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Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 12:02 PM
Two takes on Obama's recent Knox College speech...


Jared Bernstein: Fmr. Obama administration economist; CNBC and MSNBC contributor

I thought the president gave a resonant and powerful speech today, as he often does when he's covering this material on the road. The analysis flowed insightfully from diagnosis to prescription, with a correct and strong emphasis on how the economy and policy has changed over recent decades in ways that exacerbate the disconnect between middle-class prosperity and the economy's growth.
The policy agenda emphasized clean energy, infrastructure, manufacturing jobs, education (pre-K and community college), college affordability, affordable health care, help with refis, savings incentives for retirement, and help for vulnerable cities/neighborhoods. It notably did not dwell on debt, deficits, and austerity...



Nile Gardiner: is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. A former aide to Margaret Thatcher, Gardiner has served as a foreign policy adviser to two US presidential campaigns. He appears frequently on American and British television, including Fox News Channel, BBC, and Fox Business Network.

Today’s speech at Knox College, Illinois (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2013/07/24/transcript-obamas-remarks-on-middle-class-prosperity/), was supposed to be the president’s come-back moment, the first of a series of addresses aimed at retaking the initiative by the White House. Instead it was a train-wreck. In an hour-long address, which seemed to last forever (and par for course started 15 minutes late), the president spoke in deeply partisan terms, often with bitterness and anger, lambasting his political opponents, dismissing criticism of his policies, and launching into his favourite theme of class warfare, attacking the wealthy and what he calls the “winner takes all economy.” In a display of extraordinary arrogance (even by his standards), he condemned what he called “an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals,” a direct reference to the Congressional investigations into the IRS and Benghazi scandals, which most Americans don’t see as phony (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/institutes-and-centers/polling-institute/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=1899). He also defended his increasingly unpopular Obamacare proposals, attacking what he calls “a politically-motivated misinformation campaign,” while failing to acknowledge that moderate Democrats are “steadily turning against Obamacare” as The Washington Post reported today (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2013/07/23/moderate-democrats-are-quitting-on-obamacare/).

This was a highly defensive speech, with President Obama in full campaign mode. There were no fresh ideas, just a tired rehash of earlier campaign rhetoric. It was also another love letter to big government, with a clarion call for yet more federal spending on environmental measures, infrastructure, manufacturing, and a laundry list of liberal pet causes. There was not a word about reducing the burden of government regulation, and getting bureaucracy off the backs of entrepreneurs. His speech promised more government spending at a time when America’s national debt is approaching a staggering $17 trillion. He rejected tax cuts, and bashed the rich, at times sounding more like Francois Hollande than the leader of the free world.

Were they even at the same speech?

07-25-2013, 12:48 PM
It's funny to see how people on polar opposites of the political scale view a presidential speech.

07-25-2013, 12:52 PM
Two takes on Obama's recent Knox College speech...




Were they even at the same speech?

Marcus. Like everything else around us today. And, in reference to the thread about RACISTS.
We all know. ANYONE who says anything negative about Obama, and his Speech...IS, and MUST BE a Racist.
Which explains why people falsely claim to admire Obama, and his speech...even if they weren't there to hear it in person.
If anyone who supports, or voted for Obama dares to offer any kind of negative opinion....better known as telling the TRUTH about Obama. They are instantly the target of those who MUST defend Obama, without exception. All because they FEAR being labeled as a Racist.
Nothing more, nothing less.

07-25-2013, 01:03 PM
It's funny to see how people on polar opposites of the political scale view a presidential speech.

Each analysis probably could have been written before the speech was even made.

07-25-2013, 01:08 PM
Dana Milbank isn't in the tank for Obama, but neither does gratuitous criticism:


A warmed-over jobs message
<dl><dt>Dana Milbank (http://www.washingtonpost.com/2010/07/06/AB2i8vO_linkset.html)</dt><dd> Opinion Writer </dd></dl>

A warmed-over jobs message
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<!-- /article tool bar --> By Dana Milbank (http://www.washingtonpost.com/dana-milbank/2011/02/24/ABhhJwI_page.html), <!-- For AP News Registry --> <!-- /For AP News Registry --> Published: July 23
<!-- /byline --> <article> “I don’t normally do this,” President Obama’s senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer wrote in the subject line of an e-mail blast to reporters Sunday night.

This was tantalizing. What would this top White House official be doing? Singing karaoke on the North Lawn? Getting a “POTUS” tattoo on his arm?

Reality was rather more prosaic. Pfeiffer was announcing the rollout of a series of economic speeches (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-seeks-to-put-economy-middle-class-back-in-spotlight/2013/07/21/848e3d0a-f238-11e2-ae43-b31dc363c3bf_story.html) Obama would begin on Wednesday — roughly the 10th time the White House has made such a pivot to refocus on jobs and growth. What would set this one apart is that Obama would be reprising a speech he made eight years ago, when he first became a senator; Pfeiffer included a link to clips from that speech, set in part to mood music from the Canadian electronica group Kidstreet, the same music used in an Apple ad last year.

But even a reincarnated Steve Jobs would have trouble marketing this turkey: How can the president make news, and remake the agenda, by delivering the same message he gave in 2005 (http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/barackobamaknoxcollege.htm)? He’s even giving the speech from the same place, Galesburg, Ill.

White House officials say this will show Obama’s consistency. “We plead guilty to the charge that there is a thematic continuity that exists between the speech the president will give in Galesburg, at Knox College on Wednesday, and his speech in Osawatomie (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/12/06/remarks-president-economy-osawatomie-kansas) [Kansas, in 2011] and his speech back at Knox College in 2005,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

Yes, but this also risks sending the signal that, just six months into his second term, Obama is fresh out of ideas. There’s little hope of getting Congress to act on major initiatives and little appetite in the White House to fight for bold new legislation that is likely to fail. And so the president, it seems, is going into reruns.



Marcus Aurelius
07-25-2013, 01:13 PM
How can the president make news, and remake the agenda, by delivering the same message he gave in 2005 (http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/barackobamaknoxcollege.htm)? He’s even giving the speech from the same place, Galesburg, Ill.

White House officials say this will show Obama’s consistency. “We plead guilty to the charge that there is a thematic continuity that exists between the speech the president will give in Galesburg, at Knox College on Wednesday, and his speech in Osawatomie (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/12/06/remarks-president-economy-osawatomie-kansas) [Kansas, in 2011] and his speech back at Knox College in 2005,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

Wow. They gleefully admit it's essentially the same speech. That's pathetic, even for this administration.

07-25-2013, 01:23 PM
Wow. They gleefully admit it's essentially the same speech. That's pathetic, even for this administration.

But Marcus....but, but, but.....The people who voted for Obama twice aren't supposed to be smart enough to remember Obama's previous speeches since....THEY ARE IN AWE of every word he says. And since they have such short memories.
Many of them are still convinced....The Obama Bucks will be in the mail....really, really soon.

Education, Education, Education....and the LACK OF IT...is what wins Elections.