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View Full Version : OBAMA’S SON: 20 Disgusting Tweets from Trayvon

07-23-2013, 07:08 AM
The cute little black boy was really a uneducated thug , this is the stuff that if anything had to be described about either him or Zimmarman this is what should of been aired , I say good riddance to a thug that was destined to be a problem for society in the future

John Hawkins, of RightWingNews.com, has plowed thru 150 pages of Trayvon’s Twitter account and grabbed twenty tweets from Trayvon that paint him as a misogynistic, weed smoking, thug. Here you go folks. Not quite the sweet little child the lame stream media, Obama and various race-baiters have painted him to be, eh?

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/07/obamas-son-20-disgusting-tweets-from-trayvon/#ixzz2ZrzBz2Lq
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07-23-2013, 07:51 AM
The cute little black boy was really a uneducated thug , this is the stuff that if anything had to be described about either him or Zimmarman this is what should of been aired , I say good riddance to a thug that was destined to be a problem for society in the future

John Hawkins, of RightWingNews.com, has plowed thru 150 pages of Trayvon’s Twitter account and grabbed twenty tweets from Trayvon that paint him as a misogynistic, weed smoking, thug. Here you go folks. Not quite the sweet little child the lame stream media, Obama and various race-baiters have painted him to be, eh?

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/07/obamas-son-20-disgusting-tweets-from-trayvon/#ixzz2ZrzBz2Lq
Get more Clash on ClashDaily.com, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.Im sure there's more to come, now that the trail is over, its a shame this kid is gone that should have been the end of it, but because those who chose to exploit him for racism, any and all of his dirty laundry will be aired, His parents had to know some of this stuff, but the were not smart enough to know that if the issue gets pushed its all going to come out.

07-23-2013, 08:08 AM
Im sure there's more to come, now that the trail is over, its a shame this kid is gone that should have been the end of it, but because those who chose to exploit him for racism, any and all of his dirty laundry will be aired, His parents had to know some of this stuff, but the were not smart enough to know that if the issue gets pushed its all going to come out.

Trayvons parents knew exactly what he was , all you had to do was look at him to see that , but now they are to busy running around with Sharpton in NYC , they should really be at home trying to figure out where they failed there child as parents

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2013, 09:45 AM
TM was 17 going on 30 but the media chose to portray him as a 12 year old innocent child. Does anybody truly understand what the media doing that represents? We have a sold out political party(dems) united with a sold out Press and both slavishly obeying a sold out piece of human garbage that they put into office to destroy decent America and decent citizens. If that's not a recipe for disaster none ever existed. Hell, Hitler faced greater opposition and was able to become dictator and start a World War. Just look at these petitions they are getting signed that reveal saying" its for Obama " gets droves of people ready to sign the petition no matter how insane the concept presented to them is! Also that proves why and how the bastard got elected twice! Corruption and pure ignorance coming from the libs/dems/leftists and white people guilt for something they were never a part of--slavery. F-that, why should I pay a damn penny or give up any of my freedoms/rights for sins committed by people I never knew 150 years ago? What a load of guilt ridden crap the propaganda arm of the dem party(mainstrean press) has put forth. -Tyr

red state
07-23-2013, 10:20 AM
I will personally try to never again post about the Zman trial. We won and it is over until the next deversion from the White House is enacted. I doubt they will try anything else against the Zman because the facts are simply in the Zman's favor (unless you are an absolute IDIOT). The few facts that I missed or they hid from the jury & public during the case was that the Zman had followed the law to a T [AND] just a few weeks or months before shooting the racist 17 year old thug, the Zman had discovered a burglary in process, called 911 and WATCHED the thugs continue to rob the home until the cops arrived (ALL WITHIN HIS CAR). This does not paint the picture of a "cop wanna be" as everyone (including myself) labeled him. This seems to be a crucial part of his character evidence that the jury should have heard (unless they did hear it and I somehow missed it). I tried to watch as I worked but it was so long and even went on into late sessions so I wan't able to see EVERYTHING but I assumed that the recap on Fox or CNN would have covered this (IF) I had missed it somehow.

Had I been in the jury, I would have easily seen who was the "brawler", who liked his dope and who was the racist aggressor. That man was not the Zman....it was the man who was shot and killed during his last despicable, violent act on God's green earth towards another human being (simply because he thought he had sized up an easy target whom he mistook for a "creep @$$ Cracker". I can only imagine this young man's torment now.....and eternity

But why should we be surprised with the lies of B.O. and all the leftists and why should we continue to keep this topic alive (unless Holder does indeed succeed in lynching an innocent man for one thing or another)......after all, these leftists are of the same ILK who regard the Boston Bomber Brother as a rock star. They are the same folks who call Conservatives racist YET they are among the most racist folks I've EVER come across. These are the same sewer rats who trash our cities and aid our enemies and are the thieves who FORCE us to pay for their immorality and slothfulness. No....I'm not surprised at all in whatever THEY do because I've seen to much of the filth and violence THEY are capable of. I do hope that the Zman and all LATINOS will see who has their back and who has a knife for their back. If I thought the Zman intended to remain a dimocrat, I truly believe the Zman deserves whatever Holder and the ILK have in store for him.

I see this entire ordeal as a means by which WE have successfully been detoured from FAST & FURIOUS, Amnesty, the greatest loss of our S.E.A.L.s (just after WE got OBL), Benghazi and the continual effort to TAKE our guns while giving guns to the muSLUM terrorists. We need....NO, we MUST focus on the 2014 and 2016 and let the losers cry over their loss in the Zman case. Their facts are wrong and their stupidity will NEVER change. We may find ourselves the greater fool for arguing with fools and I hope we can put the insignificant things behind us and remind one another of what THEIR true agenda is....to divide, mislead and conquer.