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View Full Version : CHUNKY RINO: Gov Chris Christie – ‘Rand Paul is Dangerous’

07-27-2013, 07:51 AM
Every Since Christie Kissed Obama's A$$ a couple days before the election on what a great help he was during the storm Sandy he continues to show how liberal he really is , at one point this loud mouth from NJ who didn't take trash from no one looked like the way to go in 2016

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is ripping libertarians – including Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). – for challenging government surveillance programs and failing to understand the dangers of terrorism.
“This strain of libertarianism that’s going through parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought,” the New Jersey GOP governor said on Thursday at a Republican governors forum (http://www.aspeninstitute.org/events/2013/07/25/mccloskey-speaker-series-governors-aspen-what-s-working-state-level) in Aspen, Colo. “You can name any number of people and (Paul is) one of them.”

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/07/chunky-rino-gov-chris-christie-rand-paul-is-dangerous/#ixzz2aFYJHsSn
Get more Clash on ClashDaily.com (http://clashdaily.com), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ClashDaily), Twitter (https://twitter.com/Doug_Giles), and YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/CLASHDAILY).

07-27-2013, 11:30 AM
Every Since Christie Kissed Obama's A$$ a couple days before the election on what a great help he was during the storm Sandy he continues to show how liberal he really is , at one point this loud mouth from NJ who didn't take trash from no one looked like the way to go in 2016

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is ripping libertarians – including Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). – for challenging government surveillance programs and failing to understand the dangers of terrorism.
“This strain of libertarianism that’s going through parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought,” the New Jersey GOP governor said on Thursday at a Republican governors forum (http://www.aspeninstitute.org/events/2013/07/25/mccloskey-speaker-series-governors-aspen-what-s-working-state-level) in Aspen, Colo. “You can name any number of people and (Paul is) one of them.”

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/07/chunky-rino-gov-chris-christie-rand-paul-is-dangerous/#ixzz2aFYJHsSn
Get more Clash on ClashDaily.com (http://clashdaily.com), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ClashDaily), Twitter (https://twitter.com/Doug_Giles), and YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/CLASHDAILY).

Apparently Obama bought him off just by doing his job and sending in help after a natural disaster, "Sad"

07-27-2013, 11:36 AM
Apparently Obama bought him off just by doing his job and sending in help after a natural disaster, "Sad"

The best part is the help never arrived well it did in some fashion but the woman he was on TV talking to Obama about her Marina being destroyed , he promised help was on the way and and gave her his e mail just in case she needed anything else :rolleyes: 6 months later and many e mails latter she got a response saying they are sorry for the loss of her child in Afghanistan, I am sure that was the same E mail giving ti Christie that he bragged to the world how wonderful Obama was to give it to him, before this Christie although in a very liberal state fought Obama on many different agenda's

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-27-2013, 11:37 AM
Every Since Christie Kissed Obama's A$$ a couple days before the election on what a great help he was during the storm Sandy he continues to show how liberal he really is , at one point this loud mouth from NJ who didn't take trash from no one looked like the way to go in 2016

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is ripping libertarians – including Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). – for challenging government surveillance programs and failing to understand the dangers of terrorism.
“This strain of libertarianism that’s going through parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought,” the New Jersey GOP governor said on Thursday at a Republican governors forum (http://www.aspeninstitute.org/events/2013/07/25/mccloskey-speaker-series-governors-aspen-what-s-working-state-level) in Aspen, Colo. “You can name any number of people and (Paul is) one of them.”

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2013/07/chunky-rino-gov-chris-christie-rand-paul-is-dangerous/#ixzz2aFYJHsSn
Get more Clash on ClashDaily.com (http://clashdaily.com), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ClashDaily), Twitter (https://twitter.com/Doug_Giles), and YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/CLASHDAILY).

