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View Full Version : Fail: Colorado Gun Buyback Canceled Because Of New Gun Control Laws

07-26-2013, 07:11 AM
Obama just keeps making people want to keep there guns everytime he opens his mouth the gun stores make money :laugh:

They had it all planned out. Together Colorado, an organization which bills itself as a non-partisan, “multi-faith” group had an August 4th gun buyback event planned where people could turn in their weapons in exchange for store gift cards and tickets for sporting events. They had raised $8,000 to buy these incentives. Then they were going to turn all the turned-in firearms over to the Boulder County Sheriff’s Department who would in turn destroy the guns, making Colorado streets a little bit safer.

Read more: http://politicaloutcast.com/2013/07/fail-colorado-gun-buyback-canceled-because-of-new-gun-control-laws/#ixzz2a9XagHkV