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View Full Version : Bill Would Change Bathroom Doors

06-07-2007, 03:15 PM

Proposal Would Have Doors Swing Out, Not In

POSTED: 9:29 am EDT June 7, 2007
UPDATED: 9:52 am EDT June 7, 2007

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BOSTON -- If Bellingham resident Douglas Flavin has his way, all public bathroom doors in Massachusetts will open outward, not inward.
The Legislature's Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight reviewed the bill Wednesday. State Rep. James Vallee (D-Franklin) filed the bill on Flavin's behalf.

"[Think] how easy it would be to prevent germs and disease," Flavin's wife Tracy told BostonNow. "If state residents could open bathroom doors with a knee or elbow instead of a handle."
Flavin also claimed it would prevent litter resulting from people protecting their hands with paper towels.

A representative for the state Department of Public Safety told the newspaper that the state building code does not specify the direction public bathroom doors must open.


06-07-2007, 03:23 PM
It's not a bad idea but not something I think is that importent the state government really needs to be legistlating.

06-07-2007, 03:29 PM
It's not a bad idea but not something I think is that importent the state government really needs to be legistlating.

Your alive :)

Mr. P
06-07-2007, 03:31 PM
I can see it now, someone coming out pushes hard with their foot just as someone is about to enter and instant broken nose or worse!

Just use a damn paper towel to open the door and STFU!

06-07-2007, 03:32 PM
Why don't people just use a towel to open the door? Or stick their hands in their shirts some, as I do? :)

06-07-2007, 03:39 PM
it's official, germiphobic morons have taken over the country

Mr. P
06-07-2007, 03:43 PM
It's sort of funny really. These folks want a way to keep germs off their hands, but if they're in a fast food place what's next? They order and then exchange the most contaminated material back and forth at the counter with their bare hands, money. Then they eat. :laugh2:

06-07-2007, 03:53 PM
It's sort of funny really. These folks want a way to keep germs off their hands, but if they're in a fast food place what's next? They order and then exchange the most contaminated material back and forth at the counter with their bare hands, money. Then they eat. :laugh2:

they eat shit that is so full of chemicals it will kill them...

people are just stupid... completely braindead... bathroom doors have germs on them, keyboards have germs on them, germs are everywhere, get over it... I love that commercial for lysol where the kids go towards things with creepy crawly animated worms on them and it dun-duh and freeze frame and shows how the mother should have sprayed it with a can and made them disapear... germaphobics are the stupidest people on the planet, the only stuff that will hurt you will get you unless you are in a bubble and the stuff you get on your hands will do nothing more than be good practice for your immune system.

Mr. P
06-07-2007, 03:59 PM
they eat shit that is so full of chemicals it will kill them...

people are just stupid... completely braindead... bathroom doors have germs on them, keyboards have germs on them, germs are everywhere, get over it... I love that commercial for lysol where the kids go towards things with creepy crawly animated worms on them and it dun-duh and freeze frame and shows how the mother should have sprayed it with a can and made them disapear... germaphobics are the stupidest people on the planet, the only stuff that will hurt you will get you unless you are in a bubble and the stuff you get on your hands will do nothing more than be good practice for your immune system.

Yup. I remember a group of Docs did a study on the common anti-bacterial soap, and recommended it only be used maybe once per day and regular soap otherwise. The reason was we need some bacteria introduction to maintain a healthy immune system.

06-07-2007, 04:02 PM
Why don't people just use a towel to open the door? Or stick their hands in their shirts some, as I do? :)

Umm, I was a bad mom. When something would hit the floor, pacifier or some food, I 'wipe' it on my jeans and give it to the kid. Few alergies, one kid-cats, same as my brother.

We called it the 10 second rule, if said item hit the ground for less than 10 seconds and was swiped by jeans, cool to enter mouth of toddler.

06-07-2007, 04:05 PM
Umm, I was a bad mom. When something would hit the floor, pacifier or some food, I 'wipe' it on my jeans and give it to the kid. Few alergies, one kid-cats, same as my brother.

We called it the 10 second rule, if said item hit the ground for less than 10 seconds and was swiped by jeans, cool to enter mouth of toddler.