Christie is a lying sold out piece of shat. His kissing Obama ass revealed to any that care for the truth what a sorry bastard he truly is. I wouldn't vote for that fatass bastard for city dogcatcher. And ff-him , Id happily tell that sob the same thing to his face. Any man to do what he did with Obama is certainly a damn punk deserving of nothing but absolute contempt. -Tyr

07-27-2013, 11:55 AM
The best part is the help never arrived well it did in some fashion but the woman he was on TV talking to Obama about her Marina being destroyed , he promised help was on the way and and gave her his e mail just in case she needed anything else :rolleyes: 6 months later and many e mails latter she got a response saying they are sorry for the loss of her child in Afghanistan, I am sure that was the same E mail giving ti Christie that he bragged to the world how wonderful Obama was to give it to him, before this Christie although in a very liberal state fought Obama on many different agenda'sYea i've seen Christie rip Obama before, seems like the infection that is Obama is contagious?

red states rule
07-30-2013, 03:27 AM
Is anyone really surprised by this? The only thing that I am surprised over is that Marcus has not offered up any defense for his guy. Perhaps Marcus has to extract his foot from his mouth in order to offer up a defense


Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 07:51 AM
Christie.s results for his state and his poll numbers among his constituents is all the defense he needs.


Gov. Chris Christie maintains high job performance ratings, according to a new Rutgers-Eagleton Poll released Wednesday. On the one hand, Christie has a 70 percent approval rating of his job performance, and breakdowns are strong in various political leanings: Republicans (87 percent), Democrats (85 percent), and independents (88 percent).

07-30-2013, 08:25 AM
Christie.s results for his state and his poll numbers among his constituents is all the defense he needs.


I have to agree while in a liberal state act as one and you will have those that will follow, but I can tell you this I have friends in NJ that voted for this guy and thought he was great until he kissed Obama's butt a couple days before the election , yes he was put on the spot I know but he was always one to stand his ground, he proved with his actions that day he is a vote whore, and he still praises Obama for his actions during the storm Sandy where Obama sat on his couch and watched for two days then viewed the area with Christie in tow promising all kinds of help that the people on the coast never got , granted there are many that still love Christie but he was loved for his ability to stand up for what was right, he caved and lost support and if he continues to cave he will lose it all

Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 08:35 AM
I have to agree while in a liberal state act as one and you will have those that will follow, but I can tell you this I have friends in NJ that voted for this guy and thought he was great until he kissed Obama's butt a couple days before the election , yes he was put on the spot I know but he was always one to stand his ground, he proved with his actions that day he is a vote whore, and he still praises Obama for his actions during the storm Sandy where Obama sat on his couch and watched for two days then viewed the area with Christie in tow promising all kinds of help that the people on the coast never got , granted there are many that still love Christie but he was loved for his ability to stand up for what was right, he caved and lost support and if he continues to cave he will lose it all

I have friends and relatives in NJ. I grew up there, lived in NJ until 2005. I take my son to see his mother in NJ every weekend. I lived through crappy Democrats running the budget and the state overall into the toilet and praising themselves saying it didn't smell 'that bad'.

What Christie proved is what we all knew already. He did what he needed to do, what his job as governor 'required' him to do, to benefit his state, regardless of who was in the White House at the time. Had Christie told Obama to go pound sand, we don't need your help, he'd be getting bashed for not looking out for his state.

As for his support caving, you need to go look at the link I just posted. Unlike NY's Cuomo, his support after Sandy has not wavered. Overall approval of 70%? That's the best any NJ governor ever had.

07-30-2013, 08:51 AM
I have friends and relatives in NJ. I grew up there, lived in NJ until 2005. I take my son to see his mother in NJ every weekend. I lived through crappy Democrats running the budget and the state overall into the toilet and praising themselves saying it didn't smell 'that bad'.

What Christie proved is what we all knew already. He did what he needed to do, what his job as governor 'required' him to do, to benefit his state, regardless of who was in the White House at the time. Had Christie told Obama to go pound sand, we don't need your help, he'd be getting bashed for not looking out for his state.

