paying for car insurance, so any tickets and the license gets mailed to my agent and she'll mail it back a year later. So far no tickets between 8 years of driving between them.

07-23-2013, 02:40 PM
Today's multiple brands of car's will never come close to the CLASSY of the Muscle Cars of the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

In fact. Today, out on the highways. Other than the SUV's. Every car seems to look like every other car.

And the noisy mufflers only make them sound like Big Toys. Much like OVERGROWN Matchbox's.

Yes. They may be fast, and technically superior to what most of us remember from the past.

But...look at the growing numbers of automobile death's, despite the seat-belts, air-bags, and stronger frame.

Today's newest drivers are less experienced, and...in many cases. More dangerous to everyone on the road because of
the obvious lack of proper driver training.

You can disagree if you like. But convince yourself ROAD RAGE isn't really a problem these days. And, drive carelessly while
on the phone, texting, or after you've had more than a FEW Alcoholic beverages.

Wild Duck
07-23-2013, 07:33 PM
Some of my favorite 60's muscle cars were the 68 Pontiac Firebird Coupe, 68 Plymouth GTX, 65 Pontiac GTO, 69 Chevy Camaro Z28, 69 Dodge Charger and the 67 Shelby Mustang GT500.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2013, 08:11 PM
Some of my favorite 60's muscle cars were the 68 Pontiac Firebird Coupe, 68 Plymouth GTX, 65 Pontiac GTO, 69 Chevy Camaro Z28, 69 Dodge Charger and the 67 Shelby Mustang GT500.

What no Cuda? http://q8gears.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/1971-Plymouth-Hemi-Cuda-Coupe-1970-FanGears5.jpg (http://www.debatepolicy.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=TPfdE6iPAgI6aM&tbnid=hSZY4JpJa6MtLM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fq8gears.com%2Fplymouth-hemi-barracuda-1971%2F&ei=ASnvUc_RKIi4rgGKoYCwCg&psig=AFQjCNHeQvhkDOsBQrfyYevomvt80FpHHw&ust=1374714471026737) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wQdwlzpxwt4/TiLlZZdNhPI/AAAAAAAAAq4/Pi-3Z3IoY_I/s400/Plymouth%2BHemi%2BCuda%2B1970-Orange-Top%2BSpeed.jpg&imgrefurl=http://aboutmusclecar.blogspot.com/2011/07/plymouth-hemi-cuda-1970-legendary.html&h=768&w=1024&sz=154&tbnid=hSZY4JpJa6MtLM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmuscle%2Bcar%2Bthe%2Bcuda%26tbm%3Disc h%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=muscle+car+the+cuda&usg=__RDpfuKp7YtORZqFxuULbcetv77Y=&docid=TPfdE6iPAgI6aM&sa=X&ei=dyjvUb60KIfIrQHTyIDwAQ&ved=0CDEQ9QEwAQ&dur=6440#imgdii=hSZY4JpJa6MtLM%3A%3BnF3eLJHaeK-qBM%3BhSZY4JpJa6MtLM%3A

07-23-2013, 08:16 PM
I agree cars are fast these days. However the muscle cars of the 60's/70's were also about the new body styles too. The Camaro and the Mustang both have the looks that please the eye. GTO , Roadrunner and Charger did too. As did the Corvette Stingray but I'm not a big fan of it. The picture KAT posted of her first car the red Mustang amply illustrates that. -Tyr

Some of you will probably roll your eyes, but my ATTAINABLE dream vehicle is a 1936 Chevy Suburban because it was the first and very rare for the price:



Robert A Whit
07-23-2013, 09:32 PM
I can't recall a muscle car of the 60s this fast.

2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Lingenfelter (Supercharged) 0-60 mph 3.8 Quarter Mile 11.7

Robert A Whit
07-23-2013, 09:52 PM
Just watch. 0 to 231 mph note how quick it is


07-24-2013, 08:37 AM
Today's multiple brands of cars will never come close to the CLASSY of the Muscle Cars of the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

In fact. Today, out on the highways. Other than the SUVs, every car seems to look like every other car.

Style is, in fact, in the eye of the beholder - as-is design. I find today's cars beautiful. I also appreciate evolution of design brought from the muscle cars of the past. I suppose every generation feels romance about the previous generation - in the 1960s people likely waxed poetic about the 'glory days' of Automotive history twenty or thirty years prior. Before that, people likely dreamed of days gone by with horses and wagons.

And the noisy mufflers only make them sound like Big Toys. Much like OVERGROWN Matchbox's.

Fart-cans, yessir. However, the sound of a C7 Vette's exhaust echoing off the cars around it, as it shot out from a gas station on Mound Road, in Warren MI sure set my hair on end for the very best reasons.

Yes. They may be fast, and technically superior to what most of us remember from the past.

But...look at the growing numbers of automobile death's, despite the seat-belts, air-bags, and stronger frame.

Cars today are, by an order of magnitude, safer than cars past. Your next point is the cause of the problems today...

Today's newest drivers are less experienced, and...in many cases. More dangerous to everyone on the road because of
the obvious lack of proper driver training.

You can disagree if you like. But convince yourself ROAD RAGE isn't really a problem these days. And, drive carelessly while
on the phone, texting, or after you've had more than a FEW Alcoholic beverages.

07-25-2013, 09:43 AM
The essence of muscle:

Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 10:05 AM
I can't recall a muscle car of the 60s this fast.

2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Lingenfelter (Supercharged) 0-60 mph 3.8 Quarter Mile 11.7

Cadillac says 3.9.

The world’s fastest family of production cars maintains its title with this sedan that features a 556 HP V8 engine that moves it from 0–60 in a blistering 3.9 seconds.

The Shelby Cobra 427 Super Snake had a 427 cu. in V8, with 2 superchargers, giving it 800 HP... 244 more HP than the caddy.

Shelby pegged the car's 0-60-mph time at just over three seconds.

07-25-2013, 02:02 PM
Cadillac says 3.9.

The Shelby Cobra 427 Super Snake had a 427 cu. in V8, with 2 superchargers, giving it 800 HP... 244 more HP than the caddy.

3.8 IS 3.9 IS 3.7 IS 4.0 - Times like that are driver-dependant with a large focus on traction.

More importantly, if the SS was faster to 60, or even 100mph than the Caddy, the caddy would wax it 'the rest of the way' in terms of safety, braking, handling, etc. :)

Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 02:23 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=653846#post653846)
Cadillac says 3.9.

The Shelby Cobra 427 Super Snake had a 427 cu. in V8, with 2 superchargers, giving it 800 HP... 244 more HP than the caddy.
http://www.howstuffworks.com/1966-sh...uper-snake.htm (http://www.howstuffworks.com/1966-shelby-cobra-427-super-snake.htm)

3.8 IS 3.9 IS 3.7 IS 4.0 - Times like that are driver-dependant with a large focus on traction.

More importantly, if the SS was faster to 60, or even 100mph than the Caddy, the caddy would wax it 'the rest of the way' in terms of safety, braking, handling, etc. :)

Some site collects best recorded times and posts them to the net.
a tenth of a second was never the point. It is that a normal street car can still be so fast in these days of small cars and hybrids and such.

Hell, if speed is all you want, look at the 6,000 hp fuel burning dragsters that hit well into the 300 mph range in the 4 second range while going 1/4 mile.

Nobody says the Caddy is the fastest. But isn't it neat one can drive in luxury and still go fast?

Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 02:33 PM
Some site collects best recorded times and posts them to the net.
a tenth of a second was never the point. It is that a normal street car can still be so fast in these days of small cars and hybrids and such.

Hell, if speed is all you want, look at the 6,000 hp fuel burning dragsters that hit well into the 300 mph range in the 4 second range while going 1/4 mile.

Nobody says the Caddy is the fastest. But isn't it neat one can drive in luxury and still go fast?

Point 1: is not a street legal car, so it' is immaterial to the point you made.

Point 2: You did...
I can't recall a muscle car of the 60s this fast. That statement infers that the Caddy was the fastest. It isn't.

point 3: goalpost moving.

07-25-2013, 03:54 PM
I wouldn't buy anything from Government Motors.

Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 04:05 PM
I wouldn't buy anything from Government Motors.

My last GM purchase was during the era stock holders owned it.

I have to say, it is a fine car.

Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 04:07 PM

Though all I did was post a particular car with the 0-60 time and 1/4 mile time posted, some tried to derail that part. Wonder why? One poster wants them to come take him away. :rolleyes:

07-25-2013, 04:12 PM

Though all I did was post a particular car with the 0-60 time and 1/4 mile time posted, some tried to derail that part. Wonder why? One poster wants them to come take him away. :rolleyes:

Robert. 5308 ?

Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 04:16 PM
Poor widdle AT. Trying to strike up a conversation but failing.

Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 04:20 PM
Poor widdle AT. Trying to strike up a conversation but failing.

yet there you are, replying to his posts.

Much FAIL in you.

07-25-2013, 04:34 PM
Poor widdle AT. Trying to strike up a conversation but failing.

Robert. Even Widdle me knows, after reading your words. It is impossible to have an intelligent conversation with you, or anyone who has little intelligence. Don't blame me. You poor soul.

07-25-2013, 10:13 PM

07-26-2013, 05:29 AM
But isn't it neat one can drive in luxury and still go fast?

I couln't have said it better. :)

07-26-2013, 06:55 AM
Every car that I've ever had that was newer than the last has been better than the older one. It's been interesting seeing the progression from 1964 to 2012. It's almost like these things are designed by engineers who learned from the engineers who preceded them. :laugh:

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 12:50 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=653915#post653915)
But isn't it neat one can drive in luxury and still go fast?

I couln't have said it better. :)

Some say once you grow up, you lose that gusto for speed. Not some of us it appears.

Now, what is the fastest speed y9u have driven. I mean factory cars. I drove my car at 142 mph.

07-26-2013, 07:43 PM
On a public highway no doubt. :slap:

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 07:57 PM
On a public highway no doubt. :slap:

A major freeway that had only me on the road at that time on that part of the freeway.

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 08:06 PM
A major freeway that had only me on the road at that time on that part of the freeway.

So, we can add expert at breaking the law to your list of things you think you're an expert at.

07-26-2013, 08:21 PM
A major freeway that had only me on the road at that time on that part of the freeway.

Of course there was no way for you to know that until you were in the middle of your illegal act. Imagine if you had killed somebody. People like you should not be allowed to drive. :slap:

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 08:25 PM
Of course there was no way for you to know that until you were in the middle of your illegal act. Imagine if you had killed somebody. People like you should not be allowed to drive. :slap:

Maybe he was on Interstate 280 and confused the highway sign for the speed limit sign. He 'is' pretty old, yanno.

07-26-2013, 08:32 PM
Anyway my first new car was hot. '85 Tbird, 5.0 L V8 with 2 barrel throttle body fuel injection. 250#-ft and a whopping 150HP. Top speed was limited by the 4 speed automatic, because it was set to downshift into 3rd above 95 or so. I ordered it with the trailer towing package, which basically put a Mustang GT suspension in it. It was a Fox chassis car, same as the Mustang but about 4" longer wheelbase.

