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07-24-2013, 10:12 AM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

Most people would say they are NOT racist if asked, And people seem to have different definitions of what that means.

But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

my immediate family. id say no.
Extended I can't think of any but i could easily imagine a few that are. yeah one 2nd cousin.

what about you?

07-24-2013, 10:25 AM
At this point in my life, I don't really care if I'm labeled a racist or not. Come to think of it, homophobe is now considered a badge of honor too.

I can't think of two more easily offended, in your face, obnoxious groups of people besides gays and blacks.

I'd say ship them to Anarctica, but I don't want to do that to the penguins.

So there you go.

07-24-2013, 10:34 AM
Just about all of the white folks I know, myself included, take the Chris Rock view: Love black people, hate n*ggers.
Since the "N" word is being used by a white boy, I guess that would make me a racist, so I will start calling them "Black Trash" to distinguish between the good and the bad just like we white folks do. It will still get me called a racist though lol.

07-24-2013, 10:41 AM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

Most people would say they are NOT racist if asked, And people seem to have different definitions of what that means.

But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

my immediate family. id say no.
Extended I can't think of any but i could easily imagine a few that are. yeah one 2nd cousin.

what about you?I had a sibling that was, he has passed away, But like you said people have different opinions about what racism is, Racism to me is when Africans were not aloud access purely because of race, that's why i say Racism as me knew it is dead, they are no longer denied access to anything simply because of race, though they or still often more scrutinized, its no longer racism, its Facts and Statistics that show a propensity for Crime and Violence

07-24-2013, 11:31 AM
My great grandad says "negro" whenever talking about blacks.
But I have to remember that when he grew up it wasn't really that bad of a word. I think he just doesn't care.

Robert A Whit
07-24-2013, 11:52 AM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

Most people would say they are NOT racist if asked, And people seem to have different definitions of what that means.

But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

my immediate family. id say no.
Extended I can't think of any but i could easily imagine a few that are. yeah one 2nd cousin.

what about you?

I don't care.

Besides, whites endure plenty of racism by others.

This is not on my agenda to find out such views of family members.

Robert A Whit
07-24-2013, 11:55 AM
My great grandad says "negro" whenever talking about blacks.
But I have to remember that when he grew up it wasn't really that bad of a word. I think he just doesn't care.

No way is the word negro racist. When I grew up for instance, it was the "normal" word and said by top politicians, in movies, in the news and at school. I don't understand why some think the word is racist. Not in any negative way at least.

red state
07-24-2013, 11:56 AM
I think we ALL have, at one time, or do "prejudge". This can easily be determined by simply driving down the hwy.

I'm personally weak in the area of "prejudging" what appears to be [lil' libbie loser lemmings]. They are not always easy to identify but often times they are.....especially if I see an OBAMA/Biden bumper sticker!!! I control myself but I often reminisce of how delightful it would be to run their lil' Prius off the road with my SUBURBAN! HA!!!

Does that paint a good enough picture of what TRUE racism is? I realize that libs are not a biological RACE and that they come in all different colors BUT they all seem to be of an alien race to me....alien from our founders anyway.


07-24-2013, 11:56 AM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

It might be helpful to start with the definition of racism (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism), and the correct one at that.

a belief that race (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race[3]) is the primary determinant (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/determinant) of human traits and capacities and that racial (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racial) differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Marcus Aurelius
07-24-2013, 11:57 AM
No way is the word negro racist. When I grew up for instance, it was the "normal" word and said by top politicians, in movies, in the news and at school. I don't understand why some think the word is racist. Not in any negative way at least.

You're a racist, so of course you don't understand. The word was recently removed from US Census forms because of complaints it was racially offensive.

red state
07-24-2013, 12:01 PM
Racism is the prejudging of another who happens to be a particular race or culture that is or seems objectionable or threatening to another.

Key word: PREJUDGE

07-24-2013, 12:04 PM
It might be helpful to start with the definition of racism (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism), and the correct one at that.

I didn't want to define it. and if if defined people still see it differently.
Sometime people define it differently if coming toward their group, but another if it's going out to others.

07-24-2013, 12:54 PM
I didn't want to define it. and if if defined people still see it differently.
Sometime people define it differently if coming toward their group, but another if it's going out to others.

But words have meanings...

... or at least used to until we allowed the libs and lefties the ability to redefine words to fit their chosen context.*
*tongue firmly in cheek

Racism is the prejudging of another who happens to be a particular race or culture that is or seems objectionable or threatening to another.

Key word: PREJUDGE

No, that would be prejudice (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prejudice?show=0&t=1374688231).

a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
b : an instance of such judgment or opinion
c : an irrational attitude of hostility (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostility) directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

red state
07-24-2013, 12:56 PM
That's a problem within itself.

Not defining something for what it is is part of our problem...

A terrorist is now "man caused disaster"
An illegal alien who has invaded our border is "an undocumented worker".
A simple and obvious act of self defense is now 'vigilantism' or worse.
A bum is now an OCCUPIER or homeless person.
A word to describe happiness has now been corrupted to describe homosexuality or sodomy.
The list could go on and on but you get the picture.

Call something for what it is and stop renaming or labeling something as simply this or that (in this case....racism).

Lunch is OVER...see you guys.

red state
07-24-2013, 12:59 PM
But words have meanings... or at least used to until we allowed the libs and lefties the ability to redefine words to fit their chosen context.*tongue firmly in cheek No, that would be prejudice (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prejudice?show=0&t=1374688231).

REALLY?!: [c : an irrational attitude of hostility (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostility) directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics]

red state
07-24-2013, 01:05 PM
1prej·u·dice<input type="button" class="au" title="Listen to the pronunciation of 1prejudice" style="background-image: url(http://www.merriam-webster.com/styles/default/images/interstitial/audio.gif); border: 0px; cursor: pointer; height: 17px; margin: 0px 4px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 13px; background-position: 0% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;"> noun \ˈpre-jə-dəs\

<g:plusone size="small" count="false" href="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prejudice%5B1%5D"></g:plusone>
<fb:like href="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prejudice%5B1%5D" send="false" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" width="90" font=""></fb:like>

: injury or damage resulting from some judgment (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/judgment) or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially :detriment (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/detriment) to one's legal rights or claims

a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Definition of RACISM1
: a belief that race (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race[3]) is the primary determinant (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/determinant) of human traits and capacities and that racial (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racial) differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

: racial prejudice (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prejudice[1]) or discrimination
— rac·ist <input type="button" class="au" title="Listen to the pronunciation of racist" style="background-image: url(http://www.merriam-webster.com/styles/default/images/reference/icons.jpg); border: 0px; cursor: pointer; height: 15px; margin: 0px 10px 0px 4px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 13px; background-position: 0% -15px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;"> noun or adjective

Main difference....one is a belief and one is the action that came from that belief. Key word ACTION/PRODUCE


07-24-2013, 01:53 PM
There are two kinds of people in the world. The racists who claim everyone else is a racist, but won't allow anyone to talk about it.

And...."The people who instantly declare anyone who talks about racists...as racists."

There is no Level Playing Field when it comes to racists. No matter what color anyone's skin might be. If you are different from other people in any way. YOU ARE INSTANTLY a Racist.

Forget the definitions. Definitions only depend on who MADE THEM UP.




07-24-2013, 02:06 PM
: injury or damage resulting from some judgment (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/judgment) or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially :detriment (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/detriment) to one's legal rights or claims

a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before

__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Definition of RACISM

: a belief that race (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race[3]) is the primary determinant (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/determinant) of human traits and capacities and that racial (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racial) differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

: racial prejudice (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prejudice[1]) or discrimination

Main difference....one is a belief and one is the action that came from that belief. Key word ACTION/PRODUCE


Yeah, wow. Two different words with two different meanings; imagine that. And not to put to fine a point on it, discrimination is the action behind racism and prejudice. Discrimination is illegal, the other two are not.

red state
07-24-2013, 02:40 PM
Yeah wow! you not only fail to read your own posts (and definitions) but seem to lack any significant intelligence to see the correlation between the two words with definitions that I also provided to associate the two. Yes....they are two different words GOOD BOY! but you failed to comprehend (in your vast knowledge of nothing) to see that I did so in order to compare their relationship to this topic. So, since a liberal is now among us, I will simply revert to the more simple reply using the earlier post that stated the following: [PREJUDICE: [c : an irrational attitude of hostility (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostility) directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics]. *ATTITUDE (racism ~ an attitude, FEAR or BELIEF) prejudice ~ attitude, fear of belief put in action).