As for his support caving, you need to go look at the link I just posted. Unlike NY's Cuomo, his support after Sandy has not wavered. Overall approval of 70%? That's the best any NJ governor ever had.

I also grew up in NJ so that doesn't make no one a expert and I also have family and friends there again that doesn't make me a expert but I have ears and have friends that thought this guy was the best thing to ever happen to NJ and now wonder where the guy that stood his ground went, as for him doing what he had to I agree but this many months later and Obama never produced anything he said he would and he is still blowing smoke up Obama's butt he will lose support, and please read that correctly HE WILL CONTINUE TO LOSE BACKERS , so I am not interested in what you posted I can see for myself what he has done, he caved like a ton of bricks ( he had to at the time I agree ) but he doesnt still have to , and as support goes a year ago all ya heard was Christie in 2016 now there is a question mark, he helped give Obama the ammo he needed to win the re election and still praises him, Christie has turned out to be a turn coat , and Marcuss remember back to George Bush 6 months before reelection he had approval rating that where fantastic and then lost the election a lot can change in a short period of time, Christie's claim to fame was he didn't take shit from no one , he has lost that credibility and it will bite him in the butt

Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 08:56 AM
I also grew up in NJ so that doesn't make no one a expert and I also have family and friends there again that doesn't make me a expert but I have ears and have friends that thought this guy was the best thing to ever happen to NJ and now wonder where the guy that stood his ground went, as for him doing what he had to I agree but this many months later and Obama never produced anything he said he would and he is still blowing smoke up Obama's butt he will lose support, and please read that correctly HE WILL CONTINUE TO LOSE BACKERS , so I am not interested in what you posted I can see for myself what he has done, he caved like a ton of bricks ( he had to at the time I agree ) but he doesnt still have to , and as support goes a year ago all ya heard was Christie in 2016 now there is a question mark, he helped give Obama the ammo he needed to win the re election and still praises him, Christie has turned out to be a turn coat , and Marcuss remember back to George Bush 6 months before reelection he had approval rating that where fantastic and then lost the election a lot can change in a short period of time, Christie's claim to fame was he didn't take shit from no one , he has lost that credibility and it will bite him in the butt

It would seem we agree to disagree.

07-30-2013, 09:02 AM
It would seem we agree to disagree.

:laugh: yes it does and that is what makes the world go around, seriously I would love to see Christie get that tuffness back and not take shit from no one, he had to handle Obama the way he did but maybe instead of bragging so much of how he got his personal number to call if he needs anything he maybe could of said something to the effect of lets hope this is for real , but your right Marcuss we will agree to disagree and hope everything works out for the best there

by the way where in NJ did you grow up I was in central Jersey Woodbridge township

Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 09:11 AM
:laugh: yes it does and that is what makes the world go around, seriously I would love to see Christie get that tuffness back and not take shit from no one, he had to handle Obama the way he did but maybe instead of bragging so much of how he got his personal number to call if he needs anything he maybe could of said something to the effect of lets hope this is for real , but your right Marcuss we will agree to disagree and hope everything works out for the best there

by the way where in NJ did you grow up I was in central Jersey Woodbridge township

You were up near NYC then. I was Burlington County. Stones throw from Tacony/Palmyra bridge, Betsy Ross Bridge, etc., just across from Philly.

07-30-2013, 10:54 AM
You were up near NYC then. I was Burlington County. Stones throw from Tacony/Palmyra bridge, Betsy Ross Bridge, etc., just across from Philly.

I know the are well I hauled a lot out of there my favorite was a deliver to a pool place there and then pick up at a dog food place going to Florida , hell I can remember the last trip through there I was talking to RSR on the phone :laugh: they use to give me 2 days to make it just south of J ville so I would make it in a day and have a day to play in the sunshine state

07-30-2013, 11:47 AM
Devil's advocate here:
Why are Republicans on this board pissed at Christie for coming out against Libertarians because they are vehemently against a surveillance program created by Republicans?