Took it to Watkins Glen for a two day performance driving school, two years in a row. I towed a trailer there with extra tires and a a full set of tools so I could tweak the suspension alignment while I was there. Camped out in the infield. I had 235mm 60 series tires on it, and shredded them. Broke my fuel sender at the track because of all the sloshing around. Met some decent folks as well as some pretentious pricks, completely predictable depending on what they drove. :laugh:

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 08:37 PM
Anyway my first new car was hot. '85 Tbird, 5.0 L V8 with 2 barrel throttle body fuel injection. 250#-ft and a whopping 150HP. Top speed was limited by the 4 speed automatic, because it was set to downshift into 3rd above 95 or so. I ordered it with the trailer towing package, which basically put a Mustang GT suspension in it. It was a Fox chassis car, same as the Mustang but about 4" longer wheelbase.

Took it to Watkins Glen for a two day performance driving school, two years in a row. I towed a trailer there with extra tires and a a full set of tools so I could tweak the suspension alignment while I was there. Camped out in the infield. I had 235mm 60 series tires on it, and shredded them. Broke my fuel sender at the track because of all the sloshing around. Met some decent folks as well as some pretentious pricks, completely predictable depending on what they drove. :laugh:

I had a chance to get a 68 Grand Prix (428, V8 4 barrel) instead of the Satellite, but my mom over ruled me :-(

07-26-2013, 08:50 PM
I had a chance to get a 68 Grand Prix (428, V8 4 barrel) instead of the Satellite, but my mom over ruled me :-( I had a chance at a 68 Cougar but my old man nixed that idea.

The '85 was a year after I graduated college and had cash flow. Until then I was still driving my high school car, a 72 full sized Ford that my old man wore out, then gave me. I did a ton of frame, body and engine work to keep it running, and that became my second car until 86, when it no longer shifted into reverse if the outside temperature was below freezing. My wife spun it on an elevated section of highway in Syracuse, until it stopped against the center rail facing the wrong direction. The two cars that then hit her head on died at the scene, but my old Ford was still idling. She drove it home and I had to use a sledgehammer to get the hood to open.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 09:39 PM
I had a chance at a 68 Cougar but my old man nixed that idea.

The '85 was a year after I graduated college and had cash flow. Until then I was still driving my high school car, a 72 full sized Ford that my old man wore out, then gave me. I did a ton of frame, body and engine work to keep it running, and that became my second car until 86, when it no longer shifted into reverse if the outside temperature was below freezing. My wife spun it on an elevated section of highway in Syracuse, until it stopped against the center rail facing the wrong direction. The two cars that then hit her head on died at the scene, but my old Ford was still idling. She drove it home and I had to use a sledgehammer to get the hood to open.

I paid cash for an almost new 69 Cougar for my then wife. My daughter later wanted one so I also bought her one. My then wife remarried and her husband owns one of the Cougars that is a muscle car. I believe his is the 67.

I have drove the toll road that passes Syracuse so think i have a handle on that area. I can't say I know it other than the lay of the land. Your wife is so fortunate to have survived. Cars then were sturdy. I imagine your working on your own car came in handy to this point.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 09:48 PM
Anyway my first new car was hot. '85 Tbird, 5.0 L V8 with 2 barrel throttle body fuel injection. 250#-ft and a whopping 150HP. Top speed was limited by the 4 speed automatic, because it was set to downshift into 3rd above 95 or so. I ordered it with the trailer towing package, which basically put a Mustang GT suspension in it. It was a Fox chassis car, same as the Mustang but about 4" longer wheelbase.

Took it to Watkins Glen for a two day performance driving school, two years in a row. I towed a trailer there with extra tires and a a full set of tools so I could tweak the suspension alignment while I was there. Camped out in the infield. I had 235mm 60 series tires on it, and shredded them. Broke my fuel sender at the track because of all the sloshing around. Met some decent folks as well as some pretentious pricks, completely predictable depending on what they drove. :laugh:

That is very interesting. When i used to go to sports car races, such as Laguna Seca by Monterey, CA Watkins glen was a track I wanted to get to. I must have been not far when I was on the toll road from MA to Buffalo. Another track I have been to is the Napa Sonoma race track. In Europe I watched a formula race at the Nurburgring and also at Solitude near Stuttgart.

This is enjoyable and let's try to keep this good topic going. I enjoy the posters stories.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 09:54 PM
Of course there was no way for you to know that until you were in the middle of your illegal act. Imagine if you had killed somebody. People like you should not be allowed to drive. :slap:

You just had to be an asshole didn't you.

Sorry but my car was designed for those speeds. It tops at 150 mph.

Apparently innocent you never drove over the speed limit.

Actually on that part of the road, when I got to that super long straight, I could see for what seemed to be maybe 2 miles and I was already flying along at around 70. And the car has loads of power. Since the factory said it is safe at 150, I proved them correct.

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 11:23 PM
You just had to be an asshole didn't you.

Sorry but my car was designed for those speeds. It tops at 150 mph.

Apparently innocent you never drove over the speed limit.

Actually on that part of the road, when I got to that super long straight, I could see for what seemed to be maybe 2 miles and I was already flying along at around 70. And the car has loads of power. Since the factory said it is safe at 150, I proved them correct.

you've been told before... stop with the outrageous lies, and you won't get called out.

there is not a chance in hell you went 2 miles at 150 mph. that would take 48 seconds if you started the 2 miles at that speed. You'd have killed yourself, someone else, or been seen by the cops.

07-27-2013, 06:34 AM
Did I ever pass the speed limit? Hell yeah, but dong 100 is a lot different that doing 150.

I was driving from Buffalo to Syracuse one afternoon on the NYS Thruway in the 85 TBird. I had the cruise set at 7 over (72) and passing cars authoritatively in the left lane, ducking back into the right when space allowed, which was often because there was little traffic. Some douche in a brand new cargo van comes from nowhere and hangs on my ass, a few feet from my rear bumper, so I pull to the right and let him pass. Douche gets the van up to 80, hangs in the left lane, and I gave him about 1/4 mile, remain in the right lane most of the time.

This went on for a while and Douche apparently doesn't like me following him so bumps up to 85, He doesn't realize that I'm using him for a radar shield. The imaginary string from his rear bumper to my front bumper gets a little longer, then maintains that length.

Another 15 minutes or so and Douche bumps up to 90. The string gets a little longer, then holds again. We pass the Rochester exit and on to Syracuse. This went on for a good long time, and I was making the trip in record time.

About 30 miles outside of Syracuse Douche bumps up to 95. I give him about 1/2 mile then hang on. After a few minutes he starts to accelerate away, and I'm approaching the position on my accelerator where my transmission is going to kick down to third gear so I'm gingerly nudging the throttle forward, trying to find the "sweet spot" to stay in overdrive.

Then I see the blue lights in the median, followed by his red lights, so I quickly bring the Bird down to 65. A couple minutes later I passed Douche on the shoulder, in front of a very agitated state trooper, and I gave them a wave as I passed by...


07-27-2013, 01:51 PM
Note to all members here.

Today is Saturday.

If you have ever done anything, thought anything, read anything, seen anything, wished for, or wanted anything.

Come here and read ALL ABOUT IT...when Robert will GO YA ONE BETTER!

Doesn't matter who you are, how old you are, where you live, what schools you did, or didn't attend. Tattoo's you have, Birth marks,
Deformities, 11 Toes, or 9 fingers.
Mention anything, in any way here, and Robert WILL GO YA ONE BETTER!

And now A Word from Robert. Who must tell me I am AN ASSHOLE like him, trying to be funny..or something else he thinks will Impress ALL OF YOU.

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 03:56 PM
Did I ever pass the speed limit? Hell yeah, but dong 100 is a lot different that doing 150.

I was driving from Buffalo to Syracuse one afternoon on the NYS Thruway in the 85 TBird. I had the cruise set at 7 over (72) and passing cars authoritatively in the left lane, ducking back into the right when space allowed, which was often because there was little traffic. Some douche in a brand new cargo van comes from nowhere and hangs on my ass, a few feet from my rear bumper, so I pull to the right and let him pass. Douche gets the van up to 80, hangs in the left lane, and I gave him about 1/4 mile, remain in the right lane most of the time.

This went on for a while and Douche apparently doesn't like me following him so bumps up to 85, He doesn't realize that I'm using him for a radar shield. The imaginary string from his rear bumper to my front bumper gets a little longer, then maintains that length.

Another 15 minutes or so and Douche bumps up to 90. The string gets a little longer, then holds again. We pass the Rochester exit and on to Syracuse. This went on for a good long time, and I was making the trip in record time.

About 30 miles outside of Syracuse Douche bumps up to 95. I give him about 1/2 mile then hang on. After a few minutes he starts to accelerate away, and I'm approaching the position on my accelerator where my transmission is going to kick down to third gear so I'm gingerly nudging the throttle forward, trying to find the "sweet spot" to stay in overdrive.

Then I see the blue lights in the median, followed by his red lights, so I quickly bring the Bird down to 65. A couple minutes later I passed Douche on the shoulder, in front of a very agitated state trooper, and I gave them a wave as I passed by...


Lissen, I won't do you the way you did me but I don't play games with other drivers.

It is my view he planned to speed and you just happened to want to play. When I drove that same highway, I can't recall spotting police but recall the toll was perhaps $10 approx. That is a good highway in my opinion the day I drove it.

07-27-2013, 03:58 PM
You just had to be an asshole didn't you.

Note to all members here.

Today is Saturday.

If you have ever done anything, thought anything, read anything, seen anything, wished for, or wanted anything.

Come here and read ALL ABOUT IT...when Robert will GO YA ONE BETTER!

Doesn't matter who you are, how old you are, where you live, what schools you did, or didn't attend. Tattoo's you have, Birth marks,
Deformities, 11 Toes, or 9 fingers.
Mention anything, in any way here, and Robert WILL GO YA ONE BETTER!

And now A Word from Robert. Who must tell me I am AN ASSHOLE like him, trying to be funny..or something else he thinks will Impress ALL OF YOU.

Guys, please let it go, I don't want to start with more thread bans. No need to call one another assholes and such, especially in a thread about cars. Let it go, move on, or place one another on ignore (which I know will never happen).

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 04:09 PM
I snipped your bull shit to get to your claim.

there is not a chance in hell you went 2 miles at 150 mph. that would take 48 seconds if you started the 2 miles at that speed. You'd have killed yourself, someone else, or been seen by the cops.

I never said I had. I just measured that part of the highway I was on and the straight was 6.46 miles and I entered the straight at about 70 mph. Thus I only had to pick up 72-3 mph to hit the speed and I immediately backed off. There was no lie told by the way. I am still alive. Also, my auto has the suspension, engine and tires to do that. You do not know how fast my car accelerated yet you tell me I lied. No, you lied by making claims I had not made.

Marcus Aurelius
07-27-2013, 04:20 PM
I snipped your bull shit to get to your claim.

I never said I had. I just measured that part of the highway I was on and the straight was 6.46 miles and I entered the straight at about 70 mph. Thus I only had to pick up 72-3 mph to hit the speed and I immediately backed off. There was no lie told by the way. I am still alive. Also, my auto has the suspension, engine and tires to do that. You do not know how fast my car accelerated yet you tell me I lied. No, you lied by making claims I had not made.

whiney little guy, aren't you.

...Actually on that part of the road, when I got to that super long straight, I could see for what seemed to be maybe 2 miles...

You just went out to measure a highway, to try and win an argument on the Internet?


You said 150 MPH. Now, you claim you started the 'straight' at 70 MPH and only had to increase by 72-73 MPH to hit 150MPH. Let's do the math...