So....I stand with my post before you so ignorantly corrected what I initially said: "Racism (attitude of hostility (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostility) directed against an individual) is the prejudging of another who happens to be a particular race or culture that is or seems objectionable or threatening to another." This statement was MY interpretation of what the topic was about in dealing with the hatred or ignorance in America...but as with all liberals, you wish to derail the thread with insignificance. Anyone else with ANY common sense knows exactly what was being said and what was my point.

For a (tongue FIRMLY in cheek liberal)....you're significantly simple and void of any such common sense. And again I say....WOW!!!! You're not worth the time or trouble so I'll sit back and allow you to copy/paste your definitions so you can pretend to show everyone here how much smarter you are RATHER than deal with the topic. I for one will not continue to be a part of derailing this thread so I'll stay on topic ONLY and reframe from arguing with idiots over insignificant p's and q's.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Am I racist....YES. I believe we all are to some degree (whether we are willing to admit it or not). Do I allow my racism to manifest itself by discriminating or become an active, aggressive pawn of prejudice.

red state
07-24-2013, 02:44 PM
NO....I do not (but at times I sure would like to because I HATE the enemies of this Nation)......LIBERALS ~ (all shapes, sizes, colors...even the 'tongue in cheek' kind).

07-24-2013, 02:50 PM
Yeah wow! you not only fail to read your own posts (and definitions) but seem to lack any significant intelligence to see the correlation between the two words with definitions that I also provided to associate the two. Yes....they are two different words GOOD BOY! but you failed to comprehend (in your vast knowledge of nothing) to see that I did so in order to compare their relationship to this topic. So, since a liberal is now among us, I will simply revert to the more simple reply using the earlier post that stated the following: [PREJUDICE: [c : an irrational attitude of hostility (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostility) directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics]. *ATTITUDE (racism ~ an attitude, FEAR or BELIEF) prejudice ~ attitude, fear of belief put in action).

So....I stand with my post before you so ignorantly corrected what I initially said: "Racism (attitude of hostility (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hostility) directed against an individual) is the prejudging of another who happens to be a particular race or culture that is or seems objectionable or threatening to another." This statement was MY interpretation of what the topic was about in dealing with the hatred or ignorance in America...but as with all liberals, you wish to derail the thread with insignificance. Anyone else with ANY common sense knows exactly what was being said and what was my point.

For a (tongue FIRMLY in cheek liberal)....you're significantly simple and void of any such common sense. And again I say....WOW!!!! You're not worth the time or trouble so I'll sit back and allow you to copy/paste your definitions so you can pretend to show everyone here how much smarter you are RATHER than deal with the topic. I for one will not continue to be a part of derailing this thread so I'll stay on topic ONLY and reframe from arguing with idiots over insignificant p's and q's.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Am I racist....YES. I believe we all are to some degree (whether we are willing to admit it or not). Do I allow my racism to manifest itself by discriminating or become an active, aggressive pawn of prejudice.

Oy vey! Your initial definition was clearly wrong; racism is not prejudging, racism is the belief in the inherent superiority of one race to another. You even pointed out the keyword you used, "prejudge." That should have been a hint. And then you repeat your incorrect definition. The fact that they are tied together is a little too much for you apparently; my apologies at overestimating your ability.

By your (loose) definition, yes we are all racist because you'll just change the definition to suit your context; quite the liberal position isn't it?

07-24-2013, 03:11 PM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

Most people would say they are NOT racist if asked, And people seem to have different definitions of what that means.

But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

my immediate family. id say no.
Extended I can't think of any but i could easily imagine a few that are. yeah one 2nd cousin.

what about you?

I couldn't name a racist in my immediate family and don't think that there is one but I'm reminded of an article I saw about a black shop owner in England? who put a sign out that said, "yes, I'm black," or some such thing because she experienced people walking out when she was behind the counter but not when her white employee was out front. Are those who walked out, or never walked in, racist? They might say no but if it walks like a duck...

07-24-2013, 03:54 PM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

Most people would say they are NOT racist if asked, And people seem to have different definitions of what that means.

But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

my immediate family. id say no.
Extended I can't think of any but i could easily imagine a few that are. yeah one 2nd cousin.

what about you?Im a little confused I responded to this thread earlier, i understood the quiston to be do you think you have a racist in your family and what do you consider a racist, so how did we get into an argument about the definition?

Robert A Whit
07-24-2013, 04:03 PM
I couldn't name a racist in my immediate family and don't think that there is one but I'm reminded of an article I saw about a black shop owner in England? who put a sign out that said, "yes, I'm black," or some such thing because she experienced people walking out when she was behind the counter but not when her white employee was out front. Are those who walked out, or never walked in, racist? They might say no but if it walks like a duck...

Racism can save your life. Funny how the sole act of walking out means a person is racist. I don't believe that to be true though.

07-24-2013, 04:17 PM
the answers are interesting here. some describe if they are racist, i didn't ask that.
one says EVERYONE is racist
one says Racism is x and it doesn't exist.... but look at y.
one says it's not their job to check their family.
only a few answered the question directly.

What got me thinking about the question a while back was one of the early speeches by Obama on race. and a lot of the comments by whites often started with something about Obama mentioning his white grandma that used racial slurs. and then the commenter would say something like. "we all have people in our family like that. they say things that make you cringe.. " or something along those lines.
Then often following that a comment on how most people are not really racist, racism is overblown.
(racism or prejudice or what ever you want to call treating minorities differently.)

but after a while a thought occurred to me. Whites are still the majority of people in the US.
if one were to take the comments... by whites... above at face value.
"...everyone has a racist in the family..."
that would mean there's probably quite a few racist in the U.S. Even if 20 family members are thinking of the same person. that's a lot of people, Heck let say 100 family members are thinking of the one racist in the clan. that's 1 out of 100 white americans are racist by the standards of their own family.
that's a pretty good size group scattered across the country.
And unlike thieves, rapist, carjackers who 99% of the time will look the part beyond just skin tone,
they may be wearing a suit and tie they maybe, driving the volvo, just standing in the check out line .
If your a minority you might not have the luxury of a distance from that family member and be able to stay away. you might have to work next to that guy or work for him, or try to get a job from, get an education from, or have to buy things from them or unknowingly try to sell something to him/her, they might be your neighbor.

How many times will a minority run into one of these family members and get some ill treatment or slight. and beyond that in business, politics, law enforcement how does that play out? in favor of minorities? Is it not a factor to consider AT ALL?

maybe i'm on the wrong track with this.
it just seemed interesting to try to extrapolate out on what so many were saying.

again the thing that struck me was OK whites are the majority and if everyone has a family member who's racist that's makes for a big group. A group NOT defined by Blacks, Latino's, Asians or Native Americans but by their own family.

is it a stretch? makes you wonder.
people say Racism is not REALLY an issue but if your a minority and you have/have to encounter "that guy at the family reunion who makes you cringe." why would minorities think there' are no racist or basically no racism to be dealt with anymore?

Marcus Aurelius
07-24-2013, 04:41 PM
Racism can save your life. Funny how the sole act of walking out means a person is racist. I don't believe that to be true though.

Didn't save Trayvon Martins life, now did it dumb ass.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-24-2013, 06:16 PM
Racism is the prejudging of another who happens to be a particular race or culture that is or seems objectionable or threatening to another.

Key word: PREJUDGE Prejudging a group that is likely to rob you or otherwise harm you and/or your family is a required skill for survival. HELL YES I am racist then. For I try to judge the people I am around and the safety level for myself and those that I care about. Am I more likely to get robbed or attacked in my area by a black man? Damn straight I am. Am I a racist for knowing that truth ,saying that truth and preparing to defend myself because of that truth. Hell no, not in my book and brother when it comes to my survival and the survival of those I love and will defend my ffing book is the only one that matters! Call me a racist til the cows come home, I do not care. As long as I am alive and have saved myself or others from harm who gives a shat what they are called!?? I damn sure don't and most good Americans I know do not either. Truth can not be racist. Truth just is.. If I have to gun down a man I don't give a damn what damn race or religion he is.. -Tyr

07-25-2013, 07:46 AM
Racism can save your life. Funny how the sole act of walking out means a person is racist. I don't believe that to be true though.