I STILL live by that rule...:laugh2:

06-07-2007, 04:17 PM
the ten second rule is just as stupid, but at least it pacifies the irrational need for everything to be sanitary... ten seconds or ten minutes doesn't make much of a difference, for me if it's dry and it hits the floor it's fine, if it's wet then I rinse it simply because of dirt and dirt tastes bad... toddlers crawl around on the floor, the only issue with pacifiers should be do they have anything on them that would taste bad to the toddler...

anti-bacterial soap should never be used as far as i'm concerned, it's all horseshit anyway... we live in an insanely clean society, you could lick the floor of just about any building in the country and not get seriously sick... but people worry about door handles, it's hilarious how braindead people are...

06-07-2007, 04:38 PM
Why don't people just use a towel to open the door? Or stick their hands in their shirts some, as I do? :)

You have the Howie Mandel syndrome? :laugh2:

06-07-2007, 04:38 PM
the ten second rule is just as stupid, but at least it pacifies the irrational need for everything to be sanitary... ten seconds or ten minutes doesn't make much of a difference, for me if it's dry and it hits the floor it's fine, if it's wet then I rinse it simply because of dirt and dirt tastes bad... toddlers crawl around on the floor, the only issue with pacifiers should be do they have anything on them that would taste bad to the toddler...

anti-bacterial soap should never be used as far as i'm concerned, it's all horseshit anyway... we live in an insanely clean society, you could lick the floor of just about any building in the country and not get seriously sick... but people worry about door handles, it's hilarious how braindead people are...

Well I was making a point. However, I can't say I disagree with you. Basically I'm an anti-antibiotic/pain killer person myself. Now there might come a time I'd relent, actually it's likely. But not easily. My kids had limited exposure to amoxicillian and other ear, eye, throat anti-biotics, I would not go along with, barring pneumonia, which happened once. I did not want their immune systems to be immune to the latest drugs, if God forbid, they should need them.

Abbey Marie
06-07-2007, 04:43 PM
I am in the minority here- I love this bill. No more throwing paper towels half way across the bathrooom to reach the trash cans. No more contortions to open the door. So many people don't wash their hands after going, and I don't want their "stuff" on my hands. Uggh.

06-07-2007, 04:48 PM
I am in the minority here- I love this bill. No more throwing paper towels half way across the bathrooom to reach the trash cans. No more contortions to open the door. So many people don't wash their hands after going, and I don't want their "stuff" on my hands. Uggh.

here's an idea, legislate that people in your situation be admitted into a mental health institution for a while to overcome your problem... that would be a solution... and what about all the crazies who don't want to get the "stuff" on their hands from people who didn't wash their hands last time they went to the bathroom? should we put revolving doors in bathrooms? you people kill me... it's funny as hell.

Abbey Marie
06-07-2007, 04:53 PM
here's an idea, legislate that people in your situation be admitted into a mental health institution for a while to overcome your problem... that would be a solution... and what about all the crazies who don't want to get the "stuff" on their hands from people who didn't wash their hands last time they went to the bathroom? should we put revolving doors in bathrooms? you people kill me... it's funny as hell.

Ooh, looks like chum has issues. :lol:

I'll tell you what- since you are so condescending about it, you can be the sacrificial lamb, and personally wipe off all the bathroom door handles with your hands, so we "crazies" can rest assured. And while your at it, you can also wipe off the toilet handles on each stall, and the faucets too. Wheee!

06-07-2007, 04:57 PM
Ooh, looks like chum has issues. :lol:

I'll tell you what- since you are so condescending about it, you can be the sacrificial lamb, and personally wipe off all the bathroom door handles with your hands, so we "crazies" can rest assured. And while your at it, you can also wipe off the toilet handles on each stall, and the faucets too. Wheee!

i made a legitimate claim, it is crazy to think one side of door is somehow more harmful than the other side... it's a f'ing door handle... you just wiped your own ass with your hand, grab a damn piece of metal, if you cant do that without obsessively using paper towels then you are crazy... do you use paper towels to tie your shoelaces too? it's all in your head, if it looks ok it is ok to you and bathroom door handles(on one side mind you) doesn't look ok... it's a mental disorder and you people need help.

and I wasn't being clever or jokey, i was being completely serious, if thats condescending i'm sorry, but it's the truth, germiphobes need medical and mental help... I was ok looking the other way until it starts to influence legislation

Mr. P
06-07-2007, 04:59 PM
I am in the minority here- I love this bill. No more throwing paper towels half way across the bathrooom to reach the trash cans. No more contortions to open the door. So many people don't wash their hands after going, and I don't want their "stuff" on my hands. Uggh.