150 - 70 = 80

You appear to be off by 7 or 8 MPH.

And I'd love to see ANY car manufacturer claim their cars are safe at 150MPH on the highway.

you FAIL, as always.

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 04:29 PM
I was able to see maybe 2 or so miles at 143. I did not ever claim I reached 150. I wanted to but I did not believe I had enough highway left. I can measure any highway in the USA using my map program.

The math is simple.

Enter 6.4 mile straight and notice no cars. My car accelerates very fast and I floored it. I hit about 142-3 and backed off.

No lies. Marcus, why does this threaten you that you must make a big deal of it?

Just a poster trying to harass me.

Is there any statement you refuse to question?

Not At thinks he is funny by making lies up about me.

I do not try to top anybody. I don't know the posters and have no idea what they did in their life.

About time must have an inferiority complex to keep attacking me. I think that applies to Marcus as well.

Marcus Aurelius
07-27-2013, 04:32 PM
and yet another thread, ruined by Robert making it all about him.

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 04:47 PM
and yet another thread, ruined by Robert making it all about him.

Actually it is you and AT that tried to do that. I fend off insults is all.

Note to anybody. Prove I made it about me.

That is a perception that happens to be a lie.

Marcus Aurelius
07-27-2013, 04:56 PM
Actually it is you and AT that tried to do that. I fend off insults is all.

Note to anybody. Prove I made it about me.

That is a perception that happens to be a lie.

Look up the definition of the word 'perception'. Then you'll see why a perception cannot be a lie, dumb ass.

07-27-2013, 07:13 PM
Actually it is you and AT that tried to do that. I fend off insults is all.

Note to anybody. Prove I made it about me.

That is a perception that happens to be a lie.

Robert. Think about it. If it wasn't about you. Why would YOU have any reason to come here to deny it????

Perception? Not the same as Truth.

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 07:52 PM
Robert. Think about it. If it wasn't about you. Why would YOU have any reason to come here to deny it????

Perception? Not the same as Truth.

For some odd but funny reason, you and Marcus once again ruined a threat by making it about me.

The rest of us are discussing fast cars.

What are you smoking? You must think your schtick is funny.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-27-2013, 10:04 PM
http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201106/the-best-muscle-cars-3_600x0w.jpghttp://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201106/the-best-muscle-cars-4_600x0w.jpg Can you identify these cars??? http://www.topspeed.com/cars/car-news/the-top-muscle-cars-of-the-60s-and-70s-ar110523.html

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-27-2013, 10:08 PM
Another one from the same link... http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201106/the-best-muscle-cars-2_600x0w.jpg

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 10:11 PM
Thanks Tyr for getting back to cars.

I don't know a lot about MoPars other than what people tell me. I admit to owning a 37 plymouth at one point that was trouble and a half. I don't rate cars based on those old ones though. To this day, I have never driven a HEMI.

Tell me if you believe this. Chuck a long time pal used to love MoPars and used to tell me in the 60s that they had the best auto engineers and engineering at that time. (American companies)
Chuck had his share of them and graduated college and his career was as a Chemical Engineer at first that turned into a job as a plant safety engineer.

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 10:13 PM
Thanks Tyr for the fine photos of some fast cars.

07-27-2013, 10:21 PM
http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201106/the-best-muscle-cars-3_600x0w.jpghttp://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201106/the-best-muscle-cars-4_600x0w.jpg Can you identify these cars??? http://www.topspeed.com/cars/car-news/the-top-muscle-cars-of-the-60s-and-70s-ar110523.html

Another one from the same link... http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/201106/the-best-muscle-cars-2_600x0w.jpg

Those are real cars man I wish I had one from back in the day

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 10:24 PM
Those are real cars man I wish I had one from back in the day

Yeah Jeff. I second that. Do you watch Discovery where Richard Rollins buys some of these and cherries a lot of them out and auctions them off in TX? I don't like it that he leaves some rusty and sells them off with new engines and so forth but he has customers. I keep figuring had he painted them they would be more valuable.

He took this Rambler and put in a killer engine and tranny. Then he put in a total air suspension and the rest is all new bwlow. Wheels are very cool now and hell, it sounds like a hot rod and Richard claims it handles super well. HE made a decent new interior. He got rid of it for $20,000. A good paint job in my view would have increased the price. But this is rusted.


07-27-2013, 10:30 PM
Yeah Jeff. I second that. Do you watch Discovery where Richard Rollins buys some of these and cherries a lot of them out and auctions them off in TX? I don't like it that he leaves some rusty and sells them off with new engines and so forth but he has customers. I keep figuring had he painted them they would be more valuable.

Grease Monkey :laugh: I sure do and he does build some nice cars and bikes, if ya like old iron if ya can ever get to Maggie Valley NC they have a museum there called wheels of time it is mostly bikes but they have a couple cars but man what bikes he has , this was the highlight of my week up there, I seen the era my Grandfather rode in , My dad rode in and the bikes I truly love 60's and the 70's nothing like a old Pan or Knuckle chopped and ready to ride

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 10:47 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654486#post654486)
Yeah Jeff. I second that. Do you watch Discovery where Richard Rollins buys some of these and cherries a lot of them out and auctions them off in TX? I don't like it that he leaves some rusty and sells them off with new engines and so forth but he has customers. I keep figuring had he painted them they would be more valuable.

Grease Monkey :laugh: I sure do and he does build some nice cars and bikes, if ya like old iron if ya can ever get to Maggie Valley NC they have a museum there called wheels of time it is mostly bikes but they have a couple cars but man what bikes he has , this was the highlight of my week up there, I seen the era my Grandfather rode in , My dad rode in and the bikes I truly love 60's and the 70's nothing like a old Pan or Knuckle chopped and ready to ride

Actually his shop is GAS Monkey. If I get back to that area, I would love to see that museum.

If you go to Florida, near Orlando is the Don Garlits dragster museum. You can see the cars on the internet if you want to.

It had to be around 1958 that a pal asked me to ride his flat head Harley to Yosemite. I cut my teeth riding a BSA-650 but it was borrowed from family so I rode it one month. The motorcycles I have purchased were race bikes for my oldest daughter. She still has 4 bikes.

That old Harley beat me to death on that trip. I damned near was hit head on by a car but I was in the car's lane. All my fault for riding way too fast. I don't know why I love the old days so much either but I sure do.

07-27-2013, 11:02 PM
Actually his shop is GAS Monkey. If I get back to that area, I would love to see that museum.

If you go to Florida, near Orlando is the Don Garlits dragster museum. You can see the cars on the internet if you want to.

It had to be around 1958 that a pal asked me to ride his flat head Harley to Yosemite. I cut my teeth riding a BSA-650 but it was borrowed from family so I rode it one month. The motorcycles I have purchased were race bikes for my oldest daughter. She still has 4 bikes.

That old Harley beat me to death on that trip. I damned near was hit head on by a car but I was in the car's lane. All my fault for riding way too fast. I don't know why I love the old days so much either but I sure do.

Your right Gas Monkey I got excited someone else actually liked the show I didn't think it threw :laugh:
I will check out the Museum in Florida I go down ever winter on the bike and yes the old Harley's were Nothing like the bikes of today but if ya think about it nothing really is, look at the old trucks , the oldest I drove was a 56 mack and what a beast :laugh: the last truck I drove was a KW and I averaged a 1000 miles a day and was tired due to lack of sleep not because the truck wore me out, heck I had color TV a fridge , it was almost like home I even had a small microwave to heat up meals the wife would send with me , things are built for comfort now a days and as I think it was dmp said they also are more reliable better handling and faster but give me the Old stuff any day

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 11:33 PM
Your right Gas Monkey I got excited someone else actually liked the show I didn't think it threw :laugh:
I will check out the Museum in Florida I go down ever winter on the bike and yes the old Harley's were Nothing like the bikes of today but if ya think about it nothing really is, look at the old trucks , the oldest I drove was a 56 mack and what a beast :laugh: the last truck I drove was a KW and I averaged a 1000 miles a day and was tired due to lack of sleep not because the truck wore me out, heck I had color TV a fridge , it was almost like home I even had a small microwave to heat up meals the wife would send with me , things are built for comfort now a days and as I think it was dmp said they also are more reliable better handling and faster but give me the Old stuff any day

Your Brother and I have something in common. A brother that made his living driving heavy trucks. Mike hauled far too many things to list. Even hauled logs in the woods. For awhile he drove moving vans. Carried a lot of cargo all over the USA also. You guys know you hauled many things.

Mike died and he is my brother that drove trucks. I saw a lot of the new stuff but he died maybe in 2000. I am bad with dates. He like you drove some fancy rigs and he spent plenty of time on the road since he drove for many companies all over this country. He used to ask, me once in a while to ride with him but I never did that. I would sometimes ride in the cab but he only drove a few miles to show me the rig. With out you guys, we would have too much trouble finding things at the stores. Thanks for your efforts.

07-28-2013, 12:01 AM
Your Brother and I have something in common. A brother that made his living driving heavy trucks. Mike hauled far too many things to list. Even hauled logs in the woods. For awhile he drove moving vans. Carried a lot of cargo all over the USA also. You guys know you hauled many things.

Mike died and he is my brother that drove trucks. I saw a lot of the new stuff but he died maybe in 2000. I am bad with dates. He like you drove some fancy rigs and he spent plenty of time on the road since he drove for many companies all over this country. He used to ask, me once in a while to ride with him but I never did that. I would sometimes ride in the cab but he only drove a few miles to show me the rig. With out you guys, we would have too much trouble finding things at the stores. Thanks for your efforts.

Most people don't realize that Robert if trucking shut down this country would be in deep do do in a matter of a couple of days and for those that think ooo anyone could drive a truck heck they should try it, its pretty good money and ya sit on your butt all day :laugh: or so I have been told, there are many drivers today that shouldnt be in a truck ya see them in the ditch upside down stuck under a bridge you got the picture , Honestly to me without having a college education it was the best paying job I could do to support my family and years ago it was a well respected profession but then due to regulations and all the laws coming out weekly by the ICC it became harder to make a living and then ya started getting trash driving, heck in the NJ ports no one speaks English and no one has legal trucks, most are buying a beat up old day cab and hold it together with bailing wire and duct tape but get $400.00 or better a move ( a move consist of getting a trailer out of the prt and usually driving it no further than a couple miles to a drop yard dropping it and going back ) they can only do a couple of these moves a day due to the Unions on the ports it takes forever to get in and out, but they are making money. Then you have the road drivers and man are they getting the shaft now a days , with the price of gas these big companies have no choice but to screw someone and they can only screw the public so much ( check out the price of groceries now a days all due to the price of fuel ) and these new drivers think they are going to make money , I meet a young guy up in a sugar plant in Ohio who drove for JB Hunt he told me he was getting like 22 cents a mile and averaging 2000 miles a week , thats $440 a week to be away from home NO WAY , I ran on average 3500 miles a week usually a few more but average and I received 40 cent a mile , I made a promise years ago that if I couldn't bring home more than a grasnd a week I would give it up , thats not a lot of money today but it has been a few years since I was on the road so I am sure it would be more now in fact the last company I drove for has offered me 50 cents a mile to come back many times but my health wont allow me to or I would be typing this from the sleeper right now , but these newbies are running for free just to have a job , I truly feel bad for them

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 12:05 AM
Thanks Tyr for getting back to cars.