Their action is the method of judging their belief. Of course they could be guilty of bigotry too.

people say Racism is not REALLY an issue but if your a minority and you have/have to encounter "that guy at the family reunion who makes you cringe." why would minorities think there' are no racist or basically no racism to be dealt with anymore?

Point taken but if those subjected to true racism claim racism in many other facets then it will detract from the actual problems.

Prejudging a group that is likely to rob you or otherwise harm you and/or your family is a required skill for survival. HELL YES I am racist then.

Racism would be in why one resorts to prejudice IMO; i.e. if you base it on inherent inferiority instead of crime statistics.

07-25-2013, 09:12 AM
No family members, close or extended, are racist that I know of.

My wife's old boss is. He and I became friends, it wasn't until several years and texting became available that he'd text some racist shit to me. Sort of joking but not if you know what I mean. I told him to stop the racist shit.

I have a neighbor who is. Whenever he brings the shit up I just shake my head and change the subject.

Back in the 70's I worked in Boston, as a drafter-designer. Boston was a racist town, everyone identified themselves with their ethnicity, be it Italian, Irish, Jewish, or what have you.

07-25-2013, 10:13 AM
the answers are interesting here. some describe if they are racist, i didn't ask that.
one says EVERYONE is racist
one says Racism is x and it doesn't exist.... but look at y.
one says it's not their job to check their family.
only a few answered the question directly.

What got me thinking about the question a while back was one of the early speeches by Obama on race. and a lot of the comments by whites often started with something about Obama mentioning his white grandma that used racial slurs. and then the commenter would say something like. "we all have people in our family like that. they say things that make you cringe.. " or something along those lines.
Then often following that a comment on how most people are not really racist, racism is overblown.
(racism or prejudice or what ever you want to call treating minorities differently.)

but after a while a thought occurred to me. Whites are still the majority of people in the US.
if one were to take the comments... by whites... above at face value.
"...everyone has a racist in the family..."
that would mean there's probably quite a few racist in the U.S. Even if 20 family members are thinking of the same person. that's a lot of people, Heck let say 100 family members are thinking of the one racist in the clan. that's 1 out of 100 white americans are racist by the standards of their own family.
that's a pretty good size group scattered across the country.
And unlike thieves, rapist, carjackers who 99% of the time will look the part beyond just skin tone,
they may be wearing a suit and tie they maybe, driving the volvo, just standing in the check out line .
If your a minority you might not have the luxury of a distance from that family member and be able to stay away. you might have to work next to that guy or work for him, or try to get a job from, get an education from, or have to buy things from them or unknowingly try to sell something to him/her, they might be your neighbor.

How many times will a minority run into one of these family members and get some ill treatment or slight. and beyond that in business, politics, law enforcement how does that play out? in favor of minorities? Is it not a factor to consider AT ALL?

maybe i'm on the wrong track with this.
it just seemed interesting to try to extrapolate out on what so many were saying.

again the thing that struck me was OK whites are the majority and if everyone has a family member who's racist that's makes for a big group. A group NOT defined by Blacks, Latino's, Asians or Native Americans but by their own family.

is it a stretch? makes you wonder.
people say Racism is not REALLY an issue but if your a minority and you have/have to encounter "that guy at the family reunion who makes you cringe." why would minorities think there' are no racist or basically no racism to be dealt with anymore?

You failed to mention the racist minorities. And that's not like, 1 in 100. More like, 1 in 2. I am treated like SHIT for being white when I'm in the city.

07-25-2013, 10:34 AM
I run across all kinds of races every day. I judge people on how nice they are.... the character. But, some "races" are nicer than others. And smarter, too. It's not my fault; it's just the way it is.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-25-2013, 10:42 AM
why[/I] one resorts to prejudice IMO; i.e. if you base it on inherent inferiority instead of crime statistics. No one race is inferior to another. All are human. Cultures can be and are inferior based upon several variables . A backward savage group whether it be because of lack of education, religion(muslim) , cultural beliefs etc. is inferior regardless of other factors present. And yes societies can breed inferior people. As inferiority is most often based upon a lack of knowledge and/or low morals. If a highly educated modern man went into the jungles to live with a tribe of savages would he be inferior for adopting many of their ways of survival. Some of which would be an absolute necessity?
So yes , it is a judgment call too. -Tyr

red state
07-25-2013, 11:11 AM
Prejudging a group that is likely to rob you or otherwise harm you and/or your family is a required skill for survival... Truth can not be racist. Truth just is.. If I have to gun down a man I don't give a damn what damn race or religion he is.. -Tyr

I totally agree....my statement was and has been to identify with the mindset of racism that leads to acting upon racism through means of prejudice discrimination. But now that you've brought up profiling....I totally agree that PROFILING is needed to keep us and our families safe just as it must be applied in keeping our Nation safe. If you dress a certain way (be it tacky, immodestly or filthy) I'm going to assume you are the leftist, loose, homeless or trailer-trash type. That is simply a reasonable deduction. If you come in with gold buck teeth, pants down to the knees, speaking in appropriately...I'm gonna PROFILE you as the same garbage that makes up the 50% black/30% hispanic and 20% "OTHER" that make up our prison population. If I'm in a 95% white community with nicely kept yards and streets....I'm likely to enjoy the scenery. If, on the other hand, I'm in a neighborhood with bars on the doors & windows, with the grass knee high and garbage everywhere with houses in bad need of repair....I'm gonna be locked, cocked and ready to rock Doc.....simple, educated deduction (unless you are an ignorant liberal who spends most of their time attempting to debate insignificant things to derail a conversation rather than address the FACTS or stay on the issues).

07-25-2013, 12:41 PM
I run across all kinds of races every day. I judge people on how nice they are.... the character. But, some "races" are nicer than others. And smarter, too. It's not my fault; it's just the way it is.
Well that would be a truly racist thing to say if you are saying that some races are smarter than others strictly because of their race.
I think it's all about culture and values. Asians and Whites do better because of their emphasis on education. If black and hispanics had the same emphasis on education in the home, they would be faring much better in school and entering the middle class in far greater numbers.

07-25-2013, 12:48 PM
Racism, like Beauty is...in the eye of the beholder.

Nobody wants to be labeled as a racist. It just happens because That's the way society has decided it is.

Anyone who insists they ARE NOT racist...instantly IS labeled as a racist.

And anyone who agree's they are racist, but do not want to be. Are also instantly labeled that way.

There is NO way for anyone to avoid being labeled, or identified as such.

It just is. And I do believe. Most of us here know. Education, or the lack of it, determines more about WHO is racist, than not.

07-25-2013, 01:46 PM
Racism, like Beauty is...in the eye of the beholder.

Nobody wants to be labeled as a racist. It just happens because That's the way society has decided it is.

Anyone who insists they ARE NOT racist...instantly IS labeled as a racist.

And anyone who agree's they are racist, but do not want to be. Are also instantly labeled that way.

There is NO way for anyone to avoid being labeled, or identified as such.

It just is. And I do believe. Most of us here know. Education, or the lack of it, determines more about WHO is racist, than not.

Just be racist against racists. Then you're golden. (pun)


07-25-2013, 03:11 PM
Well that would be a truly racist thing to say if you are saying that some races are smarter than others strictly because of their race.
I think it's all about culture and values. Asians and Whites do better because of their emphasis on education. If black and hispanics had the same emphasis on education in the home, they would be faring much better in school and entering the middle class in far greater numbers.Hmmm. So why is it that Africans and Hispanics don't put more emphasis on education, is it someone else's fault, both their country's fall way behind in modernization, or could it be a greater percentage of them are incapable of seeing the benefit of education??

07-25-2013, 03:22 PM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

Most people would say they are NOT racist if asked, And people seem to have different definitions of what that means.

But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

my immediate family. id say no.
Extended I can't think of any but i could easily imagine a few that are. yeah one 2nd cousin.

what about you?

I would say my entire extended family are/were racists. My parents moved three times while I was growing up so that I didn't have to attend any school that had blacks. The high school I attended the first 2 years only had two black people out of approximately 4,000 and they were exchange students from Haiti. I never told my parents. I can't tell you how many arguments I got in to with them and if I had been old enough and bold enough I would have been in the freedom marches.

