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View Full Version : Anyone like to see how the SENATE really works?

07-27-2013, 08:03 PM

07-27-2013, 08:17 PM
We only need 99 more just like him.

07-27-2013, 08:25 PM
We only need 99 more just like him.

Gaffer. That's only the start of it. There are hundreds, if not thousands of stories just like that. And Harry Reid, the Majority leader in the Senate is the number One violator of most of the Senate Rules that Senator Paul was talking about.

Once again, however. As I have been saying for literally...years. The reason this kind of stuff manages to take place is because....

in general. Most Americans, if not a large majority of them. HAVE NO IDEA, nor do they CARE what is taking place in Congress.

The one, and only thing Americans care about is..."WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM...in the form of DOLLARS?"

Is it any wonder. The rest of the World is convinced they are witnessing THE LAST OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA??????

Abbey Marie
07-28-2013, 01:30 PM
How discouraging, as Rand Paul says. And I admire him for speaking out.

Robert A Whit
07-28-2013, 01:36 PM
How discouraging, as Rand Paul says. And I admire him for speaking out.

It is hell standing up to the so called power levers.

When it is done, it gains one a bad reputation.

You can therefor do the wrong thing and get praised. Ask Obama since that is how he operates.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 01:38 PM
How discouraging, as Rand Paul says. And I admire him for speaking out.
Damn Abbey where tha' hell were women like you and Kat hiding back in my wild younger days? I know, far away from the hell raising joints I hung around in. Can't help myself but to admire the living hell out of both you ladies. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 01:48 PM
When laws are being passed without having been read then an agenda is being pursued with an overriding authority. How about this government tell us what that damn agenda is? I don't need to be told but most Americans do and that's why they will not be told. At least not until its too damn late!!! We have a soft tyranny that is heading at breakneck speed now towards a "not so soft" tyranny. The plan is for it to become a "not so soft" tyranny when its too damn late to stop it! Americans had better wake the hell up or they will see their kids and grandkids become slaves within this nation with no recourse but to either fight(and die) or surrender to government servitude..... We may be past the point of no return, Obama's second term win may have been the tipping point. If not then the 2014 and 2016 elections will surely be IMHO. --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2013, 02:06 PM
Damn Abbey where tha' hell were women like you and Kat hiding back in my wild younger days? I know, far away from the hell raising joints I hung around in. Can't help myself but to admire the living hell out of both you ladies. -Tyr Just hit me twice with a sledgehammer!!! Should have remembered to include Sassylady in there but didn't due to my forgetfulness. My sincere apology to Sassy for my being so careless and slow witted as to forget. And Sassy should post more often or else old dogs like me may forget temporarily (when enjoying a couple cold brews) their fine qualities and contributions. hint, hint....some of us miss her posts-Tyr