I don't know a lot about MoPars other than what people tell me. I admit to owning a 37 plymouth at one point that was trouble and a half. I don't rate cars based on those old ones though. To this day, I have never driven a HEMI.

Tell me if you believe this. Chuck a long time pal used to love MoPars and used to tell me in the 60s that they had the best auto engineers and engineering at that time. (American companies)
Chuck had his share of them and graduated college and his career was as a Chemical Engineer at first that turned into a job as a plant safety engineer. I was a big fan of Dodge/Chrysler etc. They were into speed and so were we. Speed, girls, hunting and drinking . Although not necessarily in that order mind you. :laugh: ONCE WAS INTO FAST CARS AND FAST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Got older and found that both are very dangerous ! It is great TO HAVE LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO SEE THE LIGHT, many never made it.. Sho' would love to have a few of those old cars but the women from back then no way. Loved the first one so damn much it almost killed me , the second tried to kill me for 22 years and now have one that truly wants me to live and be happy. Far better than any material wealth in the world. That and my daughter and son. --Tyr

07-28-2013, 12:09 AM
I was a big fan of Dodge/Chrysler etc. They were into speed and so were we. Speed, girls, hunting and drinking . Although not necessarily in that order mind you. :laugh: ONCE WAS INTO FAST CARS AND FAST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Got older and found that both are very dangerous ! It is great TO HAVE LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO SEE THE LIGHT, many never made it.. Sho' would love to have a few of those old cars but the women from back then no way. Loved the first one so damn much it almost killed me , the second tried to kill me for 22 years and now have one that truly wants me to live and be happy. Far better than any material wealth in the world. That and my daughter and son. --Tyr

God it sounds like the story of my life :laugh:

07-28-2013, 12:35 AM
Fastest I've ever driven was 140 in a '95 mustang gt on 3 mile downhill straightaway. The limiter cut me off (probably a good thing) at 138 but there was enough acceleration going in that I got up to 140. Fastest I've ever been while another was driving was 180ish in a '03 corvette z06; honestly don't remember looking at the speedo past 170 something; I just remember being amazed at how fast everything comes at you at that speed. It was a nice country road with about a long banking 2-mile curve, and it wasn't long at all until he had to slow for an abrupt curve. Probably took a 35 mph curve at 70, but it felt like we were just creeping. That same year his friend totaled a suped-up mustang on that same curve. No injuries though, save his pride. Then he bought a Z06...and added twin turbos...then blew the engine in 2000 miles. A fool and his money...

07-28-2013, 12:45 AM
Fastest I've ever driven was 140 in a '95 mustang gt on 3 mile downhill straightaway. The limiter cut me off (probably a good thing) at 138 but there was enough acceleration going in that I got up to 140. Fastest I've ever been while another was driving was 180ish in a '03 corvette z06; honestly don't remember looking at the speedo past 170 something; I just remember being amazed at how fast everything comes at you at that speed. It was a nice country road with about a long banking 2-mile curve, and it wasn't long at all until he had to slow for an abrupt curve. Probably took a 35 mph curve at 70, but it felt like we were just creeping. That same year his friend totaled a suped-up mustang on that same curve. No injuries though, save his pride. Then he bought a Z06...and added twin turbos...then blew the engine in 2000 miles. A fool and his money...

Ay those speeds life just kind of floats

On my first Harley ( a 1973 sportster with all andrews gears and a lot of work done to the motor) I came down the Garden state Parkway at 140 ( or faster that was were the speedo quit ) and yes I was half messed up on something ( those where the days ;))

Recently on the bike I presently have when I gas it I get up around 95 to 100 and think man is this stupid I am wrecking the bike I could lose my Lisc. when in all reality I am sure it is good sense or rather fear :laugh: what ever ya want to call it that is faster than I need to go

07-28-2013, 01:49 AM
Ay those speeds life just kind of floats

On my first Harley ( a 1973 sportster with all andrews gears and a lot of work done to the motor) I came down the Garden state Parkway at 140 ( or faster that was were the speedo quit ) and yes I was half messed up on something ( those where the days ;))

Recently on the bike I presently have when I gas it I get up around 95 to 100 and think man is this stupid I am wrecking the bike I could lose my Lisc. when in all reality I am sure it is good sense or rather fear :laugh: what ever ya want to call it that is faster than I need to go

At this point in my life i'm more concerned with the gas gauge than speedo.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:11 AM
Most people don't realize that Robert if trucking shut down this country would be in deep do do in a matter of a couple of days and for those that think ooo anyone could drive a truck heck they should try it, its pretty good money and ya sit on your butt all day :laugh: or so I have been told, there are many drivers today that shouldnt be in a truck ya see them in the ditch upside down stuck under a bridge you got the picture , Honestly to me without having a college education it was the best paying job I could do to support my family and years ago it was a well respected profession but then due to regulations and all the laws coming out weekly by the ICC it became harder to make a living and then ya started getting trash driving, heck in the NJ ports no one speaks English and no one has legal trucks, most are buying a beat up old day cab and hold it together with bailing wire and duct tape but get $400.00 or better a move ( a move consist of getting a trailer out of the prt and usually driving it no further than a couple miles to a drop yard dropping it and going back ) they can only do a couple of these moves a day due to the Unions on the ports it takes forever to get in and out, but they are making money. Then you have the road drivers and man are they getting the shaft now a days , with the price of gas these big companies have no choice but to screw someone and they can only screw the public so much ( check out the price of groceries now a days all due to the price of fuel ) and these new drivers think they are going to make money , I meet a young guy up in a sugar plant in Ohio who drove for JB Hunt he told me he was getting like 22 cents a mile and averaging 2000 miles a week , thats $440 a week to be away from home NO WAY , I ran on average 3500 miles a week usually a few more but average and I received 40 cent a mile , I made a promise years ago that if I couldn't bring home more than a grasnd a week I would give it up , thats not a lot of money today but it has been a few years since I was on the road so I am sure it would be more now in fact the last company I drove for has offered me 50 cents a mile to come back many times but my health wont allow me to or I would be typing this from the sleeper right now , but these newbies are running for free just to have a job , I truly feel bad for them

Well, you drivers sure know your own business and the model for it. My only stint at driving was for PMT and all I drove was brand new GM cars, picking them up from the factory gate and driving them mostly a couple blocks away. PMT was part of Southern Pacific railroad so some days we convoyed maybe a dozen at a time new cars to the rail yards. But cars are not trucks.

The corvettes sure were fun to drive. That was around 1960 and I can't recall our weekly pay.

When Dad died, I was his executor and my brother Mike took his money and bought a beat up truck. I saw it when he showed up in CA. He lived in Kansas at that time. He told me he no sooner bought it than it blew out the transmission. Anyway, he was living in his truck when he showed up here and he had a wife and a bunch of kids living in that truck with the sleeper on it. I helped him many times. Again, you guys sure earned every dollar.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:22 AM
Fastest I've ever driven was 140 in a '95 mustang gt on 3 mile downhill straightaway. The limiter cut me off (probably a good thing) at 138 but there was enough acceleration going in that I got up to 140. Fastest I've ever been while another was driving was 180ish in a '03 corvette z06; honestly don't remember looking at the speedo past 170 something; I just remember being amazed at how fast everything comes at you at that speed. It was a nice country road with about a long banking 2-mile curve, and it wasn't long at all until he had to slow for an abrupt curve. Probably took a 35 mph curve at 70, but it felt like we were just creeping. That same year his friend totaled a suped-up mustang on that same curve. No injuries though, save his pride. Then he bought a Z06...and added twin turbos...then blew the engine in 2000 miles. A fool and his money...

140 sounds very fast till you see the dragsters go. I just checked Sonoma Raceway (racing this weekend) and the Fuelers are nailing over 320 quite regularly and as quick as 3.7 over the 1/4 mile.

John Force has long raced funny cars and his daughter courtney drives as well and she goes over 300 mph in the 1/4 mile. So, our speed may seem slow to those people. I drove a Lamborghini one time and I got that up to about 140 too. That car was so much quicker than my car is. I won't drive my car over 140 ever again.

07-28-2013, 05:55 AM
I have posted, calling him Ed, one of the two dragsters built by Ed Schuck Senior. Ed and I are the same age within a couple of months. Ed has done a ton of business with me and we have long done each other favors.

Ed has two sons. Craig is much taller than his older brother. Craig is about 6-4 and drives the car I posted. Both sons race the same dragster class. Jr at times races Craig. Jr is about 5-10 and still lives in the SF Bay Area.

Anyway, Both cars are super fast.

I found a youtube where Craig is testing the power on his dad's Dyno. Ed's shop is to die for.

You are completely off topic.

The topic is MUSCLE CARS OF THE 1960's.





Seek Counseling.... or Medication....

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 10:02 AM
You are completely off topic.

The topic is MUSCLE CARS OF THE 1960's.





Seek Counseling.... or Medication....

Seems you need it.

All conversations have some give and take.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 10:19 AM
Classic American Motors Muscle Cars
1968–1974 AMC AMX
1968–1974 AMC Javelin
1969 AMC SC Rambler
1970–1971 AMC Matador “Machine”
1970–1971 AMC Rebel
1971 AMC Hornet SC 360
Classic Buick Muscle Cars
1962–1970 Buick Wildcat
1965–1969 Buick Skylark GS------------------------------------x
1965–1972 Buick Riviera GS
1968–1969 Buick Gran Sport
1970–1974 Buick GSX
1973–1974 Buick Riviera GS Stage 1 Performance Package
1984–1987 Buick Grand National
Classic Chevrolet Muscle Cars
1958–1972 Chevy Biscayne
1958–1975 Chevy Bel Air
1961–1969 Chevy Impala SS -----------x
1963–1974 Chevy Nova SS
1965–1973 Chevy Chevelle SS--------------x
1965–1976 Chevy Caprice
1965–1973 Chevy El Camino SS
1966–1967 Chevy II SS327
1967–1974 Chevy Camaro SShttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.zeroto60times.com/blog/list-classic-american-muscle-cars/#)
1967–1974 Chevy Camaro Z/28
1970 Chevy Chevelle SS 454
1983–1987 Chevy Monte Carlo SS
Classic Dodge Muscle Cars
1960–1973 Dodge Polara
1962–1965 Dodge Dart 426 Hemi
1965–1970 Dodge Coronet 426 Hemi
1966–1974 Dodge Charger------------------------------x
1968–1971 Dodge Coronet Super Bee
1968–1976 Dodge Dart GT, GTS, Swinger & Demon
1969 Dodge Charger Daytona
1970–1974 Dodge Challenger
Classic Mercury Muscle Cars
1959–1974 Mercury Monterey
1962–1967 Mercury S-55 Marauder
1964–1975 Mercury Comet
1966–1972 Mercury Cyclone
1969–1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator
1970–1971 Mercury Montego
Classic Pontiac Muscle Cars
1964–1965 Pontiac Tempest Le Mans
1964–1974 Pontiac GTO---------------------------x
1967–1979 Pontiac Firebird
1967–1979 Pontiac Trans Am
Classic Plymouth Muscle Cars
1965–1970 Plymouth Belvedere 426-S
1964–1974 Plymouth Barracuda
1966–1971 Plymouth Intermediates 426 Hemi
1967–1971 Plymouth GTX
1968–1974 Plymouth Road Runner----------------------x
1970 Plymouth Superbird
1970–1976 Plymouth Duster
1962–1965 Plymouth Fury 426 Street Wedge
Classic Ford Muscle Cars
1959–1975 Ford Galaxie
1964–1965 Ford Thunderbolt 427
1964–1969 Ford Falcon
1965–1970 Shelby Mustang GT350
1965–1970 Shelby Mustang GT500
1966–1969 Ford Fairlane GT, GTA & Cobra
1967–1971 Mustang Cobra Jet
1967–1979 Ford Ranchero
1968–1974 Ford Torino GT, Cobra 428 & Talladega
1969–1970 Ford Boss 302 Mustang
1969–1973 Ford Mustang Boss 429
1969–1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1
1970–1976 Ford Maverick Grabber
1971 Ford Mustang Boss 351
Classic Oldsmobile Muscle Cars
1968–1971 Oldsmobile 442
1968 Oldsmobile Cutlass “Ram-Rod” 350
1969–1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass W-31
1970 Oldsmobile Rallye 350
Classic GMC Muscle Cars
1971–1977 GMC Sprint
1978–1987 GMC Caballero -- http://www.zeroto60times.com/blog/list-classic-american-muscle-cars/?pid=3211http://www.zeroto60times.com/blog/wp-content/gallery/muscle-cars-list/classic-buick-skylark-gs-muscle-car.jpg

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 10:36 AM
I have never seen the list of muscle cars before. Thanks Ty.