However, as I have grown older I have little tolerance for trash of any color. When Obama said that people lock their cars and clutch their purses tighter when blacks are around I would have to say yes I do. I also do the same exact behavior if there are grunge punks (of any color), Hell's Angels (or most biker groups), groups of teens and young adults traveling in packs ..... point is that my survival instincts kick in no matter what color if there tends to be something threatening about any individual or group. If this makes me a racist, then I am definitely a racist!

07-25-2013, 03:33 PM
Hmmm. So why is it that Africans and Hispanics don't put more emphasis on education, is it someone else's fault, both their country's fall way behind in modernization, or could it be a greater percentage of them are incapable of seeing the benefit of education??
Different cultures and values. The only thing my hispanic grandmother wanted for my younger female cousin was for her to settle down with a good, hardworking man. There was never any talk of college or careers. The only thing she wanted for me was to find a good hispanic girl to take care of me after seeing the failed relationships I had with "those white girls" as she put it. As for blacks, I can speak for what I have heard from others in that they view education and the middle class as the white man's world and joining that world means you have sold out and become an Uncle Tom.

07-25-2013, 03:47 PM
Different cultures and values. The only thing my hispanic grandmother wanted for my younger female cousin was for her to settle down with a good, hardworking man. There was never any talk of college or careers. The only thing she wanted for me was to find a good hispanic girl to take care of me after seeing the failed relationships I had with "those white girls" as she put it. As for blacks, I can speak for what I have heard from others in that they view education and the middle class as the white man's world and joining that world means you have sold out and become an Uncle Tom. I have to say, i like putting family values ahead of the fast paced, high stress, of continually reaching for more, So how smart is that Hmmm?

07-25-2013, 04:06 PM
I have to say, i like putting family values ahead of the fast paced, high stress, of continually reaching for more, So how smart is that Hmmm?
Who said anything about "fast paced, high stress, of continually reaching for more"? I'm just talking about a decent education and/or a good job/career to provide a solid financial foundation to raise some kids.

07-25-2013, 04:13 PM
Who said anything about "fast paced, high stress, of continually reaching for more"? I'm just talking about a decent education and/or a good job/career to provide a solid financial foundation to raise some kids.The insinuation was that a higher percentage of whites choose the fast paced, high stress option, is that really the smartest choice?

07-25-2013, 04:29 PM
The insinuation was that a higher percentage of whites choose the fast paced, high stress option, is that really the smartest choice?
I was not insinuating that. But in answer to your question, that is not always the smartest choice but neither is aspiring to live in poverty.

Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 06:14 PM
A while back I had a question that thought might be an interesting poll question.

Most people would say they are NOT racist if asked, And people seem to have different definitions of what that means.

But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

my immediate family. id say no.
Extended I can't think of any but i could easily imagine a few that are. yeah one 2nd cousin.

what about you?

Back to the actual topic again ..............

First, some allege a racist feels superior. That does not explain the negro racists. If one tests for racism, let there be no doubt the typical negro is indeed racist. They may deny it, but it is clear by how they act that they are racists.

Nothing is ever their fault. They point the finger at whites. Even Obama gave some speeches where he points at whites.

Bill Cosby took aim at negroes who then disliked him to the point they took aim at him and made racist comments.

Racism is not thinking you are superior. Racism is what saved human lives as man evolved.

I suspect the Neanderthal was not racist if the common story they were wiped out by our race is true.

07-25-2013, 07:17 PM
It seems to me that many are mixing up 'racism,' 'prejudice' and 'street smarts or commonsense.'

Prejudice is fearing or disliking someone based solely on their pigmentation or biological or religious reasons. One doesn't even have to meet them, the opinion is formed.

Racism is prejudice based on race, usually involving hate on the part of the racist. I do not doubt that racists exist, I just haven't personal experience with any.

Profiling on race, sex, age, and numbers to me is the essence of commonsense. I'm pretty sure it was Sassy that earlier said that avoiding groups of young men or young people congregated in any locale, is commonsense. I agree, though I'm certainly not prejudiced against young people or men. Knowing statistically that groups of young men/people hanging around too often lead to the males wanting to impress their peers, especially young women. Picking on a single person, especially someone they view as less able to respond is one way they often seek attention. Again too often, what may start with one young person, can escalate to many if the 'victim' responds.

Far smarter to avoid groups if possible.

Again, profiling can be a survival mechanism if one finds oneself in the midst of an area where they find themselves standing out. That may well be a 'white' person in an area dominated by blacks, Hispanics, Asians, where gangs seem prevalent. It also is an survival instinct for minorities that find themselves in an area dominated by a majority different than themselves, especially regarding traffic laws and police that are on alert for those that don't appear to 'belong.'

Profiling certainly can involve prejudice or racism, but not the norm IMO. Racism involves hate. Prejudice assumes the worst until proven different-it may be wrong but is related to profiling/commonsense.

Prejudice against a 'group,' which could lead to racism is often discarded when individuals break the model. Possible because 'hate' isn't the emotion, rather the unknown or fear.

07-25-2013, 07:21 PM
OK here's my thoughts on the topic. MOST folks are prejudiced not racist.. Now what I mean by that is, most people would rather live and socialize with people who are of the same socioeconomic, religion, value, race as they are. does that make them racist?? NO!! Does it make them a prejudiced? Yes!!

Everyone has "feelings" they get when around others "not like them". This just means a comfort level of how they like to live.. It doesn't mean they are racist...

Throwing around the racist term is just a way for stupid people to get heard!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-25-2013, 08:16 PM
OK here's my thoughts on the topic. MOST folks are prejudiced not racist.. Now what I mean by that is, most people would rather live and socialize with people who are of the same socioeconomic, religion, value, race as they are. does that make them racist?? NO!! Does it make them a prejudiced? Yes!!

Everyone has "feelings" they get when around others "not like them". This just means a comfort level of how they like to live.. It doesn't mean they are racist...

Throwing around the racist term is just a way for stupid people to get heard!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree, to some extent. Truth is, prejudice puts up barriers that may be breached. When one finds that their prejudices do not hold for the individuals, indeed that their values are in common, the gap is bridged.

Not so for racism. That involves closing one's mind to breaching, based upon factors beyond the others control. Hate is irrational, as is racism.

Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 08:52 PM
I agree, to some extent. Truth is, prejudice puts up barriers that may be breached. When one finds that their prejudices do not hold for the individuals, indeed that their values are in common, the gap is bridged.

Not so for racism. That involves closing one's mind to breaching, based upon factors beyond the others control. Hate is irrational, as is racism.

Negros definitely are racists over white people.

Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 09:00 PM
Back to the actual topic again ..............

First, some allege a racist feels superior. That does not explain the negro racists. If one tests for racism, let there be no doubt the typical negro is indeed racist. They may deny it, but it is clear by how they act that they are racists.

Nothing is ever their fault. They point the finger at whites. Even Obama gave some speeches where he points at whites.

Bill Cosby took aim at negroes who then disliked him to the point they took aim at him and made racist comments.

Racism is not thinking you are superior. Racism is what saved human lives as man evolved.

I suspect the Neanderthal was not racist if the common story they were wiped out by our race is true.

That is quite possibly the dumbest thing you have ever said... and there have been some seriously stupid things you've said. Congrats. You've out-dumbed yourself.

Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 09:06 PM
I agree, to some extent. Truth is, prejudice puts up barriers that may be breached. When one finds that their prejudices do not hold for the individuals, indeed that their values are in common, the gap is bridged.

Not so for racism. That involves closing one's mind to breaching, based upon factors beyond the others control. Hate is irrational, as is racism.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Kathianne again.


Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 10:08 PM
It seems to me that many are mixing up 'racism,' 'prejudice' and 'street smarts or commonsense.'

Prejudice is fearing or disliking someone based solely on their pigmentation or biological or religious reasons. One doesn't even have to meet them, the opinion is formed.

Racism is prejudice based on race, usually involving hate on the part of the racist. I do not doubt that racists exist, I just haven't personal experience with any.

Negros feel that way towards white people.

07-25-2013, 10:15 PM
Negros feel that way towards white people.

You prove the truism: Those that hate are met with the same.

Robert A Whit
07-25-2013, 10:19 PM
You prove the truism: Those that hate are met with the same.

Hate? I have never claimed to hate anybody. Don't you realize the negroes are as you described?

Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 11:58 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Kathianne http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654016#post654016)
It seems to me that many are mixing up 'racism,' 'prejudice' and 'street smarts or commonsense.'

Prejudice is fearing or disliking someone based solely on their pigmentation or biological or religious reasons. One doesn't even have to meet them, the opinion is formed.

Racism is prejudice based on race, usually involving hate on the part of the racist. I do not doubt that racists exist, I just haven't personal experience with any.
Negros feel that way towards white people.

Who elected you to speak for all African Americans?

07-26-2013, 12:55 AM
But I wonder, how many people here would say they know of at least one racist in there family? Immediate or extended.

My paternal grandfather was one of the most blatant racists ever. He grew up in Dallas, Texas, fought in WWII and generally blamed the faults of the world on blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Asians and pretty much anyone who wasn't white. When his two sons married immigrants, he disowned them and moved to South Carolina.

07-26-2013, 01:17 AM
My dad was prejudiced against blacks. He didn't like those he didn't know. Of course, that was all except 3. He liked those 3, he'd agree to that. Indeed he'd bought and taken beers with them. While their nominal 'boss,' he acknowledge to them and the other bosses, they knew as much as he. When there came a time the company was going to lay off folks, my dad wasn't among those worried. When the axe came for his buddies, he stood with them. None of them were let go, they needed my dad for sales. My dad needed his 'friends' for quality assurance of steel product. It wasn't all about friendship, certainly not altruistic, neither of which negates the relationship between the men.

07-26-2013, 06:44 AM
My paternal grandfather was one of the most blatant racists ever. He grew up in Dallas, Texas, fought in WWII and generally blamed the faults of the world on blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Asians and pretty much anyone who wasn't white. When his two sons married immigrants, he disowned them and moved to South Carolina.
sorry for your family there Gab.
But this reminded me of something.
At my 1st real Job there was a secretary i got to know. At the time she was dating a black guy, she was white. She told me about the drama it caused in her family. She fell in love with the guy but her whole family was against it, her father the most. She said the weirdest part of That was, her father and the boyfriend were so much alike. they liked the same sports teams had some of the same hobbies and similar values. She was "disowned" when they married. The guys family accepted her apparently without issues, the guys mother seemed especially affectionate and a big comfort to her.
She told me years later that she had been invited to a family cook out of a sibling. she went with her 2 young children. She was treated cooly but not badly. One of her sisters or cousins said something to her like "well, at least you have 2 beautiful kids out of it" .
To my knowledge her father never warmed up at all.

It seems in the US 15% of new marriages are mixed race of some kind. Black+White, White+Asian, Black+Asian, Latinos+White etc.

07-26-2013, 06:51 AM
Earth to Robert: stop using the word "negro". Use "black". And stop pretending you know what or how people think because the color of the skin that God made for them.

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 07:17 AM
Earth to Robert: stop using the word "negro". Use "black". And stop pretending you know what or how people think because the color of the skin that God made for them.

He's a racist. He can't help it.

07-26-2013, 07:28 AM
Back to the actual topic again ..............

First, some allege a racist feels superior. That does not explain the negro racists. If one tests for racism, let there be no doubt the typical negro is indeed racist. They may deny it, but it is clear by how they act that they are racists.

Nothing is ever their fault. They point the finger at whites. Even Obama gave some speeches where he points at whites.

That is the basic definition and it does explain negro racists if that is what they believe. I would suggest that what you describe is something else such as bigotry.

07-26-2013, 07:35 AM
I agree, to some extent. Truth is, prejudice puts up barriers that may be breached. When one finds that their prejudices do not hold for the individuals, indeed that their values are in common, the gap is bridged.

Not so for racism. That involves closing one's mind to breaching, based upon factors beyond the others control. Hate is irrational, as is racism.

A neighborhood friend told me about his living-in-the-deep-South Granddad who disliked blacks and one day two black guys came to the door - a service project as I recall - and, long story short, exchanged letters until the day he died. Did it change his overall view, tough to say, but proves your point I believe that barriers can be breached.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 12:59 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Kathianne http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654023#post654023)
I agree, to some extent. Truth is, prejudice puts up barriers that may be breached. When one finds that their prejudices do not hold for the individuals, indeed that their values are in common, the gap is bridged.

Not so for racism. That involves closing one's mind to breaching, based upon factors beyond the others control. Hate is irrational, as is racism.

A neighborhood friend told me about his living-in-the-deep-South Granddad who disliked blacks and one day two black guys came to the door - a service project as I recall - and, long story short, exchanged letters until the day he died. Did it change his overall view, tough to say, but proves your point I believe that barriers can be breached.

There are a lot of dead whites who were not prejudiced.

Prejudice has actually kept humans alive. The idea that it is confined to just negroes as one party is not true. Some semitic people's have lost far more lives to prejudice than negroes in the USA.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 01:20 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Robert A Whit http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654000#post654000)
Back to the actual topic again ..............

First, some allege a racist feels superior. That does not explain the negro racists. If one tests for racism, let there be no doubt the typical negro is indeed racist. They may deny it, but it is clear by how they act that they are racists.

Nothing is ever their fault. They point the finger at whites. Even Obama gave some speeches where he points at whites.

That is the basic definition and it does explain negro racists if that is what they believe. I would suggest that what you describe is something else such as bigotry.

By the media or politicians and the public, just how often do you hear a negro called a racist?

Strikes me as a fallacy that it is whites being racists.

07-26-2013, 01:38 PM
There are a lot of dead whites who were not prejudiced.

Prejudice has actually kept humans alive. The idea that it is confined to just negroes as one party is not true. Some semitic people's have lost far more lives to prejudice than negroes in the USA.

Considering that no one is really making that argument...

By the media or politicians and the public, just how often do you hear a negro called a racist?

Strikes me as a fallacy that it is whites being racists.

I hear racism thrown out quite a bit, it's just that no one uses it properly any more. Call me a strict constructionist.

07-26-2013, 01:41 PM
Considering that no one is really making that argument...

I hear racism thrown out quite a bit, it's just that no one uses it properly any more. Call me a strict constructionist.

Everybody reading this. Throw all of your books away. Forget everything you've ever been taught, or learned.

FJ is the sole source of everything who decides who, what, when, where, and how Everyone else should think, speak, or learn.

It's over folks. FJ actually is convinced. He is the second coming of the Messiah...OBAMA.

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 01:46 PM
By the media or politicians and the public, just how often do you hear a negro called a racist?

Strikes me as a fallacy that it is whites being racists.

coming from the board white racist, that's laughable.

07-26-2013, 01:51 PM
FJ is the sole source...

Actually I was sourcing Messr.s Merriam and Webster; Do you have an issue with them? IIRC Neal Boortz has made a similar statement.

07-26-2013, 02:07 PM
Actually I was sourcing Messr.s Merriam and Webster; Do you have an issue with them? IIRC Neal Boortz has made a similar statement.

I only have an issue with your FALSE Lincoln statement in your signature. Everything else you say is just the result of being a snob.

07-26-2013, 02:33 PM
I only have an issue with your FALSE Lincoln statement in your signature. Everything else you say is just the result of being a snob.

Well that explains a lot.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 02:48 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by aboutime http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654211#post654211)
I only have an issue with your FALSE Lincoln statement in your signature. Everything else you say is just the result of being a snob.

Well that explains a lot.

He keeps posting that they are coming to take him away. When will they arrive?:laugh::laugh:

07-26-2013, 02:56 PM
Different cultures and values. The only thing my hispanic grandmother wanted for my younger female cousin was for her to settle down with a good, hardworking man. There was never any talk of college or careers. The only thing she wanted for me was to find a good hispanic girl to take care of me after seeing the failed relationships I had with "those white girls" as she put it. As for blacks, I can speak for what I have heard from others in that they view education and the middle class as the white man's world and joining that world means you have sold out and become an Uncle Tom.

My son was recently required to read Uncle Tom's Cabin and I wish every black person out there slighting other blacks and calling them uncle Tom's had to read the book. He was a caring/selfless character in the book, and a person more people could aspire to be like.

It's a shame blacks see education as a "white" thing, since that attitude will only hold them down.

As far as the racism question that was posed. I think everyone is prejudice to some extent. Most people hang around with and are friends with people from their same social, economic and racial background because those are the people they are most comfortable with. They don't have to explain themselves because they grew up the same way.