07-30-2013, 12:01 PM
Devil's advocate here:
Why are Republicans on this board pissed at Christie for coming out against Libertarians because they are vehemently against a surveillance program created by Republicans?

My problem with Christie has nothing to do with that at all , IMO he sold out when that storm hit NJ , Christie was always a outspoken man that stood for what he believed in that is why so many thought he was the man to run in 16 but after watching him cave in and go along with Obama who by the way promised Christie and many property owners in NJ after the storm his help and they received nothing but Christie still kisses that butt

red states rule
07-30-2013, 03:56 PM
Christie.s results for his state and his poll numbers among his constituents is all the defense he needs.


So as long as Chris does well in the polls, you are cool with shit canning the 4th amendment? You no longer care about "probable cause" Marcus

BYT, Chris bellows how he wants to see those who oppose this spying explain our reason to the families of those killed on 9/11. I would like Chris to tell me how this same spying would have STOPPED 9/11 from happening

If memory serves, the bustards came into the US via the border and overstayed their visa. I am sure Chris will ignore those facts for the sake of his damn poll numbers

Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 04:03 PM

Release date:
July 29, 2013

Release Number:

TRENTON, N.J. -- Disaster assistance to New Jersey survivors of Superstorm Sandy by the numbers as of July 29:
Total Federal Assistance: $5.4 billion

$3.5 billion in total National Flood Insurance Program payments made on claims to date
$408.6 million in FEMA grants disbursed for individuals and households

$351.8 million for housing assistance
$56.7 million for other needs

$808.1 in SBA disaster loans approved for homeowners, renters and businesses
$761.9 million approved in FEMA Public Assistance grants to state agencies, local communities and certain private nonprofit organizations that serve the public
261,880 people contacted FEMA for help or information
138,012 housing inspections completed
$163.7 million in Community Disaster Loans

Total so far of $5.4 billion in Federal aid to NJ because of Sandy, thanks to Christie.

That's an awful lot of 'nothing'.

red states rule
07-30-2013, 04:05 PM

Total so far of $5.4 billion in Federal aid to NJ because of Sandy, thanks to Christie.

That's an awful lot of 'nothing'.

ONCE AGAIN MARCUS - show me where anyone on this board was for NOT helping those impacted by Sandy?

What I blasted Chris for was LYING about his whining over R's not wanting to pass a pork filled Sandy relief bill. Damn you are quickly becoming a one trick pony like the Obama lapdogs

Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 04:13 PM
ONCE AGAIN MARCUS - show me where anyone on this board was for NOT helping those impacted by Sandy? Did I SAY someone on this board was in favor of not helping Sandy victims? I must have missed that post. Perhaps you could link to it for me?

What I blasted Chris for was LYING about his whining over R's not wanting to pass a pork filled Sandy relief bill. Damn you are quickly becoming a one trick pony like the Obama lapdogs

My post of the total federal aid so far to Sandy victims in NJ was really a response to Jeff, not you...

My problem with Christie has nothing to do with that at all , IMO he sold out when that storm hit NJ , Christie was always a outspoken man that stood for what he believed in that is why so many thought he was the man to run in 16 but after watching him cave in and go along with Obama who by the way promised Christie and many property owners in NJ after the storm his help and they received nothing but Christie still kisses that butt

They got an awful lot of 'nothing'.

red states rule
07-30-2013, 04:15 PM
My post of the total federal aid so far to Sandy victims in NJ was really a response to Jeff, not you...

They got an awful lot of 'nothing'.

I should have known that Marcus. When it comes you your love affair with Chris you seldom address any of my posts. Perhaps one day...........................

07-30-2013, 04:41 PM
My post of the total federal aid so far to Sandy victims in NJ was really a response to Jeff, not you...

They got an awful lot of 'nothing'.