I plan to see what the definition is of a muscle car. Seems like one knows it by seeing it. LOL

I would have included the Chevrolet Corvette if it was my list.

07-28-2013, 10:39 AM

07-28-2013, 11:24 AM
Anyone that knows the least bit about cars knows one thing.

The Corvette is NOT A MUSCLE CAR.

The Corvette is a pure SPORTS CAR.

Big Difference.

Some who shall remain nameless should not speak on topics they know nothing about.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 11:27 AM
Anyone that knows the least bit about cars knows one thing.

The Corvette is NOT A MUSCLE CAR.

The Corvette is a pure SPORTS CAR.

Big Difference.

Some who shall remain nameless should not speak on topics they know nothing about.

That is your opinion. My opinion is the Corvette can also be defined as I say. But people can be wrong. That does not mean they know nothing. I did not insist it is one. And why not read my sig line where it states my comments are opinion?

For many years, Corvette was laughed at as being a sports car.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 11:30 AM
Anyone that knows the least bit about cars knows one thing.

The Corvette is NOT A MUSCLE CAR.

The Corvette is a pure SPORTS CAR.

Big Difference.

Some who shall remain nameless should not speak on topics they know nothing about.

The number of times in Road & Track, Muscle Car, Car & Drvier, etc., that a Corvette was ever called a 'muscle car' can be counted on one hand. There's a reason for that. It ain't one.

07-28-2013, 11:41 AM
The number of times in Road & Track, Muscle Car, Car & Drvier, etc., that a Corvette was ever called a 'muscle car' can be counted on one hand. There's a reason for that. It ain't one.

Muscle Cars are those that have Big Engines and Powertrains in a standard Chassis.

The Big boys of the muscle car world were always THE HEMIS:

Mopar (Plymouth/Dodge) made the 440
Chevy had it's version and it was the 454
Ford came in with the 427/428

The Biggest production standard motor GM made was the 472 HUSSY that went into Cadillac Models. Huge Motor but no real speed:

The Muscle comes from the Gearing in your Transmission and Rear end as well as the Compression and Cam in your Motor.

Corvettes came with 454's but due to their purpose built bodies and light weight were always sports cars no matter what was under the hood. A corvette with a 350:350 (350 CI/350 HP) was like lightning, a Nova was not even with the same engine. It's Power/Weight and Torque that make a Muscle Car.

Not just a Big engine and Speed

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 11:49 AM
Muscle Cars are those that have Big Engines and Powertrains in a standard Chassis.

The Big boys of the muscle car world were always THE HEMIS:

Mopar (Plymouth/Dodge) made the 440
Chevy had it's version and it was the 454
Ford came in with the 427/428

The Biggest production standard motor GM made was the 472 HUSSY that went into Cadillac Models. Huge Motor but no real speed:

The Muscle comes from the Gearing in your Transmission and Rear end as well as the Compression and Cam in your Motor.

Corvettes came with 454's but due to their purpose built bodies and light weight were always sports cars no matter what was under the hood. A corvette with a 350:350 (350 CI/350 HP) was like lightning, a Nova was not even with the same engine. It's Power/Weight and Torque that make a Muscle Car.

Not just a Big engine and Speed

My reference of course is that compared to a real sports car, the Corvette simply can't win races. I love Corvettes so i am not knocking them.

I then looked at forums and in general the definition of a muscle car vs Corvette is don't include the Corvette as a Muscle car.

I retract my comment to include it.

Looks like a Muscle car has too much engine in a shitty handing 4 or more passenger car.

Maybe that is why I never owned one. When I wanted a fast drag racer that uses the stock body, I simply put together a super high power engine and stuffed it in normal cars.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 11:55 AM
My reference of course is that compared to a real sports car, the Corvette simply can't win races. I love Corvettes so i am not knocking them.

I then looked at forums and in general the definition of a muscle car vs Corvette is don't include the Corvette as a Muscle car.

I retract my comment to include it.

Looks like a Muscle car has too much engine in a shitty handing 4 or more passenger car.

Maybe that is why I never owned one. When I wanted a fast drag racer that uses the stock body, I simply put together a super high power engine and stuffed it in normal cars.

Now you used to build drag racers? please.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 12:01 PM
Now you used to build drag racers? please.

Certainly. Why does that bother you?

I started racing the stock class and wanted to go faster so I built C gas cars. I also built a 1961 Corvette for a rich young guy. I was a partner in a drag racing motorcycle that my partner rode.
Hell, I raced for a few years. No big deal.

I was constructing a dragster when i was drafted into the Army. That ended my days of racing.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 12:01 PM
My reference of course is that compared to a real sports car, the Corvette simply can't win races....

Research prior to posting.

http://www.automobilemag.com/features/racing/1003_chevrolet_corvette_racing_history_then_and_no w/viewall.html

In addition, the Corvette Racing effort absolutely dominated the American LeMans GTS and GT1 categories by scoring 77 class victories and a total of 26 driver, team, and manufacturer championships during the past decade.

07-28-2013, 12:39 PM
Research prior to posting.

http://www.automobilemag.com/features/racing/1003_chevrolet_corvette_racing_history_then_and_no w/viewall.html

Dont respond to "he who is not acknowledged".

Another claim he made just to draw attention to himself.. No basis in fact... just trying to feel important.

Corvettes Dominated for years the Racing Circuit. they were easily the winner of their class.

He has no shame.... Pitiful creature... very pitiful.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 12:48 PM
TAke Sebring for instance where Corvette runs. The winner in 2011, a Peugeot did 332 laps in 12 hours but the best Corvette managed 312 laps.

Yeah, a real winner.




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M (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelin)

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(Diesel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_engine))

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http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/23px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France) Romain Dumas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romain_Dumas)
Audi R15 TDI plus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R15_TDI_plus)
M (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelin)

Audi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi) TDI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_Direct_Injection) 5.5 L Turbo V10
(Diesel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_engine))

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Dyson Racing Team (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyson_Racing_Team)
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Lola B09/86 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lola_B08/80)
D (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunlop_Tyres)

Mazda (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazda) MZR-R (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazda_MZR_engine#MZR-R) 2.0 L Turbo I4
(Isobutanol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isobutanol))

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Flag_of_Switzerland.svg/16px-Flag_of_Switzerland.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland) Rebellion Racing
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Flag_of_Switzerland.svg/16px-Flag_of_Switzerland.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland) Neel Jani (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neel_Jani)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/23px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France) Nicolas Prost (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Prost)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/20/Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands) Jeroen Bleekemolen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeroen_Bleekemolen)
Lola B10/60 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lola_B10/60)
M (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelin)

Toyota (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota) RV8KLM 3.4 L V8

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/23px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France) Peugeot Sport (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peugeot_Sport) Total (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_S.A.)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Flag_of_Austria.svg/23px-Flag_of_Austria.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austria) Alexander Wurz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Wurz)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/ae/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom) Anthony Davidson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Davidson)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9a/Flag_of_Spain.svg/23px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spain) Marc Gené (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Gen%C3%A9)
Peugeot 908 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peugeot_908)
M (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelin)

Peugeot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peugeot) HDi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peugeot_HDi_engine) 3.7 L Turbo V8
(Diesel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_engine))

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Genoa Racing
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/ba/Flag_of_Germany.svg/23px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany) Jens Peterson
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Dane Cameron
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Michael Guasch
Oreca FLM09 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oreca_FLM09)
M (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelin)

Chevrolet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet) LS3 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GM_LS_engine#LS3) 6.2 L V8


07-28-2013, 01:10 PM
TAke Sebring for instance where Corvette runs. The winner in 2011, a Peugeot did 332 laps in 12 hours but the best Corvette managed 312 laps.

Yeah, a real winner.




from 2 weeks ago...


Bowmanville, Ont. - Oliver Gavin and Tommy Milner scored their second victory in the American Le Mans Series on Sunday with a hard-earned effort in the Mobil 1 SportsCar Grand Prix at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. Milner took the checkered flag in the No. 4 Compuware Corvette C6.R for the fifth round of the ALMS as the duo became the first in the GT class to win multiple races in 2013.

2 out of 5 races won by the CR-6 Corvette in the North American Lemans Series

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 01:14 PM
TAke Sebring for instance where Corvette runs. The winner in 2011, a Peugeot did 332 laps in 12 hours but the best Corvette managed 312 laps.

Yeah, a real winner.

Only a mental midget like you would take a single year result from one race, and say it disproves Corvette's multi year history as a winner.

I didn't think even you were that desperately stupid, but you've proven me wrong.

07-28-2013, 01:16 PM
Only a mental midget like you would take a single year result from one race, and say it disproves Corvette's multi year history as a winner.

I didn't think even you were that desperately stupid, but you've proven me wrong.