Personally I don't have a whole lot of use for ignorant people of any color, and people who live off the government annoy me. I have worked with some very nice black people, but they have still seemed to have a group mentality that I just don't understand. I've never noticed that in Hispanics or the few Asians I know.

07-26-2013, 02:59 PM
He keeps posting that they are coming to take him away. When will they arrive?:laugh::laugh:

Robert. After THEY....drop you off first.

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 03:00 PM
My son was recently required to read Uncle Tom's Cabin and I wish every black person out there slighting other blacks and calling them uncle Tom's had to read the book. He was a caring/selfless character in the book, and a person more people could aspire to be like.

It's a shame blacks see education as a "white" thing, since that attitude will only hold them down.

As far as the racism question that was posed. I think everyone is prejudice to some extent. Most people hang around with and are friends with people from their same social, economic and racial background because those are the people they are most comfortable with. They don't have to explain themselves because they grew up the same way.

Personally I don't have a whole lot of use for ignorant people of any color, and people who live off the government annoy me. I have worked with some very nice black people, but they have still seemed to have a group mentality that I just don't understand. I've never noticed that in Hispanics or the few Asians I know.

I'd add the word 'some' in there personally.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 03:05 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Thunderknuckles http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=653964#post653964)
Different cultures and values. The only thing my hispanic grandmother wanted for my younger female cousin was for her to settle down with a good, hardworking man. There was never any talk of college or careers. The only thing she wanted for me was to find a good hispanic girl to take care of me after seeing the failed relationships I had with "those white girls" as she put it. As for blacks, I can speak for what I have heard from others in that they view education and the middle class as the white man's world and joining that world means you have sold out and become an Uncle Tom.

My son was recently required to read Uncle Tom's Cabin and I wish every black person out there slighting other blacks and calling them uncle Tom's had to read the book. He was a caring/selfless character in the book, and a person more people could aspire to be like.

It's a shame blacks see education as a "white" thing, since that attitude will only hold them down.

As far as the racism question that was posed. I think everyone is prejudice to some extent. Most people hang around with and are friends with people from their same social, economic and racial background because those are the people they are most comfortable with. They don't have to explain themselves because they grew up the same way.

Personally I don't have a whole lot of use for ignorant people of any color, and people who live off the government annoy me. I have worked with some very nice black people, but they have still seemed to have a group mentality that I just don't understand. I've never noticed that in Hispanics or the few Asians I know.

This country will start to heal once they understand that racism is quite natural and if the group alleging whites are racists will wake up, they hold the keys to blending themselves in and no longer having an excuse to claim others are racists.

Either it is part of our genetics or some other scientific reason, but racism promoted tribe A
not being eliminated by tribe B. Nature is at fault if anything is.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 03:08 PM
Poor AT

So senile he forgot to mention it is only him claiming they are coming to take him away. But Robert never said they are coming to get Robert so AT can stick to his act all he wants to, but he said they are coming to get him. And they won't be coming for me ever.

07-26-2013, 03:15 PM
Poor AT

So senile he forgot to mention it is only him claiming they are coming to take him away. But Robert never said they are coming to get Robert so AT can stick to his act all he wants to, but he said they are coming to get him. And they won't be coming for me ever.

Why would they need to come for you Robert. Just put a lid on it, and they'd miss you...5314forever.

Marcus Aurelius
07-26-2013, 03:18 PM
This country will start to heal once they understand that racism is quite natural and if the group alleging whites are racists will wake up, they hold the keys to blending themselves in and no longer having an excuse to claim others are racists.

Either it is part of our genetics or some other scientific reason, but racism promoted tribe A
not being eliminated by tribe B. Nature is at fault if anything is.

racist prick.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 03:22 PM
Some of us are old enough to recall that cartoon strip titled Mutt and Jeff.

As tight as they are, I dub Marcuss Mutt and his sidekick Abouttime as Jeff.


07-26-2013, 03:24 PM
Some of us are old enough to recall that cartoon strip titled Mutt and Jeff.

As tight as they are, I dub Marcuss Mutt and his sidekick Abouttime as Jeff.

Wow! I don't care what anybody says about that. That there is sum funny stuff....5315. Musta tooken Robert ALL DAY to come up wit dat! Guuuud on ya, Robert.

Robert A Whit
07-26-2013, 03:28 PM
Wow! I don't care what anybody says about that. That there is sum funny stuff....5315. Musta tooken Robert ALL DAY to come up wit dat! Guuuud on ya, Robert.

Well, I spent less time than you spent with your they are coming to take you away funny stuff.

07-26-2013, 03:30 PM
Well, I spent less time than you spent with your they are coming to take you away funny stuff.

Wunderfull stuff dare Robert. Pleez go on.

07-26-2013, 03:33 PM
Wunderfull stuff dare Robert. Pleez go on.


Irony; it's pretty cool when used properly.

07-27-2013, 01:11 AM
My son was recently required to read Uncle Tom's Cabin and I wish every black person out there slighting other blacks and calling them uncle Tom's had to read the book. He was a caring/selfless character in the book, and a person more people could aspire to be like.

It's a shame blacks see education as a "white" thing, since that attitude will only hold them down.

As far as the racism question that was posed. I think everyone is prejudice to some extent. Most people hang around with and are friends with people from their same social, economic and racial background because those are the people they are most comfortable with. They don't have to explain themselves because they grew up the same way.

Personally I don't have a whole lot of use for ignorant people of any color, and people who live off the government annoy me. I have worked with some very nice black people, but they have still seemed to have a group mentality that I just don't understand. I've never noticed that in Hispanics or the few Asians I know.

I'm less than an hour out of Chicago, where too many black youth do find 'education' a white thing. However, I live and teach in areas with a significant black population, meaning greater than 2% and less than 5%, Yes, I'm giving parameters.

Those 'kids' are a product for the most part of the suburbs they are living in and the parents that chose to live in those suburbs. Their parents, like most of their classmates have college degrees for at least one parent, the other degreed or having some college. Many of their parents have advanced degrees. No shocker, these kids do exceptionally well on standardized tests.

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 04:20 PM
I'm less than an hour out of Chicago, where too many black youth do find 'education' a white thing. However, I live and teach in areas with a significant black population, meaning greater than 2% and less than 5%, Yes, I'm giving parameters.

Those 'kids' are a product for the most part of the suburbs they are living in and the parents that chose to live in those suburbs. Their parents, like most of their classmates have college degrees for at least one parent, the other degreed or having some college. Many of their parents have advanced degrees. No shocker, these kids do exceptionally well on standardized tests.

I have never doubted that as many as 5 percent of blacks do very well and are fine parents and have fine families with children who do well in school. But that other percent, they cause the problems for the 5 percent.

Marcus Aurelius
07-27-2013, 04:25 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Kathianne http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654320#post654320)
I'm less than an hour out of Chicago, where too many black youth do find 'education' a white thing. However, I live and teach in areas with a significant black population, meaning greater than 2% and less than 5%, Yes, I'm giving parameters.

Those 'kids' are a product for the most part of the suburbs they are living in and the parents that chose to live in those suburbs. Their parents, like most of their classmates have college degrees for at least one parent, the other degreed or having some college. Many of their parents have advanced degrees. No shocker, these kids do exceptionally well on standardized tests.

I have never doubted that as many as 5 percent of blacks do very well and are fine parents and have fine families with children who do well in school. But that other percent, they cause the problems for the 5 percent.

Only a complete racist would take Kathianne's comment about living in an area with a 2% to 5% black population, and convert that into that racist crap you just spewed about how 95% of blacks cause problems.

You disgust me.

Robert A Whit
07-27-2013, 04:31 PM
Only a complete racist would take Kathianne's comment about living in an area with a 2% to 5% black population, and convert that into that racist crap you just spewed about how 95% of blacks cause problems.

You disgust me.

Pound salt. Stop harassing me.

Marcus Aurelius
07-27-2013, 04:51 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654406#post654406)
Only a complete racist would take Kathianne's comment about living in an area with a 2% to 5% black population, and convert that into that racist crap you just spewed about how 95% of blacks cause problems.

You disgust me.

Pound salt. Stop harassing me.

Stop making overtly racist comments. Dumb ass.

