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View Full Version : Trayvon’s mom to Urban League: ‘Please use my tragedy

07-27-2013, 12:07 PM
This is just how stupid this woman is the stand your ground law wasn't even used in the case where GZ was acquitted, they used simply self defense

The message needs to be that thugs and punks can’t just go punching people. Our children have no respect now a days and think they are entitled to everything.
Check it out:
In an emotional speech this morning to the annual conference of the National Urban League in Philadelphia, Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, called for holding George Zimmerman “accountable” for the shooting death of her son, although he was acquitted by a jury

Read more: http://conservativebyte.com/2013/07/trayvons-mom-to-urban-league-please-use-my-tragedy/#ixzz2aGaiGUH5

Marcus Aurelius
07-27-2013, 02:56 PM
Here's one of the comments on the page...

That message should apply to the parents who do not raise their children properly nor monitor their actions. When one considers the previous actions of Trayvon prior to his death, those actions fully fill the description of his mother, about thugs and punks. Had his parents paid attention to those actions, he might still be alive today.

If I were Trayvon Martin's parent, I'd be blaming myself, not a law that was never used as a defense.

07-27-2013, 03:13 PM
I'm 2 hrs from Philly... I would have gone there if I could just to see it first hand....

and call her a dumbass

07-27-2013, 03:21 PM
Every parent would dread having any child being taken away. I feel for this lady, and her husband.
They lost a son.

The very same laws their son previously Ignored, before his demise, are the same laws this mother now is saying...Aren't good enough, as in a Jury verdict for Zimmerman.

I do wonder. Had her son been sitting there like Zimmerman was. Waiting for the jury to decide his fate.
Would this mother NOT WISH to obey, or follow the law if...The Jury found Trevon Innocent of killing someone???

Personally. I believe this woman has become a Welcome Shill for the Racists who need to keep the division, hatred, and ignorance flowing. And further. I believe Jesse, and Al, with the help of Obama, and Holder. Are PLEASED AS PUNCH to keep the Trevon Whining on track since...IT DISTRACTS the Obama Press from all of his Bigger Problems like his long, lost friend "BEN GHAZI".

07-27-2013, 03:25 PM
This is just how stupid this woman is the stand your ground law wasn't even used in the case where GZ was acquitted, they used simply self defense

The message needs to be that thugs and punks can’t just go punching people. Our children have no respect now a days and think they are entitled to everything.
Check it out:
In an emotional speech this morning to the annual conference of the National Urban League in Philadelphia, Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, called for holding George Zimmerman “accountable” for the shooting death of her son, although he was acquitted by a jury

Read more: http://conservativebyte.com/2013/07/trayvons-mom-to-urban-league-please-use-my-tragedy/#ixzz2aGaiGUH5And the saga continues. If it had been black on black, or even Hispanic on black which it was , we wouldn't even know their names but Sharpton and Jackson planted the White on black seed immediately.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-27-2013, 03:54 PM
This isn't about laws, justice or profiling. Its about racism. Racism against whites , against White/ Hispanics. It is about saying, we are black- how dare anybody approach us and inquire what we are doing! Its about promoting a black agenda that says you must allow our actions regardless because you are guilty of slavery! Its about saying we have Obama and he has our backs regardless of how damn stupid, lowlife , criminal and trashy we are. Its about saying you people must give us one thousand and ONE little pats on the hand for our GD transgressions and illegal actions. WELL THIS AMERIAN HAS SEEN THAT CRAP FOR 50 YEARS NOW AND I SAY F-THAT! \Grow up you irresponsible, lazy arrogant government fed crybabies. Refuse to do that FF-you one and all!!!!! I've had my damn limit of this shat after 50+ years. And by the way FF- Obama too. The GD worthless ffing bastard! -Tyr