How about this Headline from the 24 Hours @ Lemans?


http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png (http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alms.com%2F&media=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alms.com%2F)

http://www.alms.com/sites/all/themes/alms_theme/images/rss-button.jpg (http://www.alms.com/feeds/experts_insiders.xml)

Chevrolet Team Scores Sixth Victory in Legendary Endurance Race

Corvette Racing brought down the curtain on the GT1 era with a victory in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Johnny O'Connell, Jan Magnussen and Antonio Garcia scored Corvette Racing's sixth class victory in the world's biggest sports car race with the No. 63 Compuware Corvette C6.R. The winning Corvette completed 342 laps, racing to a six-lap margin of victory over the No. 73 Luc Alphand Aventures Corvette C6.R of Yann Clairay, Julien Jousse and Xavier Maassen. The No. 64 Compuware Corvette C6.R of Oliver Gavin, Olivier Beretta, and Marcel Fassler retired from the lead in the 22nd hour with an apparent gearbox problem. Today's win was Corvette Racing's 16th podium finish at Le Mans since 2000. It was the fourth Le Mans class win for O'Connell and Magnussen, and the second consecutive Le Mans GT1 victory for Garcia. O'Connell became the first American driver to win four class titles in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. "When you look at the Americans who have won here multiple times, they're all important figures in motorsports history," O'Connell said. "To achieve my fourth win with Corvette Racing, driving a sports car that's an American icon, it's hard to put that into words.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 01:47 PM
I wonder if he gets his race info from Al :laugh2:

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 01:48 PM
How about this Headline from the 24 Hours @ Lemans?


http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png (http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alms.com%2F&media=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alms.com%2F)
http://www.alms.com/sites/all/themes/alms_theme/images/rss-button.jpg (http://www.alms.com/feeds/experts_insiders.xml)

Chevrolet Team Scores Sixth Victory in Legendary Endurance Race

Corvette Racing brought down the curtain on the GT1 era with a victory in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Johnny O'Connell, Jan Magnussen and Antonio Garcia scored Corvette Racing's sixth class victory in the world's biggest sports car race with the No. 63 Compuware Corvette C6.R. The winning Corvette completed 342 laps, racing to a six-lap margin of victory over the No. 73 Luc Alphand Aventures Corvette C6.R of Yann Clairay, Julien Jousse and Xavier Maassen. The No. 64 Compuware Corvette C6.R of Oliver Gavin, Olivier Beretta, and Marcel Fassler retired from the lead in the 22nd hour with an apparent gearbox problem. Today's win was Corvette Racing's 16th podium finish at Le Mans since 2000. It was the fourth Le Mans class win for O'Connell and Magnussen, and the second consecutive Le Mans GT1 victory for Garcia. O'Connell became the first American driver to win four class titles in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. "When you look at the Americans who have won here multiple times, they're all important figures in motorsports history," O'Connell said. "To achieve my fourth win with Corvette Racing, driving a sports car that's an American icon, it's hard to put that into words.

I will now find out who won the race.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 01:54 PM
I will now find out who won the race.

he just told you, dumb ass....

1st in the 24 Hours of Le Mans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans), LMGTE Pro winner Corvette Racing

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 01:55 PM
OOOOOOOOOOps, Audi came in first at Le Mans

http://www.crash.net/le+mans/results/192695/1/le_mans_24_hours_-_class_results.html (http://www.crash.net/le+mans/results/192695/1/le_mans_24_hours_-_class_results.html)


1. #2 Kristensen/Duval/McNish Audi Sport Team Joest Audi R18 e-tron quattro * 348 laps (34 stops)
2. #8 Davidson/Buemi/Sarrazin Toyota Racing Toyota TS030 hybrid * 347 laps (30 stops)
3. #3 Gene/Di Grassi/Jarvis Audi Sport Team Joest Audi R18 e-tron quattro 347 laps (30 stops)
4. #7 Wurz/Lapierre/Nakajima Toyota Racing Toyota TS030 hybrid * 341 laps (29 stops)
5. #1 Lotterer/Fassler/Treluyer Audi Sport Team Joest Audi R18 e-tron quattro * 338 laps (32 stops)
6. #21 Leventis/Watts/Kane Strakka Racing HPD ARX-03c * 332 laps (29 stops)
7. #12 Prost/Jani/Heidfeld Rebellion Racing Lola B12/60-Toyota * 275 laps (26 stops)
8. #13 Belicchi/Beche/Cheng Rebellion Racing Lola B12/60-Toyota 275 laps (29 stops)

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 01:57 PM
he just told you, dumb ass....

1st in the 24 Hours of Le Mans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans), LMGTE Pro winner Corvette Racing

thanks but you proved as I stated, Audi Won and by a huge margin.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:01 PM
OOOOOOOOOOps, Audi came in first at Le Mans

http://www.crash.net/le+mans/results/192695/1/le_mans_24_hours_-_class_results.html (http://www.crash.net/le+mans/results/192695/1/le_mans_24_hours_-_class_results.html)


1. #2 Kristensen/Duval/McNish Audi Sport Team Joest Audi R18 e-tron quattro * 348 laps (34 stops)
2. #8 Davidson/Buemi/Sarrazin Toyota Racing Toyota TS030 hybrid * 347 laps (30 stops)
3. #3 Gene/Di Grassi/Jarvis Audi Sport Team Joest Audi R18 e-tron quattro 347 laps (30 stops)
4. #7 Wurz/Lapierre/Nakajima Toyota Racing Toyota TS030 hybrid * 341 laps (29 stops)
5. #1 Lotterer/Fassler/Treluyer Audi Sport Team Joest Audi R18 e-tron quattro * 338 laps (32 stops)
6. #21 Leventis/Watts/Kane Strakka Racing HPD ARX-03c * 332 laps (29 stops)
7. #12 Prost/Jani/Heidfeld Rebellion Racing Lola B12/60-Toyota * 275 laps (26 stops)
8. #13 Belicchi/Beche/Cheng Rebellion Racing Lola B12/60-Toyota 275 laps (29 stops)

Wrong class, dumbass, as I already posted.

1st in the 24 Hours of Le Mans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans),
LMGTE Pro winner Corvette Racing

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:02 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654656#post654656)
he just told you, dumb ass....

1st in the 24 Hours of Le Mans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans), LMGTE Pro winner Corvette Racing

thanks but you proved as I stated, Audi Won and by a huge margin.

The only thing that was proven is that you are too stupid to realize there are different classes, and the Corvette team won it's class.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:06 PM
Corvette lost to Audi but you claim it won?

What a loon. We did not start out saying class, I said Corvette simply does not win many races. Your retort is that a car that dates back to 1953 won 77 times. 50 years old and your comeback is 77 wins? As a sports car? Now you want to move the goalposts as usual.

Well, woooopie. Audi beats the hell out of Corvettes.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:11 PM
Corvette lost to Audi but you claim it won?wrong class, dumb ass. Corvette won it's class, your own link says so. Learn to read ALL your source material, and you won't look like such a petty, pathetic douche nozzle.

What a loon. We did not start out saying class, I said Corvette simply does not win many races. Your retort is that a car that dates back to 1953 won 77 times. 50 years old and your comeback is 77 wins? Wow, your stupidity is on full dumb ass today, isn't it.That was one example of a racing history of wins, and you act like it's all they ever won? Man, you sure turned your stupid up to 11 today.

As a sports car? Now you want to move the goalposts as usual. I don't think even you understood that post.ROFL.

Well, woooopie. Audi beats the hell out of Corvettes. Apples and oranges, dumb ass.

My comments in RED above.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:17 PM
Your line of claims are so stupid That I lower myself to try one more time to explain that my statement to begin with was not about class, but sportscars. When Audi Won Le<ans, it means it won. Corvette was far behind.

But in your mind, a loss to Audi is a win.

Flat amazing and one more instance you tried to move the goal posts.

Now return to my OP on this and show where I spoke of class?

07-28-2013, 02:21 PM
The only thing that was proven is that you are too stupid to realize there are different classes, and the Corvette team won it's class.

He's comparing the LMP-1 Class to the GT-1 Class?

Marcus.... here is an Audi r-18 TDI like the one that took 1st place At LeMans.


Now The Corvette C6-r that won the GT-1 division

He who will not be acknowledged fails to realize that the LMP-1 class stands for LEMANS PROTOTYPE!!

They are all custom Builds!! costing around 10 or 20 million to build!!!


He's comparing Flaps to Ailerons again..... While talking on FM Radio to the Tower where his Dragster is parked.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:24 PM
Your line of claims are so stupid That I lower myself to try one more time to explain that my statement to begin with was not about class, but sportscars. Really? Not muscle cars, like you first called the Corvette?:laugh2:

When Audi Won Le<ans, it="" means="" won.="" corvette="" was="" far="" behind.=""

But in your mind, a loss to Audi is a win. No, in my mind, you don't compare cars from different classes. That's like comparing a go cart to a Formula One racer. That small fact appears lost on your 'Mensa' intellect.

Flat amazing and one more instance you tried to move the goal posts. Nothing was moved dumb ass. You tried to compare apples and oranges, and I didn't let you. Live with the FAIL, dumb ass.

Now return to my OP on this and show where I spoke of class? By not speaking of class, you expose your stupidity to the board. Comparing cars in different classes is asinine.
my comments in RED above


Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:25 PM
He's comparing the LMP-1 Class to the GT-1 Class?

Marcus.... here is an Audi r-18 TDI like the one that took 1st place At LeMans.


Now The Corvette C6-r that won the GT-1 division

He who will not be acknowledged fails to realize that the LMP-1 class stands for LEMANS PROTOTYPE!!

They are all custom Builds!! costing around 10 or 20 million to build!!!


He's comparing Flaps to Ailerons again..... While talking on FM Radio to the Tower where his Dragster is parked.

somebody POS REP him... I'm out at the moment.


07-28-2013, 02:30 PM
Here are the GT-1 top Qualifiers...

24 Hours of Le Mans LM GT1 Qualifying
Pos./Car No./Drivers/Car/Time
1. (63) Fellows/O'Connell/Magnussen, Corvette C6.R, 3:47.668
2. (50) Bouchot/Bornhauser/Smet, Saleen S7R, 3:47.761
3. (64) Gavin/Beretta/Papis, Corvette C6.R, 3:48.539
4. (009) Brabham/Garcia/Turner, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:48.994
5. (007) Frentzen/Wendlinger/Piccini, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:49.060
6. (55) Kox, Rusinov/Hezemans, Lamborghini Murcielago, 3:52.175
7. (72) Alphand/Policand/Moreau, Corvette C6.R, 3:52.993
8. (59) Menten/Fittipaldi/Borcheller, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:53.031
9. (53) Negrao/Hardman/Leventis, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:53.475
10. (73) Gouselard/Blanchemain/Pasquali, Corvette C6.R, 3:55.736

ALL PRODUCTION CARS!!! the 2 Corvettes beat Saleens, Martins, and Lamborghinis! as well as Porsches and others.

You cant buy an Audi R-18 TDI off the Showroom Floor ... but you can get anything in the GT-1 Division there.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:32 PM
Here are the GT-1 top Qualifiers...

24 Hours of Le Mans LM GT1 Qualifying
Pos./Car No./Drivers/Car/Time
1. (63) Fellows/O'Connell/Magnussen, Corvette C6.R, 3:47.668
2. (50) Bouchot/Bornhauser/Smet, Saleen S7R, 3:47.761
3. (64) Gavin/Beretta/Papis, Corvette C6.R, 3:48.539
4. (009) Brabham/Garcia/Turner, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:48.994
5. (007) Frentzen/Wendlinger/Piccini, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:49.060
6. (55) Kox, Rusinov/Hezemans, Lamborghini Murcielago, 3:52.175
7. (72) Alphand/Policand/Moreau, Corvette C6.R, 3:52.993
8. (59) Menten/Fittipaldi/Borcheller, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:53.031
9. (53) Negrao/Hardman/Leventis, Aston Martin DBR9, 3:53.475
10. (73) Gouselard/Blanchemain/Pasquali, Corvette C6.R, 3:55.736

ALL PRODUCTION CARS!!! the 2 Corvettes beat Saleens, Martins, and Lamborghinis! as well as Porsches and others.

You cant buy an Audi R-18 TDI off the Showroom Floor ... but you can get anything in the GT-1 Division there.

Whitless just will not understand that you cannot compare a Formula One to a go cart. In his mind, they are the same thing.


The number of classes has varied over the years, but currently there are four.

Custom-built Le Mans Prototypes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Mans_Prototype) (LMP) are the top two classes, LMP1 and LMP2, divided by speed, weight, and power output. This is the class Whitless is whining about.