07-28-2013, 12:24 PM
I'd add the word 'some' in there personally.Actually if you look at the numbers I would say "MOST" not some... If it was only some then we wouldn't be having this discussion, now since I feel it is most and numbers mete that out you can go ahead and call me a racist...:thumb:

07-28-2013, 12:27 PM
Only a complete racist would take Kathianne's comment about living in an area with a 2% to 5% black population, and convert that into that racist crap you just spewed about how 95% of blacks cause problems.

You disgust me.To use your favorite term "dumb ass" 75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes...... Tell me how that works out to a proper family life and a willingness to overcome the status quo???

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 01:08 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654406#post654406)
Only a complete racist would take Kathianne's comment about living in an area with a 2% to 5% black population, and convert that into that racist crap you just spewed about how 95% of blacks cause problems.

To use your favorite term "dumb ass" 75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes...... Tell me how that works out to a proper family life and a willingness to overcome the status quo???

I hope you don't expect a decent reply back. As the crickets chirp.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 01:15 PM
To use your favorite term "dumb ass" 75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes...... Tell me how that works out to a proper family life and a willingness to overcome the status quo???

credible link?

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 01:17 PM
I hope you don't expect a decent reply back. As the crickets chirp.

Since when does a racist prick like you get to tell me when I have to respond, or who I have to respond to?

07-28-2013, 01:53 PM
credible link?here ya go.. go to page 43 it has the info you are looking for. I could have posted a ton of sites but I know you wouldn't have accepted any of them. So I did a little work for you and found it from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that way YOU can not say its biased.....


Here is a screen shot of the info in question..


Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 01:59 PM
here ya go.. go to page 43 it has the info you are looking for. I could have posted a ton of sites but I know you wouldn't have accepted any of them. So I did a little work for you and found it from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that way YOU can not say its biased.....


Here is a screen shot of the info in question..


First, page 43 states Births to unmarried mothers for blacks at 72.1 Percent.

Second, you said "75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes".

Your math differs from your source. Additionally, you are 'assuming' that all unmarried mothers have no fathers in their children's lives. That's a fairly large assumption.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:01 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654630#post654630)
credible link?

here ya go.. go to page 43 it has the info you are looking for. I could have posted a ton of sites but I know you wouldn't have accepted any of them. So I did a little work for you and found it from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that way YOU can not say its biased.....


Here is a screen shot of the info in question..

http://www.debatepolicy.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5318&d=1375037579&thumb=1 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5318&d=1375037579)

Last edited by Nukeman; Today at 11:54 AM.

Think it will get him to admit he is wrong? Nope, he will hang his hat on you being a couple points off and missing the entire point.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:04 PM
Think it will get him to admit he is wrong? Nope, he will hang his hat on you being a couple points off and missing the entire point.

A... for the love of od, learn to use the quote feature.

B... I already showed his math was off, and that he was making a fairly large assumption, dumb ass.

07-28-2013, 02:05 PM
First, page 43 states Births to unmarried mothers for blacks at 72.1 Percent.

Second, you said "75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes".

Your math differs from your source. Additionally, you are 'assuming' that all unmarried mothers have no fathers in their children's lives. That's a fairly large assumption.
Dude do a little research for yourself. Don't split hairs with me over 2.9% when you are already talking 72.1% in 2010. I am quite certain that it has increased as it has for EVERY OTHER YEAR!!!!!! Hey you put your head in the sand and say its all right for children to be born out of wedlock and continue to let the black community flounder and decay, but hey it must be the white mans fault.. Yep no reason to believe it might originate in the HOME and no father figure to help raise all those little bastard children out there..

Fact don't lie and the decline of the black family and community skyrocketed after the 1960's with the welfare system and the demise of the family unit.. You can deny it all you want and like I said shove your head in the sand and blame others for all the ills in the black community, that is everyone except blacks....

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:10 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654660#post654660)
First, page 43 states Births to unmarried mothers for blacks at 72.1 Percent.

Second, you said "75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes".

Your math differs from your source. Additionally, you are 'assuming' that all unmarried mothers have no fathers in their children's lives. That's a fairly large assumption.

Dude do a little research for yourself. Don't split hairs with me over 2.9% when you are already talking 72.1% in 2010. I am quite certain that it has increased as it has for EVERY OTHER YEAR!!!!!! Hey you put your head in the sand and say its all right for children to be born out of wedlock and continue to let the black community flounder and decay, but hey it must be the white mans fault.. Yep no reason to believe it might originate in the HOME and no father figure to help raise all those little bastard children out there..

Fact don't lie and the decline of the black family and community skyrocketed after the 1960's with the welfare system and the demise of the family unit.. You can deny it all you want and like I said shove your head in the sand and blame others for all the ills in the black community, that is everyone except blacks....

Well done Nukeman. His tactic is to try to bait you to say something that he then will find some figure he likes then claim you lied.

As I said after your post, above, it is what I expected from him.

It looks bad for blacks but that is something he totally struck out on. But don't worry, it is not their fault. It is somebody elses fault.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:13 PM
I apologize Marcus that you don't understand what you said vs what others said and can't deal with plain old english and a cut and paste of an entire page.

I really feel sorry that you claim to be smart but don't understand plain english.

07-28-2013, 02:14 PM
First, page 43 states Births to unmarried mothers for blacks at 72.1 Percent.

Second, you said "75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes".

Your math differs from your source. Additionally, you are 'assuming' that all unmarried mothers have no fathers in their children's lives. That's a fairly large assumption.
Here let me put your littel nit-picking into perspective shall I??

72.1% = 721 out of 1000 born to unwed black women
75.0% = 750 out of 1000 born to unwed black women.

Wow just wow you are going to split hairs over 29 births out of 1000.. You are some kind of stupid aren't you!!!!!

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:14 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654660#post654660)
First, page 43 states Births to unmarried mothers for blacks at 72.1 Percent.

Second, you said "75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes".

Your math differs from your source. Additionally, you are 'assuming' that all unmarried mothers have no fathers in their children's lives. That's a fairly large assumption.

Dude do a little research for yourself. Don't split hairs with me over 2.9% when you are already talking 72.1% in 2010. I am quite certain that it has increased as it has for EVERY OTHER YEAR!!!!!! Hey you put your head in the sand and say its all right for children to be born out of wedlock and continue to let the black community flounder and decay, but hey it must be the white mans fault.. Yep no reason to believe it might originate in the HOME and no father figure to help raise all those little bastard children out there..

Fact don't lie and the decline of the black family and community skyrocketed after the 1960's with the welfare system and the demise of the family unit.. You can deny it all you want and like I said shove your head in the sand and blame others for all the ills in the black community, that is everyone except blacks....

Please show me where I said that.

All I said was you're taking a statistic about the marital status at birth, and assuming there is never a father figure in the picture at all, ever, after that. That is a fairly large assumption.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:16 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654660#post654660)
First, page 43 states Births to unmarried mothers for blacks at 72.1 Percent.

Second, you said "75% of all black children are born to fatherless homes".

Your math differs from your source. Additionally, you are 'assuming' that all unmarried mothers have no fathers in their children's lives. That's a fairly large assumption.

Here let me put your littel nit-picking into perspective shall I??

72.1% = 721 out of 1000 born to unwed black women
75.0% = 750 out of 1000 born to unwed black women.

Wow just wow you are going to split hairs over 29 births out of 1000.. You are some kind of stupid aren't you!!!!!

I bolded, marked in red, and underlined the most important part of my post, since you appear to be pulling a Robert and ignored it.

07-28-2013, 02:19 PM
Please show me where I said that.

All I said was you're taking a statistic about the marital status at birth, and assuming there is never a father figure in the picture at all, ever, after that. That is a fairly large assumption.
If it was a HUGE assumption the black community wouldn't be in the mess it is today!! That my friend is a fact!! IF and I say IF there were more father figures in the black community and by father figure I mean someone who is more than a freaking sperm donor we wouldn't have the rampant "thug" lifestyle glorified by young black men and we sure as hell wouldn't have the total lack of respect for black women that black men seem to show... Like I have said before "STUFF YOUR HEAD BACK IN THE SAND" It must be rosy in there for you to keep it there!!!!

07-28-2013, 02:21 PM
I bolded, marked in red, and underlined the most important part of my post, since you appear to be pulling a Robert and ignored it.
And you seem to be nitpicking and missing the giant pink elephant in the room. So don't throw shit at me my friend when YOU do the EXACT thing you accuse others of doing!!!!!!

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 02:28 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654675#post654675)
Please show me where I said that.