Yup Marcus your right and this all due to Christie , and Santa clause is coming to town also . There where trailers set up all over the south with goods going up there as well as donations from people all across the country not due to Christie kissing Obama's ass but lets your right he fixed the state then why did the woman that owned the Marina that Obama and Christie visited and she was was given Obama's personal e mail and promised if help dont come you contact me and I will see to it, after 6 tries she finally received a reply the reply stated they where sorry for the loss of her son in Afghanistan , tell me if they did such a bang up job why where people still living in tents when the weather hit below freezing ? Hell down in TX where the fema headquarters is they had thousands of trailers ( with heat ) sitting there not one was sent , even the liberals have more of a argument there argument was the trailers where to small :laugh: yup the poor people freezing at night would of worried about the trailers being to small compared to there beautiful tent

You know I left the house here thinking ya right agree to disagree :laugh: I knew ya couldn't do that hell I watch the games that go on here but I figured hell I will hope for the best

Your Boy Christie is doing such a bang up job the the Dems love him all in the name of getting votes, but in all fairness did they get things done in NJ absolutely, all due to Christie, Hardly , the people down here in GA that where donating money and other goods more than likely dont even know that bag of air

Funny thing is I opened my e mail before I came here and guess what they are predicting Christie in 2016 again but this time on the Democratic side :laugh: now do I think that will happen no way but it goes to show just how many people see what a turn coat this guy is ( and yes I will post it for ya cause I know ya wouldn't believe me :laugh: )

red states rule
07-30-2013, 04:45 PM
Yup Marcus your right and this all due to Christie , and Santa clause is coming to town also . There where trailers set up all over the south with goods going up there as well as donations from people all across the country not due to Christie kissing Obama's ass but lets your right he fixed the state then why did the woman that owned the Marina that Obama and Christie visited and she was was given Obama's personal e mail and promised if help dont come you contact me and I will see to it, after 6 tries she finally received a reply the reply stated they where sorry for the loss of her son in Afghanistan , tell me if they did such a bang up job why where people still living in tents when the weather hit below freezing ? Hell down in TX where the fema headquarters is they had thousands of trailers ( with heat ) sitting there not one was sent , even the liberals have more of a argument there argument was the trailers where to small :laugh: yup the poor people freezing at night would of worried about the trailers being to small compared to there beautiful tent

You know I left the house here thinking ya right agree to disagree :laugh: I knew ya couldn't do that hell I watch the games that go on here but I figured hell I will hope for the best

Your Boy Christie is doing such a bang up job the the Dems love him all in the name of getting votes, but in all fairness did they get things done in NJ absolutely, all due to Christie, Hardly , the people down here in GA that where donating money and other goods more than likely dont even know that bag of air

Funny thing is I opened my e mail before I came here and guess what they are predicting Christie in 2016 again but this time on the Democratic side :laugh: now do I think that will happen no way but it goes to show just how many people see what a turn coat this guy is ( and yes I will post it for ya cause I know ya wouldn't believe me :laugh: )

Jeff, Chris is just like John Mclame. He is the left's new Republican of the month since he openly opposes the other R's. he is loved and given glowing coverage. This will continue until Chris sets his sights on higher office

Then he will go from a "good" R to a fat, racist, greedy, mean-spirited conservative. As long as Chris knows his place, the liberal media will fawn all over him

07-30-2013, 04:54 PM
Jeff, Chris is just like John Mclame. He is the left's new Republican of the month since he openly opposes the other R's. he is loved and given glowing coverage. This will continue until Chris sets his sights on higher office

Then he will go from a "good" R to a fat, racist, greedy, mean-spirited conservative. As long as Chris knows his place, the liberal media will fawn all over him

I honestly hope he does go back to the way he was , I really liked him and if he did that I may even vote for him but it would be hard after seeing how he can change so quickly

red states rule
07-30-2013, 04:56 PM
I honestly hope he does go back to the way he was , I really liked him and if he did that I may even vote for him but it would be hard after seeing how he can change so quickly