From 2011, the next two classes are production-based grand tourer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_tourer) (GT) classes, GT Endurance Pro and GT Endurance AM. Both of these classes utilise the FIA GT2 class.This is the class the Corvette won.

Although the top class is the most likely to provide the winner of the race, lower classes have won on occasion due to better reliability.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:39 PM
How to move the goal posts.

I stated Corvettes have over a 50 year span (I said just Corvettes and is is assumed everybody realizes they have a 50 year span) are not big winners.

Sports Car takes in a lot of territory. Sure I know that Audi has a better sports car. And it matters not if it is a prototype.

I did not bring up class.

Somebody else did that. Take that argument up with those speaking of class.

Here is the thing. I love Corvettes. And have worked on a few of them.

But I do not run around as others do claiming they are top rated winners.

Against what American car? The mustang?

They are wonderful cars. And if you really want to test the Corvette against other sports cars, try Nurburgring.

For the uninformed, that track is in some hills and I am an eyewitness to them racing there. I can't recall the year I went Corvettes looking good at all.

Ferraris looked great. I expect the goal posts to be moved again and to read that the Ferrari makes no sports cars.

Bet me. They do make them and sell them.

Some of you seem to be saying on the one hand that Corvette comes to race with an inferior car and you want me to give them credit?

Nope, I said sports cars not some class of sports car.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:51 PM
How to move the goal posts. One of your favorite tactics.

I stated Corvettes have over a 50 year span (I said just Corvettes and is is assumed everybody realizes they have a 50 year span) are not big winners. Which has been proven wrong... repeatedly... in this thread.

Sports Car takes in a lot of territory. Sure I know that Audi has a better sports car. And it matters not if it is a prototype. MORON! You simply cannot compare the two classes at Le Mans as if they are equal. They are not. The fact you cannot comprehend this simply proves how monumentally stupid you are on this subject.

I did not bring up class. Which was your first mistake.

Somebody else did that. Take that argument up with those speaking of class. Again, a mistake on your part.

Here is the thing. I love Corvettes. And have worked on a few of them.

But I do not run around as others do claiming they are top rated winners. Please show me where anyone used the phrase 'top rated winners'.

Against what American car? The mustang?

They are wonderful cars. And if you really want to test the Corvette against other sports cars, try Nurburgring.

For the uninformed, that track is in some hills and I am an eyewitness to them racing there. I can't recall the year I went Corvettes looking good at all. Yeah, we know... you've been everywhere, and done everything, and are an all around expert on anything you discuss :rolleyes:

Ferraris looked great. I expect the goal posts to be moved again and to read that the Ferrari makes no sports cars. You really are dim, aren't you.

Bet me. They do make them and sell them.

Some of you seem to be saying on the one hand that Corvette comes to race with an inferior car and you want me to give them credit? Wow, got the stupid dialed up to 11 still. NO ONE said Corvettes come to races with inferior cars. We said the race in their proper class, and should be compared to cars in their same class... not to prototypes in different classes.

Nope, I said sports cars not some class of sports car.

my comments in RED above

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:55 PM
According to Robert's logic...


can legitimately be compared to this...
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bqYG1OMrkY0/TTAZjbkT4fI/AAAAAAAAAXk/Li8O2qsSl6g/s320/htup_0803_12_z%252Bhonda_racing_formula_one_car_f1 %252Bfront_view.jpg

After all, while they are in different classes they are both still just cars, and therefore just the same.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 03:10 PM

This year, teams are split into two categories: Prototype and Grand Touring. The former are carshttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/News/Search-Results/Motor-show--events/Other-shows/Le-Mans-24-hour-race-2010-CAR-Magazines-guide/Le-Mans-24-hour-race-2010-the-classes/#) created specifically for endurance racing, the latter are homologated from road cars.

Each category is then split into two further disciplines – one a higher performance grade, the other slightly lower. This means four overall ‘classes’ of cars racing at once at Le Mans, with each class having its own winners and prizes.

This group...

LMP1: Prototype racing at the highest level

The crème-de-la-crème at Le Mans. The technological sophistication at this level of racing means these 24 cars – and their drivers – are at the very top of the endurance racing game. Since 2008, regulations have been adapted to include petrol cars using a 10% ethanol mix, and the inclusion of diesel BTL-powered cars (BTL stands for biomass-to-liquid, a type of diesel extracted from non-edible parts of plants).

The LMP1 cars are identifiable by the car’shttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/News/Search-Results/Motor-show--events/Other-shows/Le-Mans-24-hour-race-2010-CAR-Magazines-guide/Le-Mans-24-hour-race-2010-the-classes/#) racing number. Cars in this category will sport a red sticker and a number between 1 and 24. They must weigh over 900kg (930kg for diesel cars). The weight penalty for diesel cars is designed to prevent unfair advantage – since inclusion in 2006 the diesel cars of Audi and Peugeot have dominated the podium due to their uncompromising efficiency.

...is what Robert is comparing equally with this group...

LMGT1: The pick of the crop of grand tourers
Cars in this category are actually born as road cars, although they must be extremely highly modified to race at Le Mans. There are only eight cars competing for the top sports carhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/News/Search-Results/Motor-show--events/Other-shows/Le-Mans-24-hour-race-2010-CAR-Magazines-guide/Le-Mans-24-hour-race-2010-the-classes/#) prize this year. Maximum power is 600bhp, while the minimum weight allowed is 1250kg (or a maximum of 560bhp with a minimum weight of 1200kg). It’s here you’ll find the Lamborghini Murcielago of the Japanese Lamborghini Owner’s Club, the Corvettes, the Ford GTs and the Saleen S7Rs. Sporting numbers 50 to 74, look out for green stickers to pick out the GT1 cars.

If the two groups are comparable as Robert indicates... then WHY are there two groups?

Spin that, dumb ass.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 03:15 PM
Here is some great material on the Corvette racing. Notice the Aston Martin is claimed to be quicker but troubled by breakdowns.


Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 03:21 PM
Here is some great material on the Corvette racing. Notice the Aston Martin is claimed to be quicker but troubled by breakdowns.


from your link, dumb ass...

Corvette Racing currently campaigns the C6.R GT2 in the American Le Mans Series GT class. The team also competes with the cars at the 24 Hours of Le Mans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Hours_of_Le_Mans) and won the 2011 GTE-Pro class.

07-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Put the thread back on track, facts only. Next one to start shit gets removed from thread, and if someone engages in return before I get to the thread, they get removed too.

07-28-2013, 04:21 PM
Most gorgeous Mustang EVER..

1967 Shelby GT 500http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2007/10/30/17/27/1967_ford_mustang_shelby_gt500-pic-20990.jpeg

07-28-2013, 04:31 PM
Most gorgeous Mustang EVER..

1967 Shelby GT 500http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2007/10/30/17/27/1967_ford_mustang_shelby_gt500-pic-20990.jpeg

I couldn't agree more, considering this is about 'older' muscle cars! Love that one! But I would prefer a 2013 GT500 with the Shelby Package the 800+ horsepower!!

07-28-2013, 05:31 PM
Most gorgeous Mustang EVER..

1967 Shelby GT 500http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2007/10/30/17/27/1967_ford_mustang_shelby_gt500-pic-20990.jpeg
Eleanor. :2up:

07-28-2013, 05:37 PM
Here the end all source for all definitions of the layman's lexicon: urban dictionary.com
Muscle car: An automotive vehicle from the 40's, 50's, 60's, or 70's characterized by big displacement V-8s, big tires, chrome wheels, dual exhuast, racing stripes or flames, blowers, and speed.
Sports car: A sports car is a vehicle made for speed, generally has a very sleek body with a very low drag-coefficient.
While a sports car may or may not be a muscle car, and a muscle car need not be a sports car, the corvette could certainly qualify as both. Feel free to disagree, but this a muscle car IMHO.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 06:28 PM
Prettiest car ever for me. My first new car, bought off the lot by me. My wife got to see it when I drove it home. And she was damn pleased with it. So much so that she got it in our divorce 2 years later!!! http://images01.olx.com/ui/19/80/51/f_312387951-3223506155.jpeg (http://www.debatepolicy.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=9tbdYvmdt59ktM&tbnid=4lc6pis6ZQiXwM:&ved=0CAgQjRwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsanjose.olx.com%2F1973-dodge-charger-se-brougham-iid-312387951&ei=5qX1UcTiAY389gThlYD4Bg&psig=AFQjCNGCq1_PDAGZo4YXc3ZBx6pQY9ASCA&ust=1375139686079711) I'd rather have that car new than a Corvette! I kept the car until our divorce became final. DAMN SURE HATED TO PART WITH IT.. SHE DROVE IT FOR ABOUT A YEAR AND TRADED IT IN ON A NEW CAR. She never would tell me where because she knew I wanted to there and buy it back, she did that out of pure spite and because my newest girlfriend was far prettier than her. ;) I checked all around but couldn't find it . Many years later her baby sister told me she traded it in at a dealership in Little Rock about 120 miles away . Women can be so cold hearted... -Tyr http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll119/cordoba_crazy/frontleft.jpg (http://www.debatepolicy.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=Qixy1UfduZrPvM&tbnid=BpvUTUEfxjdU_M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.smackjeeves.com%2Fforum%2Fvie wtopic.php%3Ff%3D48%26t%3D13427&ei=Fqv1UZzrMojY8gTRv4GoDA&psig=AFQjCNHBt_BybvOVurFGUvCpV731e_e73Q&ust=1375141006748023)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 06:53 PM
Found this for sale at 22k. http://www.oldride.com/imgitem/88392097715600_tmp_org.jpg Didn't list the mileage or motor/transmission specs. http://www.oldride.com/imgitem/80040052364100_tmp_org.jpg

07-28-2013, 06:56 PM
Here the end all source for all definitions of the layman's lexicon: urban dictionary.com
Muscle car: An automotive vehicle from the 40's, 50's, 60's, or 70's characterized by big displacement V-8s, big tires, chrome wheels, dual exhuast, racing stripes or flames, blowers, and speed.
Sports car: A sports car is a vehicle made for speed, generally has a very sleek body with a very low drag-coefficient.
While a sports car may or may not be a muscle car, and a muscle car need not be a sports car, the corvette could certainly qualify as both. Feel free to disagree, but this a muscle car IMHO.

not a muscle Car....

and that may be my old football coaches Car....

07-28-2013, 06:59 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 07:33 PM
Ok just one more Im interested in, a 1971 Dodge Charger R/T
in Schaghitcoke, New York. http://images.classiccars.com/preview/392034_14589823_1971_Dodge_Charger%2bRT.jpg (http://images.classiccars.com/classifieds/392034_14589823_1971_Dodge_Charger%2bRT.jpg)

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 10:12 PM

My sons current ride... 2005 Mustang. He did the trim mods himself, as well as the headlight housings and some chrome details around the tail lights, etc. (that's my gold FORD P.O.S. behind 'Sheila').

Marcus Aurelius
07-29-2013, 08:34 AM
Just the facts...


Most successful team in the history of the American Le Mans Series. … Winner of eight team and manufacturer GT1 championships, Corvette Racing owns a record 73 ALMS class wins, 50 1-2 team finishes and swept all 23 rounds in 2007 and 2008 seasons. … 2009 included a partial season run in GT1 before transitioning – after sixth GT1 title at Le Mans – into the highly competitive GT2 class.