All I said was you're taking a statistic about the marital status at birth, and assuming there is never a father figure in the picture at all, ever, after that. That is a fairly large assumption.

If it was a HUGE assumption the black community wouldn't be in the mess it is today!! That my friend is a fact!! IF and I say IF there were more father figures in the black community and by father figure I mean someone who is more than a freaking sperm donor we wouldn't have the rampant "thug" lifestyle glorified by young black men and we sure as hell wouldn't have the total lack of respect for black women that black men seem to show... Like I have said before "STUFF YOUR HEAD BACK IN THE SAND" It must be rosy in there for you to keep it there!!!!

No, his aim is to show you he does not agree with you but don't worry, it is entirely your fault and not his.

Your point, as you say is the plight of the blacks has a lot to do with family. How the hell can a woman with a half dozen kids who has slept with 50 blacks and had 6 father her kids call that a family. The children she bears Got a fast lesson in motherhood.

As they grow up, girls are to be used.

TV shows are devoted to this topic. But perhaps he does not know of them.

I have seen many black women come on TV and insist that some negro is the father of her kid. She does a huge song and dance and the DNA comes back the guy she blames, is not the father. And she runs out of the TV stage area and says maybe she knows who the real father is.

This is not sad, it is tragic. What is going on is that these types are multiplying. So fast that they already make up most of the black population having kids.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:29 PM
If it was a HUGE assumption the black community wouldn't be in the mess it is today!! That my friend is a fact!! IF and I say IF there were more father figures in the black community and by father figure I mean someone who is more than a freaking sperm donor we wouldn't have the rampant "thug" lifestyle glorified by young black men and we sure as hell wouldn't have the total lack of respect for black women that black men seem to show... Like I have said before "STUFF YOUR HEAD BACK IN THE SAND" It must be rosy in there for you to keep it there!!!!

you seem to be laboring under the misunderstanding that I completely disagree. I don't.

I am simply pointing out that a 72.1% rate of 'unwed mother births' does NOT correlate exactly to a 72.1% rate of 'fatherless home for the life of a child'. Is the number of fatherless homes in the black community high? Quite probably. But to correlate the two statistics exactly is, regardless of how you 'feel' about it... an assumption.

07-28-2013, 02:33 PM
you seem to be laboring under the misunderstanding that I completely disagree. I don't.

I am simply pointing out that a 72.1% rate of 'unwed mother births' does NOT correlate exactly to a 72.1% rate of 'fatherless home for the life of a child'. Is the number of fatherless homes in the black community high? Quite probably. But to correlate the two statistics exactly is, regardless of how you 'feel' about it... an assumption.It may be an assumption but it is a VALID assumption. Just for simplicity sake we say that out of the 72.1%, 60% are completely fatherless. That is a HUGE number of children growing up with out a proper roll model and guidance to show women and others the respect they need and deserve.....

It is an epidemic that needs a cure and fixed, and the "race baiters" out there need to clean their own freaking houses instead of blaming others for all the ills of the black community!!!!

07-28-2013, 02:33 PM
you seem to be laboring under the misunderstanding that I completely disagree. I don't.

I am simply pointing out that a 72.1% rate of 'unwed mother births' does NOT correlate exactly to a 72.1% rate of 'fatherless home for the life of a child'. Is the number of fatherless homes in the black community high? Quite probably. But to correlate the two statistics exactly is, regardless of how you 'feel' about it... an assumption.


What pray tell is the difference? There's no dad in either of those. Look at your profile picture, and accept that you're a dumbass.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:38 PM
And you seem to be nitpicking and missing the giant pink elephant in the room. So don't throw shit at me my friend when YOU do the EXACT thing you accuse others of doing!!!!!!

If you feel I am being unfair to you, or breaking a rule, you have the power to do something about it.

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:39 PM

What pray tell is the difference? There's no dad in either of those. Look at your profile picture, and accept that you're a dumbass.

Does unwed at time of birth always, 100% of the time, mean there is never a father in the child's life from that moment forward?

Marcus Aurelius
07-28-2013, 02:41 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=654690#post654690)
you seem to be laboring under the misunderstanding that I completely disagree. I don't.

I am simply pointing out that a 72.1% rate of 'unwed mother births' does NOT correlate exactly to a 72.1% rate of 'fatherless home for the life of a child'. Is the number of fatherless homes in the black community high? Quite probably. But to correlate the two statistics exactly is, regardless of how you 'feel' about it... an assumption.

It may be an assumption but it is a VALID assumption. Just for simplicity sake we say that out of the 72.1%, 60% are completely fatherless. That is a HUGE number of children growing up with out a proper roll model and guidance to show women and others the respect they need and deserve.....

It is an epidemic that needs a cure and fixed, and the "race baiters" out there need to clean their own freaking houses instead of blaming others for all the ills of the black community!!!!

Point 1... Possibly. I'm not convinced though.

Point 2... I assume you're referring to the Jesse Freakin Jackson's and the Al 'Tawana Brawley' Sharpton's of the world? I agree.

07-28-2013, 03:13 PM
Illegitimacy rates have been rising for all groups for years now. Funny how more and better birth control hasn't worked in favor of lowering. Could it be that the removal of stigmas to such is more a factor than not? Could it be a 'safety net' for single mothers and their children has made it possible for such an increase in percentages?

Until 'The War on Poverty' black illegitimacy rates were no higher, indeed often lower than white rates. Why? Could it be that the more wealthy could afford to help their wayward daughters? That adoptions were more likely of white infants?

All that side topic aside, my point earlier was that regardless of skin color or ethnic background, socioeconomic factors and common mores are more likely to find similar outcomes within a given area.

Kids from intact families, even single and blended families, inculcated with successful values will likely be prepared to succeed in school and after. When one is raised towards self-discipline, one has begun a more promising future.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 03:19 PM
Illegitimacy rates have been rising for all groups for years now. Funny how more and better birth control hasn't worked in favor of lowering. Could it be that the removal of stigmas to such is more a factor than not? Could it be a 'safety net' for single mothers and their children has made it possible for such an increase in percentages?

Until 'The War on Poverty' black illegitimacy rates were no higher, indeed often lower than white rates. Why? Could it be that the more wealthy could afford to help their wayward daughters? That adoptions were more likely of white infants?

All that side topic aside, my point earlier was that regardless of skin color or ethnic background, socioeconomic factors and common mores are more likely to find similar outcomes within a given area.

Kids from intact families, even single and blended families, inculcated with successful values will likely be prepared to succeed in school and after. When one is raised towards self-discipline, one has begun a more promising future.

Rising yes. But blacks who have kids and are not married are at a much higher rate than whites. And of course the society changes I blame on democrats account for those changes.

07-28-2013, 03:19 PM
If it was a HUGE assumption the black community wouldn't be in the mess it is today!! That my friend is a fact!! IF and I say IF there were more father figures in the black community and by father figure I mean someone who is more than a freaking sperm donor we wouldn't have the rampant "thug" lifestyle glorified by young black men and we sure as hell wouldn't have the total lack of respect for black women that black men seem to show... Like I have said before "STUFF YOUR HEAD BACK IN THE SAND" It must be rosy in there for you to keep it there!!!!

I agree in the main about lack of males in poor areas, it is perhaps the overwhelming cause of a lack of discipline and work ethic in those areas.

It's not a race thing though, with nearing 40% illegitimacy rates within Caucasians, much of the same problems exist.

Making males the punchline of jokes and irrelevant to families has not served males or families or society well.

Hey, there's a book on this:


Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 03:29 PM
I agree in the main about lack of males in poor areas, it is perhaps the overwhelming cause of a lack of discipline and work ethic in those areas.

It's not a race thing though, with nearing 40% illegitimacy rates within Caucasians, much of the same problems exist.

Making males the punchline of jokes and irrelevant to families has not served males or families or society well.

Hey, there's a book on this:


Why don't they do as you do and not blame it on race when it comes to prisoners held for crimes?

Blacks claim they get picked on.

07-28-2013, 03:40 PM
Put the thread back on track, facts only. Next one to start shit gets removed from thread, and if someone engages in return before I get to the thread, they get removed too.

07-28-2013, 04:33 PM
If you feel I am being unfair to you, or breaking a rule, you have the power to do something about it.

Please argue the merits of a post, or even semantics, or discuss differences - but please leave moderation out of the discussions, even if indirect.