He won't. Look at John McLame as a perfect example. He chums around with Chuck U Schumer on the amnesty bill. McLame gets softball interviews on Meet the Press, and is "respected" by Chris Matthews

So is Chris right now. As long as he continues his Obama Suck Tour and never talks about the actual results of Obama's policies - he will be fine

07-30-2013, 05:03 PM
Yup Marcus your right and this all due to Christie , and Santa clause is coming to town also . There where trailers set up all over the south with goods going up there as well as donations from people all across the country not due to Christie kissing Obama's ass but lets your right he fixed the state then why did the woman that owned the Marina that Obama and Christie visited and she was was given Obama's personal e mail and promised if help dont come you contact me and I will see to it, after 6 tries she finally received a reply the reply stated they where sorry for the loss of her son in Afghanistan , tell me if they did such a bang up job why where people still living in tents when the weather hit below freezing ? Hell down in TX where the fema headquarters is they had thousands of trailers ( with heat ) sitting there not one was sent , even the liberals have more of a argument there argument was the trailers where to small :laugh: yup the poor people freezing at night would of worried about the trailers being to small compared to there beautiful tent

You know I left the house here thinking ya right agree to disagree :laugh: I knew ya couldn't do that hell I watch the games that go on here but I figured hell I will hope for the best

Your Boy Christie is doing such a bang up job the the Dems love him all in the name of getting votes, but in all fairness did they get things done in NJ absolutely, all due to Christie, Hardly , the people down here in GA that where donating money and other goods more than likely dont even know that bag of air

Funny thing is I opened my e mail before I came here and guess what they are predicting Christie in 2016 again but this time on the Democratic side :laugh: now do I think that will happen no way but it goes to show just how many people see what a turn coat this guy is ( and yes I will post it for ya cause I know ya wouldn't believe me :laugh: )

I must apologize the woman didn't get a letter from the president saying he was sorry for her loss ( that must of been another story ) she got one thanking her for her support of the troops

red states rule
07-30-2013, 05:10 PM

Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 05:43 PM
I should have known that Marcus. When it comes you your love affair with Chris you seldom address any of my posts. Perhaps one day...........................

I generally don't address nonsensical posts that do nothing but rant and whine about whatever the topic is.

red states rule
07-30-2013, 05:47 PM
I generally don't address nonsensical posts that do nothing but rant and whine about whatever the topic is.

Yep, like an Obama lapdog why confuse the issue with facts?

Only someone like you who is having a slobbering love affair with Christie, you ignore everything about what he says, and does that shows is a RINO

Marcus Aurelius
07-30-2013, 05:52 PM
Yep, like an Obama lapdog why confuse the issue with facts?

Only someone like you who is having a slobbering love affair with Christie, you ignore everything about what he says, and does that shows is a RINO

the main difference between you and I is that you hate Obama with every fiber of your being. Not just his politics, his policies, but him.

It is beyond your puny comprehension that anyone could hate just the politics, and not the man himself, and be able to discuss it civilly, without all the vitriol and hatred in your every post.

If someone does not hate as you do, they are automatically kissing his ass or a lap dog who agrees with everything he says or does. It must be extremely sad to lead that kind of life. I pity you, RSR.

red states rule
07-30-2013, 06:24 PM
the main difference between you and I is that you hate Obama with every fiber of your being. Not just his politics, his policies, but him.

It is beyond your puny comprehension that anyone could hate just the politics, and not the man himself, and be able to discuss it civilly, without all the vitriol and hatred in your every post.

If someone does not hate as you do, they are automatically kissing his ass or a lap dog who agrees with everything he says or does. It must be extremely sad to lead that kind of life. I pity you, RSR.