Well all they have to do is place a trash can next to the door. I guess nobody has thought of that. :laugh2:

06-07-2007, 05:02 PM
Well all they have to do is place a trash can next to the door. I guess nobody has thought of that. :laugh2:

see that is a sane and logical solution to a crazy problem... but crazy people don't come up with sane solutions, they want the government to legislate a change in the way the door swings.

06-07-2007, 06:52 PM
see that is a sane and logical solution to a crazy problem... but crazy people don't come up with sane solutions, they want the government to legislate a change in the way the door swings.

Abbey is far from crazy and about the nicest person you will ever meet and attacking her is a good way to get on someones badside.

06-07-2007, 07:01 PM
Abbey is far from crazy and about the nicest person you will ever meet and attacking her is a good way to get on someones badside.

see I wasn't attacking her, I really do sincerely mean that anyone who is germiphobic enough to use a paper towel on a bathroom door is crazy enough to need to seek help... that isn't a personal attack, or it's not meant to be anyway... it's simply opinion on the issue, and I wasn't singling her out, I mean ANYONE.

06-07-2007, 07:19 PM
Why can't you just open the door with your hands?

06-07-2007, 08:11 PM
Why can't you just open the door with your hands?

because there are a whole legion of obsessive americans who are afraid of germs any place they can imagine they might congregate, and a bathroom door is just another irrational place for them to fear, obviously nothing penetrates a paper towel, and quite obviously no paper towel has ever had a germ on it, they are kept in vacuum sealed bubbles from the time the tree is cut down to the time they are pulled out of the apparatus attached to the bathroom wall... so why can't they? because they've been hammered for years about harmful germs and where they might be lurking and they have all gone insane, and I say that in the nicest way, the second they get to the point where are considering supporting a change in legislation about which way a door swings they need to check into a mental institution and seek therapy right away... in all seriousness.

the fear is brought to you by the same people who bring you the phrase "harmful rays of the sun" which can be heard once every few hours if you turn on your television... it's insanity and nothing more.

Mr. P
06-07-2007, 09:38 PM
It's a real health problem, because 80% of infections are spread by hand, Gerba says. The solution is proper hand hygiene with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer, he says.

Among his survey's findings:

* 64% think public restroom doorknobs have more germs than a typical ATM but a typical ATM has been proven to have more germs because of the number of dirty hands that touch each of these items.
* 75% think the toilet seats in fast food restaurants have the most germs -- but airplane toilet seats are worse.
* 76% assumed that Port-A-Potties were off-the-chart germ wise -- but picnic tables actually have more germs.


12 Places Germs Lurk....


06-07-2007, 09:40 PM
this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard.....

06-07-2007, 09:43 PM
this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard.....

:lol:Why do you think I posted it?:laugh2:

06-07-2007, 10:05 PM
What I like the idea. I like opening doors with out using hands. It's easier if your carring things in your. Only prob you'd still hafta use hands to get into the restroom and changing the way doors work could annoy people who are used to it the other way.

06-07-2007, 10:09 PM
What I like the idea. I like opening doors with out using hands. It's easier if your carring things in your. Only prob you'd still hafta use hands to get into the restroom and changing the way doors work could annoy people who are used to it the other way.

just use a paper towel ... ffs

06-07-2007, 10:21 PM
I'm not germaphobic. I use my hands, doesn't help tho if your carrying things in both hands you hafta put down to get the door open instead of just leaning into it with your body.

06-07-2007, 10:23 PM
I'm not germaphobic. I use my hands, doesn't help tho if your carrying things in both hands you hafta put down to get the door open instead of just leaning into it with your body.

how much stuff do you take to the bathroom with you?!

06-07-2007, 10:25 PM
School bathrooms. My books in one arm, normally something else like a water bottle in the other hand and a bag over my shoulder.

06-07-2007, 10:25 PM
how much stuff do you take to the bathroom with you?!

She a girl, they always overdo with their things :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
06-08-2007, 02:02 AM
In many schools, if you put your stuff down, it gets stolen.