Despite qualifying a measly 6th place at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Corvette Racing’s Jan Magnussen and Antonio Garcia each drove flawlessly in the No. 3 Compuware Corvette C6.R when it came time to race, and earned a deserving victory in the GT class when it was all over. Right behind the No.3 car was the No. 17 Porsche 911 GT3 RSR (2nd), and No. 56 BMW Z4 GTE (3rd).

Corvette Racing (http://gmauthority.com/blog/chevrolet/corvette-racing/) has 79 ALMS class victories, including four in 2012, making it the most successful team in American Le Mans Series history.


LONG BEACH, Calif., April 14, 2012 – Corvette Racing drivers Tommy Milner and Oliver Gavin won a hard-fought battle in the streets of Long Beach today, claiming a GT class victory in the second round of the American Le Mans Series. The pair completed 84 laps on the 1.968-mile temporary circuit in the No. 4 Compuware Corvette C6.R, finishing 4.26 seconds ahead of the runner-up No. 56 BMW.


Tommy Milner in the No. 4 Corvette C6.R held off a hard-charging SRT Viper of Dominik Farnbacher in the closing stages of the two-hour and 45-minute race from Canadian Tire Motorsport Park, reviving a classic American sports car (http://auto-racing.speedtv.com/article/alms-corvette-edges-out-viper-for-gt-honors-at-ctmp/#) rivalry.

Milner edged out the No. 91 Viper GTS-R of Farnbacher by 0.267 seconds at the line, aided by last-lap traffic, to give Corvette its third victory of the season and the second of the year for Milner and co-driver Oliver Gavin.


The world of American endurance racing reached a major turning point this past weekend, as two of the most successful cars to ever hit the track—the Audi R18 e-tron quattro and Chevy Corvette C6.R—posted winning results in what will likely be their final appearances at the Mobil 1 12 Hours of Sebring...

Facts are facts. Corvette is one of the most successful racing teams in hostory. Period.

07-29-2013, 08:43 AM
Just the facts...






Facts are facts. Corvette is one of the most successful racing teams in hostory. Period.

Corvette and Viper Dominate the GT-Class. Have for years.

But they are not Muscle Cars.

Marcus Aurelius
07-29-2013, 08:45 AM
Corvette and Viper Dominate the GT-Class. Have for years.

But they are not Muscle Cars.


07-29-2013, 09:11 AM

My sons current ride... 2005 Mustang. He did the trim mods himself, as well as the headlight housings and some chrome details around the tail lights, etc. (that's my gold FORD P.O.S. behind 'Sheila').

Apparently we think alike. When my daughter turned 16 I bought her this. Well used, 98k miles on the clock, and a noisy 5 speed transmission. We replaced the suspension with new take off parts from a GT, exchanged the crappy Y pipe to Y pipe noisy dual exhaust with a true dual and Craislist GT mufflers, got rid of the worn, dirty seat covers with nearly new ones from Craigslist, and exchanged the crappy aftermarket stereo with a nice factory one from an 07 model. We changed every fluid in the car, using Royal Purple in the gears and now she runs silent. We cleaned up the trunk with a new hardboard tire cover and carpet.

For birthdays and Christmas gifts she always asks for mods, so we installed sequential taillights, Lemans stripes, a chin spoiler, and now she wants a rear spoiler. I want a classic duck tail but she's leaning towards a wing that I think looks too busy.


Abbey Marie
07-29-2013, 10:02 AM
Apparently we think alike. When my daughter turned 16 I bought her this. Well used, 98k miles on the clock, and a noisy 5 speed transmission. We replaced the suspension with new take off parts from a GT, exchanged the crappy Y pipe to Y pipe noisy dual exhaust with a true dual and Craislist GT mufflers, got rid of the worn, dirty seat covers with nearly new ones from Craigslist, and exchanged the crappy aftermarket stereo with a nice factory one from an 07 model. We changed every fluid in the car, using Royal Purple in the gears and now she runs silent. We cleaned up the trunk with a new hardboard tire cover and carpet.

For birthdays and Christmas gifts she always asks for mods, so we installed sequential taillights, Lemans stripes, a chin spoiler, and now she wants a rear spoiler. I want a classic duck tail but she's leaning towards a wing that I think looks too busy.

I'm no car nut, but I've always wanted those tail lights!

Marcus Aurelius
07-29-2013, 10:04 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by glockmail http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654862#post654862)
Apparently we think alike. When my daughter turned 16 I bought her this. Well used, 98k miles on the clock, and a noisy 5 speed transmission. We replaced the suspension with new take off parts from a GT, exchanged the crappy Y pipe to Y pipe noisy dual exhaust with a true dual and Craislist GT mufflers, got rid of the worn, dirty seat covers with nearly new ones from Craigslist, and exchanged the crappy aftermarket stereo with a nice factory one from an 07 model. We changed every fluid in the car, using Royal Purple in the gears and now she runs silent. We cleaned up the trunk with a new hardboard tire cover and carpet.

For birthdays and Christmas gifts she always asks for mods, so we installed sequential taillights, Lemans stripes, a chin spoiler, and now she wants a rear spoiler. I want a classic duck tail but she's leaning towards a wing that I think looks too busy.

I'm no car nut, but I've always wanted those tail lights!

My son put those in his Mustang. It does look pretty cool, but if you're not very careful, you can knock out the tail lights completely. He did, and it took him the better part of a day to figure out he crossed 2 wires.:laugh:

07-29-2013, 10:14 AM
I'm no car nut, but I've always wanted those tail lights!

My son put those in his Mustang. It does look pretty cool, but if you're not very careful, you can knock out the tail lights completely. He did, and it took him the better part of a day to figure out he crossed 2 wires.:laugh:
Back in the 60's these things were a high-priced option, and a complicated electromechanical system. New one are far less expensive and simpler, at least from the hot rodder's perspective.

They make a generic kit for $100 that you have to splice into to your existing wiring sub-harnesses but for $20 more I bought the "plug and play" rear wiring harnesses for my daughter's car. It was a simple procedure, remove the old harnesses and sockets and replace them. I then sold the old harnesses to a guy for $20. :laugh:

Once I get my 64 TBird project on the road I'll put a generic kit in it.

07-29-2013, 10:31 AM
My first car was THE muscle car of all time. A '62 Volkswagen. lol

Marcus Aurelius
07-29-2013, 10:54 AM
Back in the 60's these things were a high-priced option, and a complicated electromechanical system. New one are far less expensive and simpler, at least from the hot rodder's perspective.

They make a generic kit for $100 that you have to splice into to your existing wiring sub-harnesses but for $20 more I bought the "plug and play" rear wiring harnesses for my daughter's car. It was a simple procedure, remove the old harnesses and sockets and replace them. I then sold the old harnesses to a guy for $20. :laugh:

Once I get my 64 TBird project on the road I'll put a generic kit in it.

yeah, that was his problem...lol.

07-29-2013, 11:12 AM
yeah, that was his problem...lol. With Rouch, Stedda, and such, "take off" parts are cheap for these cars, and since they start with base GT, a great way to upgrade a V6.

Her car came with the stock V6 15" wheels and cheap Chinese tires. After wearing them out I bought a set of 16" OEM Bullit style wheels with mounted Pirelli Nero-Zero tires, much wider, for about $1000. Then I sold the old set for $225. A new set of tires was $800, so I got the wider, taller, brand new wheels for free. :laugh:

Marcus Aurelius
07-29-2013, 02:14 PM
With Rouch, Stedda, and such, "take off" parts are cheap for these cars, and since they start with base GT, a great way to upgrade a V6.

Her car came with the stock V6 15" wheels and cheap Chinese tires. After wearing them out I bought a set of 16" OEM Bullit style wheels with mounted Pirelli Nero-Zero tires, much wider, for about $1000. Then I sold the old set for $225. A new set of tires was $800, so I got the wider, taller, brand new wheels for free. :laugh:

LOL...we should get these two kids together. They seem to think alike. My son got the Bullit wheels as well (you can see a shit load of rust on the one (another story). Then sold off the cheap tires and put some decent ones on. Not sure of the make or what he paid.

07-29-2013, 02:47 PM
LOL...we should get these two kids together. They seem to think alike. My son got the Bullit wheels as well (you can see a shit load of rust on the one (another story). Then sold off the cheap tires and put some decent ones on. Not sure of the make or what he paid.

Sorry, but my daughter's not allowed to date until she's 30. :laugh:

That rear wheel is rust? I thought it was mud (we have red soil here). That can be cleaned up with CLR, or possibly phosphoric acid (an ingredient in Coke).

Marcus Aurelius
07-29-2013, 03:27 PM
Sorry, but my daughter's not allowed to date until she's 30. :laugh:

That rear wheel is rust? I thought it was mud (we have red soil here). That can be cleaned up with CLR, or possibly phosphoric acid (an ingredient in Coke).

There was a little incident a few months ago where the rear pads on that side... fell out someplace... causing the caliper pistons to directly contact the rotors. This went on for about 20 miles, without his knowledge. Calipers ruined, rotors destroyed, all in the rain. So, shit load of overheated and essentially baked on surface rust.

It looks a lot better now, after 32 oz. of Rust Off. We figure 1, possibly 2 more bottle will get the rest off and have the rim back to normal.

07-29-2013, 03:40 PM
There was a little incident a few months ago where the rear pads on that side... fell out someplace... causing the caliper pistons to directly contact the rotors. This went on for about 20 miles, without his knowledge. Calipers ruined, rotors destroyed, all in the rain. So, shit load of overheated and essentially baked on surface rust.

It looks a lot better now, after 32 oz. of Rust Off. We figure 1, possibly 2 more bottle will get the rest off and have the rim back to normal.

Wow, someone screwed up a brake job. Never heard of pads falling out before. How did he not notice the noise? Must have been some rain storm, or he had the stereo up way too loud. :laugh:

Marcus Aurelius
07-29-2013, 03:50 PM
Wow, someone screwed up a brake job. Never heard of pads falling out before. How did he not notice the noise? Must have been some rain storm, or he had the stereo up way too loud. :laugh:

it really was pretty intense that day, rain-wise. I figure the pads just failed and broke apart. It's really hard to f-up that installation.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2013, 06:15 PM
My first car was THE muscle car of all time. A '62 Volkswagen. lol Don't knock the Volkswagen. My older brother had a 60's model VW that he drove for about 15 years! Even until it became a 4th car in his family. It held up without any major repairs! Those babies were tough. -Tyr

Robert A Whit
07-29-2013, 06:56 PM
Don't knock the Volkswagen. My older brother had a 60's model VW that he drove for about 15 years! Even until it became a 4th car in his family. It held up without any major repairs! Those babies were tough. -Tyr


Hitler's "people's car"

Another car I have never owned. I really regret that too. In my defense, I offer the 1953 Mercedes Benz I owned and drove as a second car in Germany. Darned if I recall the model. But it was one of the small 4 door models.

Note: Just found out the model number. the 170 is the model and this is the car.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-03-2013, 09:54 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/gallery/d/64611-2/bax145.jpg http://www.musclecarrestorations.com/gallery/d/331550-2/bax145.jpg Beautiful car and also an interesting color. I'd take it as is in a heartbeat. As that was my favorite car ever... Mine was blue..... My favorite color.. -Tyr