So now I "hate" Obama. Please show me any post I ever made where I did not link the results of Obama's polices or what he said, Like the Obama lap dogs, you are now boxed into a corner and cannot defend Christie - so you have to fund some way to change the subject

It is clear you are so much in love with Chris you choose to ignore the 4th amendment to the Constitution and what Christie actually says and does

Your response drips with desperation Marcus. BTW you do sound a lot like Gabby right now

07-30-2013, 11:21 PM
That's exactly the type of response that Gabby would give.

07-31-2013, 01:06 AM
You were up near NYC then. I was Burlington County. Stones throw from Tacony/Palmyra bridge, Betsy Ross Bridge, etc., just across from Philly.

Near Camden... The DETROIT of NJ

red states rule
07-31-2013, 02:16 AM
That's exactly the type of response that Gabby would give.

It is called HUMOR TK. Meanwhile Marcus has ignored Christie's lies and unnecessary Obama Suck Up Tour, As well as his support for trashing the 4th Amendment. But what else can he do? Like the Obama supporters, he can't defend Christie's actions so he pulls the "hate" card from the bottom of the deck

07-31-2013, 06:17 AM
Near Camden... The DETROIT of NJ

Camden has gotten bad sure enough . heck I argued with a woman on the board here because I called NJ the Garbage state ( its what it is refereed to by truckers , PA the keystone, NY the Empire ) no one really meant that NJ was Garbage but this woman argued how great NJ was and the last thing she said was what a beautiful aquarium they have Yes the one down in that neck of the woods that had to have the National Guard on duty when it opened to get people in and out safely :laugh: I wonder though Marcus I am guessing you grew up in that area as a kid was it nice there at that time? I know the town I grew up in when I go back to visit my sister and brothers I cant even find my way around it has changed so much

Marcus Aurelius
07-31-2013, 06:54 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=655076#post655076)
You were up near NYC then. I was Burlington County. Stones throw from Tacony/Palmyra bridge, Betsy Ross Bridge, etc., just across from Philly.

Near Camden... The DETROIT of NJ

about 10 miles or so away from Camden. The only really 'safe' area there is the aquarium.

Marcus Aurelius
07-31-2013, 06:56 AM
It is called HUMOR TK. Meanwhile Marcus has ignored Christie's lies and unnecessary Obama Suck Up Tour, As well as his support for trashing the 4th Amendment. But what else can he do? Like the Obama supporters, he can't defend Christie's actions so he pulls the "hate" card from the bottom of the deck

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. .........................

07-31-2013, 07:17 AM
about 10 miles or so away from Camden. The only really 'safe' area there is the aquarium.

Marcus I have seen how bad the area has gotten over the years but years ago ( I am guessing you grew up there ) was it a nice place ? This stuff intrigues me , I use to hear the older people in my family say how Newark at one time was beautiful or Elizabeth , after living in the South for the last 23 -24 years when I go back to my hometown I think MY God how could I of lived this way , everything is so close no room what so ever to grow but yet when I was a kid the town I grew up in was a nice little town , the American dream type of town a working class place where everyone seemed to know everyone , now it looks horrible when I see it

Marcus Aurelius
07-31-2013, 07:29 AM
Marcus I have seen how bad the area has gotten over the years but years ago ( I am guessing you grew up there ) was it a nice place ? This stuff intrigues me , I use to hear the older people in my family say how Newark at one time was beautiful or Elizabeth , after living in the South for the last 23 -24 years when I go back to my hometown I think MY God how could I of lived this way , everything is so close no room what so ever to grow but yet when I was a kid the town I grew up in was a nice little town , the American dream type of town a working class place where everyone seemed to know everyone , now it looks horrible when I see it

Never really spent any time in Camden growing up. It had a bad rep even back in the 70's.

07-31-2013, 07:53 AM
Never really spent any time in Camden growing up. It had a bad rep even back in the 70's.

Dam you know it has to be bad, usually ya here how it used to be good, like I had mentioned Newark , my grandmother use to tell me what great shooping they had there , now the only shopping you do there is for illegal drugs :laugh: but of course I haven't been there in years so maybe they have cleaned it up some